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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19672241 No.19672241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should corporations be allowed to strong arm the only person still telling the truth off the air to further their agendas?

Has capitalism gone too far? Is this even capitalism?

>> No.19672304

Based tucker Carlson. FUCK (((Disney))) it’s run by a commie yid who gets his jollies off making race mixing cartoons

>> No.19672326

>Should corporations be allowed to strong arm the only person still telling the truth off the air to further their agendas?

Fuck off, communist. Corporations shouldn't have to spend money on anything if they don't want to.

>> No.19672379


>> No.19672382

This sort of reaction goes more towards showing how this is, more or else, a sponsored, phony "revolution". A revolution that's being allowed or commissioned to happen, so to say. With people losing their jobs or other source of funding/income, this just seems more like the very Authoritarianism this movement supposedly is trying to fight against: "agree with us, or we take away your livelihood". That's not anything new, just pointing out the irony.

How long has police brutality been an issue? How long have people been calling out increasing surveillance and control, since the days of 9-11? Why do people suddenly seem to apparently give a shit now, just as all the politically aligned media and corporations tell them to?

>> No.19672389

what did he say- just what's in the image?

>> No.19672409
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Because it's 2020 and Doland Drumpf is up for re election

>> No.19672423

You ever get so constipated you die?

>> No.19672430

“It may be a lot of things, this moment we’re living through, but it is definitely not about Black lives. Remember that when they come for you, and at this rate, they will.”

>> No.19672434


Kind of scary sounding. So the poop just builds up until it explodes inside you like a poopsplosion. I wonder why poopy lives don't matter

>> No.19672455

>hurr durr it's always been an issue so just dont talk about it ever bro
stay mad faggot, I'm sure you'd care if this was about your weeb cartoons

>> No.19672465


>> No.19672540


>> No.19672559


>> No.19672565

>Why do people suddenly seem to apparently give a shit now, just as all the politically aligned media and corporations tell them to? Saagar covered this topic with Joe Rogan not too long ago.


Basically the economic right-wing like the cultural left and cultural right divided against each other because then neither will start questioning corporations on their role in the state of the modern world. They don't pay Tucker Carlson isn't to undermine capitalism.

>> No.19672594

literally full of shit

>> No.19672621


>> No.19672674



>> No.19672689

This post is blackpilled af.

>> No.19672784

His advertisers are leaving over this and not that recording where he say Iraq is filled with semiliterate primitive monkeys and implies that he doesn't see muslims as human beings

>> No.19672811

Uh, yeah? The corporation exists to make a profit, and if some shithead causes all the advertisers to leave it's time to say "Goodbye, shithead."

>> No.19672860

But Tucker is the highest rated news broadcast in America so why would nobody want to advertise with him?

>> No.19672886

Virtue signaling is more important than money

>> No.19672889


why do you hate the free market?

>> No.19672897

>But Tucker is the highest rated news broadcast in America so why would nobody want to advertise with him?

Pissing off the right wing is the best way to have a commercial in 2020.


>> No.19672976

Virtue signaling IS money, silly -- why do you think corporations pander to current social issues so hard? They can't afford that casual "Nah, fuck them" from consumers if they're known to be associated with shitheads.

>> No.19673021

Won't be long until Tucker opens each show with 14 words.
I'm looking forward to that.

>> No.19673193

Man someone should open a index fund company that uses its shares to vote against SJW issues.

>> No.19673301

An underlying issue is an opportunity to be used when the time is right. If corporations did legitimately care about the plight of black americans being harmed by police, why not actually try to help lower socioeconomic people, so that they can avoid issues in the first place (while federal/state also dealing with the issue of police brutality?).

Jeff Bezos, for example, joined in by basically saying he doesn't want racist customers. And yet Amazon has a history of destroying any semblance of competition, not allowing smaller businesses to establish or maintain themselves - they undercut them with pricing since they can eat a larger loss. On their platform they tip the odds in their favor or whoever can afford the most for advertising. And you might say: "well that's just business", but then they also take advantage of tax deductions that come with Research and Development; investment in Property, plant, and equipment; and employee stock compensation, to the extent that it can sometimes basically avoid any federal Corporate Tax.

Amazon takes away the ability for many to make a living, and then avoids funding their social safety net. And I'm not saying market controls and more taxes are the only answer, but in this current sociey we live in, if companies give a shit about social issues, then they need to be genuine through actions, not platitudes and and pandering to what makes them look good.

That just seems shallow, or worse, like they have an agenda.

>> No.19673355

They do not make money off it. Niggers are broke and millennials are too busy paying off student loan debt.

>> No.19673436

The post truth reality where people just choose to believe what they want without considering reality is crumbling around us, the very same political and media system that’s created a grossly exaggerated and fictionalized narrative of racist oppression is seeing its financial system of printing trillions of dollars that can never be paid back to keep stocks high when business has crashed collapse as well. All things in balance

>> No.19673538

Hi kike

>> No.19673579


>what did he mean by this?

>> No.19673611

Don’t be a fucking idiot. It’s their money they can do what they want. Fuck tucker anyway hope someone shoots that bastard

>> No.19673641
File: 192 KB, 675x450, dont-call-it-a-grave-this-is-the-future-you-chose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should corporations be allowed to strong arm the only person still telling the truth off the air to further their agendas?

Free country, free enterprise, he should find new sponsors

>Has capitalism gone too far?

Not really

Is this even capitalism?

Yes and niggers are the biggest customers of everything from media to produce.
Money talks, sorry whitey but you're not as important anymore, rhodesian type nigger mentality where your feelings matter more than facts are.

Funny thing is while every white cuck is defending the last criminal nigger to get shot, all those niggers are openly saying they hate white pepo

Pic related

>> No.19673680


This goes against the narrative though. Leaked emails shows the main reason Amazon pushes diversity is because it naturally destroys unions because the employees fight against each other and the company gets the benefits of no union without saying a single word.

>> No.19673704

Yes. What is with conservacucks and anti capitalism bullshit?

>> No.19673717

There's been a coordinated effort to get Tucker off the air for quite some time. They couldn't metoo him so the advertisers have all pulled out. Now it's pretty much all the mypillow guy.

>papa john's pulls ads

Kek, it is to fucking laugh. What reputation do you fucks even have left to save after niggergate.

>> No.19673734
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>> No.19673742

>corporations are supporting a destructive ideology that seeks to tear down all of "white" civilization
>fuck off commie, corporations should be allowed to directly fund the destruction of our societies and defund people fighting it
No anon... fuck (you). You're a piece of shit and a total fucking retard if you're for letting this happen, just because you're too much of a god damn NPC who can't hold a nuanced position on corporate freedoms

>> No.19673754

Libertarians are the worst

>> No.19673803

Fuck off to /pol/. This is literally /biz/. If you disagree with these corps and think the move is bearish, go fucking divest yourself from these evil corps or fuck off. Seriously what makes you faggots think /pol/ is welcome? Your edgy third rail bullshit is not good economics.

>> No.19673810

I don't think corporations support BLM to further an agenda. It's similar to Pascal's Wager, the right will always back corporations and business, so there is nothing to gain from them. But when the radical left wins maybe those corporations that supported them will be spared from a purge, so they bend the knee and virtue signal as an insurance.

