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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20018976 No.20018976 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ is not paying enough attention to this. Yet.

>> No.20018982
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>> No.20018992
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>> No.20019034

I posted this earlier. No one cares anymore, just a bunch of banal fud.

>> No.20019205

How the fuck is this not causing a stir here. I'm honestly mystified. Chainlink are basically pointing at the possibility of massive institutional liquidity provision to DEXes and nobody cares.

>> No.20019243

I think most og marines are actually on Twitter now. I find information there much faster then on here when something new comes out now. Used to be the other way around.

>> No.20019261

most og marines have their bags packed. They know they're going to be rich. They're enjoying the remnants of their normal lives until the singularity

>> No.20019273

this article is honestly kind of over my head
seems good tho

>> No.20019315

Just read the quoted comments below the OP. That's the main thing you need to take away. What Bancor is offering makes it possible for high value institutions and crypto projects to start providing large amounts of liquidity for dexes, which would be a huge step forward in making dexes more functional, cheaper and better than centralised exchanges.

>> No.20019667

LMAO watch them say "Why didnt biz tell me earlier" when it 2x after V2 launch

>> No.20019676


>> No.20019690

it's kind of wild that big announcements from other projects are coming in the form of chainlink blog posts

>> No.20019701

> yet another fucking blogpost duckroll
Lmao nice blogpost sergey I'm sure millions of people are reading this

>> No.20019733

>>20019243 correct
>>20019261 correct

>> No.20019977

Will this make the link token value go up though?

>> No.20020018


Jesus, calm down. People are seeing it now.

>> No.20020217

Not directly. It would be huge for the Bancor token though (assuming it works as intended).

>> No.20020233

2x is still just 160m cap. If Bancor becomes the institutional liquidity protocol its going into the billions.

>> No.20020324

I honestly think those of us who are interested in LINK already own as much as we want to/can afford, and those who think it's a scam will continue to believe it's a scam even after it reaches $1000. They'll just say "oooh look it's dumping to $880, kek. scam!"

>> No.20020355

I really should just leave this board. I'm just buying as much as I can afford, it's not like I'm gaining anything more from this place. Also like >>20019243 said, I'm getting all the news about the project from twitter either faster or just as fast as here. Maybe I'll come back for the lulz when we do moon. It really is a nice place to be when we're all making tons of money. Other than that it's extremely depressing

>> No.20020477

From what I understand this is more about the bancor token is it not? Would the mechanism described in the OP cause an increase in the value of the link token?

>> No.20020512

this. imagine lurking on here with the rest of the DMG and RLC pajeets. kek.

>> No.20020592

Twitter isn't anon though. You have to deal with all the bullshit that comes with egos and online identities. I can't stand it.

>> No.20020630

this, it's fucking brutal. Plus the constant thoughtwar being expressed in the trending tab. I hide all those elements with an adblocker tho

>> No.20021852

I'm in LINK, obviously, and then I chose BNT and LEND as DeFi mid term winning horses. I'd like to have DMG, AVA, AMPL, RUNE and REN as well, but... let's see how it plays.

>> No.20021934

AVA's token distribution is too fucked. 2% go to the public. It's Hedera all over again, which I refuse to buy on principle. Makes Chainlink's 35% seem positively generous.

>> No.20022049 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 687x334, Screenshot from 2020-06-29 23-17-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low 24 hr volume means it's gonna moon soon

high 24 hr volume mean it's gonna dump

i usually sell between 3:00 and 5:00 pacific time when it's around 500000 link volume

when it's 200000 or 300000 link volume i know not to sell until tomorrow.

you can know when to sell by looking at the volume

>> No.20022122

bought 15k BNT at $1

wont sell until $14/BNT

If they deliver as promised, this will happen much quicker then people realize
kind of skeptical though since it all seems too good to actually be true

>> No.20022129

another way to tell whether chainlink hit the bottom is by looking at other crypto and see if they hit the bottom. i couldn't tell if it hit the bottom the last time

>> No.20022163

I'm trying to manage my excitement and expectations but it's looking really good. Chainlink are always extremely reserved when it comes to shouting out other projects but that blog post is incredibly bullish.
Removing impermanent loss and allowing single asset staking looks, from here, to create a platform that large liquidity providers would want to use.
With a v2 release date set you can only imagine the audits are done, or at least going well. This is the first time I have felt truly bullish about something since LINK.

>> No.20022177

Same. Joined twitter 3 months ago, followed the OGmarines and top defi guys, blocked everyone else. Comfy

>> No.20022250

i don't see how they could have done much to mitigate impermanent loss unless they have a mechanism to buy lost liquidity from pools (dex or cex) outside of bancor. it makes no sense otherwise.

