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1948248 No.1948248 [Reply] [Original]



VIDEO IS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ziz_Wa7M1TY&feature=youtu.be

I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin (kek confirmed 1.75 btw)


>Official MiloCoin website:

>Step-By-Step Guild on How to Buy MiloCoin:


>MiloCoin Video
youtu.be/rQu1-zil_z4 [Embed]

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? We gotchu!
(guide to add these addnodes on page 6 of ANN thread)

>Buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit
Up in the air for the time being.

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
Start tweeting Gavin and insta'ing Milo. Lets Moon!
c-cex.com/?id=vote <--scroll to bottom and submit MiloCoin
support@coinexchange.io ← email them demanding MiloCoin get listed

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Best highlight of the previous thread:
Fake Insiders LARPing real insiders, and real insiders LARPing fake insiders

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
We are 50% through mining and prices will NEVER be cheaper, enjoy the miner dumps and discount MiloCoins - refined investors enter the market here. MiloCoin is listed on most major exchanges.Gavin has already responded positively to MiloCoin, Privelege Grant HAS RESPONDED, Milo's response is practically a given

>> No.1948254

First for $1 a pop.
Buy 35k more tomorrow.

>> No.1948258

Second for dead on arrival coin.

Be careful holding those heavy bags. Your back is very important to maintain as you get into old age seeing as you lot will be working till the day you die.

>> No.1948264

let's compare dicks

holding 50k Milo

>tfw in the top 40 Milo holders

>> No.1948265

Hey me too.

>> No.1948270
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if anyone needs help with setting up nodes for the iMac wallet, I know how to do it

buy MiloCoin

>> No.1948282

not arguing the fact that you dudes are making money but moreso coming in with just an observation of how much of a fag this dude is coming off as.
And the whole coin aesthetic is just ass.
I don't see longevity in it.
Pump and dump is fine but why the fuck are people going to rely on a thing called 'milocoin' that has the most ass looking dude I have ever seen.
Also I read somewhere he supports pedophilia.

Rant over. Enjoy your money.

>> No.1948284
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>being this ignorant

Thanks for the contribution? Lurk moar

>> No.1948287
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scam coin

bump for gay guy stupid goys

>> No.1948291

reminder, we will be doing a group buy soon to break puny sell walls with our bwc

>> No.1948300


then i will bump all my cheap first buy coins and make homo coin scam hit the floor.

>> No.1948302

dump that bump

>> No.1948310

I didn't say anything wrong. The coin's the coin. I'm just talking shit on milo. Unless you're in love with the guy or something. Which is weird that you'd be in love with a pedophile.

>> No.1948319

yeah, it would be really weird to be in love with a pedophile

thankfully, Milo is not a pedophile

>> No.1948320

Milo is not a pedo, and your peddling that narrative is just indicative of an unwillingness to read up on things yourself.

Milo will return and he will be stronger than ever.

>> No.1948326
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You're going to eat those words sooner than you think friendo

hurr durr pedo

Go sound like ShareBlue somewhere else

You'd do better hanging on to your MILO sir - we're just getting started here.

>> No.1948327
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Hodling 100k+ and it feeeeeeeeeeeels so gooooooooood

>> No.1948330

Okay so is he just trying to say that somebody that was exposed to sexual abuse at an early age can be a functioning member of society anyway and that it doesn't have a stigma surrounding at all?
I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely asking. If he's had child abuse in his past and that's his present day stance I guess I can see why he said that - but I still find it strange.

>> No.1948331


Even 0.5 is a big maybe and even that would be a lot bigger than Trump coin ever was.

>> No.1948341



.......is what the recent uproar was about

>> No.1948346

200k with credit cards near maxed out, COME AT ME DICKLETTES

>> No.1948359

that's the plan, to weed out weak hands :^)

>> No.1948365

.50 would equal or be less than TCA
>he doesn't know about the new coin circulation scarcity

>> No.1948370

It's isn't shareblue to realize you guys are deluded as fuck, have no taste in shilling this crap, and has no election like bumps to look forward too. So basically you're praying on this fag to endorse it but he has everything to lose and nothing to gain associating with a pump and dump.

So yea man keep wishing on a star.

>> No.1948374

I see. Very strange.

lmao 'milocoin' what a bullshit currency

>> No.1948403

reminder than any altcoin with "coin" in the name released after late 2014 isn't taken seriously and is a guaranteed failure unless it manages to rebrand.

>> No.1948417

I won't care 6 months from now when I'm getting a blowjos from a japanese supermodels inside my hovercraft

>1 post by this ID

>> No.1948421

>>1 post by this ID
no shit, micro-alts like this aren't tradable enough.

>> No.1948422
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>all this milo enthusiasm
>cant all be poorfag bagholders

>> No.1948443

Oh. I didn't realize. You believe this is a 'micro-alt'? A penny... A shit-coin?