>> No.19673816

Yeah, they have issues against unions too, forgot to mention that. When people actually get into the nitty-gritty involved with all of this, they'll start to see that issues black people have with the police is actually a surface level issue, a symptom of an underlying problem. And this is not even getting into the outsourcing of jobs, trade deals, potential agency involvement in drug trafficking (impacting black communities). The more you do that, the more you just see all of this pandering as a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.19673838

Be the change you see. BlackRock is considering investment vehicles that soothe the climate change butthurt some of these billionaires feel. Try and create your redpilled etf. If its successful maybe you can create a woke etf.

>> No.19673845
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OP is suggesting certain corporations be forced to advertise on a particular program. And now you are whining about corporations in general pushing an agenda.

It's simple, you are being a hysterical WOMAN over people choosing how they spend their own money because you don't like it. It's like shit flinging over the "pink tax".

>> No.19673846

Friend of mine works for Hewlett Packard. He told me they just had a company wide call with 60,000 staff on the call.

They are going to donate millions to BLM, HBCUs, and set up a scholarship fund for young black Americans. Total expense will be around $50 million. Also this week they announced a 10% paycut for all HP staff.


>> No.19673893

>10% paycut

Very bullish cost cutting.

>> No.19673925

>They are going to donate millions to BLM
I disagree with this. Funding an inflammatory organization that's now gaining political influence isn't a good idea. It's this political influence/involvement in the tech sector that I fforemost concerning out of all this.

I don't not want people who I rely on for my storage and communication devices to have any political leanings. That's far more dangerous than a cop beating someone up.

>> No.19673942

*that I find most concerning.

>> No.19673971

You're a fucking moron. Nobody's saying that corporations should be forced to fund certain political positions over others. The exact opposite is being suggested, you colossal brainlet. They should not be allowed to use their add funding as a political and cultural weapon.

>blah blah blah a bunch of nonsense

>> No.19673986

FUND solves capitalism

>> No.19673987

>implying Trump isn't an absolute godsend to the powers that be
Yeah I bet (((they))) really hate the headline dominating populist who lowers taxes on the top 0.1% and slashes environmental protections. "drain the swamp", right? lmao

>> No.19674025

tasty samich

>> No.19674046


>Oil corps, gun corps, etc all criticize Democrat ideas and proposals
>Hehe that’s the free market kid, they’ve got a right

>Corporations take a pro-Democrat stance

>> No.19674052


HP is involved in a lot. My friend there works in credit card processing.

>> No.19674106

>Nobody's saying that corporations should be forced to fund certain political positions over others.

That's irrelevant. They can choose to advertise where they please because they are the ones paying for the add space.

>They should not be allowed to use their add funding as a political and cultural weapon.

What are you proposing here? Because it sounds to me like you want to force corporations to advertise where you want them to.

>> No.19674123

do you think tucker would do better off just working for himself at this point?

i think fox news will still get him a ton of ratings and his show is massive, but at this point he has one of the only good shows on that channel. fox news is getting worse and worse as america gets put on life support but tucker gets better and better.

>> No.19674127


>waaaaaa they’re spending money on things I DON’T LIKE

Get necked you communist bastard

>> No.19674156

The Democrat agenda directly targets those industries though, it's self preservation.

>> No.19674164

>Is this even capitalism?

>> No.19674176


It’s just an example. I could have talked about chick fil a donating to anti gay marriage groups. As usual everyone is for the free market until a company has a different opinion. Then we have to do something about it.

>> No.19674182

Agreed, political talk and "news" programs shouldn't be funded by businesses. Let individuals do it, but organizations made up of multiple people who may not all lean the same way shouldn't have to decide between disbanding or supporting-by-association whatever politics the board of directors prefers.

>> No.19674183

he's wanted to let the market decide everything his whole career.
the market decided to end his career.

>> No.19674184

I think he would lose a lot of his impact and credibility to normies. They both need each other.

>> No.19674193

>What are you proposing here?
I'm not proposing anything, I'm pointing at a serious problem. I don't know what a sensible solution to this problem would be.
These freedoms that we all would like to be maintained are in the process of vanishing anyways, and these corporations and their defense of this cult ideology is not insignificant here.

>You want to prevent corporations from spreading communist subversion, that makes you a communist
Is.. is it bait?

>> No.19674213

Ahhh, the truly american conservative way of thinking. Standing by your "principles" (which are letting international foreign owned capitalists do whatever they want to your country, and standing when the national anthem is played on speakers) while the other side destroys you and your way of life. When your kids become forced to apologize for being white daily, this is what you will tell them: "At least i stood by my principles, and i'm not a dirty commie". This is so based and rugged and awesome. Truly what your ancestors envisioned.

>> No.19674215


How about you kys instead of telling other people what they can and can’t do with their money. Seriously, >>>/pol/ and don’t come back.

>> No.19674222

I think the problem ultimately comes down that a truly free society requires a certain level of ideological/cultural homogeneity. Freedom comes along with the responsibility to not fuck things up. When you've got fundamentally incompatible ideologies and cultures clashing within a nation, freedom takes a hit, one way or another.

>> No.19674230


>save us Daddy Trump we can’t take care of ourselves

>> No.19674231

Read it again, my post was all about letting individuals do what they want with their money.

>> No.19674238

Did it work for Glenn Beck? I honestly don't know. Pretty sure the blaze is a dismal failure.

>> No.19674254
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>having kids

>> No.19674257

>It’s just an example.
They are the only examples. Pretty much ALL massive corporations are on your side. Doesn't that make you take a step back? Maybe the fact that massive corporations who employ slave labor, lobby and create corruption everywhere,... are on your side makes you think "Perhaps there is something wrong"

>> No.19674268


>> No.19674275

Glenn Beck went fucking insane when Trump snubbed him and endorsed Hillary and all kinds of crazy shit like right after blaze launched. Like literally went insane. He killed it himself so you can't really use it as a barometer.

>> No.19674278


>shouldn’t be funded by businesses

Stopped reading right there. I don’t read statist bullshit.

>> No.19674280

>in order for society to be free we must stamp down on anyone who disagrees with me, because I hold the correct viewpoint and nobody else

>> No.19674289

The movement is/was organic, capital is just moving in to defang and coopt it, which it does by calling the shots and moving it's weight around.

>> No.19674295


>your side

My side is called “liberty” something that very few want to defend today. This whole thread is full of people reeee’ing at the fact that businesses are doing things with they’re money that they disagree with. Do you want the commissar to tell you who can advertise, and what they’re allowed to advertise on?

>> No.19674298

Fox should keep him regardless of how many $ he brings in. It's not about the money for the leftist companies. Shouldn't let them control you by playing by different rules.

>> No.19674305

>we should allow 5th column ideologies to fester and destroy our countries from within because it goes against our "principles" to fight against it
American neocons are so based. Go Shapiro!

>> No.19674309


This. It’s the old “only people who agree with me should have freedom”.

>> No.19674311

Not at all what I said. Read it again and understand the comment before responding.

>> No.19674322

Fun fact, George Floyd's autopsy said he was severely constipated and had stool inside him that was months old. This is a common symptom of opioid abuse.

>> No.19674326

Companies have been using their advertised "activism" or morals to move products for decades. It's their fault, it's a system they fucking built.

>> No.19674328

Despite constant whining from liberals Fox News may as well be controlled opposition, "right wing" news. It's based in the middle of NYC and staffed by a bunch of city libs pretending to be right wing. Tucker is remarkably conservative and counter-narrative from that standpoint, only a matter of time before they boot him for being too real.