>> No.20022388

They lay out their solution here.
Also under the subheading "mitigating impermanent loss" here:
The fact that the Chainlink team back this as a valid solution gives me a lot more confidence than I would have based on my own limited understanding.

>> No.20022392

>Removing impermanent loss and allowing single asset staking looks, from here, to create a platform that large liquidity providers would want to use.
This. And as for why biz isn't more excited - AMMs are more complicated to understand than deflationary-token-of-the-week, so they just don't get it. Single asset exposure is something that literally hasn't existed before. If you've never acted as a MM/LP you can't appreciate how important this is.
Consider an anon with $250k link. He's not going to sell half of it for ETH and put it in uniswap is he? No, he's going to put it in Bancor, retain his 100% LINK position, and earn interest while holding.
Combined with fixing impermanent loss... this is an MMs wet dream.

>> No.20022416

I think it's interesting that they point out crypto projects as LPs as well. If you are a crypto project with a huge haul of tokens for "development", you can't exactly sell half of them to make a pair. But with single asset staking you can put a large proportion of your development kitty in a LP contract and take profits.

>> No.20022522

High IQ take. That would create a new revenue stream for crypto projects without selling their tokens. With mStable launching their governance token directly on Balancer I wonder if we'll see teams doing the same on Bancor to bootstrap liquidity without having to hold 50% eth/stablecoin. Seems like a total no-brainer with single asset exposure and no impermanent loss.

>> No.20023103

should I get bancor, or just more chainlink?

>> No.20023204

I would say Bancor is more likely to hit $2 before LINK hits $9, so at least as a short play BNT is the go. I'm still 80% LINK 20% BNT though.

>> No.20023245


Im now 90/ 10 link/bnt. Gonna up ut to 80/20

>> No.20023289

is that as high as you think it'll go?

>> No.20023315


>> No.20023369

No not at all. If it works, and every indication is that it's going to work, then it's going to be the next big DeFi success story. Look at the quotes in the first replies to this thread. Chainlink thinks this could lay the groundwork for large scale liquidity providers to get on board. If that happens we are looking at a multi billion cap. I am guessing 5x-10x over the next 6 months, but add in hype and honestly who knows.
The irony is I only bought BNT originally as a quick flip to try and get more LINK, but now that I've looked into it I'll be holding and staking my 10k BNT indefinitely.

>> No.20023386

This is my reasoning...

>> No.20023410

Every single shit defi project including aave, ren, bancor and Kyber are trying to get linkmarines to allocate a small portion of their funds to their shitty scam coin.

Fuck you
You are not getting any of my link, fucking leeches.

You know we og links are the most wealthy and we are getting targeted

>> No.20023414

It'll cause a stir when this system actually takes off.

>> No.20023417

I've been paying attention since v2 chainlink announcement, seems awesome but I'm staying all-in with my linkies

>> No.20023419

This system runs on Chainlink. And anything that increases the usage and exposure of Chainlink will make the value of the Link token go up.

>> No.20023435

>DeFi is a shitty scam
>LINK's biggest value prop at the moment is powering next-gen DeFi
You act like it's Chainlink vs DeFi when it's Chainlink powered DeFi. You should be happy that functional products are starting to be built using Chainlink feeds. Sure, don't buy BNT, but if you think DeFi is a scam then you must think Chainlink is wasting its time at the moment.

>> No.20023437

who to follow on twitter?

>> No.20023448

That's totally fine. BNT could have a major vulnerability and I will be out 2k LINK. But it's an exciting project that will have positive flow on effects if it succeeds, and I think anyone paying attention to DeFi should be hoping for Bancor to succeed even if they don't invest in it.

>> No.20023457

Except those defi projects are actually using Chainlink as their backend, right now.
They're the pioneers when it comes to Chainlink usage.

If that doesn't deserve some loyalty and appreciation from linkers, I don't know what does.

>> No.20023484


all these 'shitty defi scams' are the reason chainlink has any value in the first place

>> No.20023488

Imagine bashing projects that use your project's service LOL. Your $300 of Link isn't going to pump the price of BNT.

>> No.20023496

lol no, but it's an exciting new capital market

>> No.20023500

I didn't buy into BNT because of some issue I had with their fundamentals. I don't remember the details, but this thread is making me want to go research it again.
I'm not going to bother though. The sales team itt is top notch.

