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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 248 KB, 1694x1694, stateralogo_white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19583368 No.19583368 [Reply] [Original]

Thanos Power @ Over $180k.

>Space Stone - $200k Liquidity
>Mind Stone - $400k Liquidity
>Reality Stone - $600k Liquidity
>Power Stone - $800k Liquidity
>Time Stone - $1,000,000 Liquidity
>Soul Stone - $1,500,000+ Liquidity

>What is STA?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Niggerfaggot kike whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some kikes and pajeets here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where do I see the price?
Use UniVision for all your fractal charting needs.

Coingecko is up to date and accurate thanks to the v2 update. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

>Link to new Medium article on STA, feel free to share

>Official Github

>> No.19583380
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So what's the pool? Benefits of adding to it?

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!
On top of that, Balancer is now issuing BAL tokens for all liquidity providers!
You can check what it is all about here:

That's the magic of the balance pools.

>> No.19583397

>How do I check TXs?
Statera Token Tracker: https://etherscan.io/token/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
Uniswap contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>Balancer AKA Thanos

>Scott's nerdy ass tryin to educate you stupid fucks

>For all you Github FUDing faggots. Finally, everyone's ears may yet recover from your screeching.

>Live Sta coinstats


>TG Channels
Statera Price Talk (Unofficial)
Statera Announcement

>What do we do when we hit [insert amazing price milestone here]
Once we hit $1, don't dump your bags like retards, slowly shave off a percent or two once a week, and enjoy the accumulation upwards while reaping benefits along the way.

>> No.19583425


To all those who have requested a one token solution to provide liquidity pool on balancer for STA before Balancer releases a solution, here is a complete guide to how you can provide Liquidity to STA pool on Balancer with ONE TOKEN:

Myself and a few others have tested this out and it work perfectly following the instructions in the article.
Note: This has only been tested using metamask. I am not sure it will work on other device especially mobile device or dapp browsers.
We are also glad to info you that we are LIVE on uniswap.vision

You can now view a real-time candle chart of the STA-ETH pair by accessing:


In the top left type in STA and it will be accessible there, thanks!

>> No.19583428

Yea, we get it, you wanna keep the ponzi going. If you're still heavily in profit you should sell and stay in Suterusu this month until you're done bleeding.

>> No.19583437
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BASED comments from the team

>I think the difference between STA and GBTC is the fact that when you enter the STA ecosystem, you're getting onboard with not just bitcoin, but with arguably the top cryptocurrencies, hence you're betting on cryptocurrency as a concept moreso than on just solely bitcoin or Ethereum. Also, the STA ecosystem itself promotes the growth of the four coins as it constantly buys and sells them, the theoretical perspective being that eventually it creates an equilibrium.
>101 million tokens was the starting supply. I can't particularly answer how tokens being out of circulation appreciate the value of circulating tokens out of fears for speculation. I'm not going to give a random number without any factual basis, however, we can apply the law of supply and demand to get a conceptual answer. Deflation and inflation both work on this concept.

>We're working on the marketing to create that demand, all whilst the supply is continuously dropping. Statera will continue to drop in supply even if all external trading ceased to exist as the Balancer will continue to trade STA to keep the 20% equilibrium, thus in turn burning 1% of every transactional value.

>The marketing is being worked on, I can't make influencers respond faster, I can only control what I can physically do myself. And I can assure you I wouldn't be up at 3:31am if I wasn't working on things I can personally do to impact the growth of this project.

>> No.19583453

When the price of STA falls, the balancer buys more in order to keep its portfolio weight at 20%. But the portfolio's total size is what, 200k usd? Rounding up. That's the main problem with STA: The liquidity pool is so small, that the amounts the balancer buys or sells barely move the price. The upper bound for what the balancer will buy in a dump today is 20% of 200k (40k), and in a sustained dump, the upper bound is around 160k total.

Both figures are a drop in the ocean when compared to the trading volume of STA.

The balancer does not influence price as much as bagholders like to believe (simply because of its low liquidity compared to the trade volume of STA) and nor does the 1% burn (at current rates, the supply EOY will be 50% of today... that's enough to make the price 2x if it was to maintain market cap).

The only think that really kept price up was buy side pressure from new investors.

All of this is why I sold my STA yesterday, at a profit thankfully.

>> No.19583471

So once the FUDers finish accumulating they will shill this. Will be nice just for the sake they won’t be annoying any longer

>> No.19583477

You’ve posted this elsewhere.

Stop fudding.

>> No.19583517


>> No.19583528

Why new threads? Want to get rid of evidence that this is a scam coin?

>> No.19583539
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Updated version of the proof

>> No.19583557

So you literally created a wallet and bought with the gains you made and posted this as proof? Abu we're not dumb. This shit is a fucking coordinated scam. We got you bud.

>> No.19583561

Those are completely valid points. But what happens when pool volume hits 500k? 1 million? 2 million? (which I cant see why this would continue to at least slowly grow over time to get to that point)
Then thanos will become mature and effective In rebalancing and resisting dips

>> No.19583575

Got to remember this is like 9 days old.