You don't know what Milocoin is hiding. Either you haven't figured it out, or no one told you... but this is going to be big, bigger than any coin you can possibly imagine. If you won't give in to Milocoin I'd suggest you run- no- hide, hide deep where no one can find you and see how poor you really are.

>> No.1948446

and all it took was about two hours of research for me to be completely on-board

>> No.1948479
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The ShareBlue quip was about the pedo remark - but feel free to keep FUDing out of context you ninny

>> No.1948492

Don't get scared because I speak the truth. You're "dreams" are literal memes. This coin and you are a joke.

You played yourself anon.

I so look forward to the threads down the line about people who actually bought FagCoins.

>> No.1948501

Trump around 4 max cap?
4 vs 7?

>> No.1948522

Ayy my pic got used for a thread starter.

>> No.1948531

unrelated but why does pol like this guy so much if he's a massive faggot ?
he's so camp he's like a parody of a faggot.
So what gives ?

>> No.1948548

are you getting paid to shitpost?

I don't fucking get it, what else would drive a person to do this?

go be productive or something

go support a different coin

what do you gain from telling people they're wrong when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?

what if you're wrong? wouldn't that make you feel retarded?

because I'm making money off Milo just keeping my computer on

mining's not done

this shit is like a month old

and if you haven't actually read into it, then of course you wouldn't understand why people are on-board

>> No.1948564

ill put .05 btc into a comfy group buy

>> No.1948574

I've been on board since the very very first thread when this got launched on nova. I'm here for the comfy ride

>> No.1948619

Are you guys just memeing with this kind of talk or are you actually serious? Interested in jumping in.

>> No.1948652

15500% SERIOUS. Its all on the internet the plans and everything but MILO is gonna be a huge paradigm shift for new media, and perhaps the nail in the coffin for dinosaur news

>> No.1948659



just read

>> No.1948678
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I'm positively elated - you're FUDing on a cantonese waterboarding forum

Nice pic, nice dubs

>> No.1948716

having problems on oppening the milo coin app, it throws me "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime
Its a runtime error.
wat to do help pls

>> No.1948800

my point is a coin whos market cap is orders of magnitude smaller than my worth is not worth my time, and unless all you have to your name is < $500 you shouldnt even be looking at this trash. there are no fundamentals, and even if there were, the entire attitude and atmosphere of desperation that surrounds it will stop it form going anywhere.

everything it's trying has been attempted in part by altcoins before it, all of which have gone stagnant and lost interest in the past year and a half. you need more than a few memes if you expect anything more than a pump and dump that leaves you all wishing you sold the top.

>> No.1948806

No real logic here, if you're so rich than just invest $500 and forget about it.

>> No.1948890

what is: trumpcoin
what is: ronpaulcoin

all had small beginnings, and check the historical data, we are on schedule if not ahead of it.

Also, the devs have already gotten in touch with Milo's team, and as of yet, the devs have never done anything not right by the community. No news means, they are in negotiations.

As soon as Milo mentions it, everything will increase...volume..price..exposure.

If you believe any of that can happen, its better to join in when things are cheap(ish)...although compared to many similar coins, triple digit SATS isnt cheap.. if you dont believe any of that can happen then dont invest?

Plenty of other threads and there is also a filter option on 4chan.

just be yourself

>> No.1948904

Just upwards of 60K here. Milo is going to the moon and I'm going to make millions

>> No.1948918

3k here. Not looking to get rich but will hopefully allow me to move out of my parents' house and start my life.

>> No.1948922

Nigger this whole thread is just wishful thinking.

And you're going to shit on this guy for bringing up totally valid points? How about all of you learn how to manage expectations.

Theses threads will be cited as evidence of early crypto irrationality in someones thesis in ~10ish years.

>> No.1948924

Sucks that you'll just have to settle for buying a small African nation instead of a whole continent but if you want I'll let you come chill on my space station some time.

>> No.1948929

soo I invested $1k into milocoin. I downloaded the milocoin wallet for linux and it won't connect to the network. It says "0 active connections to the milocoin network".

The entire wallet is out of sync. I want to have this wallet up and running before transfering my milocoins from exchange. Can someone help?

>> No.1948931

when did you invest 1k.. just curious

>> No.1948953

You remind me of elliot rodger when he told everyone asian men can't get white girls because of their race. Some of us believe this coin is promising and can provide healthy gains. You think it's going to fail and that's your opinion and I respect that. It looks like you have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.1948994

>guy brings up valid points
>compare him to a school shooter

Yea it's clearly me and not you who needs to grow up. Ridiculous comparisons but what can you expect from people who think they'll retire on FagCoins.

Sure some pittance can probably be made on this, but you all seem to think just because you jerk each other here that this coin is a sure thing.

