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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 90 KB, 1420x946, buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19842774 No.19842774 [Reply] [Original]


The lads behind this coin look like they're onto something and its cheap AF right now. Only 100 mil supply and its currently 0.0003 cents.

Most scams put even less effort into these projects and see massive price pumps. These guys have barely tried to promote their project, and people are slowly buying big amounts cause its so cheap rn

As always DYOR. Im sure i will be met with a bunch of racist curryposters immediately - but you should make a decision about this coin yourself.

Check etherscan, if you have a brain you can sniff out the scams. I don't think this is one - and even if it is - its an elaborate one that the creators have tied their real life identities to. You are still very early. Upside potential is huge.


>> No.19842845

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yessssssss sniff snifffffffffffff velly good sirs

>> No.19842859

Right on time lol

>> No.19842864

This looks like a retarded shill

>> No.19842913

Everything reaks of curry here. Nobody is dumping but there is no social media, no dev team behind this. Might as well give those IDEX pedos your money

>> No.19842946

Why do you think anybody posts on here anon. All i am saying is if you are clever and have recognised the uniswap hype, this has potential
If you can't afford to throw <1 ETH at this you haven't been capitalising off the recent DEX hype
These shits are literal money multipliers and this one seems way less scammy than 90% of the others i see on the Uniswap listings groups

There is a TG and a website. as i said DYOR, actually look into it before you dismiss it. I spoke to the first guy shilling this coin on the phone who confirmed non pajeet status

Not all are scams. Look at STA

>> No.19842975

you mean this fine work of art? https://tigercoin.wordpress.com/

>> No.19843004
File: 134 KB, 988x783, 1418448424490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dude. That is from 2014 and is not affiliated with this project at all

use your head

>> No.19843052

you are a terrible shill sandeep

you offer nothing but dyor, and when someone reveals your scam your curry munching ass only says "use your head good sirs"

>> No.19843143
File: 66 KB, 722x349, 1416186739432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reveals your scam

as I just said, the link you posted has nothing to do with these guys

and of course use your head - nobody should be investing in anything without doing some research on it first

You are quite obviously dismissing this as a scam without doing any basic research

I am not giving financial advice, or telling you what to buy. Just notifying people of an opportunitiy. Do with your own money what you will.

>> No.19843295

Nobody wants your stinky curry coin

>> No.19843523

you say that, yet the volume is slowly increasing

>> No.19843732

Who on the dev team are you? Are you paula? Is she hot?

>> No.19844548

None of them. I just try and find the non scams (not that hard if you are willing to pore through etherscan TXs/do the background research) and these guys seem more legit than 90% of the uniswap "projects" out there

>> No.19844971

I'm going to have to agree.
At first I was laughing my ass off at the retards thinking this isn't a pajeet scam...
Then I actually read what they said both on the website and in Telegram and it's looking absurdly bullish.

I'm delighted to actually get in early on a great looking project.