>> No.19674332

Yeah, they're just turning on the race baiting machine. The race issue is one we're NEVER GOING TO SOLVE, unlike the police brutality issue which is fixable, so the media gets everybody fixated on the bullshit.

>> No.19674333

>I'm not proposing anything

Well how about this, people who pay for adds get their adds randomly distributed across all programs and timeslots so that no corporation supports any particular show. Bengay commercial might randomly appear on Nick Jr. Nerf gun adds on PBS News hour, etc.

Is this good, why or why not?

>> No.19674339

If you don't like capitalism then drop out and go eat berries.

I'll stick to accumulating VRA.

>> No.19674346

No, this is not capitalism. It's a form of crony oligarchy

>> No.19674355

>My side is called “liberty”
Liberty for your ideologues to run rampant. You don't fool anyone.

> with they’re money
Money that they managed to accumulate thanks to infrastructure built and mantained by Americans. So that money should belong to Americans.
I just don't think corporations should be publicly supporting a 5th column movement.

>> No.19674359

It's hilarious desu

"Jeff Bezos DESTROYS this customer that says all lives matter!!!" not being parody is the best thing to happen all year

>> No.19674363

If Tucker gets canceled he'll just start a podcast. It would instantly be one of the most popular podcasts.

>> No.19674368

lmao, imagine remaining willfully ignorant of the content of and then posting a butthurt reply to a post because you got triggered by your own strawman based only on the first few words. I'll leave you to your echo chamber, then.

>> No.19674372


So you want some government commission to tell businesses what they can and can’t do with their money. Based.

>> No.19674375

Real capitalism has never been tried guise

>> No.19674395


>Money that they managed to accumulate thanks to infrastructure built and mantained by Americans. So that money should belong to Americans.

Obama is that you? GTFO with that Marxist bullshit.

>> No.19674408


>it isn’t real capitalism when businesses support a movement that I don’t like

>> No.19674409

>Money that they managed to accumulate thanks to infrastructure built and mantained by Americans.

So you are a leftist?

>> No.19674415

>Do you want the commissar to tell you who can advertise, and what they’re allowed to advertise on?
That's basically what's happening now though. Companies are no longer allowed to advertise on Tucker because he said the bad words. It's not as literally direct as communist Russia buy it's pretty obvious what the score is.

>> No.19674418


Enjoy begging for the government to come in and save you from mean businesses doing something with their money that you disagree with. Sheep like you get the helicopter.

>> No.19674419

>bro you're not allowed to not like what a company is doing or you're an authoritarian that wants to outlaw things
Also advertising is a zero sum game for the economy

>> No.19674434

>the free market did something unbased???? NOOOOOO this is communism!

>> No.19674439

How about corporations pay for a certain number of views from a certain demographic without actually choosing any specific program.
Of course there's probably no effective and reasonable way to implement such a system.

I don't think this is going to have a solution really, as I stated here

>> No.19674441

What is his ethereum address? I have shitcoins I can fund him with.

>> No.19674448


>Companies are no longer allowed to advertise on Tucker

Damn anon, when did congress pass that law? Oh wait you mean they’re just doing something that hurt your fee fees?

>> No.19674453

I'm a literal communist, yes, because i recognize that corporations are the biggest enemies of the western civilization. I'm a communist in the sense of a pragmatic "enemy of my enemy" thing, and not a purely ideological sense. Thing is, these corporations are facilitating and spearheading the destruction of our countries. What are you going to do?

>> No.19674464


People ITT are literally saying that businesses shouldn’t be allowed to fund political talk shows, so yeah. That is statism. If you’re upset about it that’s your right. Don’t buy from them, tell Tucker you support him or buy your own air time to make up the difference. But don’t infringe on others liberty because they do something you don’t like.

>> No.19674469

Woke Capitalism

it's the future and it's a muddled disgusting mess, but it's an unstoppable force. Only way to stop it is to fight quietly or a literal Civil War

>> No.19674480
File: 38 KB, 800x409, my pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, Non stop commercials from my pillow guy.

I'm about to crack and buy pillows and a mattress topper. I snapped out of it when I was thinking of buying a Pet bed when I remembered I didn't have a pet.

>> No.19674481


I agree. And then I wonder if Spotify and Apple would try to cancel him. Censorship doesn't end as we've seen with other alternative voices.

>> No.19674489

This board has IDs you retarded fag, don't bitch to me about someone else's post

>> No.19674493

tucker making youtube podcasts soon

>> No.19674513


So make your own service then. You’ll be primely positioned to serve an ignored market.

>> No.19674520

Businesses that are successful thanks to the American people, either due to the American market, the American labor force, the American infrastructure, the American banks, the American global influence... should not be funding explicitly anti-American propaganda, and they should not play kingmakers in political discourse (although this ship as long since passed)

>> No.19674524

How are corporations free enterprise when they are propped up by state policy and interest free loans from the federal reserve

>> No.19674529
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You realize that they're literally pushing and funding a cultural revolution who's aim it is to take away your rights?
Again, I'm not suggesting a solution here. I'm just wondering if you're aware of what's happening.

>> No.19674539

Why do progressives like you now act all libertarian when corps are supporting you? It is just sad, and completely transparent.

>> No.19674543


So your solution is to take away their rights?

>> No.19674546

I don't believe it's entirely organic. There were initial peaceful protests to begin with but provocateurs were active, along with the media riling up everyone by just showing Floyd being knelt on, without any context of the situation (such as why the cop initially felt he may have needed to do that, whether or not it was part of his training to do so, whether or not drugs played a role in how Floyd responded to being knelt on - things like that, which, in all fairness, still need to be determined, but the issue is it was portrayed in the worst way possible to incite violence among lower socioeconomic groups along with provocateurs being involved).

>> No.19674547

my sides xdxdxd

>> No.19674550


The ones that try get harassed by people spamming their ISPs and payment providers. Stop pretending like we aren't facing militant leftists in this country, it's a very real thing. They want you fired and gone from existence, not to have ideas aired openly and freely.

>> No.19674559


>businesses must toe the party line

Thanks Chairman Mao but I’m good.

>> No.19674569

Corporations aren't people

>> No.19674570

>911 what's your emergency
> They're... Not sending Tucker Carlson money-

>> No.19674571


Which is pretty ironic, because antifa's whole thing is that "fascist aren't allowed to have free speech" and "you can't tolerate the intolerant." But they're the most militantly intolerant big group in the country. They're antifascist like the DPRK is a Democratic People's Republic.

>> No.19674576


Why do you think defending free speech and economic freedom makes you a progressive? Says a lot about your mentality.

>> No.19674587 [DELETED] 

I don't believe there is a solution. Rights and freedoms are going to be infringed

>> No.19674593

People who want to destroy you should not have rights, yes.

Yes, businesses who operate in America should toe the American party line. Well they do, but the American party line right now is to make apologia for niggers.

>> No.19674599


Legally, they are. You’re too young but look up citizens united. Literally all about corporate free speech.

>> No.19674608


I don’t, but what’s your solution? You want to make it illegal for people to troll you? Get your white hat anons and fight back. But don’t start stripping other people’s rights because you disagree with them.

>> No.19674618

you're literally a shill, yes. A cuck that wants someone else to decide how to spend your wealth.