>> No.20023505
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as a Liquidity Provider in Bancor pools you a literally taking money from dumb traders and swingers

this is the most based concept for holders imo

>> No.20023533

every time a trader executes a trade, you as a liquidity provider earn the fees they are paying for the trade and anyone can become a liquidity provider no matter how much you hold, only needing to have exposure to the 1 shitcoin of your choice so it's never been easier after the V2 update

>> No.20023537

so it's never been easier to accumulate wealth at the expense of panicking traders and greedy swingers*

>> No.20023561

Gravity makes link obsolete

>> No.20023997


Definitely get atleast some BNT. Bancor is big brain top shelf high IQ 20D chess.

>> No.20024292



>> No.20024627

some people don't understand what the liquidity black hole is about
some do

this different outcome of these 2 realms is unimaginable

>> No.20024747

Wow an actual good/biz/ thread

>> No.20024768


How do you do that?

>> No.20024778

Recommendations on who to follow on Twitter for link news? Maybe somebody could make a list or something

>> No.20024787

We know, but both are overpriced.

Buy some Suterusu and wait if you're heavily in the green.

>> No.20024792

>who to follow
WhoMMMM to follow.

You don't follow "he/she/they", you follow "him/her/them".

>> No.20024800

>the most important liquidity protocol in the whole crypto ecosystem
>fully diluted market cap of $69 million

look at the tiny brain on this pajeet

>> No.20024849

yes, i'm sure it bled 99% from its last top because it's the most important liquidity protocol in crypto. surely it's not a spec PND.


>> No.20024935

Hey I always genuinely kinda confused about when and when not to use whom. Thanks

>> No.20025098

>what is V2 update

if you actually took the time to read why this changes everything, you would do yourself a huge favour

>> No.20025123

Most people overlook bancor because they fucked v1, while v2 could actually revolutionise AMMs and alter the dex landscape.

>> No.20025161

>Most people overlook bancor because they fucked v1
thanks to this fact I actually got a pretty good entry for BNT

can't wait for the market to catch up with what the update will result in

>> No.20025196

$1 is a good entry too. When I first started reading about BNT a week or two ago, and scrolling through CMC, I ended up scouring the top hundred multiple times thinking I must just be overlooking it. Blew my fucking mind to see it at #105

>> No.20025295

Yeah shill more, I won’t even sell 1 LINK to diversify in this shitty scam

>> No.20025343
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You are blessed with triple dubs anon
You have the ear of the oldfags

>> No.20025344

How much BNT should I buy so I don't kill myself in 12 months?

>> No.20025427


What can you afford? 100K BNT or even 10K BNT could be life changing if it hits $10 this year, which seems pretty feasible given what they're delivering and if overall market conditions stay bullish.

>> No.20025618

The fact that Consensys and 1inch are reviewing their v2 smart contracts, the single token liquidity feature, and that there are no news about LINK staking, makes me think a decent amount of LINK hodlers will provide liquidity into the LINKBNT pool.

>> No.20025750

Mind helping a smooth brain with who to follow??

>> No.20025841

Brainlet here, pls explain. Will i lose my melons?

>> No.20025845

I have no idea what this means. I'm going to keep buying link and no one can stop me.

>> No.20025878

Chain Link God
Chain Link Oracle

>> No.20025912
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Yes. Better stay out or you might lose your funds. There's a reason why they call it the liquidity black hole. They claim to have eliminated impermanent loss, but have created something potentiallt way worse.

>> No.20025939

Based. I think my time here is up too. Forever thankful to the turboautists in 2017/2018 who did the hard work. My Link bags are packed.

>> No.20025992


Can I get some names I should follow. Its sad but even r/LINKtrader is better than some of the stuff here nowadays. Circa 2018 was a golden age here though for LINK

>> No.20026226

Anyone else think Aave will integrate the staked tokens from V2 into their lending platform? Imagine being able to collect fees from the Bancor network with maintaining 100% token exposure, while lending that stake into Aave, and possible earning LEND if liquidity mining is included in the new aavenomics. Holy shit.

>> No.20026323

Hopefully anon, hopefully

>> No.20026329

Thank fren, i didn't knew the concept.
Finally some common sense...
I already sold most of my bancor and knc because i heard too much the word "bubble"

>> No.20026345

I couldn't find FidelKashfloo and Chainlink Oracle's account was suspended

>> No.20026539

If Bancor is successful in their V2 release, think of how many price feeds they're going to need. You just win.

>> No.20026850

Why did the bancor shills stop using the term bancor and BNT in their threads?