>> No.19583590

Yeah, we had 18 months of FUD with linkcoin, it wont work another time, get fucked neet. I'm holding and buying more.

>> No.19583616

The pool is going to get absolutely massive which is why I think long term it will be much more valuable to own a percentage of the pool than sta

>> No.19583631

i just want the price to hit like 10 cents so i can sell . gave up waiting on exchange :/

>> No.19583646

Imagine if btc and eth have another bull run, it would be really good to have a percentage of the pool

It's only been a few days, but ok, more money for us

>> No.19583669

I thought the tagline for this thread said "BOOBS".


>> No.19583720


>> No.19583744

what if we make a vetted escrow to send 1million bags to so we can burn shit tonnes of tokens boys?

>> No.19583759

also check em.

>> No.19583772

That shit is burning pretty fast already. As much as I'd love to speed it up, I think we just have to ride it out until the new exchange.

>> No.19583789

who gives a fuck if its burning fast. the coin is dead. gg scammers.

>> No.19583817

lol guy was pretty genuine. sounds like he got you good.

>> No.19583860

Lmao don't listen this faggot, just wait til one button pooling. You'll see.

>> No.19583904

Biz, I'm holding 24k Sta. Is that enough for me to make it?

>> No.19583912

how does 240 billion billion dollars sound?

>> No.19583940

You know I can see all of your other fudding comments. Just let us make our money anon why are you trying to pull us down?

>> No.19583948

Can someone post the telegram link?

>> No.19583972

It's over bro. We lost. Let's all do 50 pushups and pray for FMA, H3x, or shit just throw everything in Btc or Eth and not look at it for 5 years

>> No.19583993

cause you're trying to scam people

>> No.19584008

the desperation from these fudders is unreal

>> No.19584017

That simply isn't true. I sold last week because of fuckwits like you calling scam and I missed out on a $10,000 profit off of a $300 investment. The scammers are the ones trying to scam me into selling.

I will be holding for better or worse. I needed that 10k anon and you fucking took it right out of my hands.

>> No.19584019

Please explain in elaborate detail how this is a scam?

>> No.19584026


>> No.19584030

from the bottom of my heart i hope you get stage 4 cancer

>> No.19584039

I dont understand why putting coins in the pool is more valuable than owning STA isnt it the same price either way?

>> No.19584043

kek, the one bobo hypocrite >>19583437 was fucking hilarious. I personally genuinely don't believe this is going anywhere and won't be FOMOing in but it's just hilarious how hard he tried. You can always tell FUDders hold by how desperate they are for you to sell.

>> No.19584062

nice try abu

>> No.19584069

Not trying to do anything, accumulate all you'd like, I don't care.

>> No.19584091

Because I had to run out like 20 posts before the thread hit bump limit, and my phone was at 2%.

>> No.19584095


>> No.19584101

It isn't more valuable, per se, it is safer and would have more consistent rewards vs holding, but as the price of STA goes up, the stack size in the pool would be reduced so it is better to hold while it moons, and pool when it doesn't. Right now it is much safer to pool just because of this faggot whale

>> No.19584110

I'm saying long term with el golden bullrun

>> No.19584122

Can I add liquidity to balancer pool with only 2 tokens?

>> No.19584123
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>> No.19584154

You could. There is a guide for how to do it with STA, and someone was able to do it with wrapped Eth using essentially the same method. What happens though is that when you contribute just the one, the balancer will sell one to get the others. So you are essentially adding all five, but the swapping is done for you

>> No.19584160

You're trying too hard buddy, I'm not even a hodler, I'm just browsing /biz/. If you actually want people to think this is a scam then you should tone it down. Just a tip. Unless you're playing both sides and just want to make the FUD look as stupid as possible, then if so, keep it up. That'd certainly be something.

>> No.19584163

I'm going to be sad when I add liquidity to the pool and lose my top 40 spot

>> No.19584191

I cut a bit more than a third of my bag. I was holding steady at the best position, 69th ;(

>> No.19584245

So is this ever going to see a CEX? can it function as an index even if the burn doesn't apply to all tokens moving in and out of an exchange or does that mess it all up?

>> No.19584247

yeah ok sand nigger abu

>> No.19584268

CEXs can’t hand the deflationary aspect. It’ll never go on a cex and for that I am grateful.

>> No.19584269

Apparently they're under an NDA so can't talk about it but i guess that means an exchange is in the works?

>> No.19584276

FYI nobody really cares about a CEX its only tranny FUD that think this is a weak spot which it really isnt
>muh can‘t hold bitcoin at a bank nobody gonna buy it reee

>> No.19584277

because Sand nigger abu got denied by all exchanges. he's going to post some bullshit ass one out of his ass. the coin is dead

>> No.19584284

lol yeah bullshit. keep saying that forever.

>> No.19584303

Do normies use idex? Haven't been in crypto long enough to know.

>> No.19584307

Yes, we just don't know which one

>> No.19584314

Explain bomb token

>> No.19584322

aka shitty exchange coming. hype is dead bois. sand nigger abu scammed you again

>> No.19584326

Calling kyberswap early
We've had massive trade volume for a week in

>> No.19584338

Idk man it's just what I heard. You do seem to be posting quite a lot in this thread Mr. Fudder, perhaps you could spend your day doing something else instead?

