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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 600x638, 1489560969058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1955398 No.1955398 [Reply] [Original]



VIDEO IS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ziz_Wa7M1TY&feature=youtu.be [Embed]

I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin (kek confirmed 1.75 btw)


>Official MiloCoin website:

>Step-By-Step Guild on How to Buy MiloCoin:


>MiloCoin Video
youtu.be/rQu1-zil_z4 [Embed] [Embed]

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? We gotchu!
(guide to add these addnodes on page 6 of ANN thread)

>Buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit
Up in the air for the time being.

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
Start tweeting Gavin and insta'ing Milo. Lets Moon!
c-cex.com/?id=vote <--scroll to bottom and submit MiloCoin
support@coinexchange.io ← email them demanding MiloCoin get listed

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Highlights from previous thread:
Kek confirms $2.00 - Dev teases big news on Twitter initiating small pump

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
We are 50% through mining and prices will NEVER be cheaper, enjoy the miner dumps and discount MiloCoins - refined investors enter the market here. MiloCoin is listed on most major exchanges.Gavin has already responded positively to MiloCoin, Privilege Grant HAS RESPONDED, Milo's response is practically a given

>> No.1955406


Not so fast, dipshit. You can't get away by making a new thread before the old one expires.

The people will know about your shit scamcoin.

>> No.1955407

first for 1.75 a coin, re keking it baby

>> No.1955408

4th post 4 moon

>> No.1955411

top 20er checking the fuck in

>> No.1955412
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>We post the blockchain in the thread because we have things to hide

>> No.1955413

We are 62% thru mining you dumb pajeet

>> No.1955414

nigga what you on about. #1 is a miner, you can see because almost every deposit is 300.
2-10 are people who bought in and have been in these generals or in the bct ANN.

it's a market, people can buy what they want. benefits of being early.

>> No.1955417
File: 757 KB, 881x564, 1-75 Get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the future chad club my dude

>> No.1955418


>we will definitely hold our bags so that the 60% can get rich too, we totally won't dump it on them

fuck off

>> No.1955421
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>> No.1955423

jesus, volume is trending nicely.
Stop making me regret not buying.
Already spent my btc so don't say I can still get in.

good luck m8s

>> No.1955425

Its possible they did do an air drop, just seems inefficient to do it by sending to 2 accounts at a time

>> No.1955426

it's a market. you're allowed to sell whenever you want.
i've made enough money from crypto to know you don't dump 1% of the coin in one go. i'll hold till it hits the prices i want.

you fuck off.

>> No.1955429
File: 161 KB, 404x389, 1489697839248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did we give away a metric shit-fuck-ass-ton of spicy MILOs - but we'll be giving away more in the coming weeks

Now is a good time to be a regular poster in /MILO/ - keep those wallets whipped out boys

>> No.1955432

No offense, but if you aren't aware that every transaction had 2 addresses (1 is a change transaction), it's time for you to put the keyboard down.

>> No.1955433
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Dumb liberals always demanding equal wealth. Top 10 put their BTC and compute down for this coin's start. They deserve big slices, and you can bet they'll be walling like Trump once the market cap starts going hockey stick. Especially Mr. ASIC #1 who's been killing kWh for Milos like an absolute fucking madman.

>> No.1955437
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>Especially Mr. ASIC #1 who's been killing kWh for Milos like an absolute fucking madman

Someone out there has a SERIOUS fucking rig pointed at MILO - those difficulty spikes, fuck

>> No.1955441

Taking a nap - talk soon boys

>> No.1955445
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Night Lad.

Let's keep it comfy boys, I know a lot of you are off tomorrow.


>> No.1955449
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Our community, these generals, have been drifting away from our one true God. Put faith in him, and away from all worldly distractions, and our coin will prevail. Don't worry little one, for he is in our presence.

>> No.1955450
File: 168 KB, 1059x855, thanks lads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy folks, Former top 10 here.
Just sold over half my bag and recovered my initial cost. Feels good for being one of my first crypto things.

Glad to be a part of this, Time to let someone else into the top 10.

>> No.1955458
File: 99 KB, 750x1334, lets go baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I stayed awake to 4pm instead of fading at 2pm like a cuck and rid the pump to 800 sats, But I'll take it. Stay strong friends.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.1955462

Wrong. Only a dozen of you are gonna make it. The rest are gonna eat up your bags and lose.

>> No.1955466

Can confirm
Please sir, can I have some more?

>> No.1955467

Top 40 checking in. Wish I had more to drop but 50k is good for now I guess

>> No.1955472

>this is how Bernie will win once in for all. FOR EQUALITY AND WELFARE FOR ALL. FUCK THE 1%!

Dumb normie, often the owner of the company holds the most stocks and this case, maybe the miner or creator. And get realistic, 8 people controls half of the worlds wealth. Just goggle it. Makes sense 10 people controls over 40% of MILOs. Coming from a top 20 myself with 110k+ of them, you get to stay poor while I fuck all the teenage russian models I want when I get rich.

>> No.1955476

fuck I have the same pink color id as that poster. Insulting!

>> No.1955479

You have no shame for begging and these schemers have no shame for shilling this shit and then shamelessly dumping like this faggot: >>1955450

>> No.1955483

>still double the value than it has been all last week
I too plan to dump too you know, first to recover my initial investment than when I get rich, use half of that money for reinvesting, quarter for cold storage and a quarter for fucking models, raving and showing off my fuck you money. Now fuck off to /r/politics how the 1% fucked you over and wants to tax the rich.

