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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19612172 No.19612172 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19612262

Bought 100 sta

>> No.19612296

Daily reminder that weak hands get the rope

>> No.19612680
File: 61 KB, 184x184, 1410905648522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think people are starting to realise that its not actually gonna die lmao
im so comfy.

>> No.19613079
File: 50 KB, 529x697, 1589514929072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50k how will I do?

>> No.19613125
File: 1.75 MB, 4000x3000, z3kwp8xu3ka11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had 109k, now only 85k bc I was gambling on shitcoins. AAAAAAAAA@AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.19613889


>> No.19614789

already comfy

>> No.19615126

its dead get it over with

>> No.19615184
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priced out

>> No.19615737
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Kisame... we're buying

>> No.19615756

>he didn't buy a moon mission bag

>> No.19615814

Imagine the face when we break ATH and anons realize this is the first deflationary index fund that is literally designed to go up and absorb dumps as long as the pool is well funded (already > 300K after barely a week trading) and the chosen coins go up overall (bet on crypto industry = BTC / ETH / LINK / SNX)

>> No.19615833

As a matter of fact, the other coins don't even need to go up, STA would still increase in value over time as long as the pool is funded and the other coins fluctuate in price.

>> No.19615862

My only goal is to get more STA. All the other coins can fuck off.

>> No.19615871

you will fomo into xdai at $10

>> No.19615908

Was sad during the lowest lows but now wishing I put more in lmao. shit's rising peep that coingecko bout to be maney up in here

>> No.19615955


>> No.19615981

I could HEEM you

>> No.19615986

Yeah I kinda gave up on this but the pool is only growing, think we might actually get back to 15 cents sooner than I thought. Lost some coins but just gonna ride it out now

>> No.19616080

was a bit of a shocker when it happened but nothing can rise that far, that fast and stay there

>> No.19617546

Your money belongs to a Nigerian named Abu. He chopped yo dolla

>> No.19617564

>absorb dumps
>plummeted from .15 to .3

Whenever you see people saying things like “this coin is designed so that it can never go down”, that’s a signal to get the fuck out

>> No.19617587


>> No.19617604

well well well.. another joe at the grocery store.
hey buddy, not everyone is a fool here you know.
Some of us work hard for our money. WE come here hoping that as a community we can move up in the ranks of the more prominent crypto communities by finding assets while they are still lowkey. It is scum like yourself that go meet in secret discord and teletubby crowds to try and scheme with the people. much like the freemason,blood-sucking, sneaky fuckers that print the dollars.

For the love of god, anon that may or may not read this. I know you are watching and can relate to these words, although you may or may not be replying. take a step back.

Take a step back from the lambo dream. The get rich overnight scheme. The crop cream.
But most of all, take a step back and observe the tone these people speak in.

How on 4chan can 10 people instantly reply saying, "yeahhhhh, lets do it billy!" and you have not smelt the fishy, placenta like smell?

Focus. Breathe. Average out your sells slowly as the liquidity won't allow you to sell your full amount without dumping the price 15%.

This magical money making STA has got to leave the premise of 4chan for the better good.
And it needs to happen stat.

>> No.19617629

no, i never will. thanks for the free LOKI from flipping your shitty scam.

>> No.19617702

its gold. This one+ buidl + unipower and be rich in 2 months anon

>> No.19617881

You do realize that it's because the project is still in its early stages? The liquidity is growing stronger than ever.

>> No.19617904

Your copypasta is so bad.

What a not so charmingly rustic reply you have, another passive-aggressive Jerry calling me buddy or sir. Some of us work hard our whole lives only to end up with zero generational wealth. So what do we do? we think smarter, we find projects that could potentially be the new bitcoin or monero like Statera and Ghost respectively.
Ghost and Statera are the definition of community-driven cryptocurrencies.
Unlike you we weren't born in the 30s or 70s when projects were in their baby forms and awaiting to be picked, when silver and gold was cheap, when electricity, radio, tv, lightbulb, cars, computers, video games were a novel thing, their very own tulip manias.
The pool of inventions and money is nearly depleted, unlike you we don't have a bucket, we have to jump in that well, risk our lives/money and get out of there alive in one piece with the golden ticket in our hands, because you cunts depleted the well, now us poor saps have to dig deep and learn rocket science degrees to feed ourselves and our children, let alone our future generations.

The magical money making is scarce, we have to not only find a worthy tree worth growing, but making fucking sure we take good care of it or else we starve.

How on 4chan can 100 bears instantly sing "It's never gonna work, it's fake, it's a scam, it's the devil's work" and think highly of themselves? How can the bears set themselves on fire, go down and yell "I'm superior to you bulls".
You psychopathic maniacs would kill Tesla and Thomas Edisson
I bet my longs that you assholes would revert us to the stone age just so you can literally short us to gain a fake advantage, to be the bearking of your empire of nothing. Look around you, do you enjoy the nothingess? do you enjoy overvaluing salt?

This bear mentality has got to leave the premises of 4chan for the greater good. And it needs to happen tonight before you gypsies destroy Babylonia, burn Rome and kill Jesus twice.

>> No.19618012
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all these anons once we reach new ath