>> No.20027416

Chainlink solving impermanent loss seems like a pretty big deal but I'm a brainlet and I don't know how legit bancor is and if it could become a major defi player. Chainlink once again solves something important but will get no price action for it because it is in the backend and it's a technically complex issue, it's tiresome.

>> No.20027456

Thanks anon

>> No.20027945

It's Sergey himself making a blog post to shill it, I'm a brainlet but I noticed anons discuss the implications of v2 before and my intuition tells me it's organic and legitimate excitement not just pajeet shilling, now Sergey himself doing it too confirms it for me. Being able to pay attention and having a good intuition is how I picked up on link when it was 20 cents despite not understanding the tech. I really need to trust my guts more because in last 2 years, the few projects I have had similar signals about have also turned out to be winners. Something about dmm doesn't seem right to me, used cars loans, that doesn't make me raise an eyebrow, this stuff about impermanent loss does. But I hear the bancor team might not be as good as their claims and v1 was shit. I also think you should invest in a team, entrepreneur, a CEO. that's the rare, scarce value in the space. I don't get good vibes from bancor in this aspect.

Aave, synthetix, reserve, bancor and dmm all being powered by Chainlink and at the top of the defi hype really gets the nogging jogging. Ampleforth, I don't know, seems less important. Synthetix especially did really really well. My guts tell me this could have a similar run, or at least a x2 seems pretty likely. Might be worth throwing some spare change for a quick flip and what if.

>> No.20027969

>But I hear the bancor team might not be as good as their claims and v1 was shit. I also think you should invest in a team, entrepreneur, a CEO. that's the rare, scarce value in the space. I don't get good vibes from bancor in this aspect.
The team has changed significantly since V1.

>> No.20028039


I was thinking that. Would be absolutelt insane. You would the equivalent of aLink (staked in Bancor) or some other representative token.

Noy completely out of reason. Would obliterate the other dexes tho

>> No.20028086

How so?

I'll do my homework later but sometimes a bad track record can be hard to shake off. Another defi project that switched to using chainlink is bzx or whatever its called and they've basically ruined their reputation with previous fuck ups. Even though they might learn from the mistakes and improve, it's still the kind of red flag that make a project seem incompetent and not worth gambling on.

>> No.20028338

Link isn't even listed on bancor for conversions. Doesn't that raise your eyebrows, since they're partners?

>> No.20028471

Why stop at lending the Bancor tokens? I'd put them up as collateral to borrow USDT and then go ~3x margin long LINK with it. If I get liquidated, whatever, the money was "free"

>> No.20028507

Insider tip: AMPL bringing liquidity incentives to Bancor and Balancer next after this 3 month 1st trial - for exactly this reason - impermanent loss. Expect bigger rewards.

>> No.20028561

Blockstate SIX SDX R3Corda

>> No.20028886


This. Answer is ALOT. Every new token on Bancor V2 is going to need a Chainlink integration.

>> No.20028957


They're probably waiting for V2 to add LINK.

>> No.20029044


The red headed guy Nate is leading the project now. Has been that way since late 2019 and just look what’s happened to BNT token price since then and the hard pivot to developers and defi.

>> No.20029074

>With jews, you lose.
You learned this meme many years ago. Stick with your gut. It's as true now as it was then. Never forget.

>> No.20029306

I would also add link_hound for contract breadcrumbs and finrekt for memes. I think cryptosponge does some good graphs as well if you are interested.

>> No.20029469

>smooth brain NEET

biz should grow up. this low iq thinking will prevent u from taking advantage of good opportunities.

>> No.20029597

seriously. awareness of the jew and a little bit of ambition give you a fighting advantage when interacting with them, there's no need to be afraid

>> No.20029984

>the state of /biz/

....aaaaand right on cue, the intelligent high level discussion on the future of decentralized financed devolved, yet again, into the predictable unintelligible race-defines-everything shitposting that /biz/ just can’t evolve beyond.

is this a psy op?

>> No.20030028

Go back

>> No.20030107


Some things may never change.

>> No.20030184

>Tellor makes link obsolete

>> No.20030216

when it comes time to use your gains, good luck not getting ripped off by shark middlemen who earn their keep skimming profits off of the nouveau riche. here's a hint newfag, you're too mired in doublespeak about race to understand that the jew archetype is primarily about patterns of behavior.

>> No.20030354

what gives these defi tokens any value at all? i like defi but i dont understand why i would ever toss money at the tokens

>> No.20030395

There are returns on holding the token, either in getting more fees by holding it, or by burns through protocol usage. Which makes demand go up and supply go down.

