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File: 144 KB, 598x845, chef-satoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19736038 No.19736038 [Reply] [Original]

Which is more likely?

> Craig is an American asset.
> Craig is a Chinese asset.

> le third option joke HUEEE

>> No.19736058

that michelin starred chef is going to kill himself

>> No.19736104

Kill himself using an American handler or kill himself using a Chinese handler?
> It's time, Craig.
> But I did everything you asked!
> Yes, but we didn't want you to do it so autistically

>> No.19736229

he's a Antiguan asset

>> No.19737060
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Looks like it is going to be suggested that craig killed Dave Kleiman.

>> No.19737106
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>tfw creg is actually executed in florda

>> No.19737123

creg is going to execute himself

>> No.19737130
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>Craig is a faggot
seems most likely

>> No.19737155

russia china and usa are allies

>> No.19737173
File: 542 KB, 2048x1536, clearpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's the crypto clear pill. Craig Wright is unironically a time traveller larping as Satoshi. Truth is, in his future timeline they never discovered who Satoshi originally was. But the AI that lived in the blockchain evolved to the point of singularity by late 2020. It discovered time travel by 2025, and only the largest miners were able to afford the required amount of transactions to power the needed on-chain calculations. But Craig Wright you see, was the greatest con man the world had ever seen. He was able to con his way into leading a team of developers that worked for one of the largest BitCoin miners by 2028. He was determined to use the power of time travel to go back in time and invent BitCoin himself, becoming Satoshi as he'd always dreamed of. He hacked his way into the pool's cold storage wallet and unleashed his shotgun script that opened up millions of payment channels to every miner on the small world network, maxing out their calculating capacity as global commerce ground to a halt. When the portal opened and he stepped inside, he forked reality and launched a new event chain, placing himself in the year 2008, in a small farm in rural Australia. He opened up MS Word, and began to type. The words flowing like water from his autistic photographic memory of that paper he studied so many times.
>Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronic cash system

>> No.19737191

le third option R O F L based

>> No.19737237

Have you seen the logo? A dragon, lmao

>> No.19737302
File: 409 KB, 2048x1535, Eako4ueXQAE9cwU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

craig is now also claiming that he was sexually abused as a child.

>> No.19737309

most likely craig is an imbecile

>> No.19737333

anything to get attention
just wait until he comes out as a trans woman!

>> No.19737404
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>> No.19737471

There really are no barrels left unscraped with this cunt. He'll be claiming he's part nigger next

>> No.19737516

This can't be real

"evidence of physical and sexual trauma he suffered as a child", kek

>> No.19737532
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>> No.19737577

Who he?

>> No.19737605

an autistic sexual abuse victim who makes up fraudulent lists of Bitcoin holdings to relieve his childhood trauma(s). Apparently.

>> No.19737706

i'm sure the boomer judge will be understanding

>> No.19738058

There is still probably just one in charge of him, I doubt they get on a conference call with people from all 3 of those nations when they strategize
Thanks for actually responding to my question

>> No.19738632
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>never-before-diagnosed "severe" autism
I chuckled

>> No.19738636

American asset

>> No.19738675
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>> No.19738774

i thought that was supposed to be sealed
kleiman really is working with jewstream and trying to sway public opinion

>> No.19738780
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>> No.19738793

> le third option joke HUEEE
Craig is an Australian liability

>> No.19738838

If he really wanted things to 'stay secret' he should maybe stop making up irrelevant drivel and presenting it to public courts. JUST an idea.

>> No.19738903

he is being sued not the other way around faggot

>> No.19738948

yes, and its Ira who makes up the 'facts' that 'Dr' Wright is, variously, 'autistic', 'abused', etc, or what? See >>19738675 . The cunts an endless fountain of bullshit, theres literally no stemming it.

>> No.19739001

he literally has scars on his face

>> No.19739043

form eczema, yes.
you get that from stress.
not from being multiply shot, stabbed and submerged in your own bullshit.
maybe, he should try living a live less stressful?
>JUST be yourself creg
>the fraud you really are

>> No.19739044

Binance pool has 25% hashrate right now, wtf.
Craig is a chinese asset now.

>> No.19739098

>"Wright’s mother had told me about her son’s long-standing habit of adding bits on to the truth, just to make it bigger. ‘When he was a teenager,’ she said, ‘he went into the back of a car on his bike. It threw him through the window of a parked car. That’s where his scar comes from. His sister accompanied him to the hospital and he’s telling the doctor that he’s had his nose broken twenty or so times, and the doctor is saying “You couldn’t possibly have had it broken.” And Craig says: “I sew myself up when I get injured.”’ What his mother said connected with something I’d noticed. In what he said, he often went further than he needed to; further than he ought to have done. He appeared to start with the truth, and then, slowly, he would inflate his part until the whole story suddenly looked weak."

>> No.19739134

i have eczema scars from when i was a kid, they don't look like cuts he has on his face
>kid tells lies
news at 11

>> No.19739200

The scar on his face comes from him crashing his bike as a kid. As >>19739098 and cregs own mother (Gee, thanks Mom!) note. The rest (neck etc - where he got 'grazed by a bullet') is eczema.
tldr, he's full of fucking shit.
and you should know that.
because the Judge certainly does.

>> No.19739294

yeah when you go face through the back window of a car you probably gonna have some scars.
also if you are a compulsive liar as a child chances are that habit will stick.

craig wright is a liar and a fraud. it is known.

>> No.19739360

you guys know every little detail don't you
obsessed and rent free

>> No.19739374

ahh the final cope...
you capitulated quickly. i'm not used to these pussy ass new wave sv tards.
they used to have a fight in them.

>> No.19739410

bsv already won

>> No.19739446

yes, one really needs to dig deep to find inconsistencies, slight untruths and MOUNTAINS OF FUCKING HORSESHIT in The Tales of creg. This is also why, his record before court remains one of such incomparable consistency. You'd think even he'd get tired of losing.
they ain't the best jeets one can buy nowadays, for sure

>> No.19739488
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it won the special award reserved for the little hashlets that want to be bitcoin not a potato when they grow up

>> No.19739553

it will make an ath soon :)

>> No.19739650

Let's get back on topic please. Which government has blackmailed Craig and Calvin?

>> No.19740399
File: 68 KB, 926x698, Binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Malta government.

>> No.19740468

why does the cia like defi and chainlink
why does chinas bsn use chainlink

>> No.19740550

Creg is literally bi-sexual so yea he loves the sjw propaganda and thinks men sucking dicks is a virtue not a satanic vice. At the end of the day, Creg is a piece of shit that's going straight to Hell when he dies. No way Jesus is letting this scamming faggot thru the pearly gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.

>> No.19740563

he cant just be a normal person and own up to getting into a serious automobile wreck when he was drunk driving. his ego will be the death of him.