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File: 47 KB, 1097x319, timetocallbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19617950 No.19617950 [Reply] [Original]

This feels like bitcoin 2.0

Nasdaq index just hit 10k.
Im calling bullshit on everything.

The market is propped up by robinhood retards hyping up garbage stocks with low performances like the shitcoin crazy 3 years ago. Today a lot of shit stocks wsb redditors were shilling started to crash so they all moved to FAANG as a hedge, inflating FAANG prices.

How many of you guys know these robinhood retards? How long can they sustain money in the markets? When will their loans and bills catch up?

>> No.19617971
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>> No.19617982
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I know them. I'm one of them. What's wrong with pump and dump?

>> No.19618283
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Imagine being this butthurt because you got outsmarted by literal normies KEK

>> No.19618326
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>> No.19618607

jokes on you schmuck. i sold all my equities and invested in NEM because i knew this shit was too green

>> No.19618703

imagine thinking some teenagers with a few 1000 in holdings has anything but a negligible impact

>> No.19618758

Haha airplane stock goes up

>> No.19618766

Now imagine 1000 of those spergs in a Reddit thread propping up a penny stocks.

>> No.19618787
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Yes I trust the collective understanding of the general American public on the state of the economy over institutional investors.

>> No.19618790

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.19618803

god you guys are just sheep for biz sentiment and zerohedge

RH users make up <5% of the liquidity in the market lmao

keep thinking this is another cRaZy MaSS deLuSiON that must come CrAShiNg doWN aNY mInUTe!!

>> No.19618833

1000 dudes x 1000 dollars 1 million dollars. Of course they can make a difference in small companies. Just not as much difference as that article seems to think.

>> No.19618856

This is giving me flashbacks to the 2017 crypto bubble. People throwing money into stocks of companies that are declaring bankruptcy or that are on the verge. No long term thinking or rationality. Just gambling. Wew I can’t wait to pick up stuff during the drop.

>> No.19618906

>1 million dollars
>making a difference when the stock has a market cap bigger than 300

>> No.19618915

I 100% agree but a bubble only becomes a problem when it pops and you may loose years of bull market if you wait for it.

>> No.19618990


>> No.19619094

>I know its a bubble but I can time the market

just more confirmation that the pop is near

>> No.19619112

The fed is keeping the market afloat, the retail investors are the ones that are going to get caught with their pants down.

>> No.19619455

Is that why you're so butthurt?

>> No.19620065

im not butthurt. Im asking if anyone else notices this and when they think the next crash will be, if there will be one. I think there will be one because robinhood investors have bills to pay

>> No.19620103

yep, the exits are ready to be slammed shut.

>> No.19620371

no shit. If you were smart you'd be innawoods already.

>> No.19620474

When are they gonna stop keeping it afloat?

>> No.19620712

Keep thinking it’s not retard. This shit is more inflated than .com by far

>> No.19620761

Bobo cope. Actually lots of smart money eg big funds have been pushing into the market in the last weeks. This rally is not caused by retaillers (yet)

>> No.19620935

This, by end of year they’re going to be looking at their first tax bill from their unemployment checks. Millions of 20 year olds Normally making $2k per month are making $4k/mo untaxed with unemployment right now. The markets are driven by normies. It’s going to crash.

>> No.19621048

if you think robinhood faggots have any kind of impact on the market youre dead wrong

>> No.19621074

>institutional investors are keeping it afloat thanks to the fed
>no! you can't say retail is keeping it afloat!
Here's a hint: holiday spending is an easy out and 2nd term lame ducks are better for business.

>> No.19621101 [DELETED] 
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The Fed is in an inescapable dilemma. One of two outcomes is going to happen imminently.

1) The Fed allows nominal yields to keep rising. This would crash house prices and real estate by 90%--it would be worse than the Great Depression. When nominal yields got to only 3% in 2018, the stock market plummeted from 26,500 to 22,500. This was averted only by restarting Q. E. Nowadays, even 1% yields crash the market. We nearly got to 1% yields on Friday--0.90%. Yields could spike any day now. This is why Warren Buffet is staying out of the stock market and hoarding silver.

2) The Fed puts a formal cap on yields, also known as YCC. This would be an admission that 5 trillion in Q. E. hasn't been enough to suppress rates, and that at least 20 trillion more is coming. In other words, hyperinflation, a crash in the bond market, and monetizing the debt. Stocks will soar in nominal terms, but crash against the price of gold, because hyperinflation will make the gains worthless, as they were in the Zimbabwe or Venezuelan stock-markets.

In other words, the stock market must crash soon. The only question is whether it will happen in nominal terms or real terms.

I think we all know that the Fed will choose to crash it in real terms, because that is the only politically expedient option. The average Robinhood trader will be marvelling at his 500% gains, and the "best" stock market in human history, even though the U. S. dollar is on its way to being carried about in wheelbarrows.

Whichever choice the Fed is going to make, the only way to profit from this crisis is to buy gold, gold miners, silver, and silver miners.

>> No.19621142
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The Fed is in an inescapable dilemma. One of two outcomes is going to happen imminently.

1) The Fed allows nominal yields to keep rising. This would crash equities and real estate by 90%--it would be worse than the Great Depression. When nominal yields got to only 3% in 2018, the stock market plummeted from 26,500 to 22,500. This was averted only by restarting Q. E. Nowadays, even 1% yields crash the market. We nearly got to 1% yields on Friday--0.90%. Yields could spike any day now. This is why Warren Buffet is staying out of the stock market and hoarding silver.

2) The Fed puts a formal cap on yields, also known as YCC. This would be an admission that 5 trillion in Q. E. hasn't been enough to suppress yields, and that at least 20 trillion more is coming. In other words, hyperinflation, a crash in the bond market, and monetizing the debt. Stocks would soar in nominal terms, but crash against the price of gold, because hyperinflation would make the gains worthless, as they were in the Zimbabwe or Venezuelan stock-markets.

In other words, the stock market must crash soon. The only question is whether it will happen in nominal terms or real terms.

