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19808644 No.19808644 [Reply] [Original]

My options will expire today because they couldn't brake 50 fucking cents to end in the money
I lost 6k through stupid moves and I am still bleeding money today.

I need someone to hug me and hold me in the fetal position cares my hair and tell me everything will be all right.

I made literally every bad move I could this week, fuck this week

>> No.19808663

sick blog dude! can i subscribe?

>> No.19808689
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>> No.19808715

Stop trading options dumdumb

>> No.19808854
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Options are not the reason, I am too new to this shit and I didn't do my dd before I bought 4k worth of calls in oil tankers that tanked like shit this week, I bought in to a stupid fuckin company after that that keeps pumping within 50 cents ITM so I would dump those bags and now I fomoed in to byfc at the fucking top and I am going to bleed even more cash.

I can't take it anymore anon, I just need a little bit of green today, just a little someone buy CSV and pump that nigger stock over the 20 dollar mark please, I just need a small win today, the whole week I bleed fucking money like a bitch on the rag

>> No.19809042

Don't day trade, retard. You can't beat the markets. Almost zero retail investors can beat the markets by day trading long term. Just buy shares in solid companies you believe in and hold.

>> No.19809259

I don't day trade bro, I just had a really rough patch this week, I need better tools to predict tendencies, you can't really do much with just a stupid phone

>> No.19809294

I’ve lost 60k this year, man up 6k is honestly nothing and you will get over it in a week.

I’m out of the markets now just saving money and looking for other real estate / business ventures . Have 27k so far and save like 3k/month

>> No.19809300

you don't need better tools, you just need a better brain. Imagine if you wrote those calls instead of buying... Think about it

>> No.19809315

Another kid who falls for the meme lines and day-trade meme.

You will never make it kid.

There's no such thing in life as get rich quick schemes, stop timming the market, invest with 5-10 year horizons or stay poor, the fuck do I care anyway.

>> No.19809853

The joke is you can make money fairly quickly in the market, but you sure as fuck can't do it from intraday moves and technical analysis. You have more options than boomer indexing slow or zoomer intraday gambling. Day trading and TA are grounded in fundamentally incorrect premises about market data sets. Operating in the market with those premises is like operating in a combat sport like MMA or boxing under the belief that if you just train hard enough you can shoot fireballs out your hand like Ryu.

As a result, you'll spend all your time trying to train a skill that doesn't work instead of using your time to train one that does and when the time comes, some guy that trained with actual correct assumptions about combat will choke you out while you scream hadoken. A viable approach to the market starts with moderately accurate assumptions about yourself and how markets work. They don't even need to be perfect, they just can't be totally incorrect as they are in day trading and TA.

>> No.19809879

you are dumb as fuck.
just invest in black lives matter stocks or $Ship or whatever else is obviously going to moon.
stop playing with options like candy in this volatile market if you have no talent or skill.

>> No.19809903

Gibs me maney and ill send help your way

>> No.19809939

dude invest that 27k into ship today.
its going to moon.
thank me later when you've doubled or tripled your stack.
i'd say daytrade with the black matter stocks but honestly thats too volatile for someone like you.
Ship on the other hand is such an obvious moon so its about as safe as you get.
if the earnings call they release is ridiculous it could go to 1 dollar and above.
screenshot this post if you don't believe me.
life is short.

>> No.19810011

Oh boy i just read this is going babkrupt and see a downtrend pattern for the future of 1 washing buddy, CSV reported to have aids your fucked

>> No.19810018
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it'll all be ok op. why not just buy link & hold? yes it's not as exciting as trading, but it will more than likely be more profitable

>> No.19810099

man fuck off link shitters.
crypto shitters.
yall are worst.

>> No.19810517

why? other than the memes, what's the difference from an investment point of view? name a stock with as much potential upside as chainlink comparatively? if you just dismiss it all it says is that you're completely ignorant of the current corporate/business climate and are clueless about the economic & employment based changes that are around the corner