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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 521x464, photo_2020-06-22_07-48-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19849486 No.19849486 [Reply] [Original]

123ETH or 42% of presale uniswap liquidity has been completely locked up - view the TX here:

42% of balancer presale liquidity has also been locked up here:

>> No.19849502

the next sta with balancer, buy now before to late

>> No.19849532

I'm on it buddy, I see $$$$$$$ on its back,

>> No.19849539

For the win

>> No.19849591

agree next gen $STA is comming

>> No.19849671

is this a new STA UBOMB? I hope so, I can see that it is mooning, too late?

>> No.19849748

Is this thing legit, or just another pnd?

>> No.19849770

STONK link


>> No.19849831

Lol dev is known scammer, get ready to watch the pool being drained anytime now

>> No.19849851

Pool is locked from my understanding

>> No.19849873

Btw this “liquidity locked” bullshit is totallly made to fool you guys, yes liquidity is locked but dev holds the tokens and can trade them for the pool liquidity at anytime. Plus ppl on discord are accusing him of being the BAGGS main dev

If you buys this after DYOR then you deserve to be scammed

>> No.19849924

Its literally locked using the same method that STA is using. STA got audited and their method is clean. Sooooo im trying to understand how STONK is bad

>> No.19849941

Sure STA got audited. Talk to me when STONKS gets audited lol

Like that armenian scammer is ever gonna let them audit it

Also, 100 bucks say he’ll exit scam within 2 days

>> No.19849965

Honestly just buy, fuck this

Tired of warning people, I warned you retards when it was BAGGS, now the same fucker has created STONKS and hes gonna make crazy miney out of biz again

You guys will never learn

>> No.19850151


>> No.19850188

stay poor fudders ahaha
it's going to feed the city

>> No.19850258

Not pnd LEGIT
Pumping now LETS GOOOO

>> No.19850264

sta hasn't even been out that long, i feel like your jumping kinda quick on the stonks train

>> No.19850282

massive scam. watch out, liquidity is gone.

>> No.19850304

Worth a shot, I'm putting in an eth!

>> No.19850395

You guys are gonna lose so much money jesus

Discord is flooded with people warning about this scam, biz never learns

>> No.19850855

Made my profit, this is very likely going to exit scam soon, but thanks biz

>> No.19850909

Hey, dumb fuck /biz/ bros? Want to make a couple hundred scamming your fellow man? Check out “balancer.finance” it is the exact tool all these useless shitcoins are using to make index funds, just add your own shitcoin into it!

Make sure you spam it on /biz/ daily and lie about it heavily. Remember just go to balancer.finance and you can make your own super cool STA/STONK/SHIT and scam hundreds-thousands just like them.

>> No.19850954

Holy shit we're really mooning

>> No.19850983


Just make your own /biz/ bros and reap app the profits. Be the lead dev with this simple tool and sucker in all the idiots on biz for a quick thou.

>> No.19851021
File: 10 KB, 177x285, mmmmm yesss snif sfniffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy now before to late
>I'm on it buddy, I see $$$$$$$ on its back,
>For the win
>agree next gen $STA is comming
>I can see that it is mooning, too late?
>stay poor fudders ahaha
>Not pnd LEGIT
>Pool is locked from my understanding
>Pumping now LETS GOOOO
>Worth a shot, I'm putting in an eth!
>Holy shit we're really mooning

this post absolutely REEKS of curry hahahahahahhahah. yes yes yes velly velly good my sirs

>> No.19851245

Stay poor chad

>> No.19851286

>Stay poor chad
You further proved his point by choosing such a reply.

>> No.19851387


You know the CEO of Google is a pajeet right?

>> No.19851420

Be careful anons. This is heading for a massive correction after mooning hard all day. It’ll need to correct at some point - just pointing this out.

>> No.19851438

It already corrected lol

>> No.19851480

Lol that’s not a correction man. Just wait for it. People will take their profits before they go to bed. Always happens.

>> No.19851635
File: 72 KB, 531x471, 1415928129732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to excuse pajeetery

>> No.19851684