I think we all know that the Fed will choose to crash it in real terms, because that is the only politically expedient option. The average Robinhood trader will be marvelling at his 500% gains, and the "best" stock market in human history, even though the U. S. dollar is on its way to being carried about in wheelbarrows.

Whichever choice the Fed is going to make, the only way to profit from this crisis and protect yourself is to buy gold, gold miners, silver, and silver miners.

>> No.19621159


They do when Robinhood has exploitable glitches where you can overleverage your account

>> No.19621174


> implying boomers going to sink pensions and 401k

Ya okay.

>> No.19621176

This lmao

>> No.19621181

Why everyone saying fed is printing money. Listening to this Jeff Snyder guy, Fed is bluffing to fool everyone into buying frenzy.

>> No.19621206

Sorry i didnt get your point?

>> No.19621236
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Anticipating that there will be a bounce is the bubble itself

>> No.19621269

What’s so hard to understand? Everyone knows the dollar is now worthless so the only way to preserve wealth is by buying assets. The government and Fed signaled to investors that they will come swooping in if shit hits the fan again so this makes stocks more attractive since there is now essentially a price floor on stocks (indirectly). This is the perfect environment for a rally.

>> No.19621281

People trade with robinhood nowadays being against it is as dumb as people who look down on apple!

>> No.19621294

woah, buckle down with that nu york slang. what else retailers should spend their money on if they just sit at home.
no worries once the lockdown is forgotten and your tribes will pull off some more distraction the market is limited to you ""institutions"" a gain sholnno

>> No.19621349

better sell off everything then. put it into chainlink instead

>> No.19621379

>government prints money just to buy useless assets
>it's the assets that have value

>> No.19621514

>The average Robinhood trader will be marvelling at his 500% gains, and the "best" stock market in human history, even though the U. S. dollar is on its way to being carried about in wheelbarrows.
This is what I've been saying since the Wu-Flu crisis started. I had the feeling in my gut. Stocks are preferable in times of economic distress for the potentially high yields they net in such a short time, however those gains only mean anything if the underlying assumption is that the inflation rate remains the same stable as it has. If we enter into territory where inflation begins rising at a pace that even stocks can't match, then no matter what your "gain" is in the market, your value means jack shit.

Oh you just made $50k in one week? Cool, Milk and bread cost $1k now. Obviously an exaggeration, but clearly this is the trend we're moving towards.

>> No.19621901

>This feels like bitcoin 2.0
feeling the same as well, i refuse to buy someone else's bag at ATH. didn't make that mistake back then, ain't gonna happen now.

>> No.19622265

robinhood had a record number of downloads. Remember the same shit happened with coinbase. Crypto rallied hard and then crashed just as hard. I think it will inflate more now that there was a "dip" and then drop like a rock since unemployment is almost gone. Be fearful when others are greedy.

Big money is exiting as robinhood grows with stimulus and unemployment checks. buffet and icahn are out but Godbolt, 2 month investor. is the expert

>> No.19622311

It's not going to be hyperinflation. It's going to be a rapid devaluation against the yuan, just as USD was devalued 50% between 1916-1918 against the pound sterling. Heavy inflation, but not hyper/runaway.

>> No.19622312

That literally happened in 2008 though.

>> No.19622383
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“We are all at a wonderful ball where the champagne sparkles in every glass and soft laughter falls upon the summer air. We know, by the rules, that at some moment the Black Horsemen will come shattering through the great terrace doors, wreaking vengeance and scattering the survivors. Those who leave early are saved, but the ball is so splendid no-one wants to leave while there is still time, so that everyone keeps asking, “What time is it? What time is it?” But none of the clocks have any hands.”
– From Supermoney by Adam Smith.

This is the current state of the longest bull run in American history. Ironically I also believe it (personally) to be the last big bang before the USA permanently loses its global superpower status and rescinds to a regional superpower concentrated in all the Americas + Western europe. While Asia gets swallowed by China.

I'm open for speculation on who'll take on MENA + Eastern Europe

>> No.19622413

Legit question but did they account for past mistakes and therefore make a correction this time around?

>> No.19622449

See you when s&p hits 4500

>> No.19622479


I fucking hate redditors. Shoo, shoo you filthy stinky redditor.

>> No.19622517

All of you naysayers seem to realize that we are in a giant bubble being blown up by QE
So why not join the ride? Your dollar is going to lose value rapidly of you don't.
Of course you would have to be dumb not to hold physical silver/gold right now alongside that

>> No.19622524
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The us military is too large relatively, and too ingrained in other countries for America to revert to regional power yet.

Well who knows, it certainly wont happen the way it did last time. It only happened last time because the ratings agencies were giving away AAA ratings like candy so all the funds were buying them based on the assumption that they were rock solid, especially since lots of it had real estate as the underlying asset which people thought was even more rock solid at the time.

Now the fed has basically said they will buy distressed assets at their book price meaning they are basically pretending that everything is worth what everyone thought it was when it was overpriced and the market was euphoric, if they continue this they are essentially giving people the signal to ignore risk since the fed will back them up no matter what, which will just lead to riskier and riskier investments, or they stop it and the game ends real quick. who knows.

>> No.19622559
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>as they were in the Zimbabwe or Venezuelan stock-markets.

I agree with your 2 dilemma scenario, but i simply disagree with this point. A lot of stocks are over valued for sure, but American companies are globally strong. Amazon's growth isnt going to stop in my opinion. it will just keep generating more revenue as smaller businesses die out. Apple google and facebook wont be hit as hard in my opinion either. Their current growth rate isnt that inflated because their revenues continue to go up. Consumer staples and internet providers will stay afloat too even if initially hit.

is every stock inflated? Most definitely are but why would a company mining gold lose revenue?

>> No.19622560

So the price of bread isn’t $1,000 it’s $7-$10

Plus your income is taxed double so if you make 100k your take home is roughly 45k. Anyone making under 70k post this crash is fucked.

I’m invested in ETH/BTC/Link
Risky but the inflation rate is less than the dollar. I’ll load up on some gold this weekend

>> No.19622591

Theres no way Robinhood alone could do this. Though it could explain why all of a sudden companies going BK are having their stocks skyrocket

>> No.19622625

you were stupid if you didnt buy Citi at $35, 40, 45, 50

.5x book was free money

idk what the professionals were doing

>> No.19622636

Hahahahaha ha cope

>> No.19622647

i dont see hyperinflation in our economy because american corporations run the world. I see stagflation.

