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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19584296 No.19584296 [Reply] [Original]

>March 2021
>8 months post corona societal collapse
Some gentlemen pulled up to my neighborhood looking for food and supplies

My, my I am glad I went all in Kleros in 2020, right before the fall of the world as we then knew it. I head to the newly formed citadel that Lord Pepe made us PNK holders, to keep us safe. We were now the guardians of a new kind of stewardship. When the courts and cities fell, it was all too easy for Kleros to pick up the pieces. Quarantines in 2020 were often thought to be lifted after a few months, and then they just....weren't.

3 months turned into 6 months, and when the winter got cold, and Donald Trump was re-elected, we knew we were all fucked. After the millionth death, it was only a matter of time until the chip implants came into play. We rang in the new year in style, with Japan sending regular harems of a few dozen women to the compound.

It felt bad, looking out on the normies, who could only go out once per day, for 90 minutes at time, to the nu-government regulated food banks.

>the guards see me, but they also see my PNK pin. Shining purple, letting everyone know i'm part of the imperial new order.

>I flip the guard 10 Kleros to let me thru the gates. This was about about $75 now, but we all know it'd be gaining in value every month, as it has the last year.,

>"SIR, good to see you SIR"

I laugh. He was grateful. It really was that easy.

Things were getting better, for us. Everyone else, it's too early to tell. They're our slaves now. Those who do not show up to Kleros court, there's rules now. You have 12 hours to comply, and make up your missed appearance, or that chip in your arm, it explodes. So many one armed people wandering around in the city. Like a weird zombie movie but full of bewildered non-believers.

They should have listened.

>> No.19584336


>> No.19584359

>You have 12 hours to comply, and make up your missed appearance, or that chip in your arm, it explodes

50k reporting for jury duty sir!

>> No.19584383

ANJ is better in every regard, however, I hold both because I believe in the crowdsourced courts system.

>> No.19584438

Please stop posting this cringey shit

t. PNK hodler

>> No.19584471

it literally isn't. ANJ is a well known scam in the space and no eth developer wants to touch that project with a stick. it doesn't matter if you fell for the marketing, for platforms like these dev adoption is the most important thing
kleros is being actually used already. anj is cancer

>> No.19584516

I just realized you're talking about aragon court, not aragon. aragon court is literally a /biz/ made coin with the sole purpose of riding the pnk hype and stealing ETH. it is a well known scam here. there are no developers, the creator of the coin literally said "we gotta market first, the product will come later"
you might actually be braindead to give money to such projects

>> No.19584517
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>> No.19584916

horribly written. I fucking pray that you don't hold any PNK. Only a gaping assed faggot would type that OP

>> No.19584928
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>> No.19584941

the OP is so shitty that then jannies put the word poo in my id kek

>> No.19584991


>> No.19585227
File: 165 KB, 601x601, KlerosisSergeyComfirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pnkies are ironically going to make it with ease.

>> No.19585308
File: 2.78 MB, 720x480, Kleros Juror Assemble (Mk2)-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 EOY sirs

>> No.19585945

1.5m pnk reporting in will i make it

>> No.19586166

If not a larp then you’ll make it and then some.

>> No.19586206

kek ok i'm going to im going to im going buy!!!!

>> No.19586250

$5M by 2022.

>> No.19586273

lol absolutely delusional

>> No.19586358

Fuck off, loser. Even doubling or tripling in price is a substantial gain with that much Kleros. Considering how low market cap we are that’s more than likely if they continue at current pace.

>> No.19586391

I love that your post(s) are absolutely riddled with assumptions.

Why would you tell someone with 1.5+ million PNK to fuck off, and moreso, call them a loser?

You seem new to this board, and even newer to crypto.

If you think that a low market cap implies a certain increase in price, you're delusional. It's a shame I had to repeat this to you.

PS. PNK'ies have been posting on this board since 2017. It hasn't been some rapid pace of improvement. You're most likely a newfriend from the ICO earlier this year.

PPS. I also made sure to space this post for you in a manner familiar to the website I presume you come from.

PPS. 4xmoongg.

>> No.19586419

Been here far longer than you, faggot. The low market cap and working product offers great potential gains. Surely, you can’t be so low IQ? Unfortunately, I suspect you are.

>> No.19586442

Clearly not given you think a 1.5mil stack of kleros doubling is a substantial gain.

It's okay, no need to be angry on this forum :) Stop projecting anger :)

>> No.19586547


>> No.19586609

Stop fighting all PNK holders will make it we're all in this together.

>> No.19586648

I am tired of waiting guys, it's been so damn long. My loyalty remains but when anything?

>> No.19586684

Look at the roadmap. Lots of juicy developments to come, including inter-chain compatibility, which will allow dapps built on other chains to receive Kleros decisions.

>> No.19586724

I am up to date with their roadmap. What bothers me is that they haven't delivered a few things they told us about in the community calls. A few announcements were due in q1 and q2. I understand the pandemic and all but it is now q3 and none of it has been announced. Yes a lot of it will be coming "soon" but they have been saying soon for too fucking long now.

>> No.19586739

>Poo in ID
Lmfao Kys faggot. Fucktards like you couldn’t spot a gem even if it dickslapped you in the face.

>> No.19586748
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>> No.19586758

This is a long-term hold. As you say, the pandemic has probably slowed certain developments. Their 'curate' Dapp will be released this week apparently.

>> No.19586762
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Fuck all of you discord tranny faggots.

>> No.19586779

I guarantee that I have more PNK than you, little man.

>> No.19586815

KEK the brainlet can't grasp the simple fact that I am bullish on kleros Kleros but his writing skills suck nigger balls

>> No.19587403

Kek. Kleros is a gem though.

>> No.19587797

Based. Future billionaires in this thread

>> No.19588249
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>> No.19588343


> he doesn't know about the upcoming Circle partnership

>> No.19588359

lol what circle partnership?

>> No.19588449

I've seen you faggots talk about this and that but none of it has come through though. You're due for another fake count down kek

>> No.19588693

LINK took 2 years to 40x. This may be the same. The days of one week 20x's are over.

>> No.19589375
File: 592 KB, 1576x1934, 0D19F76A-84FF-42A8-9186-28AABED414B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Bag