>> No.1955487

reee you fucking cuck you will get cancer for your crimes

>> No.1955489

Cant wait for .01

>> No.1955494

Whose keen on pumping milo to 1k sats? might get some more outside volume pajeets when they see the % increase

>> No.1955503


nvm imma just go ahead and dump some, probs end up buying back in at 350 anyway lads

>> No.1955504


>> No.1955507

Youre not chad enough to pump it to 1k. Go LARP stuff that cant be proven

>> No.1955513

>Recouping costs is dumping
I still have over 66k friend, and plan to buy more if the drops below 400again.

>> No.1955515


If I want i could but no one will increase their buy positions, needs more volume.

>> No.1955531
File: 7 KB, 231x218, milnero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 90k Milo at average price of 400, sold for average price of 500, doesn't matter if this is a shit coin still made me chump change, I might go rent some hashing power while the price is up, good profit to cost ratio

>> No.1955532

>I could do it if I really wanted to, but I dont want to :^)

>> No.1955534

To be honest the interest in this coin is huge.
There have been threads since it's release, why so much hype it's just another coin.

>> No.1955536


you are a tad dramatic sweetheart

dumping is selling more than the market can handle which leads to the price crashing.
that anon sold some to break even. what he did was pretty sensible.

>> No.1955539


Nah I decided to dump my stack, someone bought my 40k in one go, someones feeling bullish. I'm confident It'll dip again so I'm not fomo, just gonna go rent some hashing power and mine milo, averagely I can get a milo for about 380 sats each so seems good rn

>> No.1955603

>selling=!=dumping, goy
>you are a tad dramatic, goy
>dumping is selling to the point where the price is below 0
>that anon sold some to make a profit, what he did was pretty sensible

>> No.1955638 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 3264x1836, milocoindick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World's first milocoin dick pic. Next one coming, milocoin writen on my gf's boobs.


>> No.1955655

well this coin truly is run and bought by faggots

why am i even surprised that its flooded with subhumans

>> No.1955666

i'll take that as a compliment

>> No.1955725

holy shit

satan, faggotry, subhumans

it all makes sense

>> No.1955801

Yep we're all a bunch of degenerate satanic faggots. It's almost like you don't belong here and should leave or something.

>> No.1955805
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>> No.1955824
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>> No.1955868
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>be me
>browsing the milo general yesterday
>see some anon say "expect a pump tonight"
>normally skeptical of (((information))) on biz
>decide to set a sell order anyway
>decide on 800 sate
Mfw made back my initial investment just by listening to shitposting

>> No.1955925

Guys, please do your part & support Milocoin, it takes just a few minutes to do the following:

- https://www.reddit.com/r/MilocoinCentre/ Write, link something positive about milocoin or milo. Don't forget to upvote stuff
- Share the milocoin website or Ann to cryptorelated subs e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/
- Voat is a similar website. Try posting about milocoin there too if you like

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5WTKDkoG7WIDvnLewk26bg Subsribe to the official channel and like/comment/share videos
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdObV1wvGJHR4uXwLP483w Same here
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg5DSm7aQ5M-ZR3-51c23yA Same here

- https://twitter.com/getmilocoin Retweet & Follow the official account
- Tweet about milocoin!
- Start tweeting and insta'ing Milo about milocoin and the milocoin privilege fund!

support@coinexchange.io <- email them demanding MiloCoin get listed
https://poloniex.com/coinRequest <- Use this online form to get Milocoin listed on poloniex
support@bittrex.com <- Send em an email to get Milocoin listed on bittrex

Privilege Donation
Tweet, reddit, spam any other way you can this page: http://milocoin.info/privilege-donation.html

- Use your signature space on any forums you are using and leave a link to ann and/or the official website
- Talk about milocoins in other cryptorelated forums you are visiting
- Got a blog? Blog about milocoin. In return you will get some nice links & traffic :) (e.g I will link you from reddit and here in the ann if you tell me)
- - Spread the word with any other means you can think of

Useful Resources
- Milocoin Memes: http://milocoin.info/graphics.html


I love fag-donations: MBTuCZ5ZGoJhyiG237mNue8E8LWw8pVpYG

>> No.1956188

Can confirm that folks in these threads give out free Milos if you post your adrress

>tfw living in a timeline where posting in a thread on 4chan gets you paid

>> No.1956292

Can these digits earn me some gay coins?

>> No.1956365
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I am one of those BTC addresses you posted. I invested almost a full bitcoin (around $1,000) into mining Milocoin when it first came out through nicehash.

I've already sold a portion of my coins on the market to help distribution.

I think the only scammers here are the ones yelling "scammer!" classic projection, really. I guess they want the coin to crash so they can buy up the coins cheap and control the market. You don't do your research, you dont know about the airdrop, you're just SO FUCKING QUICK to call this a scam.

Get a fucking life, loser. Invest a BTC into mining this coin and you'll get a similar return that I did. (not as good since I did it like the day after it came out, but you'll get coins).

Go ahead and ask findblocks.com, they have my address on there and my mining records.

>> No.1956444

So what actually caused to rise to 800?

Did the bots go nuts?

>> No.1956465

Someone take out that sell wall.

>> No.1956671

Been in almost ever Milo General since the inception. Never once posted my wallet...

So, here's to my virginity

>> No.1956710

Will be posting my long cock and along with some faggy wallet begging if this pumps again.

>> No.1956717

There's a pump tonight?

>> No.1956794

yup buy while you can

>> No.1956881
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Will do. Going to take a chunk outta that sell wall.

>> No.1957037

>ark mooned

should I feel bad for not buying ark instead of milo?

>> No.1957075

/futurechads/ WW@?

