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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19863965 No.19863965 [Reply] [Original]

on biz
what #2 coin (besides BTC, ETH, XMR) does biz hold in high esteem as LINK?
i'm thinking RSR?

>> No.19863986

Nothing else at the moment. You only get projects like eth and link once every half a decade or so.

>> No.19863992


>> No.19864009

RSR is 4chan's baby link.

>> No.19864028

yeah, i think so too

>> No.19864087

i think XTZ could make a case
but i think crypto twitter was earlier to XTZ than biz
biz was early as fuck on LINK than anywhere else

>> No.19864112

This unfortunately, when link goes over 50$ that’s when you should start looking for the next one

>> No.19864138

unironically BSV

They are the only two taking institutional adoption seriously. Everything else is a blatant retail scam.

>> No.19864150

and unironically BUIDL
everything else, including LINK, is meh tier

>> No.19864213
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>what #2 coin (besides BTC, ETH, XMR) does biz hold in high esteem as LINK?
As of right now, quite literally nothing.
Anyone who says anything different is trolling, shilling their favorite shitcoin, or a newfag.

You could have made a case a few years ago for NEO or OMG being as highly regarded as LINK, but their times are long past.
Flavor of the month is picking your favorite DeFi coin, so probably one of those at the moment.
Think: Aave, SNX, BNT, KNC, COMP, etc

But as i said, those are flavor of the month and nothing comes even remotely close to LINK and the big 2

>> No.19864259

So never?

>> No.19864280

Literally the only thing carrying Link is the desperate, near-suicidal hype from its bag holders.

>> No.19864287

i think RSR has a shot like other anon said baby link

>> No.19864300

i think Hedera Hashgraph

>> No.19864303

Imagine coping this hard. Oldfags are already wealthy from their link gains.

>> No.19864328

the wealthy oldfags sold a long time ago, most coins are owned by >1 year holders

>> No.19864342

You'd be surprised.

>> No.19864344

There is no #2
There is only Chainlink
Everyone else will run their own blockchains and use staked link as moving on chain data security / using Arbitrum nodes of their quantity choosing to run blockchain esque solutions

>> No.19864379
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>> No.19864442

hbar not shilled as much in biz
coins that shilled the most usually have
some pretty good memes

>> No.19864445
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The issue with trying to name any other coin as highly regarded as LINK/ETH is in the fact that those 2 have quite literally hundreds of projects relying on them.

Without LINK or ETH, there would be an almost entire collapse of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Too many projects and developmental efforts rely on these 2 projects.

Any other coin you could possibly mention, such as RSR, could completely and utterly fail and would affect almost nothing outside of itself.
This is why LINK and ETH are so highly regarded, they are extremely integral parts of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. They are the legs that so many other projects stand on.

>> No.19864460

you're not wrong

>> No.19864463
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>hey look Grandma, it's that idea you had back in 2015! and this faggot thinks Link is going to make this work!

>> No.19864479


>> No.19864548

BTC - decentralized digital gold
ETH - decentralized super computer, smart contracts
LINK - decentralized oracle
RSR - decentralized stable coin

i think there is a need for decentralized stable coin and that would complete the tetralogy

>> No.19864555

Lol that’s literally the opposite of what the data on Glassnode says you absolute mongoloid

>> No.19864688

Not number 2... Yet


>> No.19864755

I'm holding Link and Lition.

>> No.19864759


>> No.19865000

You could've invested in 100 different types of stock and had better gains than you got with Link scam.

>> No.19865108

But the 'scam' is just about to take off. Haven't you heard?

>> No.19865132

You wouldn't be here unless you had a hard-on for Link. Lets face it.

>> No.19865630

> The fourth industrial revolution will be nothing more than a fiat emulator.
You've just made the dumbest post that I've seen all year. Congrats on this, srsly

>> No.19865643


>> No.19865663

What stock (or crypto) would have pumped 30x from most of our entries?? I'll wait...

>> No.19865680

you will be able to STAKE both on Bancor soon when V2 update comes out



>> No.19865723

im agreeing only because the shilling got to me.
1.1m wallet check in...

>> No.19865745

Completely non overlapping high value use cases
Both will print tons of millionaires

>> No.19865859

you mean "quadrilogy." A tetralogy is 3.

>> No.19865948

ANJ Aragon Court

>> No.19865975
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I've been here when the coin was 0.1
and I've always thought it's just the /biz/ meme coin
which is basically the only reason I didn't want to put money in it..
hold me bros
should I get some when it dumps soon?

>> No.19866042

Try again

>> No.19866250

lots of rumbling about DMG
what's this about?

>> No.19866646

oh dear...

>> No.19867411

The trinity is

Dont know what the defi flavor of the month is, but maybe one of them
and XMR Monero

>> No.19867577

PNK was shilled heavily here not too long ago. The ironic thing is, it's the complete opposite of a shit coin, which is what the majority of coins mentioned on biz are.

>> No.19867593

I-exec (RLC)

>> No.19867594


>> No.19867763

Did you?

>> No.19867863

LINK is 3rd after BTC and ETH. There is as yet no 4th, only rotating flavour of the month shitcoins. The reason no one posts about BTC and ETH is the same reason oldfag have stopped posting about LINK.

>> No.19868611

LINK hasn't gotten to BTC and ETH's level yet
still seeing a lot of LINK threads
can't wait when biz stops shilling LINK
and start shilling something else non-stop

>> No.19868632


>> No.19868741

It will probably be something revolutionary that uses link.

>> No.19869215

interesting thought
ETH "came out" of BTC
LINK "came out" of ETH
? "came out" of or makes use of LINK

>> No.19869229


>> No.19869264


>> No.19869296

Spoonfeeding /biz/ for 9 months now with the quantpill and /biz/ still doesn't care. Well I hope y'all will never start caring (mostly hoping for nolinkers) because this board will otherwise commit mass sudokus

>> No.19869302


>> No.19869352

Always back the one which backs Value Income! As most of the centralized bodies are supporting the Universal Basic Income, just like VID.camera other crypto ecosystems should back Value Income.

>> No.19869374

Nigga if ethereum fails, ada will take over. If chainlink fails, an oracle competitor will take over. Wtf do you smoke

>> No.19869419

Been here since 2017, 50-50 in LINK and ETH. There is nothing else

>> No.19869533


>> No.19869569

>trying to shill XMR and RSR by grouping them in with LINK
Shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.19869585

How do I cash out my link if I never paid any of my taxes on it to date

>> No.19869613

BNT is the only one that even comes close in terms of potential
especially with V2 update and new tokenomics design

>> No.19869947

hope so too
i got a bag of 5K BNT

>> No.19870150

it depends on if you are going to pay your taxes or not....if yes, you need to come up with something to get the basis, then pay tax on the gain.
else...you need to go another route

>> No.19870190

Love it. Just bought 100k

>> No.19870240

100k is like 20 bucks.

>> No.19870546

100K is like $500 now
100K is a suicide stack
1M is make it

pretty much guaranteed to be listed on Coinbase as are all DCG investments

>> No.19870925

Based and truthpilled. At a $10mil mcap, fucking laughable to think how undervalued it is. They’re unironically pioneers

>> No.19871611

The future summed up in less than 10 words. This anon gets it.

>> No.19871704
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lets take a fast efficient automated system, and add slow inefficient humans

>> No.19871731

nice lunch money

coinbase listing seems to mean fuck all these days. RSR will moon though regardless

>> No.19872077

>he doesn’t understand subjectivity

>> No.19872870
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Neck newfag