>> No.19622710

I sold this morning (UK) before everything went to shit. Up 20% in two months and I’m gonna sit on the sides til things blow over. If there’s another wave of the virus it’s gonna fuck so many people over

>> No.19622775

been under 2 weeks since the mass riots

>> No.19622790

Furthermore, the difference between Zimbabwe, Venezuela and America is that people need American dollars, there is a demand for American goods/services and it is the reserve currency, so any inflation in the American dollar is spread out throughout the world economy because other countries have no other choice but to use dollars either way. Stagflation is what will come.

>> No.19623017

>Crypto rallied hard and then crashed just as hard
i hope you're right. i'm jelly as fuck watching my crypto crab and all the nubs mooning on their first try

>> No.19623083

Influx of inexperience market participants is highly associated with price bubble formations.
This has been researched.
They actually cannot realize when they're in a bubble because they have no experience with one to recall.
The pump and the dump

>> No.19623114

>as they were in the Zimbabwe or Venezuelan stock-markets
we are nowhere near hyperinflation.

>> No.19623140

reminder that hyperinflation = currency loses 50% of its purchasing power EVERY MONTH. those who think we are on the verge of hyperinflation are retards.

>> No.19623239

That's not how it works if it's controlled. Everything doubles in cost, including wages. The ones that get fucked the hardest are those holding lots of fiat.

>> No.19623272

What's it called when usd value decreases 50% every year then?

>> No.19623277

the drop already happened

>> No.19623360

Why do you care? They are providing liquidity to the market. If you have them all figured out go with the flow. Hate the game not the player faggot
I for one sold most of my shit on Friday and yesterday. Today I still went green because of Amazon Google Apple and amd but I sold Apple because I know that price is retarded and I had an order to sell Amazon at 2690 if it got there.

I'm already looking at what oil companies to buy tomorrow if it goes down again

Just stop whining

>> No.19623367
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Still better to prepare

>> No.19623439


>> No.19623458

the spergs that say hyperinflation really just mean high inflation

>> No.19623476

Opportunities come up with Value Income prospects and sustainable ecosystems. VID.camera put a Value Income perspective through their ecosystem for businesses.

>> No.19623648

Also, you can also hedge with puts and volatility calls, We’ve been given the blueprint, V shaped recovery, now either it happens, or it pulls a crypto Feb 2018 and then at least one or more of the following, pm’s, cash, puts, or vol calls, btc, will keep you afloat. Not to mention defense stocks

>> No.19623669


>on the verge of hyperinflation

Nobody said this. Hyperinflation probably won't result until 2023 or 2024. Until then, there will be high inflation, as in the 70s and 80s, when gold went up 20x. Nevertheless, if the U. S. doesn't default on its debt, cut all its social programmes, and crash the housing and equity markets by 90%, hyperinflation is the inevitable result. Why? Because a crash in the bond market is a vicious cycle. More Q. E. means more inflation, which means bonds become less desirable to foreign investors, which means more inflation is needed to cap yields, ad infinitum. There is no way of escaping from the dilemma. Either catastrophic default or hyperinflation--followed by an even more catastrophic default.

>> No.19623690

The feds just printed 2x the amount of money even in USD notes in circulation. There’s a total of 1.5t Usd in 1-100 dollar bills. We will see $500 and $1000 bills circulating before 2030, and there’s only one reason why that would be. You are delusional and are falling for the “return to normal” phase. The poor millennials propping the market through buying the dip will stop soon. Government gibs end in one month and people will return to $15/hr jobs. Except they will have tax bills due this time. This pump is unsustainable and is purely driven by inflation from the normies getting their gib checks, who hadn’t the chance to invest until this dip happened. The new investors will run out and as soon as losses begin, the panic selling starts.

>> No.19623796

even if what youre saying is true, stocks are the safest liquid asset in a hyperinflation scenario

>> No.19623933

No! I want a second wave

>> No.19623973

Literally me I’m jealous af

>> No.19624049 [DELETED] 
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During the inflationary 70s and 80s, you lost money in the stock market in real times. You made 20 times your money in gold. Likewise in the case of hyperinflation. Look at the gains in the Venezuelan stock market. Would those make you feel content? Certain companies will do well in the coming crisis, especially those to do with commodities, but many will become bankrupt and worthless.

>> No.19624091
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During the inflationary 70s and 80s, you lost money in the stock market in real terms. You made 20 times your money in gold. So in the case of hyperinflation. Look at the gains in the Venezuelan stock market. Would those make you feel content? Certain companies will do well in the coming crisis, especially those to do with commodities, but many will become bankrupt and worthless.

In the long-term, people should be looking at foreign stocks; American ones will perform worst of all.

>> No.19624099

yes i agree with this. But how exactly does that work?

Asset prices will go up. right now theyre already inflated so high that wages cannot keep up with rent or housing.

if housing crashes, we will see deflation.

>> No.19624165

there is a shortage of usd in the world.

>> No.19624213


Strong dollar narrative is very quickly collapsing. Dollar index down to 96.39 today. Doesn't look promising.

>> No.19624221
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A friend of mine bought the top in dec 2017 and just got into trading on robinhood 4 months ago. OP is onto something...

>> No.19624287

This, lol.

>> No.19624346

Boomers panicked and sold everything thinking the world would end.

Normies got smart and bought. That's all that happened.

>> No.19624359
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>> No.19624375

Yeah but that period had completely different regulations and super strict capital controls which was why credit didn't flow as freely as it does now because of the Reagan deregulation, so I dont think you can argue the same thing will happen.

It will be like what Japan has been like for the last 10-20 years.

>> No.19624387

Now zoomies will be holding bags when the markets collapse again tomorrow.

>> No.19624398

It is a giant bubble, you've even got threads on r9k: >>>/r9k/58551888
I forgot where, but someone in an interview recently claimed, that their 12 year old son asked them if they could open up a robinhood account, because all his friends at school are doing it.

