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20123833 No.20123833 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit off of timelines being erased?

>> No.20123846

links worst enemy

>> No.20123949

fact can be proven. prove fact.

>> No.20123963
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>> No.20123968
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who says otherwise?

>> No.20123982

I just looked it up.

I'm confused now

>> No.20124012


I too swear it was Onyx
what the heck

>> No.20124037

They just changed the name I guess

>> No.20124043
File: 216 KB, 650x590, 1579896773850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY WHOLE UNIVERSE SWITCHED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20124049

I have that card somewhere, good question, where is my album and did they erase it too?

>> No.20124058

the stone is onyx the pokemon is ONIX it was all caps so you don't remember the dot over the i.

>> No.20124061

The basilisk is real and it’s affecting our pop culture apparently, maybe it has a sense of humor?

>> No.20124062


Look at your card and see.

Go ahead.

>> No.20124090

so if we switched universes
is this the one where we make it?

I mean
I'm fine with some pokemon names being different if that's the case

>> No.20124117

It's def not within reach now but be serious
If you remember anything about old Pokemon styling, it couldn't possibly have been Onix. That's some nu-Pokemon gay name that they rebranded.

>> No.20124125
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>A capital I looks like a capital Y
I see you shape shifting reptilian dimensional overlord. You can't fool me.

>> No.20124137

I used to think the same but now I remember it the game had a lot of words like that. It was an I

>> No.20124139
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This isn't funny anymore

>> No.20124146


See for yourself. Look at any old pokemon shit you may have. Games, cards, it's all Onix, and and it """"always has been"""".

>> No.20124154
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>> No.20124166
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the one's with onyx are either blatant bootlegs or parodies
if all the parodies are onyx but the legit ones are onix
surely this is the sign that it was at some point onyx and not onix

>> No.20124195

It was never onyx. Onix fits in with the naming style of Pokemon

>> No.20124205

Personally I'm not mad, just fascinated. Already believed we are in a simulation.

>> No.20124208
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who are you working for?

>> No.20124227

No fucking way man, I remember this card being onyx as a kid.

>> No.20124285

It’s always been Onix. But now that you’re an adult I you just know the spelling of the word onyx.

>> No.20124321


Incorrect. You're from this new bitch ass timeline we apparently got soul-refugee'd to.

>> No.20124324

Who the fuck is mandela and why does she fuck with our heads?

>> No.20124331

w-what happened in the old timeline?

>> No.20124340

From Onyx-timeline here. Looking at Onix just seems wrong af.

Goddamnit, what time line is this?!

>> No.20124356
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Yes, you are correct.

>> No.20124361


>> No.20124414


My theory: Probably the timeline where Hillary Clinton becomes president.

>> No.20124441

gee, I sure do wonder who is behind this post...

>> No.20124450

Nah it was always Onix. Don't know what you're talking about.
Praise new universe.

>> No.20124462


lol, same.

>> No.20124540

>How do we profit off of timelines being erased?
$LINK the Mandela Effect duh

>> No.20124584

It was onyx. Fuck this bullshit.

>> No.20124633

Welcome to my timeline bitches,

P.S Sergey is a slavic scammer in this timeline, sell your Links

>> No.20124645


>> No.20124665

Yeah I’ve never really gave a fuck about the Mandela effect shit but this was always 100% onyx, no exceptions. I played Pokémon religiously as a child and even played it some a few years ago as an adult with crystal and heart gold on emulators. This is was still Onyx not even 3 years ago. What the fuck

>> No.20124691

>Yeah I’ve never really gave a fuck about the Mandela effect
You should. It's a rabbit hole that will blow your mind.

>> No.20124850
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I think we’re honestly all misremembering this one because if it was Onyx then Steelix wouldn’t make sense.

Onix probably is correct given that, and the fact you’ve seen the word Onyx way more times since you were 10 than Onix.

Mandela effect is real though, I had a very big one dropped on me when I heard the news talking about Gary Hart.

I’m fairly well versed in politics (it was my major in college!) and I had no idea who this guy was. I know about Mondale and Dukakis, I can name VPs if losing candidates for the last 20 years etc.

Gary Hart didn’t exist in my timeline, and now I’m in one where he was a thing. I’ve never been so caught off guard in my life with people talking about something I have literally no grasp of in a subject I am well versed.

Did anybody else not know this dude existed? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Hart

>> No.20125006

i too didn’t know, but i was born in 99.