Any other first grade lessons needed?

>> No.20030446


biz patterns of behavior are crystal clear oldfag

>> No.20030453

BASED retard choosing the right projects just from intuition

>> No.20030469

This. Chainlink has its straw in everybody's milkshake. I'm so comfy.

>> No.20030474

Okay I feel like spoonfeeding. The BNT token is especially crucial to the Bancor AMM's because it makes up 50% of each pool. Because interest in staking tokens in Bancor will go up due to no imp. loss and single token exposure, more people will stake their tokens in AMM to earn trading fees through just holding. Guess what needs to happen to the other 50% of these pools? The value of BNT needs to go up to balance the pools. This will happen through more favorable fee allocation to adding BNT to the pools (Dynamic fee system they explained in the Q&A). Moreover, BNT inflation will be added to V2, which means apart from earning more fees by adding BNT to the pools, there is inflation ON TOP of that. It's a literal moonmission.

>> No.20030514

More liquidity means less slippage, means more volume, means more fees, means more demand for BNT, means deeper liquidty pools, means less slippage, means more volume, means more fees, means more demand for BNT

Repeat ad infinitum

>> No.20030536
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>coming to you live from tel aviv
>lead jew has red hair
And there's where I stopped listening.

>> No.20030645

>Moreover, BNT inflation will be added to V2, which means apart from earning more fees by adding BNT to the pools, there is inflation ON TOP of that.
It also means if you are not staking your BNT you are being diluted, which means everyone will be staking, multiplying the upwards pressure on BNT price.

>> No.20030673

this explanation will make many people very wealthy

unless they're smoothbrains ofcourse and not understand the concept

>> No.20030687

What does this mean for the value of the link token though?

>> No.20030707

i'm an og and wasted away 35k link

still have15k left tough.. but yeah /biz/ is kinda dead, i don't read anything new, no crazy insde leaks all the "gems" posted are payed chills

>> No.20030720

They're welcome. To be honest, everyone holding Bancor is better off explaining this, since the value of BNT going up means half of the pools will be getting more liquid, which only strengthens the feedback loop more.

>> No.20030829

LINK will get more usage because Bancor will need to make Oracle requests for this to work. Does not translate as much to your balance as there is a lot of LINK left in the dev wallets. Staking will be the big thing for LINK which will drive up demand. LINK is a lot of speculation right now, but is has the potential to by hyper valuable in the future.

What I know will happen though is that Bancor will start announcing all the tokens that will be getting a Chainlink price oracle one by one. Just like they did with Kyber. Which will mean more exposure for LINK and make more people realize the fundamental role of LINK in finance 2.0

>> No.20030870

They don't care, they're just bancor bag holders hoping to dump on dumb swingies.

>> No.20030889

It’s easy to say how great the protocol is and that it will never fail and it will be a virtuous cycle
>ad infinitum
But that is most likely not the case. Where does the music stop? Also CIA DMM KGB CELSIUS MOSSAD BANCOR who will be the bank time will tell.

>> No.20030943
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Only an 8k link .28 lp holder myself. Don't feel to bad fren :)

>> No.20030945

Price decrease of BNT will mean less liquid pools, more slippage, less volume, etc.

But it's obvious this is very powerful in an upwards cycle. And this one is not driven by just hype, there's actual technical breakthroughs underlying this. It's not infinite, but it's safe to say this should have upwards momentum for a while. Probably up to a point where it will have outperformed all the other pooling protocols, which will make it harder for them to catch up.

>> No.20031008

just feeling bad with myself for wasting it away...

>> No.20031126
File: 1.52 MB, 498x280, 1580259066505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold tight and you'll still be richer than 99% of the people on this board fren.

>> No.20031166

So glad I sold my HOT for this.

>> No.20031337


reverse is also true. higher BNT price means more liquid pools, less slippage, more volume, etc.

liquidity black hole

>> No.20031367

That's what I just said retard.

>> No.20031538

The day Dex liquidity can rival a Cex will spark the next wave for all of crypto. Bancor V2 is shaping up to deliver it.

>> No.20031596

Why hasn't the OP posted for 5 hours?

Did he change his IP address?

Observe, an advanced shill tactic, where two different IPs both shill BNT, but pretend to bicker and fight with one another, just like real /biz/raelis.

really makes you think.

>> No.20031885


lol advanced shill. thank u. but that other anon is not me. dont overheat your brain.

>> No.20031985
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>> No.20032063


did't read past the first sentence. derp.

>> No.20032389

Will staking be available right away once V2 launches or have to wait for the DAO?