>> No.1957078

You bet your ass this thing is gonna pump!
t.Sovereign wealth fund, equity analyst

>> No.1957108

Milocoin will never moon. My digits confirm

>> No.1957111
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Kek will never fail us faggot.

>> No.1957114

Fucking loser cant even digits

>> No.1957121


>> No.1957169
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Oh fuck

>> No.1957352
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>> No.1957399

getting buying guys

>> No.1957456

>keep those wallets whipped out boys

>> No.1957483


>> No.1957496

>Keep those wallets out
Well if you insist...

>> No.1957520
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Hello friends.

>> No.1957530
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Fly me to the moon Daddy

>> No.1957579
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w-what's the secret?

>> No.1957588

My guess is that they got Milo

>> No.1957783
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>My guess is that they got Milo

>> No.1957807

look biz friendos, you've all been really good to me, I'm gonna tell you a couple of two three things here.
Milo is basically in
it'll fucking pump like TC but better over next 6 months
you will become a Chad if you get in sooner than later

>t. insider

>> No.1957848

>>t. insider

fake and gay

>> No.1957922

Why no MILO thread on /pol/?

>> No.1957998

Got 100 bucks in Btc

Should I buy?

>> No.1958004

Is now a good time to throw a bitcoin into Milo?

Apparently theres some kind of big announcement next week, but it eventually mooning is a sure thing anyways, right?

>> No.1958018

Do it asap, preferably before mining ends as the price floor creeps higher. Last week it did dipped into the 200's and no volume now, the 400's and gaining volume daily.

>> No.1958020


>> No.1958027

Don't spend a cent on this worthless memecoin. What does this shit have to offer besides some kike faggot's name attached to the front? You're better off spending the money on a blowjob from a crack whore because then at least you'll get something out of it. If you wanna throw away your birthday money then go ahead, I don't give a fuck

>> No.1958029

But it's still being mined by the devs. You don't think there will be a huge pump and dump sometime this year?

>> No.1958038


No one cares we buy it for the pump and dump, wait till mining is over either way the price floor will lift, for fuck sake I could raise the floor myself after mining is finished.

>> No.1958047


and who the fuck are you going to sell it to, you fucking retards.

Nobody is going to buy this shitcoin.

>> No.1958051


Buy orders, I don't care who it is, I've already made .4 btc by manipulating this low volume piece of shit

>> No.1958060

hello new fudder. nice to see you. what new fud techniques will you bring to the thread?

>> No.1958064

Yeah just like Trumpcoin


>> No.1958073

Sure the price will uptick but who will gain from it? Not yoou. In the crytpo world, all of you poors are fish, and after the pump and dump, you're all going to get mouthfucked by whales.

>> No.1958084

Sounds like you didn't get in earlier. Keep fudding. It makes me smile

>> No.1958088

>Buy now
>Set sell orders to 20-100% of purchase value
>Coin gets pumped
Are you retarded? The only people who lose money in crypto are retards who can't into markets.

>> No.1958092


>> No.1958117
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when there's fudders but you got them milocoins on deck

>> No.1958132

Why volume is going up no coiners? The antis are out when its too late to buy, then it pumps even more wanting to fail with a hatred passion staying poor again. I'm expecting 1k sat price floor no later than 30 days. But also maybe a dip but its not guaranteed.

>> No.1958177

But they already are Kek. But your loss, m8

>> No.1958225

you sound triggered princess.

>> No.1958266

>being this triggered

>> No.1958296


>Delusion -the post

>>1958092 and I are trying to help you from throwing your lives away from F-list celebrity digital funny money.

>> No.1958300

Screencapped for future laughs.

>> No.1958317
File: 40 KB, 120x144, profile pic of good samaritans in milocoin general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, i guess i was wrong. you're not some autistic lefty faggot, you're a good person who we misunderstood.

thank you for showing us the truth with your evidence and thoroughly researched claims. usually it is just people saying "nobody will buy this" and "milo is a pedo".

>> No.1958450

Hoping to reach 100k this weekend and then I'm strapping in for the long hold.
Also where do you guys see this coin in 2-3 months?

>> No.1958461

forgotten about in the dumpster like the rest of those hundreds of shitcoins that get their 5 minutes of glory

the ppl who hype them will be like "oh well" and move on to shill the next coin of the day while you'll be left there with your bags feeling like a fucking retard

>> No.1958498

between 5 and 10 cents

>> No.1958754

Who realistically would ever buy this thrash lol. You have to be a total tool not to smell the curry and autism baked into this load of shit of a coin. All 17 of you bumping this thread and talking to yourselves sound like Nigerian email scammers from 1997. Enough already lol

>> No.1958762










>> No.1958764

I hope I helped you cucks avoid buying into this piece of shit coin, considering it's held by soulless faggots like this subhuman right here.

>> No.1958805

>all 17 of you
>Posters: 49

>> No.1958885

when you check in a few months and see what the price is and you say to yourself, "wow it got to 40 cents in August!",i want you to remember that i have 800,000 coins and that will be over $300,000 i made.

>> No.1959046

you can tell we are entering phase 2 when the FUD goes into over drive like this

>> No.1959132

>tfw was gonna put a whole bitcoin into Milo but bank denied charge on coinbase today for some reason.

gonna have to wait til tommorow lads.

>> No.1959141

Oh God the Delooooooosion is insane! The only thing going to the moon is my sides. You're a total fucking retard

>> No.1959161

Please FUD more. It makes me want to buy more

>> No.1959408
File: 296 KB, 500x574, milovsaltgoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre Ethneets or trumpcoin suitcase holders

>> No.1959464

almost doubled my investment from Lepen and it's price is still going up. you guys bet on the wrong horse

>> No.1959506
File: 60 KB, 756x690, 69milo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milo deal will be inked soon. Keep fuding while volume + price is going up, and there's no 300 sat days coming back.