>> No.20125021
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>> No.20125057


This dude having seemingly prophetic knowledge that 9/11 coming is crazy also. I’ve never heard his name mentioned once and I had done tons of conspiratorial digging into 9/11.

It’s odd a guy I never knew existed seemingly had such a close tie to and a preknowledge of 9/11 (when a lot of people think the timelines began to shift/weaken/merge).

He’s been an author at Huffington Post supposedly since 2005 lol. I’ve never heard of this dude. I have ZERO memories of him even tangentially connected to other stories.

>> No.20125087
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This guy did not exist in my original timeline. I’m certain of it.

>> No.20125126

Onix was 100% the original name.

>t. Pokémon trainer in autistic tourneys as kid.

>> No.20125139

Go back to your timeline faggot

>> No.20125226

anyone else from the timeline where the Fruit of the Loom logo had the cornucopia in it? That one fucks me up more than anything

>> No.20125290


Didn’t know that one, I definitely remember the cornucopia.

>> No.20125292

I mean I’ve glanced at it somewhat but I figure it’s cern fucking around. What’s some good material to check out about it?

>> No.20125301

Onyx is for the original humans. >>20125021
That’s pretty crazy, i would have heard of this man through my father and grandfather who are both heavily concerned with politics and America itself

>> No.20125303
File: 150 KB, 2050x800, 6E86B595-C800-4DCA-B91F-3D53DBC52993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it the timeline without the weird loop in the Ford logo?

I kinda remember the cornucopia desu

>> No.20125335

look it up, sometimes people post the image of the one that everyone says never existed


>> No.20125371

I just did, that mockup looks exactly like how I remember it

>> No.20125380

>Fruit of the Loom logo had the cornucopia
just googled that line, i was from that time as well, it’s always disconcerting to see something else obvious taken from us as we’re gaslighted that everything is business as usual
. I just want to know what this is all about

>> No.20125452
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I'm from the original dimension and it's so much better than yours by the looks of this AD forum. Egomaniac president? Race riots? Onix?

This must be like a joke dimension, and you guys must have done something really bad to end up here.

>> No.20125489

This is the craziest to me. I remember the cornucopia clear as day. Are they saying that was never part of the emblem?

>> No.20125508

who won WWIII?

>> No.20125535
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>> No.20125549

Elon Musk didnt exist in my timeline orginally. his name literally popped up out of nowhere

>> No.20125552

Always been onix. Mandela effect is fake and gay

>> No.20125723 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 1440x1789, Screenshot_20200705-115427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait but mine shows this...

>> No.20125787

Bruh this is exactly what I remember. I also had one called “Brock’s Onyx.” It was fucking “Onyx.”

>> No.20125813


>> No.20125977
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WTF, why was that deleted?

>> No.20125998

Unironically r/retconned

>> No.20126062

There was no WWIII in our dimension.
Who won yours?

>> No.20126090

Wait what was deleted

>> No.20126122


An Onyx pokemon card with the name spelled "Onyx". It looked legit, just like I remember.

>> No.20126155

The one posted a little ways up the thread? Yeah, I remember that one too. In fact I’m fairly certain I had a couple copies still at my parents house. I know for a fact I had the Brock’s Onyx card because it had a little bit higher HP than normal Onyx.

>> No.20126216

i remember onyx too

>> No.20127162
File: 105 KB, 593x936, 14C0257E-EB19-4610-B815-A190BC5051AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lyrics from Nelly’s Country Grammar - 2000

“Give me D's wit a rubber hammer
My grammar be's ebonics, gin tonic and chronic
Fuck bionic it's ironic, slammin niggaz like Onyx
Lunatics 'til the day I die
I run more game than the Bulls and Sonics”

Bros I’m scared WHAT in the FUCK does this mean.....????

>> No.20127288

In the other reality Chainlink is at 5000.00 and is used to buy food and water.

>> No.20127369

You're an idiot. It means illiterate fucks like you who don't read and heard it's name first, assumed it was "Onyx" and never bothered to check the spelling.

>> No.20127434
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it's Onyx

>> No.20127532

What the fuck are you talking about, it's Steelyx.

>> No.20127567


Everyone READ the name thousands of times in the gameboy games and cards, moron.

>> No.20128101

this has NOTHING to do with chainlink

>> No.20128413

They need to stop fucking around with CERN or this is just going to get weirder