>> No.19584361

would you idiots stop responding to this cock sucker, you're just helping him shit up the thread

>> No.19584375

nah trying to save people from wasting their money

>> No.19584384


>> No.19584388

Do you think the same crew that shilled ESH moved on to this now?

>> No.19584415

who the fuck knows. these fuckers have created 6-7 other tokens

>> No.19584424

abu doesn't look like you will ever get the coin back up to 6 cents. your chad wont give another 50,000. what is your pajeet village going to do if you dont provide?

>> No.19584474
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>> No.19584487

i'm sorry Abu i dont have as many bots as you do

>> No.19584504

Is the Thanos thing something other than the balancer?

>> No.19584524

Holy fuck, I hope no one is actually this stupid. You've actually convinced me there's people pretending to FUD just to make fudders look stupid and get more people to buy.

>> No.19584527
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Kek its hilarious that you call me abu as I've talked to the guy. He's nice.

>> No.19584533

Everyone is Abu? I live in Australia lol.

>> No.19584544

Yes it was at 4am, inb4 gay4abu

>> No.19584556

yeah a scam shitcoin made by a nigerian who remains to hide his identity

>> No.19584563

Checked and kek'd, does this post bring any specific price points to mind?

>> No.19584572

nice burner phone sand nigger. its not hard to do that

also no one is buying this shitcoin. watch out anons. old fag here

>> No.19584577


>> No.19584591

>Burner phone

I've switched from phone to PC and my ID has stayed the same. Pretty sure he's have to be switching IP addresses/using a VPN and in my experience 4chan blocks a lot of VPNs so it seems a lot more likely that he's not samefagging than that he is samefagging.

>> No.19584668

Where is that listed? If you want STA listed on latoken or bibox then you’re absolutely retarded.

>> No.19584669

That's still more than what I sold it at to be honest and I still had x25 return

>> No.19584695

is there a discord?

>> No.19584768
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You're trying way too hard kek. Let me guess, you think Abu listens to Sewerslvt too? >>19584695
Yeah, unofficial but we do get blessed with updates from the team as they come out anyway. Ryan is incredibly based, those are his quotes top of thread. /SNJZTQb

>> No.19584849

>18 posts

>> No.19584893
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>> No.19584897
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>> No.19584917

Lets not celebrate prematurely.

>> No.19584925
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>> No.19584943
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Biz encapsulated

>> No.19584954


>> No.19584955

Lost, saved.
The memes write themselves

>> No.19584957

What's going on here is this shopped? I'm looking at the chart right now and it doesn't reflect what you've posted.

>> No.19584967

zoom out

>> No.19584973

it's either the 1 minute chart or the 5 minute chart

>> No.19584990

>not using uniswap Vision
Why though anon?

>> No.19584995

lmao can't even beat 4 cents. good job abu

>> No.19584997

yeah its the 5 min chart lol

>> No.19585003

golden cross approaching on 10 minute chart

>> No.19585005

I am using uniswap vision, I must have the chart set differently, longer intervals or something. Because I don't see what he sees.

>> No.19585016

i zoomed in on that past 30 minutes to an hour, youll see what I see with 10 min or 5 min intervals

>> No.19585044

Right so you're zoomed so far in that tiny changes seem monumental. I want it to pump as much as you do but cmon man.

>> No.19585045

Prepare yourself for the final leg down today fags. Last chance to sell before massive dump.

>> No.19585048

that first long bar on the left was me lol

>> No.19585049
File: 2 KB, 208x37, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review this post
Blow it put your ass "bobo", 3 minutes later. Check the OP description.

>> No.19585062


and it recovered alil bit, im happy about it

>> No.19585063

oh god oh fuck

>> No.19585064

>1 post by this id
The concern trolling starts DURING THE PUMP KEK

>> No.19585071

lmao this shit is a scam. dont trust any of these bots. old fag here. this is all coordinated.

>> No.19585073

And the liquidity pool is finally being used as it should. And the fudders have been coomulating. Here we go.

>> No.19585083

?? Im not a bot nigger I have nipples

>> No.19585084

just want to highlight this retard calling himself an old fag, and not an oldfag

>> No.19585105

>Old fag here
>This is all coordinated

Never met an old fag who referred to himself as such.

And you're right about coordination. It's a coordinated fudding campaign by you (I see you've posted 20 replies to this thread alone.) and others.

Give up anon, no one is listening.

>> No.19585111


>> No.19585112

>old fag
Kill yourself newfag

>> No.19585115


>> No.19585121

fuck off back to the lodge gramps

>> No.19585124

just look at the replies and the timings. shill campaign :) coin is a scam bois.

>> No.19585144

Not a scam most definitely
This coin has groundbreaking tech and fundamentals that no other has. This is revolutionary as ETH or NANO

>> No.19585151
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I genuinely believe that you're an old fag

>> No.19585159

i just browse biz and when i find a sta thread i post some uplifting things and fight retarded fud when i find it

just like the fud you are trying to cause

im a lone wolf dont lump me with any other retards

>> No.19585162
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daily top 30 reminder

>> No.19585166

I think we have reached capitulation. Blue skies from here on out.