>> No.1959559

the bots revving it's engines again. Might be final warning before the real moon pump.

>> No.1959589

>Might be final warning before the real moon pump.
>before the real moon pump.
>the real moon pump.

>> No.1959664

Just remember to hold fast. Keep our hand strong. Milo has 1000% gains in store. A mere 100% is sellbait.

>> No.1959674

This, hype from any significant pump will only lead to a chain reaction at this point, do NOT sell until the marketcap is over 1 mill.

>> No.1959675

Damn 1 million? What would the price be then?

>> No.1959690

Hope you guys are ready for dicks and wallet fagging when I see this bitch pump.

>> No.1959700

Depends on how much is mined I suppose

>> No.1959706

If what the rumor said is true, it could mean a lot

>> No.1959709

What rumor?

>> No.1959716

Something about the supply being half of what it is. I don't really remember but it's probably nothing.

>> No.1959959

some cuck sold 100k and the price survived like nothing

strong like fuckin bull, lads

>> No.1959965

quads coming, will send 500 milos if someone hits em'

>> No.1959978


>> No.1959990


>> No.1959997


>> No.1959998

My digits deserve gay coins

>> No.1960002

.99 per coin

>> No.1960319

fuck so close

any chance for a mulligan kek?

>> No.1960324


>> No.1960335


>Every other coin making 10-60% growth and you fags rolling for digits and praising a frog.

Milo will pump but come on people, show some class.

>> No.1960336

Hey douchebags, I've got some extra btc to spend on yobit.

Tell me why I should get in on MILO and not just refill my FRN bags. What's even the point of this coin? Why/when would it ever pump?

>> No.1960399

milos gonna endorse it you goof

also memes

>> No.1960427

Is he really though?

The twitter protocol sounds cool but I don't get what the coins have to do with it.

>> No.1960516
File: 28 KB, 620x349, BONFIREWEB_22332249_1200x675_868172355683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. After seeing MILO threads the past month I've made a decision and bought some. The marketing is really good and Milo is a big enough faggot to endorse this coin. It has a "charity" angle with the 100k going to milos privilege grant. I do think the privilege grant is real and will get some media attention. Milo is already rich enough and is too much under a microscope to run some sort of grant scam. If you go to the site now its a work in progress but he'll get it going this year for sure. Him and Gavin have a big college aged republican audience and I think there is going to be a cryptoboom in the upcoming year or two. With that, Milocoin is a good "starter/friendly-looking" coin for first time crypto users to buy. Bitcoin is also also used heavily by republicans and libertarians. I'm also thinking of that girl that was maced in the face at Milos speech while wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. Despite the negatives you read in these threads there is still a lot of optimism which I like. Good luck to everyone and I'll see you at $1.

>> No.1960531
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>> No.1960536
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>> No.1960577

same anon. but we the community need to do stuffs.
someone should contact that chick who got maced

>> No.1960689

I'm convinced this shit will go to a dollar and then 2 dollars. I don't know why I got that number but I put a lot of thought and research into this coin and I can see people buying it and trading it in the summer. Conservatives, college kids, alt right moms, all can be part of the milocoin family.

>> No.1960740

>we need to do stuff
>someone else should do something
the same in every crypto thread: other people need to take action while i watch

>> No.1960755

its gonna moon tb.h

we are still mining, probably shouldn't of even had the first /general/ until after that, but here we are at half a cent

>> No.1960762 [DELETED] 
File: 867 KB, 2448x2456, IMG_0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dicks out for milos.
Milo notice me!!

>> No.1960786

>probably shouldn't of even had the first /general/ until after that
Nah, the coin would have been too one sided if that happened.

>> No.1960787


>> No.1960813


the gamble i see now is does one keep their buy orders at 300-400 in the thinking that there will be a dip before mining ends, or buy at today's price (which is much more expensive than all my other coins) to get the coins in hand thinking that after next week we'll never see 400-500 again?

>> No.1960850

BJ for 10000 milo?

>> No.1960861

I'll let you blow me for milos.

>> No.1960895
File: 137 KB, 428x576, greyporche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your dream of owning 100k of digital funny money named after a gay finally comes true

>> No.1961016

Tfw the days of milo being cheap enough for people to send random amounts to strangers for free is over

>> No.1961064

They were nice. Getting 69 milos was fun

>> No.1961065
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>> No.1961072

The amount of 69 and 1488 deposits in my wallet from back then is unreal

>> No.1961073

I got a couple from back then making some tier list in MS paint and just asking. Great community

>> No.1961077

Literally used to use memegenerator to put random meme text over pictures milo and people would give me gay coins for it.
Community is top tier. Buying in on the first day on bittrex is a decision im glad to have made

>> No.1961092

Welcome to the big dick club buddy.

>> No.1961098

Checking myself

>> No.1961122

Do not buy this coin. Milo is a bad man. He seduced my wife's son and turned him into a gay.

>> No.1961152

I remember buying in on the first day it got on nova. held ever since. I'm poor so only 50k but I'm in it for the long haul

>> No.1961441
File: 18 KB, 452x447, zxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New video on Milo facebook profile. It could easily be added to MiloCoin Youtube or even redone with some new effects for MiloCoin.

Video makers , do ya thing !

>> No.1961453

Just put an order in for 100k @440 sats on Nova. Sell me your Milos please x

>> No.1961485

No dumbass. Milo won't appreciate it if we attempt to steal his thunder and misappropriate his new video. Sit back and wait.