>> No.20032475

I edited this post a little


>> No.20033284

Did you look at their calculations? In their example, there was no reason for the pool to buy 95.90 BNT and lose $9.10. Pool could have just bought 100 BNT and not lose $9.10. My point is the impermanent loss may not that big of a problem as it is laid out.

>> No.20033339

if it's something that keeps market participants from providing liquidity to the pools, it's a huge problem regardless of the details of your example

>> No.20033785

You have to wait for the DAO, but pooling BNT will earning you pool fees, which is basically staking without inflation.

>> No.20034124

Good video. Bancor and Chainlink AMA from today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQJZiC7MmQE

>> No.20034247

this guy is way too good looking to be legit im out

>> No.20034520

never use whom, it's for pretentious faggots

>> No.20035261

t. retard

>> No.20035340

Finally got around to watching “there will be blood” on shrooms, simply amazing.

>> No.20035773

lmao i didnt say it was the same person, there are many, many bancor shills.

They try to flood the board with multiple shills to create the illusion of consensus. It's a classic sales tactic.

Anyway, you're trying too hard shill. No casual observer would take the couple of minutes to make that picture.

You're pretty good for a shill, but you have alot to learn.

When's that BNT bounty arriving in your wallet for all your services?

>> No.20036249

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.20036784

what did he mean by this

>> No.20036893

>at the possibility of massive institutional
How many times can we drink up hopium before it gets boring. I'll get excited when it isnt possiblity anymore but happening.

>> No.20037125

Rory's spending so much time with sergey he's starting to talk like him.

>> No.20037193

Well Bancor v2 is launching in a few weeks, and Chainlink, who are very reticent to get too excited about anything, have said this could cause a massive capital influx from traditional markets into DeFi.
That's enough hopium for me.

>> No.20037222

how the fuck could you solve the problem of the underlying asset that youre market-making in having a dramatic price swing? Impossible, obvious scam.

>> No.20037274

>how the fuck could you solve the problem of the underlying asset that youre market-making in having a dramatic price swing? Impossible, obvious scam.
this. it is a marketing scam. i wouldnt buy this crap. its been hacked 4 times.

>> No.20037319

i was wondering where you guys were, lol. you're a bit late to this thread.

>> No.20037894

>have enough of an asset to be able to make a market
>nobody has to suffer from the swings of that underlying asset
makes sense lmao

>> No.20037909


>> No.20038008


acquiring tons of small profits through "arbitrage" with the idea that there's no risk because it will never go haywire is not a new concept

>> No.20038467

The profits aren't through arbitrage, they're through trading fees. This solution removes arbitrage.

>> No.20039025

who eats the cost if the underlying asset being exchanged becomes worthless
this risk cannot disappear

>> No.20039045

i know what you're thinking and it's wrong, okay? just buy a bag idiot

>> No.20039068

im not buying your bags or participating in your little girl scout cookie scam faggots

>> No.20039186

Did you even look at what I sent you?

>> No.20039266

I have 220 bancor... is this a good enough amount? Don’t need to get rich just a down payment on a house

>> No.20039314


>> No.20039407


>> No.20039467

I don't recall a single person saying this was entirely risk free. I don't see anyone suggesting that it was immune to huge catastrophic market movements.
But in the case of your asset going to zero, then it's going to be worth nothing whether it's staked in a profitable liquidity pool or not. And in case of a single asset going to zero if you're staking the other side of the pair (BNT) then the BNT price is not dependent on any single token pair retaining value.
You have strange objections arising from unlikely edge cases and an obvious lack of research, despite having been handed everything you need to see how v2 mitigates risk.
I'm not even trying to convince you at this point, you're just being disingenuous and deliberately obtuse.

>> No.20040060


I think you're confused on what impermanent loss means? It's removal doesn't mean there is now zero risk. Just that there is no loss caused by the divergence of the two tokens in a pool. You can just stay exposed to one token and collect fees. Bancor V2 basicaly solves staking for all projects across the board.

>> No.20040085

i was the bnt fudder. i fudded it in this thread. in other threads over the past weeks. and made ltos of fud threads.i didnt want bnt to moon before i bought in. ive bought in now. no more fud posts. its moon time baby

>> No.20040116

who eats the "impermanent loss" when you "market make" by using your valuable coin to buy up a plummeting one

>> No.20040129

>unlikely edge cases
crypto 2020

>> No.20040230

When do you buy a plummeting one if you're single-asset staking?

>> No.20040271

oh do they just match you with a partner on the other end who takes on the risk of the loss of the other side of the exchange?