>> No.19585189

the definition of a shill. sure bud

>> No.19585197

definition of a shitscam. a bunch of dev wallets owned by our curry goat fucker, abu

>> No.19585199

>22 posts

>> No.19585201

>22/126 posts
>17% of this thread is a pajeet screaming in to the void
Never change biz

>> No.19585211

Fuck I'm the OP and he has more posts than me. Thanks for keeping the thread up top rajesh, kek.

>> No.19585217

>23 posts by this ID
If it's a scam why not just let everyone here fall for it and get burnt? Especially since it's so obvious, they must all deserve it.

>> No.19585231

lol nah bro

>> No.19585240

these threads get pretty smelly when the burgers are asleep

>> No.19585255

4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c

>> No.19585262

Theres many euros here

>> No.19585269
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That explains it

>> No.19585276

Just a few hours till dump. Be smart faggots, get out while you still can. Don’t be fooled by the balancer pool, they added funds as a lure. You will lose everything you invest

>> No.19585280

oh shit lads I think we just broke resistance

>> No.19585294

d-dont be f-fooled I w-wanna buy some cuz I got b-baited into selling by all the f-f-f-fudders

>> No.19585299

4.50 club WW@???

>> No.19585305


>> No.19585320
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>> No.19585372

Guess who's rising despite the homo fuds of this board?

>> No.19585450


>> No.19585506

It do kinda be pumping though.

>> No.19585515

Sickening pump

>> No.19585565
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>> No.19585584


>> No.19585628

I hope rats left the ship


>> No.19585661
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>> No.19585667
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I think that will be accurate

>> No.19585671

This anon knows. It's a dead cat bounce

>> No.19585703

This anon knows that you're that anon.

>> No.19585728
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>> No.19585747

Hey 350k sta anon who just bought, dont forget to pool!

>> No.19585858
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>> No.19585859

wtf you arent lieing someone just bought 350k sta

but they bought on v1 so i cant see the beautiful green candle on univision yet

>> No.19585886

And here comes the retreading.

>> No.19585895
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Holy shit. Everything's going according to plan.

Fudders BTFO

>> No.19585902


>> No.19585967

Can anyone tell me whether it's better to buy/sell on Uniswap v1/v2 or if it doesn't matter?

I accoomed some more earlier today and was going to use v2 seeing as they support it now but then it was very polite and told me I could get more STA for my ETH on v1. So I went back to v1.

>> No.19586001

That is a real possibility.

>> No.19586048

Doesn't matter buy/sell on the version with best price.

>> No.19586064

Thanks anon. What's the point of having two versions then?

>> No.19586074

I prefer the term eventuality

>> No.19586088

People should switch over to v2 so the volume goes up there and coingecko etc would show much bigger amounts.

>> No.19586147

We should use v2

I just opened v1 and v2 and v2 shows me bigger price if i sold

>> No.19586149
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In the meanwhile BURNNNN

>> No.19586170

Why do all downies look exactly the same

>> No.19586256

everyone should be using v2, that's where the coingecko and univision stats come from

>> No.19586265

Uniswap v2 just launched. They’re helping everyone transition to v2 before decommissioning v1. There are stacks of pairs offered on both.

>> No.19586266
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Should I stop looking at the price for a few hours? I hate this crabbing, it's making me nervous.

>> No.19586283

See the chart posted above.

New ATH next week.

Thanos is stronger than ever.
Holders steadily increasing
Supply is now below 93M

Everything is going according to plan.

>> No.19586288

Yes. Just forget for a few weeks desu.

>> No.19586330

Below 94M*

>> No.19586346

People who pooled, how much money have you made the past 3 days in fees?

By the way does anyone know how an Aave/LEND exponential borrowing is done while keeping your balance healthy?

>> No.19586425

Funny how nobody replied.

>> No.19586443

Its fuckin 5 am kek. Ill tell you when I get home

>> No.19586472

It matters as much as putting the shopping cart back when youre done at the grocery store. Dont be a cunt kike and help the project take off like it should.

>> No.19586488

At current volumes its about 200% APR

>> No.19586631

Who gives a shit about the fees when its possible risk to profit ratio is fucking insane. My pool is up like 300% and the dump meant shit to me. I bought more STA at 2c and now just waiting for it to slowly rise a bit more then dump most of it in to the pool and be comfy.

Use your brain and you will see this is literally the best shit ever in crypto.

>> No.19586650

How can i put my money into the pool and what can I get from it?

>> No.19586687

Not known yet because BAL has not been paid out yet, but my BPT is now worth about 6k and it 2x overnight. I originally put in 5k worth which is all sitting there so was a good hedge when I did it at around 0.12.

>> No.19586699
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Did "false advertising" kill the momentum we could have had? It looks like a lot of people thought Thanos was the one correcting the dumps when it was new buyers. Now, while we know it's not true, the image will remain. I hope that an exchange listing will fix this soon.