>anons posting rumors about Milo being on board with the coin and we should expect an announcement in a couple weeks
>dev posts on bitcointalk and tweets about possible bombshell news incoming
>Milo announces his return in just under three weeks

I refuse to believe this is a coincidence. Buy now or miss the train.

>> No.1961551

dick! i'm trying to get 100k at 350, but i don't think it looks like it's going that low soon.


good luck though, hopefully we all get what we want

>> No.1961557

milo back in the news, back on tv, back being talked about in lefty "news"sites is only good. i hope the link up comes too, but if it doesn;t come in the next few weeks, it is still good for milocoin that miloman has a profile again.
it would also suggest he has plans for the summer, which is good because conservative college students will be around to be exposed to milocoin through various media. they will be open to the idea of milocoin.

>> No.1961641

holy shit hes coming back, this is perfect timing

>> No.1961776

Hype for the return. Things could not have played out any better for early supporters.

>> No.1961797

Just upped it to 100k at 450 sats :^)
Unless something really bad happens I don't see this going below 350 for a while, You might be able to fill up your bags again.
Who knows.

>> No.1961820

im the video boy round these parts

id leave it, piggy backing will seem tacky given whats to come ;)

>> No.1961826

I have screenshots from the fudders to celebrate this occasion

>> No.1961831

Don't do this to me senpai

>> No.1961852

just make sure you've bought what you'll be happy with

>> No.1961902

Almost at 30k. Only reason I haven't bought more is because I don't see how people are going to sell that much if it hits half a dollar.

>> No.1961905

Sell during the rise friend. Pick your target and space orders all the way up to it.

>> No.1961936

half a dollar is conservative

>> No.1962004


I think $7 million market cap is pretty optimistic considering the current 70k cap and success of similar coins in the past.
I'd say 15 cents is conservative.

>> No.1962064

Whats interesting about MILO relative to other politics coins, is that in a way, its greatest weakness is also its greatest strength. There's no election to wait on so its hard to say when it will rise. But at the same time the fact that theres no "election" means that theres no set end-point for this coin

>> No.1962194

idk man

PIVX has a much larger supply than Milo even disregarding the mining thing people keep talking about in the thread and its price movements/listing price were quite comparable to ours.

If a coin like pivx with zero real coverage can hit two bucks with a larger supply, a coin that could very potentially generate mainstream media coverage with a lower supply and less of the political divisiveness that kept trumpcoin off more reputable exchanges could do very very well

>> No.1962202

You cannot compare the two in any way.
PIVX has actual tech behind and a roadmap, maybe even real life uses at some point meaning it and can compete with the top coins.
Political coins like Milo are usually copies of some existing coin are exist solely for the hype and pump. I'm not hating on the coin but I'm just saying you can expect Putin, Trump marketcap level. And having low or high supply plays no part in the success of a coin. Look at Ripple with 39 billion coins.

>> No.1962219

They're comparable in the sense that PIVX's current rise is a pump based on speculative hype.

The privilege grant fulfills a real life utilisation and there's a clear roadmap for the coin, just one thats less tech facing and more marketing oriented. Plus it has quite a critical difference between itself and Trump, Lepen, Putin etc.

I'm not saying it's going to hit PIVX's marketcap, I'm saying there's very little reason to set a price limit just yet.

>> No.1962240

And that speculative hype is based on actual progress and continous development of the coin.
I'm giving it a max of $10 mil cap and that's stretching it a ton. I'd be happy to be proven wrong since I own 40k coins myself but just trying to stay realistic and not give false hope to others.

>> No.1962252

Yo, you're not listening to previous anon. That hype is based on something, you cannot compare PIVX with MILO. Right now, its comparable with Trumpcoin and lePen. If you get an actual endorsement then there will be some rise but nothing to the amount of PIVX.

>> No.1962361

>they still don't know what's coming...somehow it hasn't leaked
>they haven't acquired (at minimum 250k)

holy fuckin shit /biz/ never change

>> No.1962367

>tfw I only have 67K

I hate being poor.

>> No.1962510

>buying .69 at a time

okay which one if you is it

>> No.1962534

tfw to smart for the crpyto meme, but want milocoin

>Google how to get bitcoin today in the US

Oh well

>> No.1962588

This shit is going to stabilize and work it's way up to two dollars. Having trouble selling this is going to be the least of you worries.

>> No.1962596

>two dollars

please read the last few posts

>> No.1962625
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 4280728833_d2b0d30bd8_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the milo announcement in may involves milocoin

>> No.1962632
File: 83 KB, 320x400, too-happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1962657

I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. Explain to me why it can't hit $2.

>> No.1962725
File: 35 KB, 282x307, howmilocoinerslookatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1962726

spoiler alert
>he cant

>> No.1962744

Exactly what I explained in previous posts but your delusion is making you unable to acknowledge those posts. Watch as you make no arguments when you reply to this post. Stop sounding like bunch of brainless pajeet shills, people don't like that.

>> No.1962746

My ID reset, start from this one>>1961936

>> No.1962765

pajeets to chad

>> No.1962776

Unless of course. There is some, deep, crucial, information you're leaving out. Something big. Something that will change everything, and could send milo to the place he belongs, the place he has been missing his whole life, the moon- HOME.

>> No.1962813

>where it belongs
It's a pure pump and dump, it belongs nowhere after the point you dump these on some poor guy you sold your story to like you're doing now.

Oh please what could make this coin have $30 mil marketcap?
Coin named after the the most powerful leader in the world had only 3 mil but some alt right celebrity will hit 10 times that? Please enlighten me.