Communism is where you are a slave, a resource wielded by the state authority. Where It is illegal to accumulate wealth, where it is impossible to change the outcome of your life. Power is given to whoever can occupy the top position in the institution, which inevitably means psychopaths win that position because they are more willing to do disgraceful things.

capitalism is where the only way anyone can get your wealth is if you want to exchange it, your wealth is yours to do with by your own self determination. The people who get power in capitalism is those who are the best at creating value for others

>> No.19674624


If you honestly believe this Then you’re just as complicit in the death of the republic.

>> No.19674631

When they are coming for you, or your children, don't forget to make these ironic remarks. I'm sure they will spare you. After all, you have been such a good "ally", right?

>speaks like a libshit
>argues like a libshit
>he says he is for "freedom"
A libshit if i ever seen one. The likes of you are crystal clear to spot.

>> No.19674639


And I assume you and your buddies are going to determine what is anti American? I remember the Soviet’s having whole commissions to determine what the “acceptable opinion” on a subject was. Looking forward to your version of goodthink.

>> No.19674647

>Is this even capitalism?
Yes, yes it is.

"Its just good business"

>> No.19674651

Is that why the largest and most profitable businesses are financial institutions that produce nothing but make money by having liquidity to loan out? Which in turn allows them to make more money by having more money?

>> No.19674652

I don't believe there is a solution. Rights and freedoms are going to be infringed

It always boggles my mind how they don't perceive themselves as doing everything they pretend to be against. People hate fascim because they see it oppressive authoritarianism. What the hell is the point of implementing a different type of oppressive authoritarianism in order to combat oppressive authoritarianism?

>> No.19674656


Yeah anon...all those liberals defending economic freedom while the conservatives are begging for more regulation...Take your meds.

>> No.19674658


It's a complicated situation, and no I'm not somebody asking for the government to step in and force somebody to give him a platform, regardless if you actually care about freedom of speech and expression you'd think this was dire. It's not "trolling", don't diminish it like that. It's active silencing and censorship, doesn't have to be the government actively doing it for it to happen.

>> No.19674663

>You're either with me or you're against me!!!
How about neither fagtron

>> No.19674664

Deleted and resposted cause I linked to the wrong comment

>Then you’re just as complicit in the death of the republic.
Care to explain?

>> No.19674667


Not only that, but he wants the government to tell him what to think too.

>> No.19674677


Are you honestly on /biz/ wondering why investment and lending institutions are profitable?

>> No.19674680
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is their any market research, (((legitimate))) or otherwise that actually shows corporations would lose in sales for *not* dropping their ad slots? are they withdrawing support strictly out of ideology? how jewed are we, really?

>> No.19674688

I know why, but I'm not the one saying making money necessarily coincides with public good.

>> No.19674689

and look where capitalism has brought your country. You risk getting assaulted in broad daylight if you don't kneel to nigger at request. Niggers loot your cities unopposed, and people gather donations, not to help destroyed businesses, but to bail out looters. You will become a minority in your own country in less then a generation. And what do you think it will happen when whites are a minority, and every other minority was subjected to decades and decades of propaganda (all paid for and produced by your beloved corporations) designed to make them hate white people?

At least Russia came out of USSR a Russian country. USA will become Brasil. Poverty can be fixed, genetics don't.

>> No.19674693

Are there seriously multiple /pol/ cockroaches in this thread suggesting that we should limit economic freedom because someone is supporting a message that is good for business?

>Vox populi clearly leaning in an anti-police brutality/racist mentality
>Advertise to that mentality
>Rewarded with dramatically more popular reception than what is received when going against that stance
>Better reception results invariably in (even if minimal) increased sales, public goodwill, by-consumer advertising and market spread, and as a result, heightened stocks, heightened market share, etc.

If you want to market a product, you pick what sells. If several dozens of millions of people are presently saying Purple, you put Purple on a billboard. It doesn't matter how you actually care about Purple, it fucking sells, and it's going to make others remember you years down the line. If you say "B-but GREEN!" and you have millions yelling at you for saying Green, saying that you're stupid for thinking Green, and are now seething that Green is not presently in the highlights, you're very clearly presenting a perfect example of "poor marketing". All you have to do is wait for the flames to die down before you want to start sliding Green back into the view, but if you're too big of a retard to know when it's time for Green as opposed to simple silence on the Purple/Green dynamic when Purple is on every fucking facebook feed on the planet, you deserve to lose your job for being a fucking moron who does not know when it is business-appropriate to let your personal opinions get in the way of structure. Go back to your hive you fucking idiots.

>> No.19674696

We have been in a state of war with you scum since 1913, A nation under central banking and keynesian monetary policy is not capitalist. National socialists, ussr and now you the chinese communist party

>> No.19674703

That wasn't real capitalism, real capitalism has never been tried

>> No.19674706


Anyone who advocates infringing liberty and marring the constitution even more is complicit in murdering the founders vision even more imo.

>but we have good reasons!
Yeah, everyone does.

>> No.19674713

To be frank, the chief problem was granting voting rights to niggers and women. That's why we're here.

>> No.19674715

That doesn't answer my question

>> No.19674716

>Is that why the largest and most profitable businesses are financial institutions that produce nothing but make money by having liquidity to loan out? Which in turn allows them to make more money by having more money?

Isn't that one of the biggest reasons why Crypto will take off? No more central banks and money printing.


I posted a video above about how moves by corporations to piss off right wingers are very effective adds because right-wingers get mad and make a lot of noise and that acts as free advertising.

>> No.19674719


usa was capitalist prior to 1913

>> No.19674724


1. It doesn’t need to
2. Who determines what the public good is?

>> No.19674733

Not me, i'm not a American. But this is not a fight for principles and words on paper. This is a fight for survival. They(You) want to destroy you(me). I don't give a fuck if what i am saying resembles Stalinism.
I didn't choose this, but yes, this is the paradigm nowadays. You are either for the progressive stack, or you are against it.

>> No.19674743

>It doesn't need to
Yeah, I know, that was my point, that making money doesn't mean what you are doing is serving the public at all. I was responding to a specific statement

>> No.19674749


Ok, so you just openly admit you’re another wanna be dictator. Nice talking to you.

>> No.19674751

How stupid are you? This is why conservacucks deserve the rope too. The nation as originally envisioned is already long since dead. There's nothing to conserve but a rotted corpse. What looks like liberty to you is just a more cleverly disguised cage.

>> No.19674754

>drowning in bath tub
what the fuck

>> No.19674759

Fuck off cunt. You think I have to suck Tuck's cock because I don't like neolibs? Eat a dick.

>> No.19674761

Read my comment again.
I'm explaining how I see the situation, not advocating for anything. Freedom can't exist if you have people with fundamentally incompatible world views. It's a luxury of a relatively homogeneous society.

>> No.19674762

your question is a propaganda talking point that misrepresents the current us economy as capitalist

The usa extorts middle eastern nations to only accept the usd for oil
It has a private central bank that debases peoples wages and savings by advantage of their ignorance (aka a scam) so that wealth is redistributed from its citizens to the collective economy to be utilised by the military industrial complex
This is literally hitlers economic model, debt paid by conquest. it is not capitalism.

It is either being done because the usa is completely corrupt and working together with you to establish inescapable global socialism
it's wartime economics that defeated the nazis, the ussr and soon to be you

>> No.19674772


>”How stupid are you? Of course we need to restrict freedom even more!”

Oh right, sorry anon.

