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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 97 KB, 1204x554, VitalikPNKnationalizeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19875443 No.19875443 [Reply] [Original]

You want an under the radar De-Fi project? Kleros is just that. We are the new elite neets finding shit well before normans.

"Kleros threads on 4chan’s /biz/ suggests the link marines may have found a new project to latch onto. If the justice as a service protocol can’t 10x through cornering the defi market, perhaps it can be memed to the moon courtesy of the same ‘weaponized autism’ that saw Chainlink turned into a $1 billion project."


I wish I had stronger hands. I wish the prospects of a future bear didn't scare me so much. PNK fixes the economic, systematic, and governance power problems. It's all too clear that online systems will boom, and Kleros isn't just some shitcoin. I should have seen it last December, but the more I read, the more it's confirmed.

I just wish I had more FIAT. Only $12K in PNK, and sure, I have no question I will cross $1.2M in the next 2-3 years, but if I only had $50k more I could swing-trade whilst ETH shoveling and NEVER worry about touching my original stack.

Someone loan me $50k plz I will pay you back within a year. I'm serious. I PROMISE I won't sell until $1 this time. I used to laugh at Kleros and think "wow this will NEVER work" but then I realized I did the same thing with Chainlink. When you remove the mental block from your brain and think 10 years ahead, it becomes abundantly clear that you DON'T know everything and should stop being so prejudicial toward catalysts that are yet unseen.

I finally bought my first 1M PNK around Christmas, as a present to myself to do better and take more risks. Now I personally think it isn't even a risk, and buy 250k each month so I can swing later. Anyone who thinks "this is just a jury token" is doomed to remain poor.

>> No.19875472

I saw this post like 10 hours ago

>> No.19875639

Clement be thy name, thy kleros kingdom coom.

>> No.19875665

normans gonna start knowing at some point

>> No.19875791

If we know, (eventually) they know. such is the life cycle of coiners.

>> No.19876173

The court never sleeps anon. Justice must always be upheld.

>> No.19877008
File: 55 KB, 1024x584, 1591113357209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw in 10 years sleeping knowing my kid's financial future is secured because I got 15k PNK in United States American year 2020

>> No.19877023

Whats the make it stack

>> No.19877069

1M PNK is over 20K, if you need that much money invested in a sub 10M cap coin to make it then the problem isn't a big deal anyway

>> No.19877220


Prob like 100k when this thing gets going

>> No.19877409


>> No.19877597
File: 71 KB, 912x1024, EHkz0TRXUAMn19F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.19877724

>This good coin will surely 10x or it will go moon with 4chan meme magic !

Is Bitcoin.com a joke site? Can anyone post there? I don't get it.

>> No.19877742

Btw if you think Chainlink is valued highly because of "memes" you are fucking stupid

>> No.19877869

the absolute state of PNK pajeets, milking a 2 year old vitalik post and thinking that a shady pajeet tier crypto project will be nationalized



>> No.19877888

You sound desperate. Your FUD is just weak tea man. Crank it up a knotch or you'll never see 1c

>> No.19877929

It's bitcoin.com man
It's lost some credibility since Roger Ver went off from the party lines but it's still fucking bitcoin.com

I don't know but I'm fucking buying DESU

>> No.19877949

500k to make it.

>> No.19878010
File: 19 KB, 208x208, KlerosJanJan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was removed because certain sirs wanted to accumulate more...

>> No.19878017

250k poorfag reporting. Comfy.

>> No.19878179
File: 189 KB, 1600x1070, Vitalik-Shilling-Kleros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 year old tweet
May 15th 2020
Vitalik tweets about kleros frequently. Don't get left behind anon.

>> No.19878212

implying id ever buy a shitcoin

>> No.19878307

Seriously. Let them pass it. Let them see it cross $1 and know they could have bought UNDER one penny just 6-8 months ago. Literally the easiest 125x in bryptoblurrency.

>> No.19878323

You’ll do just fine, anon.

>> No.19878331

Hey yall. Scotty P here. I reckon this fixin to take off once Chico Crypto drops his Kleros video later this week.

>> No.19878363

>We are the new elite neets finding shit well before normans
Translation: we are the pnd discord pajeets desperatly trying to unload my shitcoin bags
Fuck off, how do you expect anybody to take that shitcoin serious when it was discord spammed here.
You pajeets seem to forget that pnd shilling random shit out of the blue actually is a huge red flag. Just like STA and now STONK.
Whoever buys gives you indians money deserves to be poor

>> No.19878465

Holy fuck is this real

>> No.19878477

I almost don't want this to happen. But if it does, I guess....ehhh.

I hate this dude so much.

>> No.19878754

plz no.

>> No.19878881

Please yes it is time. You got a bag right?

>> No.19879043

2.5M. I sold 1M at 4 cents and am gonna probs re-enter soon.