>> No.19624405

just ride the wave Doomer. The fed CANNOT let equities crash, lest they lose their grip on the US financial hegemony. It’s as simple as this: buy US stocks, buy gold.

>> No.19624439


>> No.19624463

Ironic how they said this like in March or April when stuff pumped iirc. A little odd how they're suddenly trying it again and after a pump too. Makes me wonder if it's just the big firms trying to dump prices via fud.

>> No.19624537


I think you're talking about the interview which George Gammon did with Jesse Felder yesterday. Felder says it towards the end. It's a very good interview. I highly recommend it to everybody here.


>> No.19624615

YES, that was it
It does feel exactly like crypto in late 2017/early 2018

>> No.19624723
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Don't worry, it's going to be okay.

>> No.19624767

Been reading your posts the last few days in various threads and I'm on board with your outlook. What is your sentiment on bitcoin and other cryptos as inflationary hedges? Are they mature enough to capture some of the mass flight into store-of-value assets that will accompany hyperinflation?

>> No.19624789


I remember that Sir Isaac Newton pocketed a 100% gain from the South Sea Bubble, but then bought in later at the height of the mania and promptly lost everything. People have to be extremely careful right now. If they feel themselves panicking uncontrollably and desperate to get in, the bubble is probably reaching its peak. Those who hold gold and exercise patience will eventually be rewarded.

>> No.19624808

I’ve made over $600 on robinhood with only $2000 of my own money in.
Then you all lose a shitton of money but at least you’re not a robinhood trader..?

Honestly if you do research on other platforms and just use robinhood as a medium to buy stocks it’s fine

>> No.19624864
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>> No.19624900


Good cryptocurrency has certain advantages over gold. It offers privacy or near-privacy, low fees, cannot be confiscated by governments, and is accessible to anybody with a phone. Its disadvantages are that, if you lose your keys, you lose everything, and that you can be tortured for them; neither of which misfortunes can happen to a person who holds gold in a vault. Gold also has a much longer record as a store of value than cryptocurrency, and is used in industry.

Crypto does have a use-case then, and is worth putting 1 or 2% of your net-worth into if you want to take a chance on it. It might become the new system of money, and go up 100x. But it might also go to zero.

BTC is a ponzi-scheme, controlled by financial institutions, and does not have a genuine use-case, so I wouldn't touch it; my money is in ETH, XMR, and BCH. Make sure that you eventually move your crypto into a wallet; if it's on an exchange like Coinbase, you don't truly own it.

>> No.19624981

What would the rationalist say is an absolute measure of wealth for our simulated reality?

>> No.19624990

I mean I'm not new to crypto, I've got 99% of my net worth locked up in LINK/ETH/XMR/BTC (mostly LINK). Other 1% is PMs. I do intend to sell most of the LINK off in tiers based either on price targets or time accrued over the next 12-24 months and put the proceeds in more solid cryptos and metals.

I agree BTC is fundamentally cucked, wondering what specifically about BCH you see that makes it an appealing alternative vs. just another moneygrab shitfork?

>> No.19624999

>We're the anime now
sick. Now if only we could wake the fuck up and start exporting chevys as if they were Toyotas then wee would be talking.

>> No.19625038

shaky hands run both ways
either gripping uninvested cash or hodling stonks.
If you were smart you got out of this clown market years ago. Start buying things you can actually resell when the Chinese get back to work. Like a pig farm or something.

>> No.19625172

self consciousness and geolocation unironically.
Look into eco-investing because either the sea levels rise or they don't and either way a 20 minute walk to the beach beats a 3 hour drive. Land developers are moving into the next stage and Russia is gearing into being the new breadbasket.


Russia has more unused land than anywhere else on earth and China isn't far behind. They're gonna have farm kids who went to college in the city turning around and looking at all that work with money in their eyes.
Remember, farms don't actually make money. Banks who loan to farms make money. I'd say head to the hills and get ready to buy all kinds of development funds soon.

>> No.19625218


BCH fulfils the original criteria of Bitcoin, pseudonymity, low fees, and low transaction-times. The fork was made by a good number of the original Bitcoin community (like Gavin Andresen) because of censorship over the block-size debate. It's a long story, but, basically, BTC can't scale without second-layer solutions, which (they say) defeats the whole purpose of cryptocurrency. Roger Ver is the most prominent figurehead, and he's a person whom I fundamentally like and trust. He has made some mistakes (e. g. the Mt Gox affair), but I believe that he has a good heart. In 2011, when Bitcoin was dirt-cheap, he made a $10,000 bet that it would outperform gold by 100x and he was proven right about that. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfydIbhduu0)) So when he says that he believes in Bitcoin Cash, I'm inclined to lend credence to his judgement.

I would definitely increase your exposure to precious metals, so as not to be overweighted in one asset-class. If you're reluctant about buying coins and bars and don't want to mess about with physical stuff, then just buy the mining indices GDX or GDXJ on the stock market. (Stay away from GLD.)

>> No.19625229

Unironically this. I'm sitting on a huge pile of cash because I'm too scared to invest right now. I think it'll arrive around election times

>> No.19625268

>Thinking this V shaped is due to Robinhooders

You’re a fucking idiot lol

>> No.19625274

It's a shame that the industry that created civilization has been perverted and raped to this level. I've always said that subsidies have been detrimental to the industry, however the redneck fucks enjoy their government checks while posting against said government on their social media.

Urban farming and hyperlocalization is what the world needs to resolve the food and climate crisis. Hell, I'm willing to bet that the first company to successfully deploy will be as big of not bigger than amazon. Fuck your banks and fuck the department of agriculture

>> No.19625391

farming is still a good life if you're red green color blind and enjoy isolation desu :^)
Also look into produce and dairy marketing agencies because before we die we're going to be choosing between Russian and Chinese Strawberry tomatoes and the only difference will be the label thanks to monsanto.

>> No.19625410

Cosmic Crisps are actually pretty good and I've never seen any advertizing for them, just grabbed a few the first time I saw them at the market

>> No.19625440

That’s a nice gif where’s ya get it

>> No.19625454
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>> No.19625462

Imagine getting this booty blasted over an advert for robinhood

>> No.19625467

Holy shit look at these salty incel bears, u hate making money?

