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20093056 No.20093056 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.20093096
File: 71 KB, 1280x411, 2020-07-03 12.11.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20093118

TL;DR if LINK is over $5 on the 8th then you can make 3x on this binary option market

DYOR of course, but synthetix just launched their binary options platform a few days ago

>> No.20093253


>> No.20093265

I'm kind of tempted desu, if serg pulls some big shit out at these conferences I think it could happen

>> No.20093311

bump for interest

>> No.20093350

when's the next conference again?

>> No.20093365
File: 373 KB, 670x446, RLCChads_FatSergey_IexecBarrels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GIlles will out-fat Fat-sergey.

>> No.20093369

meant to reply to

>> No.20093486
File: 129 KB, 1125x1678, next one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's one with Sergey and the president of the interwork alliance on the 8th and one with a town crier dev on the 7th

>> No.20093510
File: 1.04 MB, 320x180, d00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20093541

So fucking unclear . Amateurs

Link above $5? One trade? Ok if it dumps back? Which exchange... Etc etc

>> No.20093559

read this

>Which exchange... Etc etc

>> No.20093572


>> No.20093619

This is extremely cool and I had no idea it existed. Thank you based OP.

I will not be participating in this one, because i honestly don't think LINK will be over $5 in 5 days
But I would be extremely tempted to go big on a "LINK will be >$50 in 1 year" option

>> No.20093624

I'm tempted, but It's a true gamble whether this will give us the momentum to pump over the $5 resistance.

>> No.20093648


theres this one but its set for 1k

I believe anyone with at least 1k sUSD can create an options market, so maybe we'll see someone create one thats a bit more realistic

np, it just launched a few days ago. definitely a good usecase for chainlink and sort of proves why its useful. they plan to expand to other traditional investment vehicles like stocks etc but only after full decentralization

>> No.20093703

if you're really confident in that position, you could take the opposite side of the option too. if that were to settle at the current bidding rate then it would be 30% payout

>> No.20093720

I have a question similar to this post

If LINK were to go to $5.01 on the 8th , this price lasts long enough for an Oracle to feed it into the contract, then it dumped back to $4.95 by the close of the day - what would happen?

Would those who bet on it going above $5 receive the payout, or not?

>> No.20093751

I believe its based on the strike price at the exact time of the maturity phase start - so 12:00 am on the dot on the 8th (whatever timezone is used). this is a very good question though

>> No.20093836
File: 100 KB, 1280x716, 2020-07-03 12.59.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20093859


It keeps running up to the day before though, so if LINK does break 5 before the 8th (I think likely), most of the opposing side will just withdraw.

Winnings won't be that high.

>> No.20093860

How can you determine it's 3x?

>> No.20093961

payout is determined by the ratio between the two options at the end of the bidding phase. currently its 70% short / 30% long. when the option matures one side will settle for $1 each and the other settles for 0.

withdrawal fees during the bidding phase are 5%, so it will cut down on that a bit. iirc they go back to the pool. its true that the potential payout can shift though, I should have made that more clear. I saw this while looking for usecases for chainlink that are on mainnet and got a little too excited

>> No.20094054

they should allow to make separate pools (set for the same date) on a day to day basis, that could be more interesting

>> No.20094076

and then disallow withdrawal after the day is finished.

>> No.20094101

$4.84 best I can do

>> No.20094366

I've been looking into this more and it looks like there is risk free money associated with creating an option. Market maker takes a portion of the fees that option generates

So if i were to get 1k sUSD and then create an option that got wildly popular, I would be reaping free money from all the fees.
Do you have any idea if the market maker gets a cut of the 5% withdraw fee? I can see that when the "market reaches the Maturity phase. 0.2% goes to the market creator, and 0.8% goes to SNX stakers "

I'm curious if the market creator also gets a cut of all withdraw fees. Can't find details in the SNX articles

>> No.20094416

If it is hovering over 4.80 on the 7th then the talk with IWA will guarantee link over $5

>> No.20094677

>Link pumping after news
This hasn't happened in forever.

>> No.20095040

Dump on the news