It's not. TrumpCoin had much more going for it then this ever will and it was a shitcoin too.

>> No.1949004

the returns on that 500 aren't going to be worth dealing with the shitty exchanges that currently trade this thing. that's like someone who's just starting off trading throwing $5 on a random coin hoping to get rich. even trumpcoin didn't get on bittrex.

i'm aware of those meme coins, but that's all they resulted in: a single pump and dump, and so many people got so caught up in the hype they didn't sell the top. it's just a gamble as to whether some whale is going to find pumping this coin worth it. repeating all the hype about $1 is only going to result in people not selling the top when it gets pumped to 2 cents.

>> No.1949005
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>TrumpCoin had much more going for it then this ever will and it was a shitcoin too.

and there it is. t.bagholder

Oh, the famous trumpcoin with the amazing dev team... or the acknowledgement by anyone even remotely related to trump.. or..or the transparency and zero pump and dumps
.. man it had so much going for it.

Yet here i am with 10k in btc from it.

Milocoin is round 2, I'm really sorry you didn't sell your trumpcoins near the top (or more realistically you bought near the top), but the fact that it's never gonna pump again doesnt mean you can join us with Milo.

Take your TC losses with stride and recognize a second good thing.

Even half the success of TC and everyone ITT will make out just fine.

>> No.1949009

I believe Trumpcoin will pump again. In fact I'm quite confident.

I hold both Trumpcoin and Milo. I dont get why it has to be one or the other :)

>> No.1949013

its a lot less likely to pump now that it has hoards of bagholders who bought the bullshit and didn't sell the top. thats why you'll generally only see zero-fundamental coins pump once as the whale/s move on to an easier target.

>> No.1949017

if you;re holding them, you're holding them ... do your thing man

but its utility has been extracted and any group that targeted it before has moved on.

good luck tho dude, i hope we all make it. Even the worst FUDer, i hope he gets rich

>> No.1949073

Why the assumptions? The only crypto I own is a few BTC and ETH. I wasn't praising TrumpCoin, it's just a fairer comparison to FagCoin.

I have no love for Trump or MiloCoin, they are both shit.

>> No.1949150

>I'm a timeline where one can make significant money off a gay boy meme coin
>not having a go

of course I'm in.
Now to get some btc... o.0

>> No.1949156

Long time coiner...

Never buy anything on Yobit..ever..
If the devs can't cough up the 3BTC for Bittrex it's lame garbage.

I've got a coin I've made 500% on in Yobit stuck for 6 months in maintenance. After six months voume drys up 100% because no one buys or sells.. so you're stuck.

I have two other coins with over 100% gains, stuck in maintenance for 4 months.

Research coins on Bittrex.

You've been warned..

>> No.1949166

It's on nova. You can just sell it there

>> No.1949170

We're 100% stealth mode right now. I absolutely don't want milo on Bittrex. I don't think anyone here is ready for that just yet.

>> No.1949179

THIS >>1949170

We need Milo to at least mention the coin in a way that is not negative. If normies hop on before that happens, the coin will go to shit.

>> No.1949180

You can't sell it on Nova if you can't get it out of Yobit...

>> No.1949213

Guys, please do your part & support Milocoin, it takes just a few minutes to do the following:

- https://www.reddit.com/r/MilocoinCentre/ Write, link something positive about milocoin or milo. Don't forget to upvote stuff
- Share the milocoin website or Ann to cryptorelated subs e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/
- Voat is a similar website. Try posting about milocoin there too if you like

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5WTKDkoG7WIDvnLewk26bg Subsribe to the official channel and like/comment/share videos
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdObV1wvGJHR4uXwLP483w Same here
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg5DSm7aQ5M-ZR3-51c23yA Same here

- https://twitter.com/getmilocoin Retweet & Follow the official account
- Tweet about milocoin!
- Start tweeting and insta'ing Milo about milocoin and the milocoin privilege fund!

support@coinexchange.io <- email them demanding MiloCoin get listed
https://poloniex.com/coinRequest <- Use this online form to get Milocoin listed on poloniex
support@bittrex.com <- Send em an email to get Milocoin listed on bittrex

Privilege Donation
Tweet, reddit, spam any other way you can this page: http://milocoin.info/privilege-donation.html

- Use your signature space on any forums you are using and leave a link to ann and/or the official website
- Talk about milocoins in other cryptorelated forums you are visiting
- Got a blog? Blog about milocoin. In return you will get some nice links & traffic :) (e.g I will link you from reddit and here in the ann if you tell me)
- - Spread the word with any other means you can think of

Useful Resources
- Milocoin Memes: http://milocoin.info/graphics.html


I love fag-donations: MBTuCZ5ZGoJhyiG237mNue8E8LWw8pVpYG

>> No.1949352

what coins are those?
i've heard other people say similar about yobit, that transfers don't go through, but i've transferred btc, eth & trump in and out of there with no problems.