>> No.19625634

Yeah they're all right. I think I still prefer envy. Apples though... Imagine if you could get in on the ground floor of the 2000s aus lamb boom

>> No.19625749

foreign central banks are worse offenders of money printing than the us fed. just look at how the USD is gaining on nearly every major foreign currency

>> No.19625866


"A Crash in the Dollar Is Coming" -- Stephen Roach, Bloomberg, June 8, 2020


Goldman is betting against the U. S. dollar right now. Jesse Felder also bearish on the dollar (see this interview >>19624537). Dollar index at 96.39. Seems that Peter Schiff rather than Brent Johnson may ultimately end up being correct.

>> No.19626110
File: 100 KB, 1274x854, robinhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought everything u fags said the past week and all of them were right

except today winnings went down over 700

how long do i hold?

>> No.19626248

Every one of China’s neighbours, with the possible exception of best Korea, hates the shit out of them. Nobody is getting swallowed up by China, quite the opposite

>> No.19626324

i sold all my oil for NEM and Aapl as well and am green. Im just worried for whats coming. If i liquidate, cash might die by inflation. i think i can weather the storm through consumer staples and water.

>> No.19626425

unfortunately this is not yet even the "gone mad" stage. this is simply mass deployment of btfd mindset. it's gone mainstream and that pony can ride for many days.

>> No.19626429

congrats, you fell for the ol' /biz/ pump and dump.
Remember to buy high sell low frens.

>> No.19626434

Nigga, 80% of the market is made of institutional traders. This new robinhood retail trader theory that people are spamming is fucking retarded. Yes, the penny stocks are being highly influenced by them nowadays (because liquidity), but who fucking cares about penny stocks. Only literal sub 100 IQ brainlets trade them anyways. In the overall market picture, these people are ridiculously negligible. S&P 500 Did not rally because of robinhood traders. Wsb redditors only trade large cap stocks with options which does not affect the market price in the slightest. Almost none of these guys are buying stocks from big companies. Big boys and the FED fully control the market, period.

>> No.19626497

Thank you dude. All these self-important fucktards thinking their $10,000 portfolio is swinging the price of even the tiniest penny stock is laughable. It’s all big dogs and hedge funds and institutional investors

>> No.19626571
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Do you have data to show the proportion of retail versus institutional investors before the Great Depression? During the Dotcom Bubble? If it was little different from what we're seeing now, the aphorism of the shoe-shine boy still holds. The Robinhood traders are the most contrarian indicator that I've ever witnessed.

>> No.19626675

Will BTC crash together with the broader market? I'm sitting on 100k in cash, waiting for the next drop below 5k

>> No.19626982

>robin hood
>an indicator at all

>> No.19627046

Thing is, stocks are way more manipulated than crypto. You never know what the FED is gonna do.

>> No.19627084

>20-30 year olds have no experience with a market bubble

nigga they lived through 3

>> No.19627089

Economic slowdown = less demand for gold tho

>> No.19627133

>a 10 year old has consciously observed a market bubble
come on m8 don't be obtuse.
2 market bubbles is generous I almost remember the 90s.

>> No.19627168

>March 2020 on Reddit
>”Fuck you Robinhood, you lost me money, I’m suing!!!”
>June 2020
>”Fuck yeah, I’m adding my unemployment funds to my Robinhood account, It’s literally free money bro!”
If this doesn’t scream bad fucking news I don’t know what does. All I can think about is how when the market shit it’s pants in March and not a soul could access their online broker accounts, Robinhood being the worst. I feel this foreshadows the whole next leg down and it’s a long way down from here, can’t keep the facts at bay forever...

>> No.19627212

>still this many "bears" sitting on cash waiting to buy the next dip because they pussies out on the first
Big signal that there will be no next dip. You missed your shot now accept the loss and get in the clown car. You try to fight the market when you can surf the market like a wave

>> No.19627253
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>> No.19627589
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According to George Gammon, the Fed isn't even directly responsible for a lot of this market. It's more the psychology that the Fed is omnipotent that is driving it.


People forget that the money printer meme which was made on /biz/ came into being when the markets were crashing, and, as they did so, no matter how much Q. E. the Fed announced to try and prop them up, they continued to crash. In other words, Q. E. can't stop a crash. So it is a real possibility that the Fed could still lose control of this market.

>> No.19627685

Let me guess baby's first options trades??

>> No.19627803

Holding through volatility is the opposite of timing the market.

>> No.19627816

>someone in an interview recently claimed, that their 12 year old son asked them if they could open up a robinhood account, because all his friends at school are doing it.

>> No.19627826

We goin innawoods? I'll get my bag!