>inb4 can't tell you, it's a secret :^)

>> No.1962884

>pure pump and dump
Lol not this again. P&d is what we all expected when initially hearing the news of this coin's launch but as more information came out, we noticed what MC is truly capable of.
Are you familiar with concepts such as freedom of speech, freedom of the presses, PoW vs PoS?
Super. Because we need all the men we can get. We can make this coin the next pivx, a crypto actually worth something, but ONLY if we work together.

>> No.1962889

sometimes I wonder how biz can be so obtuse.
browses 4chan, knows about this coin and hasn't shut the shit down.
He's in. and lmao@yourlife.com if you're not as well

>> No.1962906

Are you retards fucking serious? Every week some new joke crypto under a new name?

>> No.1962911

and every week someone makes their mom's fucking Lexus payment with their memecoin gains

well everyone but (you) that is :^)

>> No.1962925

You are a bit late to start fudding, friendo

>> No.1963008

>fudding a month after the coin launches

>> No.1963037


Nice fantasy, neckbeard. Its time to get employed.


I visit /biz/ once every couple weeks, I'm always amazed at every new P&D coin's militant defenders. Yes, you're going to become wealthy because of a joke cyber token named after a literallywho homosexual journalist with no actual use. No, its not the same thing we've heard for years on /biz/ about every P&D crypto. Trumpcoin was such a roaring success wasn't it? A whopping $0.07 per coin.

You do realize that for a P&D to become successful, you must bring in outsiders to take your bag, right? These *chan knowledge level inside jokes bring no new people from the outside, and eventually one of your own, or you yourself become the bagholder and the same group of Bitcointalk members who made all the other coins are laughing as they rake in your NEETbux. They honestly can't believe that people would actually put their money into a internet token that took 1 evening to make.

I'm going to go download the standard crypto template that all these coins use and spend around 4 hours just making ones after random celebrities or items and come shill them on /biz/. If I made a crypto called 'memecoin', I guarantee your retarded self would not be able to resist buying my cyber tokens.

Its funny that all those years ago /biz/ was created as a containment because we thought BITCOIN was the shitty scam clogging up our board. Now it seems we need a containment board for the containment board. Actual finance discussion on /biz/ and cyber token scamming on /P&D/.

>> No.1963040

>thought Bitcoin was a scam
Look where we are now Kek.
Also, go ahead and not buy. It's fine. Come back in a few weeks and see the difference

>> No.1963085

>Trumpcoin was such a roaring success wasn't it? A whopping $0.07 per coin.

What world do you live in where this is true? Trumpcoin was 67 cents during inauguration and many people, myself included made a lot of money from it. 30 grand for me personally.

>> No.1963118

Any big daddys wanna go ahead and kill this pajeet sell wall

>> No.1963189


Who tries this hard? This is next level shit right here. With CINCO DE MILO right around the corner, and posts being made like this, it's a fucking BUY neon sign.

>> No.1963195

what about when trumpcoin was going to version 2 last year about april and if we didn't get on board we were going to miss out on our chance at the moon? that really happened didn't it...

My prediction is that whatever this announcement is has already been accounted for by the price. You're honestly probably better off waiting until the post-announcement disappointment to buy at good value, then sell a few weeks after. Might not be the 'moon-gains' you were hoping for, but you'll turn a tidy little profit.

>> No.1963200

Well a lot of us have bought in since the beginning so for newcomers, it's a good idea. If you are an OG, just hold for now

>> No.1963235

it's all conjecture and speculation. all reasons stated in
are valid arguments because you're basing it on different current things and different past things.
it's a nonsense argument.
tech is important in a coin, but tech doesn't guarantee success in anyway.
devs are important in a coin but devs don't guarantee success.
brand is important in a coin but brand doesn't guarantee success.
marketing is important in a coin but marketing doesn't guarantee success.
the way the wind is blowing is important in a coin but the way the wind is blowing doesn't guarantee success.

ron paul was a nothing coin, was $8
waves had good tech, is nothing

>Oh please what could make this coin have $30 mil marketcap?
marketcap isn't the be all and end all in measuring what crypto is worth. it's value is what someone will pay for it. one coin sold at $5 doesn't mean the market is worth $150million, even though when that coin is sold for $5 the market cap is $150million.
>Coin named after the the most powerful leader in the world had only 3 mil but some alt right celebrity will hit 10 times that?
not memeing, but that isn't an argument. if you were involved in trumpcoin you know how badly it was ran. it was incompetently handled from the beginning and still had a result.

rationality and stock based measurements only go so far in determining what the value/price is. it is all arguments about what could happen and arguments about likelihood which can't be based on anything thats happened in the past.

>> No.1963241

i find it hard to believe that milo doesn't read the milo related threads on /pol/, given that he or his staff will read /pol/ for their jobs. milocoin has been mentioned in most milo threads that i have seen on /pol/ since milocoin was launched. the odds of him not finding out about it there are slim.

>> No.1963247

>If I made a crypto called 'memecoin', I guarantee your retarded self would not be able to resist buying my cyber tokens.

>claims to know shit but doesn't know memecoin existed
>not having bought into memecoin in 2016 and selling when it pumped
>not using that to buy eth at $15
>not selling half your eth at $50
>$300=>$8465cash + eth

negro, you ain't be know sheet

>> No.1963399


>> No.1963505

Just a heads up senpai, I have a mutual friend with one of the devs and have heard interesting news.
Could be bull but apparently milo wants to shut it down. The announcement was to generate a micro pump and the devs are getting out at the last minute (potentially following another "positive" announcement).
Things obviously a bit slow over Easter but MILO may be no more in the next week.
Take it as you want, I'm not sure if true. Hopefully I don't regret having sold in a weeks time.