>> No.20040343

Dont tell me you were the person making fake V2 hacked posts when V2 isnt out yet.

>> No.20040348


>> No.20040457

dude im drunk but the general ideas here are not novel or complicated
standard finance and banking already went through all this bullshit
the new challenge is the coding and adoption not the general concepts

>> No.20040684

how would you even buy this stuff anyway coinbase doesnt have it

>> No.20040721
File: 144 KB, 1000x565, image_2020-06-29_13-24-55-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait.......this is what yuo people consider revolutionary technology..............
what the fuck...........................
is this what happens when you leave banking to goys? jesus fucking christ

>> No.20040758


Just fomo in later man, you can be part of the auxiliary boost at $10

>> No.20040949

because it cant even break $5 when it partners with a super country

>> No.20041003

>If it works
you can go with 100 other projects too if this is the case

>> No.20041029


>> No.20041180

sponge disappeared
Go with Chainlink God, Link hound and CryptoFTC aka cryptocat. absolute MUSTS for the most up to date, in depth technical info. these guys catch things in the published code before anyone else. breadcrumbs as they are dropped. helpful for newfags, exciting for OGs to watch reality unfold in real time. it has been a long 2.5 years.......

>> No.20041259

Use a DEX or a DEX aggregator like 1inch.exchange

>> No.20041291

checked. triple duece wasted on a retard

>> No.20041428

when is v2 being is released? is now a good time to buy in

>> No.20041496

how the fuck is this a revolutionary concept for cryptotards
weve had international exchanges where one side took only their liquidity risk for thousands of years
im so confused

>> No.20042136

Sometime in July if nothing major in the audits

>> No.20042623

>weve had the ability to give each other seashells in exchange for goods for thousands of years, why do we need bitcoin

>> No.20042662

It's a revolutionary concept because no impermanent loss + single asset staking means there is actually a viable platform for large scale liquidity provision in DeFi. Large scale liquidity provision means far more money flowing in, better DEXes, more traditional market interest and a huge step forward for decentralised finance in general.
The benefits of DeFi over traditional finance include disintermediation, instant settlement, no institutional barriers to entry, and greater user control of their money.
And that's all considering that this entire industry is very, very young.
Remember people looked at the internet in 1992 and thought "Static web pages? Nobody will have any use for that"
If you can't see what is growing out of this then feel free to sit on the sidelines, but far smarter people than either of us have seen what is to come, and are actively building towards it.

>> No.20043009


>> No.20043224

Except this project is a couple of weeks from launching, has had two audits, and had Chainlink put out a blog post endorsing their solution.
So it's pretty likely at this point.

>> No.20043992

why would institutionals want to touch shit this when their hands are tied by regulators. No AML/KYC, no bueno

>> No.20044029

An example given above would be a crypto project that holds a ton of tokens for development. They could put their own tokens in a liquidity pool and earn profits without having to sell half of their own tokens in order to make a complete pair.
But apart from that I'm just going off the Chainlink blog post. If Chainlink thinks it could bring traditional market money in I'm not going to disagree.

>> No.20044038

Because Bancor can't be trusted and this product isn't live yet. Also, all this will do is make fees for whales. You'll probably make 1 LINK for every thousand you put in their protocol. It won't be worth it for 99% of LINK holders to take on the smart contract risk.

>> No.20044094

But if whales use Bancor then BNT will have to be worth a shit ton to balance the pairs, so it's a great buy at a 60m cap.
Or even if you put all that aside, institutional liquidity coming to dexes is a huge deal that would make dexes way more useful, so would be a big happening even for people who have no intention to invest in it.

>> No.20044140

This doesn't make sense. People will still make 1 more link than if they weren't providing liquidity. So you're saying that whales will take smart contract risk but average link holders shouldn't? If it's good enough to be trusted by whales it should be good enough to be trusted by smaller holders.

>> No.20044409

based thread is still active

if you're still not all-in, you deserve to stay poor

>> No.20044462

It all depends on the volume relative to the depth of the pool whether ot not it's worth it I think.

But since all the pools have a BNT pair, I know one coin where it will be worth it for sure

>> No.20044522

>It's a revolutionary concept because no impermanent loss + single asset staking means there is actually a viable platform for large scale liquidity provision in DeFi. Large scale liquidity provision means far more money flowing in, better DEXes, more traditional market interest and a huge step forward for decentralised finance in general.

one of the most undervalued aspects of this
if V2 works as intented this means traditional money can finally starting experimenting with defi and since there are too many advantages of defi over trad finance, many institutions will likely follow if first trad finance adapters are satisfied

>> No.20044838

Literally any asset with a Chainlink price feed can effectively become a staking asset with a positive adjusted rate of return. Think about that.