>> No.19674778

>genetics don't.

Wrong, we have CRISPR.

>> No.19674780

the ultimate difference is that china does not even pretend it wants freedom.
If china defeats the usa its goal is every man woman and child be a slave to the party's will

keep pretending that you are an american that wants that, it's very effective

>> No.19674781

It is not that i want to be the "party boss" or anything. It is just that i think we (Western civilization) built a nice thing, and i think it should be protected and safeguarded, so our children might enjoy it. And i think we should do it however it is possible. Even if we had to destroy all our sacred cows. A ruin of western civilization is probably much better then living under muslim civilization, Chinese or, god save us, nigger civilization.

>> No.19674788

>your question is a propaganda talking point
Oh word? So the wealthiest and most profitable industries aren't equity and finance?

>Blah blah blah blah that wasn't real capitalism only my specific pet idea is capitalism
Lmao literally just an inverse commie

>> No.19674791

>Freedom can't exist if you have people with fundamentally incompatible world views.
Freedom literally can only exist if you have people with fundamentally incompatible worldviews. That is the entire fucking point. That conflict is what defines the true nature of freedom and mobility upwards, downwards, left, and right. There will always be a push and pull, there will always be a red and blue, there will always be a fight to be had, there will always be a point of contest that will determine what worldviews are considered appropriate or not. If you cannot make a sufficient argument for your side, you lose that argument to the one who is making a superior stance. If your entire belief hinges on the notion of "Any human who disagrees with me is incompatible with my belief system", you will find that you are, in fact, the problem. Humans are malleable, humans are capable of change, humans see the best thing that promises the best for them, and adjust to it. If you want to make an argument for some kind of epic ethnostate where the only members of the population share literally only one viewpoint and are only taught one viewpoint, you need to do better than your opposition, which promises a world of freedom, liberty, and opportunity for people of all viewpoints, races, and religions.

>> No.19674796

move to china

>> No.19674809

It’s not corporation fault.
It’s the tucker show fault for asking for financial help from corporations, despite knowing that they only care about money and not truth.
Dividing people is always end up with more power for corporstions

>> No.19674819


The “sacred cows” are what made us great. Serious question, Have you ever been to China? The government openly, blatantly censors TV, to name just one small example. I don’t want to live in a society like that.

>> No.19674827


There's also the simple fact that the BLM crowd is simply more rabid and active than apathetic conservatives. They don't want those problems. We're getting beaten by kinetic energy here.

>> No.19674862
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>move to china

>> No.19674870

What sacred cows? Freedom of speech is a 20th century invention in most of Europe. Even in USA, for most of its duration, open calls for anti-american activities were suppressed and silenced. Freedom of trade? It was a post war invention, before it trade was highly regulated.
>Serious question, Have you ever been to China? The government openly, blatantly censors TV, to name just one small example. I don’t want to live in a society like that.
It is a very small price to pay for having a system that protects the interests of the people, like how CCP advances the interests of Han Chinese. Not that i think CCP is a model system, but it is better then what we have now, which funds and openly protects enemies within our borders.

>> No.19674887

>"agree with us, or we take away your livelihood"

That's how it has always been under capitalism. If you don't like it then go back to venezuela you dumb commie.

>> No.19674895
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People with money always attempt to use it to steer the world in the direction they desire. Nobody hoards wealth for the sake of itself, and people handling tens of millions of dollars have already long since obtained everything material that they could possibly desire.
Antitrust law was designed to mitigate this but it fell out of favor long ago and now our corporations are empowered to use as weapons against other nations and their own businesses.

Every stable community or nation-state to ever exist has stamped out views contrary to the majority's in one way or another. Laws, taxes, street violence. Coercion or forcible removal.
In America's past these tactics were used to keep blacks subordinate, then the tables turned and the government used them against whites to enforce integration. Humanists like to gloss over this part, but how is that in any way consistent with freedom or tolerance? The government had to put up a number of barriers and requirements to alter people's behavior in order to maintain some kind of peace in a polarized, multicultural society. Because millions of people refused to do so voluntarily.
Society can't exist when people with wildly opposing views struggle for dominance. Democratic society even less so. The vast majority of people have no interest in tolerating neighbors they disagree with on an ethical level. There's no pleasure in day-in day-out conflict.

>> No.19674899


The ideal solution is protectionism and regulation from foreign powers and investment, but leaving the domestic economy and society laissez-faire as it stands. That's how it was prior to the late 20th century, that's how it should be. Protection of the interior country is expressly within the federal government's purview, it's the original duty of the federal government. The rest of the world doesn't play by our rules.

>> No.19674909

You have a deep misunderstand of the early US if you seriously think this. Those guys had serious disagreements with each other that they were willing to duel each other to the death over, but their differences were minor compared to the divisions between us these days. You can not have a stable free society if you have fundamental differences of opinion. You can disagree vehemently on the exact details, but you must align in a broad sense. For example, they all agreed that every human has the fundamental right to say whatever they want, to own whatever weapon they want, and that not every human has the fundamental right to vote or hold office. The swing on these issues today is far more broad. The disagreements about federalism and central banking back then are peanuts in comparison.

>> No.19674910

So many lolbert copers ITT. What part of a business pulling advertising from a right-wing program is against capitalism?

Corporations hate straight white men because they are terrible consumers. The free market allows them to shift their loyalties, if they have any, to soifags, women, and people of brown color. You should shift yours accordingly. Stop buying anything but the bare necessities from these businesses, stop defending them, stop working for them if you can. Let liberals either tax them into the ground or reveal themselves to be the pro-corporate stooges they are.

This pro-capital and pro-jewish behavior from the right is not only suicidal, it is cuckoldry, no different from simping for a roastie that left you to fuck other guys.

>> No.19674911

you want communism, go there.
Then you can live in the society you advocate for

>> No.19674925

>Freedom literally can only exist if you have people with fundamentally incompatible worldviews. That is the entire fucking point
There's a limit to how divergent people's world views can be within a free system. If a group has a world view that everyone must think like them or die, no matter the cost, do you think freedom will survive?
At the very least, all groups of note in a free society must share the value of freedom. If that value is not shared by those in a society, then it ceases to be.

>> No.19674927
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>It is not that i want to be the "party boss" or anything. It is just that i think we (Western civilization) built a nice thing, and i think it should be protected and safeguarded, so our children might enjoy it. And i think we should do it however it is possible. Even if we had to destroy all our sacred cows. A ruin of western civilization is probably much better then living under muslim civilization, Chinese or, god save us, nigger civilization.

I think you are being a bit dramatic. Literal fucking O'Neil cylinders will exist in a couple hundred years if we don't all kill ourselves. We can have billions of political, economic, social, religious, and ethno-state communities for everyone who want's one.

In the mean-time, we need some economic justice for everyone, whites included. And to stop climate change. We can all use some of the money the crony-capitalists at the top have horded to themselves, adverage people on the left and right both economically and culturally can benefit from real reforms. Now is not the time to splinter into factions based on race or whatever. That stuff is less immediate than the more pressing concerns involving our corrupt politicians.

You can have your views, but I am asking that you evaluate your priorities in a productive fashion. The left and the right, socialists and capitalists, can all unite against the corporate-socialism/crony-capitalists oligarchy that is in control of our country. Because I guarantee you that Mitch McConnel and Nancy Pelosi and their cronies are your biggest enemies by far, that we can simply vote them out of office.