>> No.19628105

~~~institutional investors~~~

>> No.19628132

they won't catch up because im paying bills with my gains nigga, BTFD homie

>> No.19628201

What would the effects of US Stagflation be on foreign currencies? t. Ausfag

>> No.19628329

After the '08 crash I thought like you. You can type all the dumb bullshit you want, you can watch 500 Peter Schiff and Mike Maloney videos, it won't change anything. You don't understand the market half as well as you think you do because you haven't included velocity of money in your understanding.

Last time (in '08) I listened to the retards saying shit like this and it was a horrible decision. This time I bought at the bottom and haven't sold a single share yet. You want to tell me my CCL stock is going back to my buy price of $8? lmfao get over yourself dude. You bought the corona lie and are seething about it when many retail investors said "naah it's a fucking cold." Why were we conditioned to see through the bullshit? Because years of "Mueller is coming" memes and media gaslighting was enough to wake us up to the bullshit - and yes, most who did are Trump supporters. So it's also political, a political wealth transfer. Those of us who accurately called bullshit are being rewarded for it. It's really that simple. Make good predictions, make money.

Sure, eventually a move into SLV will probably make sense. But for now, everyone should be restructuring their debts (mortgages and otherwise). Businesses should be retooling and reorganizing. Garbage businesses should be sloughing off and going away. And guess what? That's exactly what's happening. This is a forest fire purging the underbrush, the same way leftist mobs are purging the idiots in coastal metros.

>> No.19628548


This is nothing like 08. The Fed is out of ammunition this time. Look at the ten-year yield. It was 5% in 08. They can't even permit 1% yields now. The economy is severely feebler. Look at the picture which I made in the post which you quote. Gold began its present rise from $1200 to $1700 after people realized that the Fed simply could not allow yields to rise--that even 3% yields were enough to crash the markets. Gold is not going up for no reason.

This present crash and rise in the price of gold has nothing to do with the coronavirus. Everybody was predicting it long before. e. g. David Brady, 5 months ago and 7 months ago:



Again, Ray Dalio and Bridgewater predicted $2000 gold and everything that is presently going in Jan. 2020, long before the coronavirus panic started:


"Mr Jensen said he would not rule out the possibility that the Fed could slash rates to zero this year as it looks to avoid recession and disinflationary pressures."

"Bridgewater's co-chief investment officer Greg Jensen told the Financial Times that gold prices could rally to $2,000 an ounce."

"Although rate cuts by the Fed have bolstered equity markets, Mr Jensen said the group was “more cautious” on US stocks, describing them as “frothy”."

Bridgewater accurately placed a $1.5 billion options bet that the stock market would plunge by March 2020:


>> No.19628598

>George Gammon
Literally who?

>> No.19628653

>The Fed is out of ammunition this time.
You must be what, like 22 years old? You probably don't even remember '08. I can assure you that nothing you have said, nor that which is said in any of the shitty videos you linked, was not also said back then. And as then, none of it matters now. In fact, the US is probably in the best position it's been in in at least three decades. Back in '08 the same people were saying you would be able to buy a fucking 4 bedroom house with acreage on a nice suburb for 500 oz of silver "just you wait anon, it's coming, just keep stacking." The SAME people are still saying the same shit today. None of them have revised their theses, none have learned a thing. Instead they're sucking more sheep in who are now missing the biggest and fastest bull rally in all of human history (literally). I've nearly 3x'd my money in about two months. What has David Brady done for you? Why did he miss the bottom in stocks when I caught it? What has Peter Schiff and Mike Maloney done for you? What have any of them done for you? Ask yourself this question anon. Why aren't you wealthier but I am MUCH wealthier today than two months ago? Your thesis is wrong. You need to revise it. I'm sure you won't, at least not for many years. But you will remember this period in your life and look back some day and say "fuck that was dumb." In the meantime, the people benefiting from this boom the most are gaslit Trump supporters who just said 'to hell with the MSM' and started betting against everything they said. And so far it's making them all rich.

>> No.19628666

>bears who don't understand what's going on pulling their hair out and screaming bubble
Stay mad poorfags

>> No.19628725

Posting in angry bono thread

>> No.19628760

I like the UFO over Area 51
It's the first thing I went looking for

>> No.19628769
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Kek loser

>> No.19628779

Okay. What IS going on then? :)
I'll wait for an intelligent response LMAO

>> No.19628801

What effect would high US inflation/stagflation have on foreign currencies? t. Ausfag

>> No.19628824

Lmao. Youre fucking retarded as hell if you think all this is just "doomer talk" and not actually warranted. What a dumbass post. Long winded just to say "I love the dunning kruger effect and know more than anyone. The fed's constant QE is sustainable for all eternity and hyperinflation is not real!". What a joke

>> No.19628920
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I support both of your opinions in a sense
Has firmer points and well structured conjectures.
Is slinging more insults and has more flimsy points.

The situation is not as rosy as the market and some pundits would have you believe.
The Fed is NOT out of ammunition.
AND much needed restructuring is also occurring.
Doomer talk and Bloomer talk is all on the table.
There's a reason that statues look like this in more than one configuration.

>> No.19628922
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>"doomer talk"
Never used that phrase. Really though your posts are long winded ways of saying "waaaaaah I didn't make money why is everyone else making money?!?!? look at my graphs and charts and vids these will explain why I should be rich not you, don't you get it!?!?" Calling me "a joke" is projection at its most grotesque.

You can philosophize about QE and how you should be the one building wealth like pic related. Why do I even bother with you fags. Go watch some more David Brady videos.

>> No.19628954

By all means anon, adopt his fantasies. I'm sure it suits you.

>> No.19628979

The Philippines is already China’s bitch, Australia is a junkie desperate for a fix, Singapore will declare neutrality if there is ever a US-Sino shooting war, and Malaysia lets China build an artificial island enclave right on their coast. Japan is your only hope of a bulwark

>> No.19628981


>> No.19629022

1. Never said you did, retard. It's a summary to condense your long winded bullshit.
2. Kek at you stealing MY insult. Not only that, dumbass, but compare that post to yours. Mine isn't long winded. I got straight to the point. Learn a thing or two about that :).
3. Youre a dumbass living in denial. Thinking you know shit when its the fed pumping prices. You can make money, but knowing your dumbass, youre not going to catch the top and get massively massively dumped on.
>david brady
Go watch some money gps and max keiser vids to educate yourself

>> No.19629047

All of this seething just because you bought into Mike Maloney's bullshit. Fuck. I genuinely pity you.

>> No.19629062

I don't think either of you are entirely on the wrong track I just think you're both being extreme.