>> No.1949426

Add nodes!

>> No.1949837

69 replies ;]

>> No.1949858

will milo mention?

>> No.1949954

my digits say yes

>> No.1949969

you guys are fucking retarded. this is coming from an equity analyst at a sovereign wealth fund.

some of you might make money, but most of you will lose money. speculation is dangerous looking at things like commodities, even more so with no intrinsic value like bitcoin and ethereum, but fucking milocoin?

the stupidity is real

>> No.1949991

somebody buy 7$ of milo at 443 to shoot the price to 449

>> No.1949993

>this is coming from an equity analyst at a sovereign wealth fund.
Sure it is pal

>> No.1949997


>> No.1949998


>> No.1950000


>> No.1950001

2.00 confirmed by kek

>> No.1950002
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>> No.1950003
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>> No.1950035
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he speaks

>> No.1950039

Milocoin will be to biz what the 2016 election was to pol

>> No.1950043

holy shit

>> No.1950083

Is there a sticky I can read somewhere to understand a word of what you are saying?

>> No.1950089

and why do you care what we do with our money?

>> No.1950185


if milo actually mentions it

wew lad

>> No.1950238

Mad cash

>> No.1950295

>this is coming from an equity analyst at a sovereign wealth fund.
the fudding is evolving.
next up we'll have one of the Lehman Brothers come back from the dead to tell us to get in on Bitbay instead.

>> No.1950337
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>next up we'll have one of the Lehman Brothers come back from the dead to tell us to get in on Bitbay instead

>> No.1950350


>> No.1950479

it's a strange one: it works for many people, it doesn't work for many people. obviously all those complaining have had problems, but it is fine for some.
i only keep the bare minimum on it and just for trading.

i agree with your original point that the devs should get it on bigger exchanges in the future.

>> No.1950537


>> No.1950555

I'm very new here, and I thought I'd get my start trying out milocoin.

Only problem being I own a mac, and upon visiting the Milocoin wallet site, it still says the wallet is unavailable for mac.

Is there any way to get a milocoin wallet on mac? Thanks in advance for the help everyone!

>> No.1950575


post #391 by bumbacoin has the links and the info about adding the addnodes to Milocoin.conf (it'll make sense when you read it, but you must do it for the wallet to sync.

i use it, so if you can't get it synced i can give advice

>> No.1950599

We need to get this shit on bittrex. It has serious potential but the devs are being jews for not greasing the right palms.

>> No.1950632

>talks about greasing palms
>too jew himself to vote milo onto ccex


>> No.1950638

>TFW only 180k Milo
Not as comfy as I should feel lads.

>> No.1950639

You know nothing about crypto do you? You sound really dumb right now.

>> No.1950674
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>> No.1950684

And for anyone who needs help with the iMac wallet



Open up Terminal
Copy this
>defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
Paste it
Hold Alt and right click on Finder
Click Relaunch

Go to Macintosh HD > Users > (You) > Library > Application Support > Milocoin

Put the Milocoin.conf in there

>Adding more nodes I found

Copy those
Open Milocoin.conf with TextEdit
Paste in there


>> No.1950724

are the coins you get from staking applicable for staking themselves, or should you move them out and back into the wallet so the stake?

>> No.1950742

pretty sure they start maturing as soon as they get in the wallet

>> No.1950762

Leave them be.
put on the soundtrack to Drive, because it's about to get comfy with your compounding gainz

>> No.1950774


>> No.1950923

reminder that were only 29 days in

>> No.1950956

I read the step-by-step guide but I want to be sure: I should do each step from A to B sequentially?

Also will $10 get me anywhere with this?

>> No.1950966

with strong hands, yes

>> No.1950971

500 hundred bucks-ish, if you're willing to sit on it for 6 months or so

>> No.1950979
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>> No.1950984
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Checked - Kek is with us

>> No.1951001

Damn, thanks for the info.

>> No.1951064

Wow, staking seems to give a very tiny amount of return. How can I hide this wallet window on Windows so I don't have to stare at it all day?

>> No.1951082

minimize on close or something

>> No.1951096
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>staking seems to give a very tiny amount of return.

It's proportional the amount of coins you have in your wallet.

I'm sitting on 100k+ and I get like 150 - 200 MILO per day from staking.

>> No.1951176

how many milos per day if I bought 1mill milos

>> No.1951189

69% /365 then adjust for compounding interest.

>> No.1951256


>copying terminal commands off of 4chan

I can confirm this command is NOT malicious but damn

>> No.1951321

if you want to get in on coins before they pump, here ya go.



>> No.1951424

Has it been a month already? Damn.

>> No.1951496

yeah, I got them from this
>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>> No.1951573

Ik man, I can't wait for the infinate blowjob's this coin will provide;)

>> No.1951613

He is a pedophile.