>> No.19674929

That was a pretty subtle dosage, but thanks, Doc!

>> No.19674935

>Should corporations be allowed to strong arm the only person still telling the truth off the air to further their agendas?
obviously not. they should be forced to pay him a good wage for stating his opinion.

>Is this even capitalism?
of course not. this is corporate COMMUNISM!

>> No.19674939

>Leftists corporations:Okay
0 int

>> No.19674945

>This pro-capital and pro-jewish behavior from the right is not only suicidal, it is cuckoldry, no different from simping for a roastie that left you to fuck other guys.
This. It still baffles me how so many right wingers are still the Shapiro types.

>> No.19674958

>capitalism where you have control of your own wealth is cuckoldry where communism where you give control of your wealth exclusively to someone else
who do you think buys this double think comrade?

>> No.19674961


you are correct. no one is obligated to spend money on a certain thing.

>> No.19675011

Don't you ever get tired of defending corporations for hours and hours, and after that, you go into twitter, or facebook or whatever, and those same corporations are posting blm shit? Don't move the goalposts, answer this. Why do you defend entities that are clearly opposed to you?

>> No.19675020

It shouldn't baffle you at all. You'll freely say (I'm sure) that leftoids are all mindless drones parroting whatever bullshit they read on Twitter, and it's true, but the conservacucks are literally exactly the same. Tucker Carlson is perhaps the only voice in mass media that actively calls out mass manipulation and sock puppetry on both sides, and while many see him as incredibly based for doing so he has tons of enemies on the right as well because they're just as lost in the matrix. If you believe that the people currently causing any of your problems are in your income bracket and not employed by the government, you're a drone too.

>> No.19675039

I am defending capitalism you are defending communism.

You want the state to have exclusive control of your wealth and by extension life (aka slavery), I do not.

Corporations have literally no rights to my wealth under communism the state has a right to all your wealth.

Move to china

>> No.19675074

It is not the mainstream boomer republican neocons that baffle me, it is the right wingers currently here, in this thread, who have had access to so much information. If your political activity is watching Shapiro and Crowder videos once in a while and voting R once every 4 years, it is normal that you become a conservacuck. But when you have the wealth of information that a quick browse in 4chan (or other places) gives you, and you still turn into a conservacuck, i mean, how?

>> No.19675086

I am defending my civilization. Economic systems can be changed with relatively low cost, demographic doom cannot. At least with low cost.

>> No.19675105

You want the state to have exclusive control of your wealth
It is the definition of cuck

>> No.19675109


The fuck are you talking about you absolute retard? Have you seen the current state of the left? The people rioting and burning down cities and trying to force everybody into worshipping blacks like they do? Please tell me you don't actually think you're insightful. This country is rotting right in front of our face, who wouldn't be conservative for what traditionally made this country great in comparison.

>> No.19675117

Communism is not the only alternative to capitalism and no one here wants you to give your money to the state. You're just bouncing around inside the dialectic jews have set up for you.

>> No.19675143

>Communism is not the only alternative to capitalism

I't actually is. Fascists and stuff were just economic centrists. Like really mean social democrats.

>> No.19675153

you're defending your own enslavement. unbelievably cucked
people are arguing for communism here you little brainlet

>> No.19675171

I'm saying that it is dumb for a conservative to be simping for corporations, because those same corporations do everything they can to destroy your conservative way of life. These riots are one of the best examples of it. Every corporation supports the riots, and many are donating to bail out looters. What is baffling for me is how so many right wingers are still willfully defending corporations after this. Ence the cuck part.

>> No.19675196

national socialism is the state owning everything under justification of race
communism is the state owning everything under justification of class
Keynesianism is the state owning everything under justification of economy

they don't care how they psyop you into giving your rights to the state they just care that you do it.
Thus why china has astroturfed divide and conquer identity politics national socialism, communism ageism, racism, income, religion for over a decade

>> No.19675214

>Literal fucking O'Neil cylinders will exist in a couple hundred years if we don't all kill ourselves
"nerd/science culture" is the atheist Bible and sci-fi is their second coming of Jesus
imagine believing in space colonies and starships and thinking you're a rational adult

>> No.19675220


The problem is that as white men we understand what principles are. Principles are how the founding fathers put their pride to the side and didn't institute yet another straight up monarchy or oligarchy. It worked out for a long time, and then we started letting niggers and women vote, and predictably enough they've been straight up self serving cunts for the duration of their time here. So that's why we're fucked. I still believe socioeconomic freedom (within your own national society) to be paramount to ultimate success, even if it's a rocky road. We have our issues, yes, but at the very least China has a population of 1 billion+ people who actually hate their government and are looking for any opportunity to kick them out. Not that tenuous here

>> No.19675229

no one is defending corporations they don't like.

>> No.19675230

Arguing with you is like arguing with a NPC. Any criticism of the role corporation play in our society is met with a accusation of "commie" who "wants to take away our freedoms" and "give everything to the state.
Frankly, people like you deserve what it is coming for you. And you won't enjoy it. And there is a 90% chance that it wont be from me or people like me. Open your eyes, the writing is on the wall.

>> No.19675261

Fuck principles, this is a fight for survival.

>> No.19675273

a pro-white social democracy would be ideal.

National socialists did not "own everything", do some actual research. Hitler spoke of property rights as the foundation of civilization and is often criticized by leftists for his privatization of some businesses.

>> No.19675276


There is this thing called the 'cult of work'.


Right wingers see economic reform as taking from them to give to "bums", and to racists it's taking from them to give to bums and blacks. The black pill is the right wing are selfish and don't want to give other people anything and are scared of having things taken from them. Race doesn't matter as much because even other whites are potentially just bums wanting to rob you, fuck everyone else.

>> No.19675277

you literally are a communist though.

a corporation has no right to anyones wealth under capitalism. Corporations that have sold out to china aren't gonna make it.
communist government has a right to all your wealth

would rather die than live as a slave.

>> No.19675301

property rights were conditional under the national socialists germans workers party
same as they are in china

why do socialists always revert to saying sociailsm is capitalism

>> No.19675304


In fairness anon, I do think people on the right and center right are hardening and starting to understand the score. Leftists are very vocal but they're still one vote to a person, I don't buy the kool aid that the average voter is looking at this shitshow and thinking the people worshipping blacks, burning cities, and cancelling people are in the right. 2015-2016 was very similar, look how it turned out for them.

>> No.19675312

>identity politics, identity politics, identity politics
who could be behind this post

>> No.19675314

conditional on being an actual German and not a communist, sure.

>> No.19675330

conditional on whether the state needed your wealth or not

>> No.19675331
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>Right wingers see economic reform as taking from them to give to "bums"

Wow anon, wherever could we get that idea? See 66% of that spending? That did not exist 70 years ago. It's been a progressive uptick to a point of unbearability. And the income tax that funds it? Didn't exist before then either. It was snuck in for wartime funding and then ramped up heavily thereafter. You're actively weighing the working class down to fund a massive welfare state. Damn right I see """"""""""""""economic reform"""""""""""""""" as a variety of ways to extract wealth from the workers to the dependents. And why not? Dependent votes are easier to buy. You give them money, they vote for you for all time. Constant vigilance is the result.