Reality is that The Fed has a lot of smart people working on not letting the economy get out of hand and the market is over-valued in several segments which may prove to be key to near-future outcomes.

>> No.19629084

They are on here, bragging about trading options like it's easy when they are playing in an easy artificial market.
A year from now it'll get unpredictable again and they will be making thirty posts a thread about how they lost everything and want to kill themselves.

>> No.19629090

The irony is that I'd bet my house that I own more physical silver than he does.

>> No.19629113

>whaaaa shut up and let me believe stocks will go up forever whaaa!!
What a bitch

>> No.19629139

If you bought the bottom and rode it up, post evidence.

If you own puts today, post evidence.

We both know you didn't and don't. That's all there is to say on the matter.

>> No.19629250

Can't be too sure.
I'm not big in precious metals either because I'm mostly broke. I was recovering from leaving college at a dead end job and only have a very small porfolio of currency indexes from around the globe because I think that's the best way to assuage risk.
I just think you're being hyperbolic if you're predicting the future (which I'm also guilty of doing) and being extreme in your position. (same with the other anon)

>> No.19629260

I didnt buy the dip since I wasnt actually expecting the fed to be able to save anything. I never god damn said I bought the dip, you illiterate monkey.
Im also not predicting the top. Both is degenerative trading right now. Just... wtf is this post?

>> No.19629315
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I really appreciated both of your posts.
>>19628329 Didn't articulate a theses other than "Trump supporters are being rewarded", but I think that could have validity as well. Trump literally speaks more truth than the MSM; will he win out in the long run and re-invigorate the economy? ---yet to be seen to a degree. It HAS been true that in the last 4 years I think he generated a faith/enthusiasm that DID infuse the economy. I think the 2 greatest things Trump will have done or can do are bolster the American spirit, and show the lying Jew/liberal-owned MSM for what it is.

Peter Schiff says stuff like $10k gold, and I don't really see that happening. $2k-$3.5k, yes, but not a lot higher. Stock rebound also has me worried. I rode a lot of it and had 140% gains due to using 3X etf's/etns, but sold most today. Honestly, IDK WTF is going on at this point. Both you have valid points. I wish both of you could supply more evidence to make your claims. At this time, I am in the midst of starting a small business (selling things of my own design/engineering on amazon.com), and I'm barely making it. I import from China because their molding and machining costs are literally 30% what I would pay here. So I pay $2.15 instead of $6, and then I pay another ~32% total tariff on the stuff, bringing it to $2.84. Larger companies than me (I'll gross around $300k revenue, maybe $35k profit this year) like Nike make their shit in Vietnam in their own factories, and so they pay around 25% of what I pay. It's insanity. Frankly I'm surprised that this has been going on for almost 40 years and America still has as many jobs as it does. I'm worried that pic-related will happen here sometime during the next few decades. Link: https://archive.org/download/TheWorldSignificanceOfTheRussianRevolution/48920297-Rivers-The-World-Significance-of-the-Russian-Revolution.pdf Book is really worth reading, takes about 50 minutes...skip the preface. ..cont.

>> No.19629322

Foreclosure boy I can’t buy stock. Not at black and not at rock. My credit is too LOWWW Loan shark cut of my TOEEEE

>> No.19629327

Either of you two have more to back up your claims on where both the economy and stocks are headed? I think there's enough rich people who don't know where to put their money that they will literally keep it in stocks. Why or when will people sell, causing the market to go down? --I don't think they'll sell unless it "gets uncomfortably high", as I felt today. Greed. Greed powers the stock market. A more productive greed powers business (must make something worth buying to earn the money). Seems to me that out of the money supply there will always be a certain ratio of monies tied up in stocks. In an inflationary environment I would expect that to rise more than normal due to greed in expecting others to do the same. In this way, in stocks, one must always be in the vanguard of buying or selling.

>> No.19629393

honestly why does it always have to boil down to communism when we're posting about these broader economic topics?
Does anyone have any tweets from the head of one of the branches of the fed talking about possible mechanisms of monetary policy they're pursuing?
I'm tired of
>it's never been tried memes
>at least it's not the goberment.png

>> No.19629643

All you fucking permabear "duh economy is going to implode" retards. Look at DOW, Look as S&P, look at nasdaq. They have ran FOREVER and what do they do, they go up.

Mega chink virus that shut down literally the whole economy couldn't do anything, and they will continue to go up. You faggots are going to be sitting around in 2050 preaching an apocalypse wondering why you have no money.

>> No.19629685

Yes, they go up.. BECAUSE OF THE FED you STUPID mother fucker. These are basically prices based off of speculation. Bubble

>> No.19629705


Yeah and do you think the fed is going to go away tomorrow you fucking idiot? Enjoy not making money retard.

>> No.19629726

try looking at those charts adjusted for inflation buddy

>> No.19629740


It still goes up

>> No.19629757

fed propping markets up is now old news. the next big issue will be lower consumer confidence.
>b-but we're reopening and jobs report was better than expected
doesn't matter. people are becoming more cautious now that they know the good times might stop soon. a lot of the unnecessary jobs and careers won't return or stay as they were. i'm in marketing and i'm already shitting myself and thinking that i won't find a 9-5 if i ever stop freelancing.

>> No.19629794

Senpai, if you had 100k sitting in your account right now, would would wait for the bubble to pop, right?

I feel bad I did not dump everything into boeing in march :(

>> No.19629821

Please post suicide note here when you get fucked

>> No.19629954

Well, following your argument is still to be better in stocks than in cash?

>> No.19629982
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>/smg/ is keep the entire world economy afloat

>> No.19630011

I drink beartard tears for breakfast

>> No.19630020

Assuming current state of affairs, yes. If dollar devaluation or inflation occurs faster than the gains created by the stock market, then you're effectively at a net loss. This is precisely the problem. We're seeing massive gains now, but some are anticipating massive dollar devaluation. What good is +500% gains if the underlying currency has lost all its value? It's like getting 500 grains of wheat (future) versus 500 loaves of bread (now)

>> No.19630022

No there is not. You probably read some shit about dollar milkshake theory. In reality there is no real usd shortage as us debt service is putting out constant currency towards other nations (you're free to look up who is biggest bond holder of us securities, yeah correct, it's China)

>> No.19630034

last time i checked it was Japan

>> No.19630046
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>hoes mad (x24)

>> No.19630048

Zoomers have no bags at all. You need to say goodbye to the assumption that a sortiment of digital shittokens has any inherent worth in such a scenario, it's a pure speculation tool that flourished when money is available.

>> No.19630065

