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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 456 KB, 1803x751, 1585574863235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19619784 No.19619784 [Reply] [Original]

How come nobody ever rebutted this?

I was interested in buying RSR until I saw this image floating around here and it kind of makes sense even after reading the white paper

what's the catch here?

>> No.19620035

Damn it, I was going to invest but now I am conflicted

>> No.19620193
File: 225 KB, 512x512, 1591727265741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSR is the most overvalued shitcoin available on the market right now.

>$340 million diluted market cap
>less than 7% circulating in the market, most of the supply owned by the team and seed investors
>their stablecoin RSV is still only $200k market cap (no adoption what so ever)
>barely functioning app with only a couple of thousand of users
>team has been in a stealth mode for more than over a year, community knows nothing about what's going on
>market constantly pumped and dumped by satsgang/spectre group

How can you justify the enormous evaluation when they have achieved close to nothing in 3 years of working on the project (started in July 2017)?

Listing some well known investors who got 10x discounted tokens does not count as a valid argument. A decent project should have more going on for it than just few known investors.

>> No.19620224

It's overwhelmingly obvious that RSR is a scam. It's not refuted because it can't be. Don't visit reserve.org, and do not buy any RSR (ERC-20)

>> No.19620325

ok thanks

people on twitter keep tweeting about it so I thought it might be something interesting, but seems like they are probably getting paid for this?

RSR doesn't seem like a good investment to me

>> No.19620446

>ok thanks
>people on twitter keep tweeting about it so I thought it might be something interesting, but seems like they are probably getting paid for this?
>RSR doesn't seem like a good investment to me
rsr paid pajeet pump and dump group satsgang to shill it while investors dump

>> No.19620472

Best advice I can give you about 4chan.

When there is constant fake FUD about a coin that its extremely bullish. People do not waste there time making fake crap up about a coin without a purpose to drive the price down to their accumulation range.

Ignore all FUD and buy RSR for financial freedom. I was an early chainlink holder and many of us from the original biz discord have been accumulating RSR for over a year. Do what you want with this knowledge anon. Goodluck.

>> No.19620490

can you tell me what's fake about the image?

>> No.19620498
File: 1.28 MB, 1242x2688, 8F801B8B-6EAC-478B-9240-BF46ADA331E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We accumulated LINk under 3k sats and now we are all balls deep in RSR. I’ll see you at 5$ RSR

>> No.19620520

I read their white paper and everything on the image seems factually corect

>> No.19620532

If you have any questions regarding FUD I suggest going into the telegram group. The admins and team are very responsive. They have a team lawyer who comes into the chat once a week to answer questions and fud that the community may have. This is the most professional team in crypto and blockchain. There goals are ambitious and take time. They are already seeing increasing demand inquiries for RSV.

>> No.19620555

This forced desperation FUD is bullish AF. Must be about to pop.

>> No.19620569
File: 1.95 MB, 1242x2688, 331BFE70-C1BA-4A11-B446-839EE8DEEC2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People FUD RSR to keep the price down. Big money is behind reserve. Don’t let fake fud fool you.

>> No.19620627

ok that's good to hear, but I am actually interested in knowing what's fake or wrong about the fud

I don't use telegram

>> No.19620832
File: 165 KB, 1241x717, 7591C71F-6B5A-4B3B-89BF-B7BD75F5DA4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image alone speaks about how bullish Reserve is.

>> No.19620840

can you dispute their claims?

I would like to invest but I mean just saying their FUD isn't real doesn't help.

>> No.19620892

Go to the reserve telegram and ask. It has been debunked several different times. I do not have to spoon feed you a unicorn. Use your two thumbs and thank me in two years.

>> No.19620916


>> No.19620963

you're saying it, but I've never seen any real rebuttal for this

just claiming it's "fake fud" and "has been debunked several times" is not really doing it

>> No.19620986

Go to the official telegram and ask away. you'll get answers you want you dumb fuck

>> No.19621028

I don't use telegram

are you just some bagholder who can't be objective about your shitcoin?

it seems very desperate of you to try to claim it's "fake fud" when you have no arguments other than "go to telegram"

>> No.19621031


It assumes rational market participants. Market participants aren't fully rational, and frankly I'm wondering if they're even partially rational.