>> No.19675348
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>> No.19675354

Useless. Here's the thing: the leftoids are right that morality and shit is relative. It is factually correct and there's no way around that. You need to look at your principles and your system of morality in context, because they are absolutely not now and never have been universally correct and effective. Within the context of today's society, your principles are just getting you fucked with pride that you're sticking to your guns while somebody's sticking it in your ass.

>> No.19675374

Where does it say Hitler confiscated the wealth of German citizens? Where are you reading this?

>> No.19675375

don’t forget normalizing gay and trans characters.
oh, and don’t forget this is FOR CHILDREN

>> No.19675377

The TV show COPS got cancelled because of this bullshit. Now that is something that should make you angry rather than some FOX news idiot.

>> No.19675386


That's the real Orwellian shit right there. Trying to pretend that criminals don't exist right in front of our face.

>> No.19675408


>hey there Junkers, you sure do have a nice airplane factory there

>> No.19675417


>> No.19675442

The entire reason for several corporations going “woke” is that they hire diversity or their investors are blue pill woke types

>> No.19675447

>corporations bad!
Who fought a civil war and killed hundreds of thousands of American men because they couldn't stand that the Southern part of their nation had a different economic system : corporations, or the government?
Who forced the American people to go to war against their own interest and destroy Germans fighting against Bolshevism TWICE : corporations, or the government?
Who forced integration of schools and neighborhoods at gunpoint throughout the South : corporations, or the government?
Corporations, at worst, are amoral. They care about making money, and the best way to do that in a post-democratic world is to appeal to the masses. If the masses go left, so do the corps, if the masses go right, so do the corps. Corporations influence the government, sure, but usually to get their way on things like corporate welfare and restrictive regulations - to hurt competition and get more money for themselves.
Huh. Sounds like there might be a certain faction in the government that has interests in endless war, economic enslavement, and the death of the white American population. Why would a "redpilled" anon blame corporations as a whole that have been a beneficial force for whites in the past and not this certain faction, or tribe if you will? It's almost as if...

>> No.19675501
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>The movement is/was organic
I agree with this anon, I don't think anybody even the government or institutional body's or the powe'rs that be expected such explosive chimpout/riots that was the first day's of he protest, hell the elite we're left with there jaw's drop as the riots spread like wild fire through out the country all in unison. In my opinion this is the fist time in a very long time that the ruling power structure has come under a threat, hence the reason why the elites are "cooperating","sympathizing" with the public or just dam right "bending the kneed" This is are indeed very interesting times frens.

>> No.19675502

>denies private property in national socialist germany was dependent on government approval
just kys

>> No.19675503

>Who forced the American people to go to war against their own interest and destroy Germans fighting against Bolshevism TWICE : corporations, or the government?

Hitler declared war on america, and Americans sent an expeditionary force to fight the red Russians and got recalled because it was super unpopular.

>> No.19675536

>The National Socialist German Workers Party and the United States of America had the same interests

>> No.19675569

>Hitler declared war on America
That's a funny way to say "defend their ally as they were obligated to" but sure if you want to spin it that way.
>Americans sent an expeditionary force to fight the red Russians and got recalled because it was super unpopular.
A token force that did nothing of real importance while secret society bankers funded billions in fiat, gold, supplies, and mercenaries to the Bolsheviks? Yikes...

>> No.19675588

The national socialist Germans were detestable in many of their views but we had a common interest in stopping the global Bolshevite conspiracy ; failing to make an alliance of desperation in this case was the greatest mistake the West ever made.

>> No.19675608


The West won that war in the end. Not to say remnants of communism don't exist but we settled this when the USSR and its satellites capitulated.

>> No.19675633

Tucker tried to apply to the CIA before he went into media, I feel like it’s possible he may be working with someone and wants to utilize Fox’s reach.

>> No.19675645

There is no difference between national socialism and communism, only in the justification for absolute control by the state; race and class respectively.

Patton said they should've marched straight to moscow, if it could have happened then it would. It looks like the final show down will happen this century

>> No.19675649

>"defend their ally as they were obligated to"

They were certainly not obligated to, Japan was not an ally just a friendly-ish power that still remembered Hitler sending aid to the Chinese nationalists in the 30s. Their relationship was a lot more complicated than just 'allies'. Why Hitler declared on the United States is very debated to this day, but he didn't have to by any treaty.

>bankers funded billions to the Bolsheviks

lel what? For what purpose?

>failing to make an alliance of desperation in this case was the greatest mistake the West ever made.

Arguable, but Hitler did invade Poland. Kinda burning that bridge.

>> No.19675651

This anon is right, corporations have nothing to do with this, it just means advertising is cheaper and only non-globohomofaggot companies will advertise. Tbh tucker just made his advertisements more pleasant for his viewerbase.

>> No.19675692

>the West won the cold war
kek Marxist-Satanists have taken over an entire city on the West Coast right now and you believe this?
The only reason they took out the soviets was to prevent a genuine right-wing counterrevolution, and today the neo-Marxist oligarchs that really rule Russia keep the red dream alive and well. Meanwhile radical leftists have infiltrated and taken every branch of American society from Hollywood to the Senate, just waiting to implement communism once the so-called "American Empire" (read : controlled opposition) achieves global diarchy along with their Marxist Chinese pals. Please, since 1945 the communists have taken the Long March to global power in every formerly independent nation to exist, and by now they've implemented their system of central banking in every relevant state. Freedom, nationalism, and capitalism are long since dead, all we're seeing now is the last gasps of resistance by the old elite before the global slave totalitarian state is implemented.

>> No.19675703
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>> No.19675707

Junkers was a communist and probably would have supported BLM. Exactly the kind of business owner the government should BTFO.

great argument.

>> No.19675724
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As a fairly neutral observer... This guy is pretty annoying. His (nearly racist-ly) way of reporting is very divisive with regard to his wording and his choice of subject, often crafting arguments using the words "them" and "us;" as if it is to be accepted that there are two groups in America that can never meet eye-to-eye. It seems that he thinks the enemy is the lower class; nearly perfectly personifying the concept of "the rich only get richer, maintaining their power by convincing the middle class that they need to fear the poor."
Some of his points make sense, to a certain extent. However, he draws too much attention to the riots without acknowledging the point of the protests from early June. Of course, many reporters had covered the protests with a positive light, often times focusing on the peaceful nature of them, skirting around the issue of the fires and violence seen. Of course this sort of reporting can go awry, as we also ignore the fundamental issues that sparked the protests and the monster(s) in the closet that felt forced to resort to violence. This buildup of violent hatred was not for nothing, and I would have liked to see more reporters attempt to explain these violent reactions, though some definitely have. It was not completely ignored.
Meanwhile, what does Tucker choose to talk about? Tucker has discussed these violent people and their actions, however, what Tucker failed to do was acknowledge the whole truth with the tact that people need. He is clearly biased, and his style is very editorial. He takes the approach my fellow Californians did when Trump was elected. He thinks that we need to remove them, or remove ourselves. There is no in-between with this editorialist. To Tucker, there is either a lawful citizen or an unlawful citizen. He does not seem to give credence to the concept that those in power may also be unlawful in their own special way.

>> No.19675726


>Not to say remnants of communism don't exist

I deliberately put that in to rebut this predictable response, anon. Yes, we crushed their half of the world they controlled outright, like communists literally owned it and then they didn't, in response there are fragmented sub populations worldwide who do dumb communist bullshit but have no clout. We won.

The ideology isn't gone, but we still won. Communism could have taken over the whole world outright then.