>> No.19586714

based for pooling in at 12c. If i pooled 100% of my stack there, i would have already made it. I could have accumulated several million tokens during the dump.

>> No.19586735


Smart anons know what's up.

This was never just another P&D this is a long term opportunity to get in to the worlds first deflationary indexed fund.

STA will likely moon in the process

>> No.19586767

The momentum will come back once more people grasp the idea of actually using the pool. It's insanely good investment if you know how to do it right.

If Thanos has huge liquidity and btc pumps, he needs to buy a shit ton of STA and the price will go up. OR if more people keep pooling huge stacks of ETH Thanos will buy lots of STA.

Pooling your other tokens will pump the price of STA but will not affect the other tokens in the pool because those are so big already. Thanos selling ETH will not dump eth's price.

One good article + the exchange listing and this thing will moon so hard its never seen before. Just remember to keep pooling when we go up.

>> No.19586813

Absolutely not PND, it sucks that some people think it was because of the price. But the dump was inevitable, we went up like 500x in a couple of days.

This project literally CANNOT be a scam at this point. It fucking does what its designed to do.

Look into the pooling and use your brain to understand it, and you will be insanely rich in a few months. Its actually quite simple, still so fucking clever.

Sorry for sounding like a shill but what i am saying is absolutely true and anyone with even normal IQ will understand if they take a few horurs looking into it.

>> No.19586814

Second this question. Anyone help out?

>> No.19586828

Yeah we were all really flying blind then... But grateful to the anons who were encouraging to pool around 20% of stack as a form of profit taking

There's what only 110 BPT minted?

>> No.19586845

This further highlights my theory of the 'volatility equilibrium'

At present, STA is way more volatile than the other cryptos in the pool. Over time, this volatility will reduce due to Thanos working his magic, but guess what needs to happen for STA to reduce volatility in line with the others in the pool?

It needs to have a much higher marketcap than it does now.

Smart anons have already connected the dots.

>> No.19586880

Thanos' power is now over 200k!

>> No.19586896

Dont remember the exact amount but its close to 1 token = 1%. So 100 sound about right.

Will happen once the pool grows. You get it.


You need to have all 5 tokens to pool via this link.

If you want to pool only 1 token, it can be done too via a workaround solution for now.

You will later get a cut from the pool fees, its not being distributed yet. But thats not the reason why you should be pooling, the reason is that you invest in probably 5 best tokens out there and one of them is also destined to moon insanely.

Pool a small part of your stack and each time we go up, do it again. This way you secure your STA gains and help us fly even higher.

>> No.19586897

Absolut madman. Should I increase stack rn?

>> No.19586919

Full retard here. If I pool with only one coin. Say, STA through the instructions. Does it automatically change from sta into the other 4 tokens to keep the balance... it must, right?

>> No.19586926


>> No.19586934

50k volume from the pool also. If it grows and grows the burn will be huge.

Like he said
STA sill be volatile as fuck but it will keep going up. It will pump and dump because that's what it does, but once the market cap keeps going up it will get steadier and steadier.

1 dollar EOM is still quite possible.

>> No.19586952

Yeah it will sell some of the STA and buy the other tokens.

If you want to pump STA price, go pool 1000 eth and it needs to buy a shit ton of STA :D

>> No.19586975

What's the best thing to do if I just have a very small amount of BPT anons? Just keep it there?

I've been gone for a week. Wasn't able to buy the new STA token.

>> No.19586995

Yep. Best to pool with just ETH to reduce the sell pressure of STA.

Keep that sweet sweet STA fo rwhen it moons again

>> No.19587013
File: 387 KB, 627x866, 1554225144996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I add liquidity to the pool? I want to contribute. But I wonder if 10000 STA out of 29731 will really help into making Thanos grow stronger.

>> No.19587036

It's not just to help Thanos, it's your stake in the worlds first deflationary index fund. It's a win win.

>> No.19587057
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>> No.19587097
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It has come to my understanding that pooling ETH would be more rewarding since it reduced the sell pressure of STA. I think I'll go buy a little more while it's at 0.04cents and then wait until it hits 0.06 to pool a little amount
Soon, I hope. At least the grow has been steadier compared to the unreasonable levels of excitement. Surely the real fudders will stop calling it a scam once we hit the exchange.

>> No.19587106

I think this is the easiest way to do that, but I'm not sure if it is the best one, I bought 0.38 BPT for around 10600 STA yesterday, now it is worth 13295.5 so pretty good deal.


>> No.19587118

I think this should be in next OP - we should be encouraging adding Eth rather than Sta

>> No.19587129
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Thank you anon. I'll do my part no matter how small it may be

>> No.19587219


I'm doing the same now with my spare ETH

>> No.19587242

What the fuck is this BPT token everyone keeps talking about and what's it's relation to STA?

>> No.19587266

Does timing make a difference with pooling? Is it best to add liquidity while STA is peaking or when it's bottoming?

>> No.19587298

Its just your share of the pool. You get it when you pool and you lose it if you withdraw.