>> No.19621585

not selling until $56.68

>> No.19622272
File: 88 KB, 828x528, RSR RSV SCAM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19622289
File: 235 KB, 1481x759, RSR RSV SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19622321
File: 224 KB, 1566x753, RSR RSV SCAM4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19622414

so you took some bad reviews big whoop.

if your life could be reviewed it would literally be 0 stars. my shit probably looks better than your face and my RSR stack will be worth more than your entire life.

>> No.19622494

what do you mean I took?

these are people from Venezuela who are trying to use the app

>> No.19622530

The app is a total failure and the project will never get off the ground. I am impatiently waiting to make fun of Peter thiel for investing and holding 400m of this shitcoin

>> No.19622538

Sell before it's too late anon.. this has been fully exposed for the scam it is.

>> No.19622547

yes, you can confirm it right here


sort by newest "mas recientes"

>> No.19622595

Just sold 100k, thanks lads

>> No.19622603

The fire rises, brother

>> No.19622686

I see mostly 5 stars

>> No.19622712

you have to sort by newest, mongoloid

90% of the latest ratings are either 1 or 2 stars

>> No.19622827

Seems that they all have the same technical issue of not getting past the logo screen. That's not something catastrophic that can't get fixed soon.

>> No.19622842

That is your mind playing tricks on you
RSR is scam
Didnt you see what the other people said in this thread?
Dont buy or do any further research

>> No.19622852

some also have the issue of paypal blocking transactions and marking Reserve as unsafe

this might be something to look out for

>> No.19622919

peter thiel is nevin's butt buddy. nevin gave him some free tokens. scam

>> No.19623062

a few days ago the app only said it had 1k+ installs, and today it says 5k+ installs

>> No.19623110

5k installs from people who mostly rate it 1-2 stars is worth the $340 million evaluation?

>> No.19623353

LMFAO please learn spanish before fuding you absolute fucking moron HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.19623377

literally 2 reviews out of 150+ thanks you inhumane sack of putrid shit

>> No.19623394

why would I learn spanish to understand that people hate the app by rating it 1-2 stars?

I also translated most of them with google translate and they all seem to hate it

>> No.19623464
File: 74 KB, 1241x555, 84014532-0399-4FAA-A5E6-3BBDA7362219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys say it’s a scam and I’ll sell my bag at 3$ on you guys. Thanks.

The app is still in testing. Obviously there is going to be glitches. New update this month and a app revamp in the fall with a p2p exchange. Get fucked if you don’t buy. Last time I reply here.

>> No.19623521

good luck when seed investors dump their tokens on you they bought for $0.0004

more than 12 billion of those around
not a big deal

>> No.19623574

google "Supply on exchange wallets crypto" and click the first link you absolute fucking retard

>> No.19623722

oooooh okay it's you from all these threads
yeah man yeah RSR absoutely confirmed scam Nevin literally said it in the telegram

>> No.19624074
File: 379 KB, 499x667, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satsgang under cover

>> No.19625150

calm down mister

>> No.19625356

ffs, finally someone on an rsr thread with sense.

>> No.19625400

it's complete and utter absolute shit anon
better off buying FUND if you wanna join crypto twitter

>> No.19625453

no holders that match that amount. nice try rakesh.

>> No.19625587

Binance soon I think

>> No.19625801

It's not FUD it's reality!

Stop buying garbage guys, there are still pure gems out there in the wild!

SHUF is just a $150k Marketcap, it's verified by Uniswap, founder is a top notch Dev with reputation, and this has just started to get featured all over the place:

This is an easy 10X from here if you want it quick, and 100X++ if you hodl !

To buy, just go to Uniswap and type SHUF! yes, you dont even have to paste the contract address like the garbage you buying right now, because SHUF is legit and approved by Uniswap!

>> No.19626357

Thanks anon, just sold 100MM.

>> No.19626376


>> No.19627083

>buying RSR when you could buy STAKE
Room temp iq

>> No.19627888

Spectre pump & dump

>> No.19628308
File: 564 KB, 521x454, he doesnt know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao... is shuf backed by coinbase ventures and peter thiel? anyone from bilderberg, the imf, or cfr? b/c rsr has all of these things.

stay poor, faggot

>> No.19628354

Reserve has CIA backing
Glowies will use this project to cripple US enemies central banks

>> No.19628411
File: 396 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200609-224605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. 3.9 average. You proved nothing

>> No.19628432
File: 110 KB, 676x769, based BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit! confirmed moon mission!

>> No.19628466
File: 2.49 MB, 1640x1172, skeptical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