>> No.20044983

that's pretty funny desu

I'm just thinking what the price ceiling could be for BNT be a few months into V2
Surely it will take some time for people to adapt the new design, so the price run can't be that fast?

>> No.20045271

Depends how many assets V2 will incorporate at launch. So far we only know KNC, and can probably assume LINK.

>> No.20045285

Lmao. LINK trying to stay relevant to jump onto the defi hype, while being just a cuck oracle

>> No.20045313

This looks outdated kek. USDN already does this on another level

>> No.20045327

MUHH DEFI. Sergay is too late. Waves’ neutrino and Gravity are already doing all the things listed in the blog

>> No.20045365

Bancor = No crab
BSN = Bitcoin Sergey Nazarov

>> No.20046011

>LINK trying to stay relevant to jump onto the defi hype
Other way around. defi is just one of the use cases LINK was built to support. Sergey knew defi was coming 5 years before it appeared. You're not on his level. Try and catch up.

>> No.20046023
File: 97 KB, 613x502, Justin Sun Bancor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao Justin is desperate for Bancor V2

>> No.20046159


>> No.20046501

OMG love Bancor!! enytime now on coinbase

>> No.20046508

based pajeet larper

>> No.20046536

obvious shilling aside, do we think bancor will make it to coinbase and other exchanges? if so, when?

>> No.20046546

I think potential listings are completely irrelevant in comparison to the fundamental changes that come with V2

Binance is already a good enough imo

>> No.20046564

Team is awesome
Project is epic and under work for 3 years
I bought a bag, thanks

>> No.20046588

Shut the fuck up about chainlink, no one gives a fuck

>> No.20046593

Bancore #1 COINS , i buy all this days ,,,

>> No.20046597
File: 818 KB, 1187x591, 1592726014267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this uncannily written shillposting making me nervous about the fact I bought a bag

hope this is 4D fud

>> No.20046749

they are just larping as pajeets as a way to try to fud it

it makes me kek every time desu

>> No.20046824

BNT is already on a million exchanges and has a ton of liquidity. Coinbase is the only one that matters now, and no one knows when it will get listed there but Coinbase.

>> No.20046845

Boncar coin ferry good sir, i buy for you sir

>> No.20047491
File: 34 KB, 358x353, 8B8C6F09-888D-47B7-B934-2EEDCB13D868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a reason and I’ll drop my $12k Noia right now for some BNT.

>> No.20047996

It’s a scam

>> No.20048687

>I'm honestly mystified
What a very Reddit thing to say

>> No.20050068

Liquidity black hole. Did you read it?

>> No.20051398
File: 171 KB, 682x1024, crazy-clowns-trailer-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping for kicks.

>> No.20052050

the liquidity black hole argument is low IQ

It's basically just saying that DEX's have network effects. OF COURSE they have network effects. Do you really think Bancor's shitty link oracle is going to make all the money in all the dexes of the world flow into bancor?

Let's say you're right and it starts to. Then the price of BNT goes up. Then BNT becomes more expensive, then the're less incentive to put money in BNT....

It's like how you can't accelerate past the speed of light. As you accelerate, it gets harder and harder to accelerate further. You end up needing infinite energy, which is why its not possible to break past the speed of light.

The black hole argument completely ignores the auto-stabilizing force of price appreciation. It's a shameless attempt to pump BNT.

>> No.20052055

$10 EOY

>> No.20052332

That's a man.

>> No.20052372


>> No.20052395

>trusting long noses

>> No.20052506

I see this kind of stuff but don't understand it desu, same with stuff like threshold signatures. The math's a bit intimidating.

>> No.20052666

>the liquidity black hole argument is low IQ
Not understanding the metaphor is a metaphor is low IQ, my low IQ friend.
>Then BNT becomes more expensive, then the're less incentive to put money in BNT....
Obviously. That's just supply and demand. Things balance out over time. Speed of light analogy is a good one.
>The black hole argument completely ignores the auto-stabilizing force of price appreciation.
Only brainlets ignore that. Of course there is a point where basic economics causes the growth curve to slow... but that won't happen until bancor's market cap is significantly higher.
More liquidity on bancor = traders get better prices = more volume on bancor = LPs get better returns = more liquidity on bancor.
Call if a self-perpetuating positive feedback loop instead if that makes you feel better.

>> No.20053088

So basically Stakenet?