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19815787 No.19815787 [Reply] [Original]

How hard is the government gonna come after me for taking CERB when I might not qualify?

>> No.19815821
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claim it and use it to claim haircomb token - the shittiest shitcoin there is

>> No.19815904

That's nothing but another name of Universal Basic Income. It eventually gonna paid by your money only! We need Value Income-based ecosystems like VID.camera in such critical times. Their digital campaign platform opening up reward opportunities to end-users directly.

>> No.19816590

Just anecdotally I know at least one person who committed CERB fraud and has been investigated already.

>> No.19816602

how did they commit the fraud?

>> No.19816861

If you're not reporting income during the time you're on CERB then you should be fine. If you are reporting other income, then you're fucked.

>> No.19816912

So the fraud is from people working and still claiming CERB?

>> No.19816929

I reccomend you do not fuck with the government and the CRA

>> No.19817106

hello trudeau

>> No.19817134

If you didn't lose your job directly cause of covid (your ROE is the only way to prove it) and you've accepted money without paying back by the time they wrap up the program, then its fraud.

>> No.19817147

what about my juicy gains from the market and severance?

>> No.19817162

How about the student fund?

>> No.19817357

It's not like I was prying for the exact details, Anon.

>> No.19817400

If you're reporting more than $1k monthly you're fucked
If it's under that you're still boozin and cruisin

>> No.19817771

don't forget that the first acquisition of CERB is a little more lax, I sent in when my contract term expired for the 2 weeks I didn't get paid and aside from some iffyness about whether my employment situation was COVID caused, I qualified for everything the site listed. needing to earn <$1k for the whole month is something that only gets applied to the recurrent applications from the first.

>> No.19817802

Yeah, that's true.
The big difference was when they offered CERB to people who were still employed but making under the $ threshold. The current eligibility requirements are quite lax compared to what they were at first.

>> No.19817904

They will come after you hard. The liberals pushed a bill through that basically says anyone who took CERB who shouldn't have will be fined and likely go to jail. If you thought this was free money, i've got bad news for ya.

>> No.19817962

Yea good luck inforcing that shit.

>> No.19817995

Shut the fuck up I already told you twice that the motion itself had no opposition backing and bill is frozen.

>> No.19818219
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>you want it to be one way, but it's the other way.
It would be bad news for them.

>> No.19818800

Anyway, in more accurate news, anything determined to be an inadequate use of CERBs will result in a mandate to repay the money. Criminal fraud charges will go out only in cases of clear, unambiguous manipulation, everything else will just have to be reasonably assumed to be a mistaken order. CERBs was given out under the expectation that Canadians at risk could take out the payment if the future was uncertain, and then keep or repay the money depending on how things turned out.

>> No.19819385

major fud. people who are out right cheating will probably be fined. people with a history of fraud, and clearly took money they weren't qualified for may risk jail time. for your average person who worked a couple months of the previous year and isn't working due to covid, you are qualified to accept cerb.

they also won't mandate anything based off of "inadequate use"

>> No.19819412

i know foreigners on disability who have collected
CERB. this will be chalked up to a mistake. only the white guy who did some handyman work during the pandemic will be fined. let's be honest

>> No.19819631

You'll have to pay it back with maybe a fine that probably won't be that big. They might not even catch you though.

Nobody's going to jail unless you were like stealing SINs and collecting 50 CERBs.

>> No.19819903


kek imagine being an poorfag who doesn't interact with the CRA enough to know it's bullshit

they won't come after you next year, or the year after that or even in 5 years

then 8 years later you first start getting calls from CRA, your employers too if you stated you got laid off when you didn't

then after a while they'll send you a mail saying you got you you fraudulent motherfucker

good news is you won't go to jail
bad news is we want all our money back, and those 8 years we spent fucking around before we got to your case.. well lets just say you owe us interest for those 8 years and every second you delay paying us back will add to that interest