>> No.1952039


>> No.1952051
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what is it darling?

>> No.1952080
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>> No.1952099

that volume
pls send help

>> No.1952104

It's never coming.

>> No.1952180

>hey boss, i posted it again. do i get my DNC commission now?

>> No.1952278


Rip Milo coin. What will the next shit coin of the month be?

>> No.1952460
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>> No.1952476
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Relax. Still in mining phase. And things happening behind the scenes. Look at the Trumpcoin timeline and have patience.

>> No.1952512
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>> No.1952593

Ignore the shills
Kek smiles upon us

>> No.1952858

Can I mine this on a mac?

how many coins can I expect to get from mining?

>> No.1953182

Yeah you can mine if you have your milocoins in your wallet on your mac. you can download the wallet from milocoin.info
The amount of coins you mine depend on how many coins you have. I have 32 k and get around 10-30 milocoins every other hour I have the wallet opened

>> No.1953283

But anon, you're the shill.

>> No.1953315
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Got a sick terminal command that doubles your stake rewards.

Just run: sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root C:/Windows/System32/*

>> No.1953457

kys pls

>> No.1953500

>What is satire
Poe's Law, everyone.

>> No.1953521

Dear anons

Let us all pray in this time of despair for Milocoin to moon. If we all channel our energy into the power of gays/Milo we will be able to make it happen

>> No.1953626

what time of despair?

>> No.1953633

These times of wickedness characterized by a fall in the value of Milocoins and a fall in gay's freedom of expression

>> No.1953690

If anything this provides us with a unique oppurtunity to utilize Milo Coin. Maybe as well as giving to the Privilege Grant we can also set up a program to help gays around the world in some way.

>> No.1953692

cont. I think this would give MiloCoin some great exposure, especially given the current situation in places like Chechnya

>> No.1953696


>also it would probably be a great way to establish rapport with Milo.

Alright I'm done, next time I'll think out my comment in full before typing.

>> No.1953702

You need pray nor answer to any god when you have the power within yourself.

The power to:

>> No.1953717

Btc has arrived, but this shit has gone up since yesterday,
Was hoping on snatching some cheap sub 350 milos.

>> No.1953741
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The future is looking bright boys - pic related

>> No.1953751

>we can also set up a program to help gays around the world in some way.
This is genius. the cause could be something like ''The dangerous faggot has gotten his freedom of speech taken away. Therefore we will fight for gay's rights around the world especially in Chechnya where gays are put in concentration camps at the moment.'' or something.

>> No.1953755

Yuge pump coming.
I know something :^]

>> No.1953758
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Digits speak the truth, and this is no exception folks

>> No.1953769

expect double price by midnight. sadly you normies won't find out why it pumped tonight until weeks later

>> No.1953790

So we have to get the message to the devs that MiloCoin can not only represent freedom of speech but also to stand up for gay rights around the world. Given recent events we are in a suitable politcal context to implement this policy. And that could make MiloCoin get significant exposure.

All that has to be thought out is HOW the coin can be used to aid gays around the world who are being suppressed.

>> No.1953799
File: 37 KB, 225x224, 1489631467364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devs are active in these threads - so you have just got the message out to them fampai

>> No.1953804

dev friend here...
it's better than you thought then double it

stay safe

>> No.1953819
File: 597 KB, 800x800, 1490145247697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1953887
File: 103 KB, 750x1334, baby steps to the moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you average down from your stupid 960 sat purchases
Feels good man.

>> No.1953893

22900 Milo reporting in

>> No.1953896

what app is this?
Lets send them a message on their website :D

>> No.1953907

Blockfolio. Pretty handy. I use it to keep track of my >Lepen, Milo and PIVX when I had some.

>> No.1954006

Hint ?

>> No.1954044

gonna pump tonight fellers, I wouldn't stear you wrong.
cap this, like forreal cap it.

love u Boyz

>> No.1954172
File: 11 KB, 200x200, Are+you+implying+women+are+capable+of+being+wrong+_5e55f00da0758908067ad5422cafd053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1954383

comfy 250k reporting

>> No.1954469


Don'y bother trying to hype so you can dump your bags, I'll be dumping before you.

>120k Milo keeping the price below 500

>> No.1954537

Trying to crack top 50, good to see the price is holding steady throughout the mining period

>> No.1954604
File: 49 KB, 600x480, milocoin_8kvolume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling really high energy about tonight lads.

Volume or price or both.. wew i feel it

>> No.1954658

let's goooo

>> No.1954808
File: 204 KB, 1035x800, contemplative pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the gay cause is a good angle to push but hopefully the devs are here and I would like to make my case on how this could be a serious coin.

You have Milos apparatus with his internet presence and media capabilities - is there anyway to make MILO a unit of media.

