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19881017 No.19881017 [Reply] [Original]

If you follow Musk, and I do, you will find out that he has an shockingly fragile and weak ego for someone who has achieved as much as he has. He honestly sees women and other people as means to and end and not as real feeling human beings. When he gets married again it will be his 4th fucking marriage, he is uniroincally going to be on his 6th marriage by the time he's in his 60s. He has six sons and 3 of them are triplets. He is always going on about trans humanism and it is pretty much a given he selected his embroys for male sex and discarded females. The odds of having 6 sons and all male triplets without fertility treatments is staggeringly low and this is totally something he would do. He views grimes as a means to an end and not as a person. She is her marketing to him, within weeks of dating he had her convinced to legally change her name to the letter "c". A bunch of other shit, he called a guy who questioned the technical merits of his child rescue submarine a "pedophile" and doubled down when questioned. He just cannot take any insult to anything he has ever done in stride or like a man who can let those who have achieved less than him insult him in anyway. He stalked down an internet troll who said TSLA stock should not be trading at the price it was and called his work and harassed his boss, personally.

This is not what a normal mentally stable person with a strong and healthy sense of self does. Is Elon a genius? I don't know but in terms of shear measurable professional achievement it's pretty hard to argue that he is not in the top 10 of any list you could put together of living men. I am not saying all this just to shit on the guy, just to let you know why he is fucking grimes.

A lot of very very high achieving people did a lot of weird shit in their personal life such as Howard Hughes, Tesla, Newton and others. If I were a billionaire I would personally try to date boxxy or crackychan

>> No.19881050
File: 66 KB, 914x960, 1592698401200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but women are not real human beings, elon sounds based to me

>> No.19881066
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the guy had a hair transplant. can't trust those type of people who are that insecure.

>> No.19881089

He’s slowly turning into Donald Trump. Just needs the spray tan

>> No.19881091

This. And >>19881050 this.

>> No.19881132

didnt read but he should fuck his daughter

>> No.19881203

What are the odds that this dude would have ended up in the gutter with 10 impregnated tattooed single mothers and a syringe in his arm, had he been born poor?

>> No.19881214

you can't lie tho that hair transplant worked like magic

>> No.19881263

Pretty sure it's high functioning autism

>> No.19881283


>> No.19881343
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It's not fragility. It's just autism.

>> No.19881344

>He honestly sees women and other people as means to and end and not as real feeling human beings.


>> No.19881390

So you’re telling me, he’s done literally everything right? What a stupid seethe post you reddit nigger

>> No.19881402

woah the stock is so high

>> No.19881403

Gotta love emerald mining

>> No.19881486

Literally living his best life, and a walking talking meme machine to boot.
Biz should fucking worship him but I guess the ressentment won't let them.

>> No.19881585

hi bootlicker

>> No.19881595

Obviously all those self made billionaires are psycho at a level or another anon.
You need to be mentally devient on some aspects to be so hellbend on building an empire when you could just be a "little" millionaire living a comfy relaxed life

An ugly goblina who peaked at 15, respect yourself OP

>> No.19881612

You're lashing out at him right now before he's going to Mars and you're not. :)

>> No.19881616

He as born rich? All my respect for him instantly evaporated.

>> No.19881697

This post was made by BALD GANG

>> No.19881705

He isn't

>> No.19881809

If boomers told you that electric cars were impossible for decades and ulafags that landing rockets was impossible and you prove them both wrong in a massive way you would too have a massive ego.

This guy btfo the gatekeepers in two key industries in such a way they are ashamed to show their faces.

You don't see companies like ula showing new stuff because they would need to explain why the government or nasa paid like 500m per launch to send 13 tons to low earth orbit while spacex can send 20 tons for 50m.

>> No.19881902

notice the video feed always cuts out when the reusable rockets land? yea that’s recycled footage. deception

>> No.19881998

Nigger what are you talking about

>> No.19882053

>e has six sons and 3 of them are triplets. He is always going on about trans humanism and it is pretty much a given he selected his embroys for male sex and discarded females. The odds of having 6 sons and all male triplets without fertility treatments is staggeringly low and this is totally something he would do.
I would do the opposite, and do sperm sorting or embryo selection for females, since women live life on easymode.
Also if I were a billionaire, I would buy a giantess and marry/impregate her.
At least she wouldn't look like my adolescent daughter when standing next to me, even if she was young.

>> No.19882067

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=aH9JQ4Kash0

>> No.19882273

The landing footage on the ship cuts due to the vibrations, the first landing had great footage tough since it was filmed outside the ship.

Obviously they don't have media teams now they are doing it 3 times a month.


>> No.19882295

lol what happened with the last rocket launch. dig deeper

>> No.19883385

>a man
Only milktrucks and the finest brappers fine sir.

>> No.19883471

he is fucking based, we need more people like him

>> No.19883643
File: 233 KB, 2048x2048, 7E276F72-5EB8-4E08-84FA-2CF4137AD5E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this explains some of it. This is his mother

>> No.19883680


>> No.19883760

No. I think hes just not your little bitch CEO that takes eats your shit with a smile on his face. You hit him, he hits back. Thats not having a fragile ego, thats called being a fucking man. Now fuck off back to starbucks, soipussy.

>> No.19883822

>Elon musk impregnated to the girl you've been crushing on since her Tumblr days.

How do I compete with Elon fucking musk?

>> No.19883920

Find a girl who bathes

>> No.19884126


>> No.19884535

Muskrat please. He's the most bitchy manbaby CEO the world has ever seen. Worse, he's not even good at anything he does. He's been constantly kicked out from companies he was part of (including those he founded) for incompetence and had many deals fall through because of his retardation. Even "his" current companies are just companies he purchased.

>> No.19885863


Musk is a government shilled puppet. He is being used to secure funding for NASA, the paramilitary wing of the US. He is being marketed to idiots like you who are gullible as shit so you won't notice that you live in corporatism.

>> No.19886138


>> No.19886538

Yea these people are psychopaths and narcissist. Sometimes they make good leaders if they are smart enough, but IMO they see people as automatons. They want to get things done to fuel the narcissism.

>> No.19886585

I'm anon that used to smash grimes ten years ago. Her pussy smells like battery acid

>> No.19886603


>> No.19886870

how can this make your stock drop

>> No.19887028
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, sadfhae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians do cute victory signs
>whiteoid roasties do vulgar rock shit
Why are asian girls so superior? It's not even close anymore.

>> No.19888532

How did you do that?

>> No.19889098

hes just another random redditor, if it wasn't for his father giving him millions he would be just another stranger

>> No.19889191
File: 140 KB, 1100x825, 5db36222dee019314343a5b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i was going bald and could afford a top of the line hair transplant i'd do it too though. he sure as fuck wouldn't be pulling amber heard and grimes if he still looked like this.

>> No.19889267

yeah you can tell she's nuts. she probably beat him with a belt every time he got 1 point below 100 on a test.