>> No.19587300

Balance pool token, earn them for investing in the balance pool

>> No.19587320
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Could it be.... my bags could see the light???

No....can't be...... i need 10c sta to break even..... it's all so bullish...... should i double down with my next check....?

Bought 10c.....8......4..... and now 3.......will there be another drop?

I woke up back to where i previously sold to swing...... i bought back in....thanos has me by my itsy bitsy balls....and my wallet....

I'm forever a STAggot...... fellow STArlords, and STAr marines..... shed me some light.....

>> No.19587331

buy in next 2c retread to cover losses

>> No.19587357
File: 184 KB, 402x472, 1351777928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak. Don't tell me that you're planning to sell when we haven't even started mooning? Are you stupiiiiiiiiid, anooooooooon? Are those hands of yours shaking right now?

>> No.19587373

Another drop is looking unlikely. Sentiment turning bullish again after the mass panic.

Thanos grows stronger than ever.

Chart has bottomed out and broke out of the descending wedge:


The last drop was a mirror image of the first (check the 6h chart)

New ATH in the next couple of weeks looks promising

>> No.19587427
File: 5 KB, 248x250, relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stargazer here. I'm balls deep in this gem. The future is bright. Bitcoin broke the trendline, this shit can only go up. 2017 is right behind the corner but this time it's bigger. ICOs were 2017, 2021 will be Uniswap gems. Screencap this.

>> No.19587429

please step on my face

>> No.19587476

Anons, help.

I'm 100% sure I put in the correct address and amount in the joinswapExternAmountIn, although I still get this stupid fucking "exception thrown" error. I've already also disabled/enabled STA in the balancer pool options. I had the same issue when staking DEV. Is there something wrong with my wallet?

>> No.19587518

Join the telegram and ask the guys there

Also, don't balls deep on the first try

>> No.19587527

Did you unlock all the tokens; wBTC, wETH, Chainlink, SNX from Balancer?

>> No.19587532

Best when sta is high. Pool small cuts when price is going up.

>> No.19587574

So when you withdraw, you return your BPT, and get given the percentage of all 5 coins in the pool that are yours? That's cool. Sounds easier than I thought, although I still hope they implement one-click pooling soon.

>> No.19587602

they're working on it!

>> No.19587605

I think I need to unlock just STA, right? That's the point of this instruction? Nevermind though, I'm just DMing with Abu. That's what you call a perfect customer service lol

>> No.19587640
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chart is actually looking beautiful.

what happens next i wonder...

>> No.19587661
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Prince Abu at your service sire.

>> No.19587680

What the fuck motherfucker what did I type out an OP for

>> No.19587688

I wonder if all the whales genuinely sat still/holding without any attempt at riding those beautiful mountains or .... they were smart enough to create multiple wallets to not scare off the newbies.

>> No.19587689

The 1 token pooling via etherscan is really smooth. Of course the button will be better but for now you can do the same thing via etherscan. Check the medium post for instructions.

I just pooled 400 link and it worked very smoothly.

>> No.19587710

'no token found' when manually adding the contract address in uniswap (v2).

anyone else?

>> No.19587739


>> No.19587823

well i just bought the dip

>> No.19587864
File: 1.91 MB, 1000x837, ΝΙΚΟΛΕΤΑ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30k suicide stack here. The strategies tied to the pooling system are going way over my head. Should I buy more STA with about 150€ worth of ETH, or should I try to add that amount into the pool by buying BPT? Or is there another way to add liquidity for the bot to use?

>> No.19587880

is 30k suicide? have +65k

>> No.19587939

cool, and is it safe to assume it's best to pool using any of the non-STA cryptos since it will make the bot buy STA, helping push the price up?

>> No.19587966

Yeah i think there is no downside doing that.

>> No.19587971
File: 235 KB, 800x800, 1584391001649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 100 wallets report in.
comfy check 1-10. me? 9.3
also i climbed the ranks a bit during this "dump".
how about you?

>> No.19587996

I'd be comfier if I had more money that I could have used to buy at 3c last night

>> No.19588004

What a good entry point, Frens?

5 Eth gets me ~30k Sta right now. Worth hanging on a bit for another dip?

>> No.19588031

The safer bet would be to pool, but in the long-term you might not make quite as many gains. Buying STA instead of pooling would be more risk, but give larger rewards in the long run, assuming you have strong hands

>> No.19588032

you should never hold pump and dump scams for more than a few days, and only buy if you are really early

>> No.19588043
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we are down to 93 million token stabros.
8 million tokens burnt.

>> No.19588045
File: 27 KB, 409x409, comfy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reclaimed a spot in the top 50 today, feels good man. Would be comfier if I waited for ghost to pump before I sold my stack to buy more STA, but I think we all know it's not gonna matter by the end of the year.

>> No.19588046

Do nothing or die trying. I'll buy more STA for now, and as it rise in value I think I'll contribute to the pool. Thanks for the answer anon

>> No.19588059

I would pay that - I paid the same a few days ago before it pumped hard. I'd say its a fair price.