As in Milo goes balls deep into this and adds support on his website, where he has millions of followers across platforms. Using the master-slave nodes idea makes MILOs a unit of production for the media.

Advertiser X wants a message displayed and pays Z MILOS for access to the master slave node network and can have his message displayed across millions? of accounts.

Its a rough idea, smarter people could develop it for sure.

BTW I only have 20k MILOS like a serf because I am poorfag so any MILOS are welcome.


>> No.1954866
File: 29 KB, 604x213, hnnnngggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1954876
File: 4 KB, 85x144, 2017-03-13-13-53-59-1734889345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1954881

Checked Kek confirms

>> No.1954892
File: 45 KB, 533x464, 1478986310316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off by 7. If trips 9$ / MILO. Ids habbening?

>> No.1954899

>devs been straight up until this point
>dropping a bomb

lol why haven't you gotten 100k yet? They fuckin got him lads

>> No.1954915
File: 36 KB, 600x669, 1479251852577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1954921

Im buying more rn. What the fuck do I got to lose?

>> No.1954926

>OH... OH... HABBENNEEEEN????????? ;) le XD

It's fucking nothing. Stop shilling this worthless fucking shitcoin. You're all going to lose money and be asking your mommies and daddies for some bones once this shit drops to zero.

>> No.1954929

where can i trade for this meme

>> No.1954936
File: 4 KB, 368x376, 1483371979143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1954938

78k pleb reporting
So close to elite tier

>> No.1954969

my btc just arrived on Yoshit, whose ready to stand witness?

>> No.1954974

What are you going to do, anon?

>> No.1954977
File: 35 KB, 282x307, howmilocoinerslookatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checkin those 69's

go get em lad

>> No.1954981

last chance, friends

>> No.1954986


>> No.1954997
File: 201 KB, 1281x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didnt listen!! LOL

>> No.1955001

literally 5 minute warning.

tried to warn you, but you want to stay poor.
better get your btc to the exchange asap

>> No.1955008
File: 20 KB, 589x570, bean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1955012

pls no pump yet. i cant buy even 10k pleb here

>> No.1955013
File: 43 KB, 553x484, aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trade in all your milo coin for ethereum NOW GO GO the ship is taking off.

>> No.1955014

I'll give you fags 30 more min, before I break out the lumber

>> No.1955019

Wait what are you claiming to be doing? But MILO pump?

>> No.1955024
File: 54 KB, 474x417, weww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know something we dont and its starting to moon.

>> No.1955028
File: 43 KB, 736x420, e1cfd7809b5870c0a46c341db610cd80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0.008268 !!

>> No.1955029

should we still hold long term or sell now?

>> No.1955032

Holy shit!! it's happening

>> No.1955034

>sell during the beginning of a pump that'll probably happen 10 more times in the next month

pick 1

>> No.1955066
File: 1.96 MB, 284x398, jiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1955070

Better hurry the fuck up before its too late

>> No.1955072

im sellin just a little, so i can buy back in for more when it dips back down. Definently dont sell all though

>> No.1955074
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're literally missing the moon

>> No.1955075

the sell wall is crumbling

this whale is eating all the milocuck bagholders

>> No.1955076

selling at 600

>> No.1955078
File: 4 KB, 257x142, 2017-03-20-15-43-37-1447498714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some cuck is selling well below the whales buy orders
what a cuck hahah

>> No.1955081

you might have brain damage tb.h. the bots would have eaten much higher.

>> No.1955082


>> No.1955086

It wasn't me, I meant to greentext at the cuck

>> No.1955100

Which one of you cucks sold at 600?

>> No.1955105

this guy

>> No.1955112

hurry up boys, plenty of time.
first milestone is .01

then .05

then .10

(you) are here.

the rockets are heating up

>> No.1955113
File: 20 KB, 506x606, 1481579952713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit I just figured it out

the devs twitter says they are going to announce something next week

this is clearly a bot they've deployed to generate FOMO and get a bunch of people buying the rumor, then they'll dump after next week

>> No.1955117

>to help gays
gays already get help. it's a coin about milo and free speech and the hypocrisy of the left.

gays can make their own coin. i've nothing against gays, they can do what they want, but they are a dividing force. also gays in chechnyian concentration camps is "just another issue" that doesn't affect peoples lives. it's a place that isn't the West, that most people couldn't find on a map. it's a distraction. and the phrase concentration camp is so ridiculous it can't be anything but an exaggeration.
it is taking it too far.

