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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19848540 No.19848540 [Reply] [Original]

I have a $8000 MacBook Pro and $1500 iPhone. All I do is check 4chan all day. I don't know how I can profit off my expensive Apple gear. Any advice biz? pls no troll/memes. Im serious.

>> No.19848546

Sell your shit and buy bonds

>> No.19848567

sell your shit and wait for the release of the newer apple models. consoooom and repeat

>> No.19848584

Learn how to edit video or produce music and sell your services. I recommend Adobe premiere Pro and Ableton live.

>> No.19848592

When the bullrun takes off I'm going straight to Apple's site to order the most expensive Macbook Pro on there. I don't give 2 shits if I won't do anything to justify spending even 1/4th of the cost. I just wanna FLEX.

>> No.19848798

>I have a $8000 MacBook Pro and $1500 iPhone
>throws away $9.500 for shit

>> No.19848819

fucking retard
kill yourself

>> No.19848832

you have useless electronic gizmos you don't even know how to operate fully. you should of spent your time on the fucking basketball court, but you didn't fucking listen.

>> No.19848864

Affix the laptop to your chest, and add a chainlink powered storefront for your mobile blowjob kiosk. Bring some wigs and lipstick and let customers customize your look for extra tokens

>> No.19848870
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imagine having a $8000 computer that can't run VR. An core i9-9900k only costs $540.

>> No.19848891

Sell both and buy a Thinkpad and a Nokia 2.1, throw the remaining $9k straight into BTC/ETH.

>> No.19848899 [DELETED] 

Please tell me you already do something with that laptop to make money.

>> No.19849071

Do you own a car anon?
If so, drive it off a fucking cliff.

>> No.19849086


Imaging being so poor you think spending a few grant on some consumer tech is impressive

>> No.19849123
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why would anyone buy an apple product? I have an iPhone SE (smart phone master race), but today, I cannot imagine why someone would want to buy an apple product. I don't want to buy a new apple phone because everything apple has been pumping out in recent years is absolute garbage. junk

>> No.19849170

Dunno I like my 13" mid2018 macbook pro I bought for 2k 2 years ago. Its comfy to write code on it and it runs factorio. Also looks nice.

But holy shit the keyboard sucks

>> No.19849195

Well you can only compile with Xcode on a mac

>> No.19849457

what an idiot you cant profit from shit like that, get rid of it and buy a 1k windows laptop which will surely have the same specifications/power and a $500 android phone which is 2x better than a shitty iphone.

Start there, then come back...

>> No.19849485

I don't do anything on it. Thought it'd be nice to have the best of the best and future proof ya know? Im a neet and got pretty good monies from trump and EDD and couldn't think of anything else good to spend it on so went all out w/ the MacBook and iPhone. Maybe next EDD paycheck Ill get a camera so I could review this beastly sexy ass machine for you guys.

>> No.19849497

Make YouTube videos. That camera computer combo could easily hand video production.

>> No.19849517

True but I love my apple products.. and when I go to the Bucks I don't want no one seeing me with no windows or android gear.. that's embarrassing. You gotta rock the apple to get the honeys.

>> No.19849536

Only a fraction of people need a computer. Everyone else just needs a browser and a screen.

>> No.19849537

dude me blowing 400$ on scratchoffs drunk was smarter than that. jesus bro you fucked up, literally could of spent half the money you WASTED on that garbage on actual investments so you could buy that gawdy crap and not post on /biz/ "uggghhhh guys I need money halp". fucking retard, if I was your father I'd be jaw dropped at how badly my son turned out; probably would ask my wife if she dropped the fucker on his head when I wasn't looking. 8k on a fucking mac book JESUS LOL wtf do you do on it that you couldnt do on a 3k alienware laptop?

>> No.19849542

i almost beleived you until reading this comment. this absolutely has to be bait

>> No.19849550

What videos should I make? Im not very interesting. Cant believe that toy review kid makes so much money just reviewing toys. I need to find my niche.

>> No.19849578

women that you think are attracted to you over material possessions would fuck niggers/white boys in shabby clothes they bought from goodwill. they respect actual men, not little boys with best buy electronics

>> No.19849587

Not bait. I really did blow my trump/edd check on top of the line apple gear. wondering what I can do to maximize its potential. I sit here wondering with all this power I now possess what can I do to make money.

>> No.19849615

ok this is a troll

>> No.19849616
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if not bait then this is really sad

>> No.19849648

I have a galaxy s9 plus i scammed amazon for (just claimed someone stole it from my doorstep).
And a heavily modded thinkpad t430, fell for the /g/ meme, spent some money on it to have it modded like this but 2 big batteries make it heavy as fuck.
I also have 230k$ worth of chainlink.

>> No.19849655

imagine buying all this stupid shit. it loses 70% of its value when you walk out the door. fucking retard you deserve a bag of dog shit in exchange for it, not money.

>> No.19849662

and the answer is: that notebook and phone won't make you money. next time you get your hands on 10k first think about what you want to do, THEN buy the equipment for it.

>> No.19849693

the best value you will get out of buying this shit is realizing how it won't make any women worth shit be more attracted to you next time you visit startbucks

>> No.19849747

I beg to differ. As Im typing this out, some girl at the bucks notice my nice ass MacBook and iPhone and wants to give me head in the restroom. Ill review how it went and report back to you lads later.

>> No.19849809
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delete the thread retard if all these incels realize expensive gadgets turn you into a pussy magnet we'll lose our magic

>> No.19849858

He can just use Final Cut and Garageband.

>> No.19849859

You can convert articles online or books into YouTube videos using stock footage and the processing power of your MacBook

>> No.19850122

A genius born too soon...

>> No.19850214

>loses 70% of its value
That's all tech anon. The resale market for Apple products is quite robust.
I'm not even an apple fan and I know you're wrong.

>> No.19850272

I bought a 2017 MacBook Pro for under $900 with tax and shipping

>> No.19850301

I have a MAC because I'm an iOS developer by trade.
If I wasn't, then I wouldn't own a mac.

That said, it's served me well.
The ecosystem's nice and I like the terminal tools.
I realize that I can do all this stuff and more on a windows PC, but I'd rather pay for the convenience of keeping my Hackentosh up to date.

>> No.19850349
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Just keep consooming and you will make it!

>> No.19850822

>I don't know how I can profit off my expensive Apple gear.
rent it out as a door stop

>> No.19850997

>buy bonds
Damn whats been going on with biz lately. Who are you people?

>> No.19851278

People looking to dump their bonds.
Ignore them.
A serious piece of advice. Bonds are not really the place you want to be at the moment.