>> No.19588061

It is hard to say. I like to think that it will keep going up, but the fudder/whale seems intent on keeping the price down right now. He could be asleep and that is why it is up.
On the flip-side, at some point he will let it pump and/or stop being successful at keeping the price down

>> No.19588064
File: 76 KB, 750x934, 6fu9a6cb7y811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanos soon has the make it stack for LINK.
fucking based bot buying the 4IR.

>> No.19588090

That is my overall strategy too, though I did add some already with other funds

>> No.19588098
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Id consider 65k a beyond-suicide-transcendence stack.

If you checkout uniswap.vision, youd want to consider holding some ETH incase it crabs down negative 50% then back up. Great dip opportunities if you are not all-in sta.

As for me though, i was only able to accumulate 30k. I am still absolutely fucking destroyed from dca buying 8c down.

Thanos has truly fisted my prolapsed anus with his golden gauntlet

>> No.19588102

I think a lot of people are planning on pooling a portion of their profits, once they start taking them.

>> No.19588116


I can't get this to work, I'm trying to swap 7500 STA for ~0.25 BPT. Is it really possible to do it this way?

>> No.19588160

Why do you think link is included in the sta pool? Sn=Sn. Scott=Sn. This token kicks off the golden bull run. Scott is doing a video interview soon. Sergey is making an announcement this week. 1+1+1=3

>> No.19588165

Kinda random and out of topic but it sure feels nice to see the threads being helpful and providing actual information again. We will all make it

>> No.19588170

Oh man biz is obsessed with sta wether they hate it or love it.

>> No.19588200
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we are all gonna make it fren.

>> No.19588221


>> No.19588252
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probably because its monday so all the seething wagies are back at work.

>> No.19588329
File: 22 KB, 640x360, STA_MakeIt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They love it. The people saying it is a scam are whales trying to accumulate at low prices. We busted one last thread. Here is his wallet:


I don't know what I am going to do once I am no longer one of those seething wagies

>> No.19588345

Was the bsov guy trying to accumulate or was he just autistic?

>> No.19588348

buy land and start a homestead fren

>> No.19588374

maybe try higher price slippage

>> No.19588413

I like the way you think, and I was thinking the same thing. There is a business that I want to start, too. It would complement my parent's business and would be a for-sure profitable business. What are you going to buy?

>> No.19588426
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>He's not accumulating STA at these prices

>> No.19588466
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>> No.19588467

I think he was just autistic, although I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was working with one of the whales trying to keep the price down. Several of those defi group guys were likely holding, so one might have gotten in early. This strategy might be to keep the price down so other defi guys can buy in cheap. It is anybody's guess, really.

>> No.19588486

>Mom's pasgetti
We are going to shake out a lot of weak hands on the way up as people bail shortly after their entry point. Let's do it!

>> No.19588550
File: 88 KB, 800x600, chef-cat-cooking-tasty-soup-79923241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they announced the twitter $333 STA lottery yet? It would make my day if i won after the last dips

>> No.19588571

I have never been this ready. Bought the dump at 4c and 1.9c.

The pool will grow so fucking big once we go back to 10c+.

>> No.19588575
File: 86 KB, 1280x760, D9F5D104-7664-478C-9B0F-26B2A171DB98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea how ready i am. it’s been a week and they’ve tried to destroy us twice already and failed both times. third run up is gonna be straight to $1.50; a lot of people are gonna feel extremely stupid. i just don’t understand why they will never learn and keep falling for biz fud every. single. time. even if you screwed up and fell for biz fud, 4c is still hell of a good entry point given the fact that we are gonna end up in the top 20 rather soon. i haven’t felt this bullish about crypto since early btc days. get your shit together anons.

>> No.19588644

And you think that’s going to happen again with the SAME COIN??? There’s a million drooling idiots just like you and they’re all going to end up roping themselves when this hits 0.

>> No.19588689

Sergey would never release such buggy and retarded code as sta V1. Nigga pls.

>> No.19588695

Daily reminder the lead dev Abu aktar aka don prince aka tony Jamaica is a Nigerian 419 scammer

>> No.19588698

If the FOMO brings us super high it will be beyond 80c
Start pooling or taking profit 1% or so at a time, depending on what your risk tolerance is
Theres really no telling how high we might go

>> No.19588704
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the philosophy major sirgay niggerov doesnt care about code. He only cares about making us neets endless amounts of money.

>> No.19588706

They're waking up again. sigh. Can't wait for these fucking pajeets to be priced out

>> No.19588748
File: 99 KB, 1920x966, Screenshot_2020-06-08 Balancer Pool Management.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19588753

there will be a snowball effect and it'll moon crazy.

>> No.19588764

Did you learn your new tricks when you were locked up in Thailand Abu? Or should I say.....TONY JAMICA THE NINJA NONCE https://youtu.be/QL4rT9o4Qxc

>> No.19588778

good thing this is v3 then, working finished final version
abu is merely the project manager you donkey, scott is the dev

>> No.19588784

I will defend Sergey’s honor to my last breath

>> No.19588801

If I had to guess, I would think that they are suppressing the price while they moon on another project. Once the other one is done, they will finish buying their stack and let this moon. This is pure speculation though. Also, there is more than just one person doing it, so there might be multiple motives

>> No.19588802

You can’t actually believe that Sergey is involved in a such a project? He hardly had time to finish his presentation at Messari, let alone to rogue code a barely working index fund. Just stop.