>> No.1955119

wow thanks for your input

>> No.1955121

if I'm right then you obviously want to hold and wait for it to rocket more, don't panic and sell like a weak-handed pajeet

>> No.1955122
File: 320 KB, 397x401, shes-waiting-for-a-milocoin-chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capped for when the news comes out next week. Hopefully you'll neck yourself :^]

devs havent mistepped a single time

>> No.1955131

I'll buy 40K at 450 sats if anybody is throwing down

>> No.1955137

so clever you're wrong

>> No.1955141

Nope sold a little of what i had at 800

>> No.1955144

I 27k when should I sell

>> No.1955145

guys I want Milo to moon as much as you do but lol this aint no moon and this aint no pump

Chill and relax we got a long ways to go.

>> No.1955147

Just lost 150 MILO by trying to buy on one exchange and sell on another.

If any anons want to help a bro out, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.1955149


if say 5 cents.. get more tb.h

>> No.1955152


Hold buddy, we getting comfy

>> No.1955157

>lying on anonymooose mongolian flyfishing forum

>> No.1955158


>> No.1955159


>> No.1955160

looks like the bot has died. same bot action 2 weeks ago, lots of small buys at around 800 which tapered downwards.
i put a sell order of 5000 and it just moved down a Sat lower.

decent 1btc wall at under 600. i've orders lower than that, but i'll take my chances that it will be lower again before mining ends.

>> No.1955161

this is the bull flag you moron anyone about to sell is retarded

>> No.1955169

I call fake wall on the buys at 500-600

>> No.1955177

you think they'll dissapear

>> No.1955181


you better not be fucking lying

>> No.1955186

I was told there's be cheap milos in 3 days when my btc cleared

I believe you have my milos

>> No.1955194

been here since the first thread. feels so comfy man.
still plenty of time though brosephs

>> No.1955201

No, anon. I tried moving MILO around between YoBit and Nova using DOGE as an intermediary (lower transfer fees). I confused the sell orders for the current buy price and bought back in at a slightly higher price.

I'm just going to hold from now on.

>> No.1955204
File: 202 KB, 700x638, Comfy-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yf when this IS the dip

>> No.1955210


>> No.1955213
File: 24 KB, 463x111, coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as in....this is what I mean

>> No.1955214
File: 61 KB, 673x480, TealcLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1955216
File: 416 KB, 492x471, lmaoatyourlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1955220

Wow man, just got it. Thanks dude.

Again, as I just said, lesson learned.

>> No.1955236
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1491977902211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, lll put some btc into yobit and buy a few coins, any chance I can get a few to start me off? MUUr4wp3RFhij1DCpGax5TbQCrpCNZAK3X

>> No.1955242
File: 808 KB, 225x249, 1478373207044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1955243
File: 768 KB, 1416x816, 1490572183755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotchu faym.

check em

>> No.1955262

why are people still selling under 600?

>> No.1955271
File: 314 KB, 1065x846, mctrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm for you that no bots have been deployed by the MiloCoin team.

t.Insider who's been larping as an outsider for weeks on end in these threads

>> No.1955273

suppressing price, filling up their bags cheap.

>> No.1955277

there's no way a mass buy of 13.3 MILO exactly with the green yobit ticker lighting up multiple times a second is not a bot

>> No.1955278

When will it dip back to 300, I want in.. :/

>> No.1955283

bots bypass the rules and do 1 coin buys. This is some manual shit, revving the engines up i reckon

>> No.1955284

after it get past my 100k wall at 320

>> No.1955291

Lower your wall faggot

>> No.1955294

If it's a bot, it's not ours

>> No.1955299


>> No.1955300

How many Milo's are you faggot Devs hoarding? How much did you premine for yourselves?

>> No.1955301
File: 17 KB, 357x201, fuck this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bye bros I'll give you a minute ;)

>> No.1955309

uh huhhh

wish a nigga would

>> No.1955310

Nice :) It'll dip in a few hours, some bot artificially pumped this and now it's stuck. No need to undercut the market just yet.

Do it you fucking pussy!!! Nuke the market

>> No.1955311

do it!!

>> No.1955312

there are plenty of bots on yobit, you can program a bot to buy sell anything.
you see bots in action all the time, there would be no reason for the devs to use one, especially just to get it to 800 for half an hour. probably just a yobitjeet doing his thing

>> No.1955313

Ok. So I bought Trumpcoin and sold on election night. That took off because of an event. LePenCoin is based off another event. MiloCoin though? What does this have to offer? If anything I believe Milo has hit his fame plateau during the Berkeley riots. Plus a lot of people think hes a pedo.

Don't get me wrong biz. The marketing is great but I just don't get it.

>> No.1955317

Don't be a bitch!!!!

>> No.1955320

Most of the premine went toward bounties and donations - info is in the ANN and the top wallets are all public

>> No.1955321

too bad you don't have 1million coins on the exchange.
why you not use nova to dump your imaginary coins, most my buy orders are there?