Harsh words against the oldest form of value storage since existence of mankind

>> No.19630083

>thinking the world would end
But the world did end. Entire industries are confirmed dead for months, possibly years. Who's going to a bar when you need to stand alone in a corner? Service economy is dead until all regulations are removed, and that could take years. Not to mention the closed borders, when are they opening

>> No.19630121

I bet you've posted the exact same thing when shitcoins mooned. The bubble will pop, the Pink Fields of Wojaks will return, if you have at least an ounce of brain, you will cash out before that happens to buy that massive dip. Normies will be fucked AGAIN, competent people will make money and buy the bigest dip in the history to make even more money 3 years later.

Don't get me wrong, I'm supper happy that the market has more exposure than ever, but this is going to pop and all these Robinhood normies will lose.

>> No.19630146

>he still has the dip mentality
Anon that implies that economy isn't fundamentally broken and keep growing. This one might be the final nail

>> No.19630398


>> No.19630616

Lol, anon recommends privately created digital shitcoins not accepted as means of payment by the public and already heavily inflated by early "investors" in the face of economic doom

>> No.19630760

Dont underestimate the amount of "passive" index investors. Blackrock as biggest holder of lots of stocks also implies the retailler behind it with his etf investments. These retaillers may tend to change from passive to active quite quickly.

>> No.19631554

Can you explain your strategy? How is owning a basket of fiat currencies assuaging risks

>> No.19631602
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The virus doesn't matter anymore. We're headed back to 30K on the Dow. I went long first week of April. Retailfags have little impact.

>> No.19632061

I need some advice from somebody other than a doomer or permabull. I have been slowly moving my regular SPY to leveraged SPY during the corona crash, and made a nice 8k profit. Now I'm starting to think to maybe deleverage a little again into regular SPY. I'm currently about 80k invested 60/40 regular SPY and 2x Leveraged SPY.

>> No.19632069

UI is taxed (if you select to tax it). Imagine thinking that the market is propped up by retards who got an extra couple hundred dollars a week. You know companies measure their outstanding shares in billions right?

>and holding silver
Absolutely not fucking true. Shoo shoo you silver bug degenerate

>> No.19632206

Well what do you want to hear? Leverage, also 2x can fuck you big time, which you probably know, your asset allocation is high risk. You have to decide for yourself if you feel good with it. I, for myself wouldn't buy on leverage at all.

>> No.19632228

if its happeing with one investing website, its happening with the rest...

>> No.19632227

dumping right now

>> No.19632360
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Got in last week, even with the dip yesterday I'm up +12% my initial investment. Gonna look even better once the theaters reopen and my CMK call goes big.

>> No.19632381


>> No.19632606
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>> No.19632711
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You haven't actually provided an an argument in reply, simply said "Mike Maloney et al. were wrong last time therefore they will be wrong this time." As a matter of fact, they weren't wrong, since, if you bought silver in 08 and sold in 11, you made a fortune. (e. g. See picture: 17x gains on First Majestic Silver.) And, by the way, David Brady predicted the stock market would go up at first after this crash (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e7LI_r4tQs)), as did many other PM-advocates (maneco64 on Youtube is another example--said the rally would last at least 10 weeks).

Either the Fed allows yields to rise and crashes everything, or it suppresses them and destroys the currency. From 2008 to the present day, yields are down from 5% to less than 1%. What are they going to be in real terms soon? -5%? -10%? Who will buy treasuries? The debt will be monetized.


GDX and GDXJ on the stock-market are a way to get exposure to precious metals without paying premiums and vault-fees.


$10,000 gold is inevitable insofar as the demise of the dollar is inexorable. Because America must either let yields rise, crash the markets, and default, which is a politically impossible decision, or hyperinflate the currency and then default. Politicians will always put off the day of judgement.


If you bought the Dow just before the Great Depression, then, adjusted for inflation, it took you 80 years to recoup your gains.


Those who bought the Dow during the inflationary 70s and 80s lost money.


As George Gammon says, when you adjust for the real statistics, as the government calculated them in the 1980s, we have already been in a depression since 2008.



You missed the post where I advocated spending, at most, 1 or 2% of one's net-worth on crypto.



>> No.19632778 [DELETED] 




People who buy precious metals don't need to gamble. They can afford to be patient. They aren't looking for a mere 2x or 3x gain. They are expecting a 100x gain. For reference, when silver went from 1 to 2.5 dollars, the average small-cap silver miner went up 150x. ($100,000 investment to 15 million.)

Some PM investors have been playing the stock market all along. But unlike the average person, they will actually keep and increase those gains, since they will convert them into gold and silver.


The collapse of the dollar would cause a sharp downturn in the world economy, and a total loss of confidence in fiat money. So everybody should be holding gold. In the long-term Australia itself will benefit, because we are due for a commodity boom.

>> No.19632795


People who buy precious metals don't need to gamble. They can afford to be patient. They aren't looking for a mere 2x or 3x gain. They are expecting a 100x gain. For reference, when silver went from 1 to 2.5 dollars, the average small-cap silver miner went up 150x. ($100,000 investment to 15 million.)

Some PM investors have been playing the stock market all along. But unlike the average person, they will actually keep and increase those gains, since they will convert them into gold and silver.


The collapse of the dollar would cause a sharp downturn in the world economy, and a total loss of confidence in fiat money. So everybody should be holding gold. In the long-term Australia itself will benefit, because we are due for a commodity boom.

>> No.19633155
File: 338 KB, 933x449, Timeisrunningout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready now or suffer the consequences. Good posts fren.

>> No.19634435

Yeah I’m out. Fuck this shit. All in bitcoin.

>> No.19634510

100% agree. And Buy BTC for the 100x YOLO play

>> No.19634608


>> No.19634744

It shouldn't, but it does due to a lack of market participant heterogeneity and due to bots and brokers trying to all slice a piece off of those retail traders. Some dumb ass with 500 shades of SNAP isn't supposed to impact the market in anyway, but the bots chase those 500 shares which causes other bots to react which might cause some other people in a 4chan or Reddit thread to react which causes more bots to react and so on. The end result is a market completely detached from reality where retail traders are attempting to make money like they heard was possible pre-2008 and bots trying to rip off those same traders which has been going on since post 2008. U.S. markets are completely broken. It's not even in question at this point.

>> No.19634958


Will read this, thank you anon.

>> No.19636067

"You think everybody is a genius in a bull market": Mark Cuban warns the day-trading boom reminds him of the dot-com bubble