>> No.19588809


>> No.19588822

I know of a group of PnDers from twitter who have systematically pumped esh, ghost and flama. Apparently statera was next but then it pumped out of nowhere, so maybe they’ll come back to it now.

>> No.19588826


>> No.19588838

Oh they know this has potential. Last night thread was full fud mode trying to keep this down, and some anon found a bobo actually accumulating kek

>> No.19588847
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is someone capping this guy so when we break 1$ he ropes himself and we can laugh at him?

>> No.19588905

I was one of them. I have caught one one once before too, when it was mooning. Well, I didn't catch him so much as brow-beat him into admitting what he was doing. He has multiple wallets as well so that it is harder to track his movements

>> No.19588909

>sold yesterday
>hey it’s recovering!
>bought at 5 cents this morning
>already going down

>> No.19588950

I was one of the ones that caught him, not that I was a fudder lol

LMAO, the whale suppressing the price was just asleep for a while. I wouldn't worry too much though, I still expect a pump soon, if for nothing else than for the whale cunts to swing it

>> No.19588958

Weak attempt. Is this all you can do, STA?

>> No.19588961

I never saw 5c today what r u talking about

>> No.19588979

I only have 6.5k STA, is it a good idea to add to the pool or should I just hold?

>> No.19588980
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>> No.19588985

hold. add on the top, not on the bottom

>> No.19588995

hold imo i have around the same i just don't bother with it

>> No.19588998

I would just hold until we break ATH again, then maybe add 10%

>> No.19589012

This pretty much.

>> No.19589026

Nice! Nothing to worry about then. Let's hope it keeps going up

>> No.19589028
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someone needs to bake new bread.

>> No.19589041
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>> No.19589042

Remember when we all bought below a penny? Good times.

>> No.19589045

I was one of the three who discovered Bobo's 29731 STA, I assure you it wasn't Abu.

He literally said something like "I just wanted something for us to laugh at when it hits $1, please stop bullying me".

Whoever the faggot is, it's not based Abu.

>> No.19589065

But what if a clone comes out and gets on kyber.

We really need to get listed first. What are the team doing

>> No.19589086

I just CTRL-F the number and he did post ITT.

He seems to have calmed down.

>> No.19589098

Newsflash - it never will be

>> No.19589109

New coins take a while to get exchange listed. Also, clones have been popping up left and right, but noone has the actual money to give their pool a kickstart.

Would you rather invest in btc or one of the 300 clones?

>> No.19589121

New thread. Space Stone has been acquired by Thanos.

>> No.19589131

Good, he's realised the true power of STA
None can conquer it. You can only become a part of it.

>> No.19589137

our pool has the first mover advantage, when I figured out that other tokens would have a difficult time attracting liquidity I knew I was in the right place.

>> No.19589145
File: 34 KB, 1329x260, Screenshot 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember all the green wojacks when we hit pic related

Yeah, the fudders don't understand that copycats are coming, and we will lose first mover advantage if they don't let this go. Not saying that it would kill the project, but it absolutely would cut into it's success if there is a copycat that comes out before this gets traction

>> No.19589188

Lol so he's had a change of heart. And he's got the pics I made saved.
Too bad once one fudder gives it up two more take his place. The new ones are even more retarded

>> No.19589250


This one is a fine example of a retard

>> No.19589262
File: 169 KB, 1080x582, what a nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was too funny

>> No.19589283

Im pretty sure we will hit the exchange really soon. Sure some will copy, but at that point they are far behind.

>> No.19589294


yep that was me!!

>> No.19589299


this is why I hope an exchange comes real soon. I'm planning to hold long term but it's crucial that a proper exchange arrives quickly.

>> No.19589306

any news on the whole NDA thing? is it for real? has anything else been said?
I want to be rich already

>> No.19589424

They confirmed that they applied for exchange and since then have not said anything. So i guess it's most likely true.

>> No.19589517

it'd be nice to know if we're talking days or weeks though

>> No.19589553

I'm sure the team that is pouring their lives into this project aren't holding out on you for fun. We will know as soon as we can.

>> No.19589643

Yeah the pressure on them is insane. This blew up even when they did not expect that.

They seem like hard working guys, i like it.

>> No.19589818

I know they're working hard, otherwise I would have taken out my money already, and I'm not demanding anything.
It's normal to wonder about milestones and timelines though.

>> No.19590133

Let's get this threat to 999 replies, show everyone the power of STA.

>> No.19590244


Any real world info on the devs of this token? Anon devs on any coin besides BTC 10 years ago is basically a confirmed scam warning

What prevents the "liquidity pool" contract from just being drained outright during the "exit scam"?

not fudding, but I need hard evidence b4 spending real money

>> No.19590678

The balance pool wasn't even developed by the STA devs. It is a third party project that has white papers and a github if you want to inspect the source