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File: 418 KB, 2400x2769, sta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19551692 No.19551692 [Reply] [Original]

Thanos Power @ Over $180k.

>What does STA do?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Niggerfaggot kike whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some kikes and pajeets here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where do I see the price?
You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

This is a Uniswap V1 link. Not ideal, but it's an option

Coingecko is up to date and accurate thanks to the v2 update. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

You can also put it into the Uniswap V1 pool, but you will be missing out on more rewards and incentives to come from Balancer: https://twitter.com/StateraProject/status/1267342879682371586 (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Link to new Medium article on STA, feel free to share

>Official Github

>> No.19551701
File: 56 KB, 602x268, Balancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the pool? Benefits of adding to it?

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!
On top of that, Balancer is now issuing BAL tokens for all liquidity providers!
You can check what it is all about here:

That's the magic of the balance pools.

>> No.19551745
File: 39 KB, 480x270, burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I check TXs?
Statera Token Tracker: https://etherscan.io/token/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
Uniswap contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>Balancer AKA Thanos

>Scott's nerdy ass tryin to educate you stupid fucks

>For all you Github FUDing faggots. Finally, everyone's ears may yet recover from your screeching.

>Live Sta coinstats

>TG Channels
Statera Price Talk (Unofficial)
Statera Announcement

>What do we do when we hit [insert amazing price milestone here]
Once we hit $1, don't dump your bags like retards, slowly shave off a percent or two once a week, and enjoy the accumulation upwards while reaping benefits along the way.

>> No.19551762

x2 from the bottom, we are getting back on track fast as fuck

>> No.19551763

Fuck yeah boyyyyyyy

>> No.19551764

Oo, going up.

>> No.19551771
File: 771 KB, 1520x855, evil-lain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought the dip, right?
You didnt sell, right?

>> No.19551773
File: 14 KB, 511x288, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold the bottom
weak hands utterly btfo

>> No.19551777
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$ 177,549.00

It just keeps going up

>> No.19551787

kekd aaaaand checkd

>> No.19551800

Bought 80% of my stack at 0.13, reloaded the rest of it on this dip at 0.06. I’m holding til it goes big or I’m going down with the ship. Not much to lose in the grand scheme of things but potentially a lot to gain.

>> No.19551802

See, this is why you hold.
Iron fucking hands.

>> No.19551814

you my friend understand how to wage risk. I'm exactly in your position. good luck let's hope it takes off

>> No.19551823

Exactly this. I was in very early so this is very low risk/high reward for me

>> No.19551825

Anyone stupid enough to invest in a 1 week old coin then sell after it gets inevitably volatile deserves to lose their cash, especially when you consider how it somehow has 2mil daily volume by nothing more than word of mouth and has several big announcements coming up.

>> No.19551826

ahahahah H3X holders are jumping in the ship now.

>> No.19551836

Almost back to 9c

>> No.19551843
File: 91 KB, 770x437, KEK_FUDDERS_BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders btfo by the team itself

>> No.19551851

How many tokens were burned thanks to this dump, any way to check? Retards forgot all selling is bullish, the deflation alone is worth the occasional dip

>> No.19551854

Wtf now uniswap shows me 0.955 are we really climbing that fast

>> No.19551859

can we keep it low actually itll burn the coins faster. if the whales keep up the sell pressure down here then itll rocket once they fuck off

>> No.19551861

Weak hands btfo. Anyone that sold during that crash can stay poor. Thanks for the cheap coins faggots.

>> No.19551862
File: 17 KB, 400x393, comment_1591391313UqfU41bZ0HazaliE0zQtao,w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now i just go from v1 adress to v2 adress and do everthing the same to buy/sell STA? 1% Slip and max gas?

>> No.19551863


>> No.19551877
File: 44 KB, 673x741, 1589836770060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dead cat bounce, its dropping to 2 cents then it stabilises and moves back up.

>> No.19551878


>> No.19551879

You still have to manually add token address to see it on v2?

>> No.19551890

yep, this also makes coingecko stats about volume accurate which means fomo. we might see #1volume on v2 by today.
bout 200k

>> No.19551897

Coingecko still shows only 78k

>> No.19551917

to buy it i swap from eth to sta on metamask?

>> No.19551919


>> No.19551926

youre probably right anon I hope you sold already!
So sorry anon, I unintentionally mislead you. Give it about 24 hours. Thank you for checking.

>> No.19551928

it’ll take 24h

>> No.19551956

Couldn't get in in time, looks like it's pumpin again. Price is now getting too high. Oh well, better luck next time.

>> No.19551961

It's on uniswap why u on coingecko smoothbrain

>> No.19551964

youll see many wrinkled brain

>> No.19552028

Holy fuck once we top the uniswap charts which will happen within 24 hours

>> No.19552035

Next big barrier is 20-25 cents, if we hit that, crab around there for awhile, then could be a chance to swing trade. The big factor is the new exchange, if that comes anytime this week we could see one of those once off gigachad green dildos, and it's almost impossible to call the top on those

>> No.19552055

I bought when it dipped. Give me a nice pic of your pets as a reward anons

>> No.19552056

H3X confirmed a scam.