>> No.1963564

>ron paul was a nothing coin, was $8
Just checked RPC, it was almost $40/coin at one point with a market cap of only $500k so you're just helping me in the argument.
Telling me a price of a single coin without its supply is useless and just tells me you can't into basic fucking economy if that's how you think a success of a coin is measured.
Ripple is currently worth 3 cents, fuck that shitcoin amirite?

>marketcap isn't the be all and end all in measuring what crypto is worth. it's value is what someone will pay for it. one coin sold at $5 doesn't mean the market is worth $150million, even though when that coin is sold for $5 the market cap is $150million.
Of course not but jesus christ, if you sold one Milo now at $5, with the current supply it would mean the market is worth $16 million whether you like it or not, that's how marketcap works and marketcap is king in measuring the success of a coin.
Now you're barely at $50k marketcap, you want to make this $30 million you're gonna have to do the impossible and that is compete with Lisk, Iconomi, Peercoin, GameCredits? I think not...

>> No.1963609

can anyone confirm this

>> No.1963610


Small world huh ?

>2-3 weeks ago we had "leak" from Milo camp,turned BS
>friends with devs
>leak from Gavin

What's next ? Stop lying bitches. Noone has LEAKS OR CONNECTIONS anywhere.

You sold it at 350sat probably and thinking of buying again.

Don't listen to trolls

>> No.1963620

I think I'm going to get out now.

>> No.1963636


>no one has leaks or connections anywhere
>no one

anonymity of crypto makes it far more susceptible to what would be criminal for trading listed stocks.

if the connection had recommended MILO in the first place, then they probably felt obliged to tell >>1963505 about negative developments, regardless of devs

I don't know about how true what they've said is but I wouldn't be so dismissive. I've seen far more outrageous crypto "prophecies" come true

>> No.1963637

Please get out right now, got confirmation straight from Milo himself that he will take legal actions against this coin.

Also he said that You should be selling MiloCoin not higher than 100sat.

I'm inside his bedroom right now.

>inb4 shilling 101

>> No.1963638

You just want cheap milos

>> No.1963648
File: 75 KB, 626x365, yu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

I can confirm that it's complete bullshit

>> No.1963653
File: 12 KB, 251x251, 1485783113505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1963657

Eh - meant to reply to this - >>1963505

Need more coffee

>> No.1963661

I am literally laughing my ass off at those shills.
The best confirmation is that fake info couple of weeks ago, and many others like "expect pump" "i got info from whales".

I would rather hold and lose 100% rather than listen to dumb shits, who expect me to believe they are inside.

>> No.1963670
File: 58 KB, 384x484, 1490145950581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Inside" is a very, VERY small and tightly knit group.

>> No.1963688

everyone thinks they know everything.

this is crypto...

accountability is fairly low here

>> No.1963703
File: 84 KB, 673x767, 1485798535292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone thinks they know everything

>> No.1963729

>suing a shitcoin from an cambodian soup kitchen forum
Sounds worth while

>> No.1963784
File: 71 KB, 531x414, 1486044989855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feelin' comfy boys

Let's kick this week in the teeth

>> No.1964096
File: 2.48 MB, 1639x2048, towah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will pay 500 MILO to the first anon to shoop Milo's logo (Milo himself, not the coin) onto the tower in a semi-realistic fashion

Has to look decent, no MS paint nonsense

>> No.1964141


>> No.1964195

hmmm, and here I thought you were only a little stupid.

>> No.1964306
File: 1.23 MB, 1639x2048, milo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1964308


>> No.1964318

Make that logo look a little more 3d, like a neon on the building, and it's yours

>> No.1964337
File: 1.23 MB, 1639x2048, milo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotchu senpai

>> No.1964341
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 1485772152018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice - paid and thanks fampai

>> No.1964347

>tfw actually did some work
>tfw I've violated the terms of my unemployment
dont send me a 1099

>> No.1964353
File: 599 KB, 1536x1042, 1485450156908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1964525
File: 66 KB, 576x1024, 1486050113101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1964534

Haha loving the dangerous faggot <3

>> No.1964540

I can see the pixels

I'll make that look real for 1k milos

(same guy, switched IPs)

>> No.1964553


>> No.1964558

Is this how a MILO economy works? Because I love it

>> No.1964565

I keep forgetting Milo invented bartering

>> No.1964586

i'll send you 500 milo if you photoshop milos face onto the smug cop.
maybe change the account profile pic in the bottom right to milocoin logo and the account name, but that's not necessary

>> No.1964592
File: 70 KB, 764x641, 1485331036095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added pic, clicked cancel like a dick. this pic

>> No.1964596

i was gonna say no but i just left nyc because of the toxicity and that pic gave me schadenfreude so ill give it a shot

>> No.1964614

Nah I was just posting some MS paint tier MILO meme that I came across haha

Soon we will transcend memes

>> No.1964629
File: 228 KB, 764x641, milo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly dont pay me for this its really shitty and im too lazy to redo it

this is fun though

>> No.1964638

kek, i like it. sent you the coins.

>> No.1964690

who /6 cents/ here?


>> No.1964733

I have a chunk of my college loans in this. Should I sell? I don't want to be fucked

>> No.1964749
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, 1452881977512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not.

Though if you have a bit of profit you probably should. Using money that is not yours or you don't mind losing in the first place is silly friend.

