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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19738017 No.19738017 [Reply] [Original]

what % am I in?

>> No.19738166


Start scrolling

>> No.19738725

2 lazy do it for me

>> No.19739029

you're in the top 35%

>> No.19739051
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>> No.19739138

in the top 5%. At least top 10% if we take into account all the binance wallets...

>> No.19739311

With just 2,5k you are a top 5% link holder?

>> No.19739426

sorry. I fucked up. bIT DRUNG. At least 5% if exchange balances are not taken into account.
Although one could argue that smart people who own larger stacks, are not retarded enough to keep it on an exchange. So you are in the top 5% or higher. In a year or 2, you will be even higher.

>> No.19739443

only few % of population have money to throw around in different investments anyway. It's sad that a lot of people don't own any assets, and dont have a few large ones on the side as a reserve. "adults" who suck at adulting.

>> No.19739742

top 5%? how?
wallets * 5%
157269*0.05= 7863 all wallets above this position are above top 5%
7863 holds 2,747 links. Good enough i couldnt belive it my self so i had to check it. holy shit

>> No.19739804

At least top 7% from memory. Do keep in mind that like 30% of wallets have sub 5 links so not that impressive

>> No.19739826

>if we take into account all the binance wallets...
Why would taking them into account change anything? It's all about proportion

>> No.19739827

What are those wallets anyway, ranjeets and patels?

>> No.19739889

I suspect a significant amount of people and institution just buy litteraly every crypto in the top 100, so they have just a little bit of each. Then you must have some bots doing weird stuffs. Then you have people leaving dust in a wallet to have a round number.
Then you have those who keep a link a two on their everyday wallet for good luck.

>> No.19739923

How you feel about the people saying whales are keeping 6-7figs of crypto on exchanges.

I think it bollacks.

>> No.19739974

68mil link is on exchanges. Not much... Also a couple thousand of addresses have 0,00000001 link in it.

>> No.19740055

my mom owns more than double your stack. and she calls them "shares."
any more questions?

>> No.19740218

Don't sell it. It might be worth 50k or 75k in the future.

>> No.19740261

4000 former linker here. I sold it all. This is too much stress and us normies don’t have enough to get rich anymore. Best we quit while we can.

>> No.19740270

lol noob

>> No.19740315

Nah. I put in a solid 12 hours at work today. I recommend others sell too and focus on work and 401k. Crypto is a sham and it will all come crashing down real soon with new laws. It’s over!

>> No.19740332

Kek no thats funny. I hope she makes it.

>> No.19740359

Yes. This is the correct thought process. Sell all virtual assets. Focus on your job and performing well so you can get promoted and make more money. Cease these get rich quick schemes like crypto

>> No.19740368

I did the same.
The emotional stress and the 10% upd and down in days destroyed me and I could not focus anymore at all. My whole life was a mess, so I sold as well.
This shit can crash down another 50% easily. It is highly speculative.
And gambling away your future like that is just not smart.
Going the safe route is a proven way

>> No.19740404

TFW spent $2200 for 500 stinks.

I wake up every day and research the best ways to kill myself.

>> No.19740545

you paid the price for being a bit late but do your time and keep your head up. Its not like you have anywhere else to be

>> No.19740569


>> No.19740638

Chill man, you won't lose money as long as you don't have faggot weak hands

>> No.19740640
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>The emotional stress and the 10% upd and down in days destroyed me and I could not focus anymore at all.
are normans really like this? i've lost like $40k this week from link dumping and it's had no effect on me.

>> No.19740806

I want it lower

>> No.19740820
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Because you don't realize the danger you're actually in out of ignorance and hopium that Chain link will moon. I was concerned earlier when I saw my portfolio blown up. You should be too.

>> No.19740857

It's already mooned for me. You must be late to the party.

>> No.19740896


I just bought it a few days ago when it was $4.04

>> No.19740931

i bought link back in 2017 and have been in crypto since 2014, not my first rodeo nufren.

>> No.19741148

good shit, anon. you're exactly the type Marines need. good luck and godspeed.