>> No.1955327

I made that shop lol

>> No.1955328

alt-lite redditors will swarm in once milo endorses the coin is the plan

>> No.1955330

If you want people to trust you, you need to be more transparent than that. How much do you fucks have stashed away. When you decide to dump your scam coin it'll collapse it permanently, fucking over hundreds of people, you cunt.

>> No.1955334

how do we view top wallets?

>> No.1955335

Thanks for the cool 20, I'll buy a couple thousand in about an hour.

>> No.1955337
File: 166 KB, 694x676, whale elite manupilates noobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want more milos. Some of you took my bait. You have to outjew the jew.

>> No.1955338

being endorsed by the man himself (2 mill followers)... u srs m8?

LePen is literally who lol 23 sats 2btc volume after all this time being on exchange

>> No.1955339

literally nobody fell for it
and you don't have that many coins


what a Harlequin!!!

>> No.1955340

>not being ready for the lepen moonride

anon, i...

>> No.1955346

found it: http://blockexp.com:8081/richlist
15th bitch!

>> No.1955347


Crashing the coin isn't anywhere in the roadmap friendo - but to address your sharp vernacular I will see your cunt and raise you one pair of polished pissflaps

>> No.1955348

I got plenty of (you)s for fun and kept the thread at the top. More exposure for normies who might randomly click on /biz/ and see this at the top. Waiting for a dip, if there is one ever again and after Milo explodes, I'll myself a 10/10 russian girl.

>> No.1955349
File: 43 KB, 500x618, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You #15? Damn son I'm jelly

>> No.1955353
File: 6 KB, 275x183, mypart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1955357
File: 110 KB, 247x248, 1485848300641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1955368

>not being in the top 10, let alone top 5
anon, try harder

>> No.1955369
File: 247 KB, 456x343, meINtheSHadows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine your the dude who wrote milocoin on his dick for some coins and one day you buy yourself a used civic with the proceeds.

>> No.1955371
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 1489682195600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're almost at 300 so I'm gonna make a new thread before I'm out for the evening

Keep kek in your heart and keep your shade nearby in preparation for the future

MiloCoin crypto community is best crypto community

>> No.1955372

>You have to outjew the jew.

>> No.1955373
File: 267 KB, 987x555, 1489687096934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck my face with a brick

>> No.1955374

This your wallet?
gets 2mil coins in pre-split. Sends to 200 accounts so doesn't look like dev has complete control over market

>> No.1955377

Holy shit... You fucking beast. Devs btfo. Fuck this scam coin. Someone turn that into a pasta and spam it everywhere. It'll kill the Milo overnight.

>> No.1955378

t. doesnt know about airdrop


>> No.1955381

Nope - and I'm on the team but not a dev

Feel free to ask the dev in the ANN about whatever you may be concerned with

This project is not a mere P&D but no amount of (You)s will convince you of that

>> No.1955382

lol I don't, what is it?

>> No.1955384

Someone post about this in the ANN and get a better response than this anon

>> No.1955386


no sob story; I just want in with spare

>> No.1955389

found it: Airdrop (for Auroracoin)
By using the Kennitala national identification system to give away 50% of the total issuance of Auroracoins to the population of Iceland, a process dubbed the "airdrop", the developer hoped to bootstrap a network effect and introduce cryptocurrency to a national audience.

Phase 1 of the airdrop began on March 25, 2014, with 31.8 AUR being distributed to each claimant.


Any of you faggots get free Milocoin?

>> No.1955390
File: 59 KB, 1242x490, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that too. They have no shame.

>> No.1955393
File: 88 KB, 1276x571, WEW LAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when 10 wallets control 44% of all Milocoins
>you still buy this shitcoin

>> No.1955397

I dunno what an air drop is but I received close to 50k in milos the first week, from being on 4chan, the forum and then sometimes just randomly.
At first people were telling me I was staking them? but I had 0 originally, then I'm getting random 5k, 69, 690.69 etc

first week was mad. I ended up sending 10k or so away myself cause I'm a retard

>> No.1955399

haha yeah, thought it was well designed. Liked the color scheme of the logo

>> No.1955400

i'm one of them

>> No.1955402
File: 3.55 MB, 1370x1256, 1489572358773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.1955403

so am i

>> No.1955405

me too

>> No.1955461


>> No.1955465

I'm in the top 40. This isn't some large conspiracy. We just bought in from the very beginning

>> No.1955585

people unironically putting real money into memecoins

>> No.1955913

Saw this post yesterday and put a sell at 800. Thank you based anon

>> No.1955915

>hopefully the devs are here
We can also send them a mail on milocoin.info

>> No.1956335

I can't believe those absolute mad men (probably) inked the deal.

I just wish I had more milos before orbit

>> No.1956346


You're all morons.

>> No.1956938

You guys are all ignorant to be trying to make money off of growth with the coin. I will say though that every time I buy at a dip I increase my money by like 1.6x easy as hell to trade for now.