>> No.1964752

It's fabricated FUD - relax my friend

>> No.1964839

I was laughing at them in >>1963637

Just look at volume/price going up + big news this week I think.

Don't listen to them, and just see what's going on.

>> No.1965092

it's fucking mooning !! holy shit!!

>> No.1965162

Is it?

>> No.1965169

it consistently hits 700ish around thie time then drops back to 4-500 in the daytime. After the big announcement I expect it to moon pretty hard though.

>> No.1965171

Shit, when did I get out of the loop so badly? What's this big announcement that you're talking about? Is it confirmation of Milo's support?

>> No.1965172

it very well could be. Nobody but the devs know. Expect an announcement sometime this week though.

>MiloCoin @GetMiloCoin Apr 13
Hoping to drop a bomb regarding some ground breaking news in the next week. Stay tuned as we work towards this milestone!

>> No.1965181

Sounds good, thanks for the explanation. Looking forward to the moon.

>> No.1965336
File: 11 KB, 812x92, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I do about this?

>> No.1965533

It will eventually get confirmed. Don't worry.

>> No.1965618
File: 109 KB, 909x639, fueling up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back above 100k friends.
Not top 10 comfy but it will do.

>> No.1965777
File: 509 KB, 1103x934, projections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1965870
File: 81 KB, 378x267, clev shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we use MiloCoin to catch him??

>> No.1965917


200k milo for this as hole, dead or alive

>> No.1965931

sell wall low on YoBit.

ive already flipped milo 3 times in last week.

get it while its hot

>> No.1965939
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pussy ass sell wall tb,h... however distributing coins around is never a bad thing for long term growth.

Basically a chance to get that many Milos at 468 is dope as fuck.

>> No.1966182

And, by some chance someone else gets your block, your lost profit is automatically factored into your next stake reward (as in, you get a bit more in the next one).

>> No.1966279
File: 57 KB, 198x453, Screen Shot 2017-04-18 at 13.18.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't do anything, it's just part of the staking process. you get the ones with ticks. the questions marks go elsewhere. i haven't looked into why it happens, but it happens for all staking wallets i have seen.
you still get the 69% a year, so you don't need to worry about the ones that aren't accepted.

>> No.1966282

Dubs ~ backed by Milo

>> No.1966357
File: 25 KB, 602x406, rba9p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should I use this shit over Bitcoins?

>> No.1966403
File: 146 KB, 236x389, hnnmmmmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna get $2 per milo lads

>> No.1966407
File: 383 KB, 1238x549, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not? either option won't save you from death or boredom.

$3000 in bitcoin over the next year might see $5000 or $6000 if we're lucky. $3000 in milocoin will be worth $6000 a few weeks.
people might bitch and moan about muh tech and muh pedo, but these alt-alt-coins have huge potential if you're super early and you are still very early right now.

>> No.1966752

As we are waiting for the news, I'm sending out 69 milos for fresh memes

>> No.1966791

It's an orphan. It means you and someone else simultaneously mined a block, but his block propagated through the network and got cementing into the blockchain a fraction of a second before you.

It's normal. You don't lose any rewards, they will simply be paid out in a future block.

>> No.1966902
File: 320 KB, 397x401, shes-waiting-for-a-milocoin-chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.75 per Milo bb

>> No.1966957
File: 95 KB, 407x750, 1491504892663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mate, i'd be more than a little pleased with that.
if it hits that before september i'll maybe have a celebratory ____.

>> No.1967009
File: 42 KB, 946x165, 1-75 Get KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1967058

If that happens I'll become a millionaire (in my local currency)

>> No.1967079

coke binge?


>> No.1967122

No Icelandic Crowners

>> No.1967187

korean won?

>> No.1967266

Yes I'm a Korean whale

>> No.1967370
File: 464 KB, 3264x1836, milocoindick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dicks out for milocoin


>> No.1967518

I'm still having trouble connecting my wallet to the network. I am running linux and created a Milocoin.conf file in the .milocoin directory. The file contains:


Yet when I run the Milocoin wallet, everything says out of sync and there are 0 connections.

>> No.1967531

these are the ones i have:


more to come

>> No.1967534

final lot of nodes i have


>> No.1967560

you need a Linux bro to help add nodes correctly, but add all of the nodes you can find and try again

>> No.1967561

I added the full list of nodes to Milocoin.conf and still no connection.

Network settings are default with Map port using UPnP being checked and proxy unchecked.

Steps I've done:
Download milowallet, install
Create Milocoin.txt in .milocoin directory
Add nodes and save
Change file extension from .txt to .conf
Start wallet, still no connection

I have to be doing something wrong

>> No.1967563

if dubs
10k volume by may 1

>> No.1967592

Same problem here anon. Can anyone give an answer?

>> No.1967683

I dont stake Milo. But i had this same problem when setting up my Bitbean wallet earlier today, and it turned out i had to download a zip of the blockchain file and extract it, as well as creating the .conf file. You may wanna find the MILO blockchain zip and download it manually.

>> No.1967708

ideaR for those of us who've already bought our milos, split them up into hundreds of addresses into our wallets.
This should cause more stake transactions/blocks, advancing the network out of the mining window faster. Leaving the over circulation a fuck ton lower than predicted and each of our coins exponentially more valuable

will this work?

>> No.1967737
File: 61 KB, 780x439, 1489636010869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1967825

i didn't see you were running Linux, so i have no idea of what to do. sorry mate.

>> No.1968063


Why you have so many nodes ?

I have only two from ANN thread. Is there a corelation between staking and nodes amount ?

>> No.1968298

milocoin.conf shouldn't have an uppercase M in Linux.