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File: 453 KB, 1307x879, BSN chainlink diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19882192 No.19882192 [Reply] [Original]

This is it, the biggest integration in crypto history.

>> No.19882254

is this some kind of parallel universe where my dreams actually come true? what is this? where am i?

>> No.19882280

Holy shit, LINK literally is the future. For so long it seemed to be just a 4chan meme

>> No.19882279

>Links diagram as a star of David
What did they mean by this?

>> No.19882299

Those are sheriff's badges.

>> No.19882322

what the fuck is happening? this is some sci-fi shit. is this the new technological revolution happening before our very eyes?
pls explain

>> No.19882356

>only pumps 5%
Just kill me
Fuck this gay reality

>> No.19882364

based service network

>> No.19882369


4th industrial revolution lol

>> No.19882370

howdy faggot

>> No.19882377

You had 3 years

>> No.19882379

4th industrial revolution
we were saying it for years

>> No.19882389
File: 54 KB, 960x960, 221354352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink to be used by every single industry and nation on earth

>> No.19882392

bsn is a nothingburger

>> No.19882403

If this actually gets off the ground, the way corporate data is accessed, stored, transferred and paid for will be changed forever. It is a revolution to the traditional data life cycle management structure and then some.

>> No.19882431
File: 1.65 MB, 1203x1509, AC9BC166-C40B-49AD-A4FE-B074CC09F38C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Links diagram as a star of David

>> No.19882446
File: 464 KB, 1080x1080, 1590057131987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously what the actual fuck is wrong with this market?
Did we fud too hard?

>> No.19882519

The Chinese government doesn't think so kek

>> No.19882550
File: 42 KB, 275x276, smt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's foreshadowing for when the team implements devil summoning smart contracts

>> No.19882588

the news will spread if you make it

>> No.19882621

Chainlink associating with China is a very bad look. This is a fucking communist country with concentration camps for christ sake

>> No.19882695

sergey has a utopian vision, chill

>> No.19882733

they are also the biggest consumer market in the world so who cares lol

>> No.19882777

Dubs of truth

>> No.19882781

Organ harvesting oracles with immunological compatibility data are going to be big business

>> No.19882799

Trips of confirmation

>> No.19882816


>> No.19882823

Dubs of reaffirmation

>> No.19882827


>> No.19882849


>> No.19882855

this is absolutely fucking nothing.
fuck chainchink chinklink and fuck all salty stinkies.
you should buy a rope.

>> No.19882884

Unfortunately from experience I know it won’t cross 5 even on bullish news

>> No.19882887

america is crashing and burning
let's make some fucking money

>> No.19882954


>> No.19882971

I mean yeah but I'm going to be rich so who fucking cares

>> No.19883000

It's fucking sad, really. Linkies keep repeating their "cup and handle" mantra when the reality is that LINK is officially on a downtrend again. We're looking at another 3 month bleedout, target is 45 cents. It's time to drop those heavy ass bags. I don't know how anyone is still holding this blatant scam.
Do 15 minutes of research and you'll see that Steve Ellison isn't even a fucking real person and Sergey has a chronic issue with project abandonment. Word is he has severe depression and anxiety, hence the weight gain and inability to finish anything. I won't warn you newfags again, STAY AWAY FROM CHAINLINK.

>> No.19883025


>> No.19883098

That and shilling pump and dumps.

>> No.19883102

>Steve Ellison
you clearly haven't dug into his links to jason parser have you?

>> No.19883147

This. I love Chainlink but this is not bullish. We already partnered with Swift, this is chinkshit.

>> No.19883193

dont tell them anon
its secret knowledge remember?

>> No.19883196

>Swift AND China?
>No, only Swift

There has to be a clinical name for this thinking pattern.

>> No.19883255

Also, keep in mind for the people saying "b..but only 8% increase": China is still asleep at the moment.

>> No.19883297

> waiting on gooks to pump his bags past 5

>> No.19883313

Is this the first major Hyperledger integration that LINK has done?

>> No.19883427

Meh the west is looking very bleak these days, if some of us don’t become billionaires and make a change we’re liable to have rape gang packs of joggers roaming our streets screaming BLM while assaulting whites with 0 repercussions at a much higher rate than we are already seeing.

>> No.19883790

>he still thinks an erc-token will make him rich

>> No.19884032

I remember hearing about BSN integrating with link several weeks ago. Has it only become official now?

>> No.19884745

Chainlink, more like Chinalink. $1000 EOY

>> No.19884880

Can’t and won’t cross 5

>> No.19885122


>> No.19885536
File: 1.92 MB, 1320x6860, CH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19886417

this is a blessing bruh. buy more

>> No.19887265

>what the fuck is happening? this is some sci-fi shit. is this the new technological revolution happening before our very eyes?
Yes but its a slow moving revolution. Barely anyone outside of here mentions Chainlink and even fewer know about crypto in general. Its the early years of the revolution but will rapidly be integrated into everything. But it will never be a flashy as Apple or PCs or whatever, its back end data management. Normies will never care about that.

>> No.19887337

I was also wondering this. I’ve done so much research I’m having trouble tracking what’s what.

>> No.19888699

>just wait 3 years bruh

>> No.19888771

>based blockchain
>based blockchain
>based blockchain
>based blockchain

>> No.19888808

yet it still can't pump pass $5.

>> No.19888811

its not like we can do anything about it. the integration i mean.

>> No.19888837

what the fuck just happened

>> No.19888857
File: 25 KB, 580x434, notPajeet83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19888884

$1000 EOY

>> No.19888909

It’s 2 am in China.
Get ready to say ni hai wealthy China man in 6 hours

>> No.19888911

check out my hex. link 1000$ eoy

>> No.19888925

$10,000 EOY

>> No.19890103
File: 1.86 MB, 480x270, 1512799729380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19890217

Fudding reddit hurts a lot since normies will google “chainlink reddit” and read everyone’s fake fudding

>> No.19890238

Who cares about looks when China’s money and complete control of its market is involved

>> No.19890272

This has nothing to do with Chainlink