>> No.19675728

I don't like the free market when it does something I disagree with

>> No.19675791

very rational, you shouldn't fall in love economic systems.

>> No.19675793
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>Junkers was a communist and probably would have supported BLM.

>> No.19675796

>the kind of retard that thinks there's a difference in national socialists taking jewish wealth or communists taking Ukrainians farmers wealth or a hypothetical BLM government taking whites wealth
private property was allowed in National Socialist germany as so far that it agreed with the governments goals exactly the same as ccp allows today.

>> No.19675800

And remember, it's not free speech unless you pay for my podium.

>> No.19675815

>They were certainly not obligated to, Japan was not an ally just a friendly-ish power that still remembered Hitler sending aid to the Chinese nationalists in the 30s. Their relationship was a lot more complicated than just 'allies'. Why Hitler declared on the United States is very debated to this day, but he didn't have to by any treaty.
They weren't officially allies but it would be a foolish move to avoid sending aid to a fellow nation defending itself against communist and communist-infiltrated aggression. Funny how leftists like you get all riled up about evil American imperialism against poor little Asian nations using false flags today but completely ignore perhaps the greatest example of that in WW2.
>lel what? For what purpose?
Yes, for what reason would global co-conspirators work together? Truly a mystery. https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_the_bolshevik_revolution-5.pdf
>Arguable, but Hitler did invade Poland. Kinda burning that bridge.
Because Hitler invading Poland is bad (which it was, to be fair) but Soviets doing the same thing is fine? Guess one type of totalitarian socialism is ok, huh?

>> No.19675825

>the free market
Hasn't existed in any real form in America since the early 1910s

>> No.19675849

you have yet to describe what is wrong with that. Why should a government protect people who act against the interests of the majority demographic? Is seeing every corporation shit on white people something you enjoy?

>> No.19675858

These "people", if you can even call them that, believe that the family is an evil institution that must be destroyed and eliminated, believe that white people are inherently racist and must apologize for the sin of being white or in some cases simply be exterminated as in Haiti and Rhodesia, believe that there is no difference between man and woman, adult and child, human and beast, believe that there are no morals but that anyone who disagrees with them is immoral, believes that laws and the right to property do not exist(implicitly justifying murder, rape, theft, etc.), and believe that they are all completed justified in doing so. They are Satanic in morality and Marxist in their plans to enslave humanity - what else CAN you call them?

>> No.19675867

>They weren't officially allies but it would be a foolish move to avoid sending aid to a fellow nation defending itself against communist and communist-infiltrated aggression.

Like letting supply shipments go unharrased from the USA to Russia while the Japanese were at war with the USA and America with Germany because the japs didn't want to fight the soviet union?

>> No.19675924

>what is tyranny
corporations have no power over people in capitalism unlike in your preferred autocracy were the state has control over you

>> No.19675953

Corporations definitely have power over people are you kidding me? It may not be legally specified or anything but it factually exists. How much of a bootlicker do you have to be not to see it?

>> No.19675971

The USA during WW2 was infiltrated by communists from the very top of the administration, thus American aggression was Marxist aggression. When Japan was done and destroyed for the "crime" of wanting to be independent of the global central banking system Germany was next on the chopping block and Hitler, I think, knew it.

>> No.19675990
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>The USA during WW2 was infiltrated by communists

Yeah OK, I'm done.

>> No.19676003

Awww sucks to be a faggot

>> No.19676013

>not legally specified
no shit but in autocracy the state legally controls you
I am not obliged to do anything for a corporation under capitalism. Corporations that do not create value for people die.

this is just the same commie argument. Blame your problem on class, race, corporations, global warming etc and give your property rights to the state.

>> No.19676042

corporations have no power over you? Wtf is this insanity, you literally can't eat without supporting businesses that hate you.

Btw China made the components of the PC/phone you're currently using. Why didn't you just make your own out of raw materials instead of supporting a regime you hate?

>> No.19676071

this guy is so based it's unreal

>> No.19676111

keep maintaining there is no difference between legal and illegal. Corporations are not the cause of the wageslavery, foreign tyrants are >>19674762

>> No.19676149

>keep maintaining there is no difference between legal and illegal
THERE ISN'T. Cops are kneeling to people who want to abolish them. Businesses are tweeting about solidarity with the joggers who looted them.

>> No.19676187

Yeah what a coincidence that the soviets magically had access to American military intel throughout the war that even U.S. top generals didn't, what a coincidence that the russians magically got a nuclear weapon in months despite the American project being built on decades of prior research, what a coincidence that the russians had more successful operatives in America than all the European nations, Britain, and Japan combined, what a fucking coincidence that every single media outlet since the 1930s has been spewing nearly 100% leftist propaganda, what a coincidence that since 1913 when the central bankers took over and 1932 when the socialist FDR cemented their power every single move of the U.S. has been in line with internationalist leftism and globalised central banking...
just a "coincidence", right?

>> No.19676197

>china is funding civil unrest in america
oh wow we should just give control of our lives to the government now. Just fuck off you dumb communist

>> No.19676201
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Tucker has hinted pretty heavily about (((their))) influence

he knows

>> No.19676211

This is a klepto-crypto-plutocracy.
Money is the master here.
Anything at lowest cost.

>> No.19676292

Based and redpilled anon

>> No.19676410

Stop this idiocy. I never once told you to give anything to the government, in fact I would prefer if you avoided paying any taxes (in minecraft).

Almost no living white person has any idea what it's like to live under a state that supports their existence and well-being. Their main interaction with the state is throwing money down a black hole with unlimited niggers waiting at the other end. A strong state means LESS intervention in your life because it can limit its population to demographics that require minimal gibs and supervision.

>> No.19676470

you are a Chinese communist shill.

>> No.19676498

This is my theory as well.

I hope that they do ultimately realize that if push came to shove their virtue signaling wouldn't save them in a real revolution. Otherwise the end result of this would be continual capitulation to increasingly ridiculous ideas until the whole system collapses.

>> No.19676561

He's literally right.
Blacks kill blacks by the thousands every year, while about 10-30 unarmed blacks are killed by police every year.

The only time "black lives matter" is when a white dude kills one.

And that's without bringing up the fact that black-on-white violent crime, murder, rape, ... FAR outstrips white-on-black.
So if anything, it's blacks being overwhelmingly racist against whites.

>> No.19676569
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>china china china reeeee!
were you born a boomer or did you become one?

>> No.19676611

>I posted a video above about how moves by corporations to piss off right wingers are very effective adds because right-wingers get mad and make a lot of noise and that acts as free advertising.

That's an interesting take but I don't think it explains why they would try to take a left-wing stance. Trump had a similar strategy with the election by pissing off the left-wing and using that as advertising. So why do corporations only aim to piss off the right-wing now?

Additionally, now that strategy is being saturated. Every corporation is shilling hard for BLM. It would stand out more to go the other way.
I bet if McDonalds posted "All Lives Matter" on their twitter it would get talked about ALOT more than all the Black Lives Matter stuff going on now. Just look at the innocuous Pepe meme from Wendy's awhile back they were forced to delete that the left freaked out about.

>> No.19676650

I hate nigger as much as the next guy but only a moron would go on national television and say this. Time to replace him with someone who isn’t stupid

>> No.19676664

Why does saying that make him a moron?

>> No.19676720

>Right wingers think businesses are right wing.