>> No.19552063
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sent

>> No.19552065


>> No.19552070

idk why it flipped but it makes it even better somehow

>> No.19552072

Fuck em let them lose their money

>> No.19552081

Thaaaats a cute dog
looks nervous kek is did he hold or sell

>> No.19552085


>> No.19552089
File: 332 KB, 749x780, 41C9E996-8BEC-4395-96BF-7C819D2CDBCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We back in business

>> No.19552093

Somebody post a picture of that faggot who sold for 70 eth last night. I will repost it for every 50c go up until he kills himself

>> No.19552100

>wake up
>read a bunch of panicked FUD about the dip
>check uniswap
>dip is already over
FUD niggers are hilarious.

>> No.19552101


>> No.19552121

Fake up stressed af.
Only sleept for 4 hours constantly waking up.
See the dip.
Almost got rope.
Back in massive gains already.

>> No.19552136


>> No.19552143

kek this pic
riding moneysnekkkkk
ive been up for 17 hours I need sleep

>> No.19552161

Let me back in the discord

>> No.19552165

who is this the nigga who posted his balls? kek

>> No.19552168

no i posted gfur yesterday and some gay nigger didnt think it was funny

>> No.19552172

oh wtf I laughed at that. the bj pic?

>> No.19552183


>> No.19552215

It’s not funny

>> No.19552229
File: 88 KB, 720x1280, 1495199059001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not funny

>> No.19552242

Degeneracy is to be pitied, not accepted. Stop indulging these temptations of the lesser mind and look to virtue; lift weights, eat properly, practice abstinence and read widely. I believe in you, as do your forefathers.

>> No.19552247
File: 310 KB, 960x757, 1506251649582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you're not funny

>> No.19552255

>Lol dead

>> No.19552270

Whats all this shit about v2. do I need to move my coins ?

>> No.19552274

be cool nigga
Pop that metamask in boiii thats the magic of dex's

>> No.19552294

using coinbasewallet not metamask.
I connected my wallet to V2 I'm guessing thats all that needs doing.

>> No.19552299

After watching my phone whole night while sleeping i got depressed, but id rather watch it dump to 0.00001c then sell like a dump fuck at 0.4c and watch it moon today to 20c

I gained so much confidence in this coin


>> No.19552304

It’s just the version of the uniswap exchange to use. Previously, uniswap v2 wasn’t compatible with deflationary tokens. They’ve fixed it now specifically for STA, so now best to use the newer version of uniswap. Don’t have to move your holdings unless you have them in the uniswap liquidity pool. If so, just need to migrate to the new pool.

>> No.19552308

Like a dumb fuck* sorry, fucked up night it was

>> No.19552321

Thanks anon.
Hoping for good numbers today

>> No.19552340
File: 1.54 MB, 2034x1198, Stone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanos got his second stone tonight.
If you were there when he got his first, you were there.

>> No.19552368

When does he get all 5, at $1?

>> No.19552372

That's the third stone.

>> No.19552398

dump fuck is also correct ;)

>> No.19552415

Deluded staties.

>> No.19552419

I prefer the term stargazer

>> No.19552438

Dude this is LINK at 36 cents

>> No.19552441

i still cant buy and sell in v2

>> No.19552465


Only titanium hands will see the infinity gauntlet completed. I'll be there for that.

>> No.19552479

unironically this.

>> No.19552487

that would be amazing. i bought into LINK when it was around $0.30, how fucking comfy would i be?

>> No.19552508

I bought in at $0.24. I’m pretty comfy.

Ps also a top 30 STA holder, this is only the second token I’ve bought in to.

>> No.19552513

yes, you connect your metamask wallet to uniswap

>> No.19552530

Does anyone have the discord link

>> No.19552578

dont be a fag

>> No.19552609
File: 12 KB, 204x247, 1590915384432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys is 10k enough for a gauntlet? I almost panic sold but hodl'd instead!

>> No.19552611

Why is it dumped so hard?

>> No.19552636

>dumps to 4c
>back to just under 9c in a few hours
Literally what do you want?

>> No.19552640


>> No.19552645
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>> No.19552651

retards who bought at the top and sold at the 5c now taking their profits

>> No.19552678
File: 10 KB, 340x227, Lain_Iwakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like I missed a large dip while I slept

>> No.19552680

I cant approve STA thru v2 and metamask

>> No.19552685


>> No.19552691

Hello anons. Am I seeing this correctly? Why did we go from 12cents to 8 overnight?
Did a lot of people panic sell or something? As far as I can see, the top 30 adresses didn't move or dump. What happened? I'm still 20x from my initial investment so I'm not worrying. Yeah, in fact I'll buy more just in case

>> No.19552707

It's dead cat bouncing. It's over.

>> No.19552708


kek, we went to 4c fren. Just fools who bought the top and panic sold as always

>> No.19552712

We dumped to like 4 cents, climbing back up. People fudding and retards shitting the bed

>> No.19552719

actually we went down to around 4 cents, about 4 hours ago

>> No.19552722

panic sell, fud, one whale who then regretted it, whales pulled for liquidity for the new uniswap v2 listing and dumbasses thought they were selling lmao.

>> No.19552724

There was not enough buy pressure and people started cashing out. It needed to happen.

It went to 4c and has already pumped almost back up.

>> No.19552727

This, plus low liquidity. That should start decreasing as more and more trade heads to v2 uniswap

>> No.19552732

Smartest money began moving into H3X yesterday. More smart money moving into H3X today.

>> No.19552754

CoinGecko volume going up, this is really bullish at the end of the day once it shows proper numbers.

>> No.19552765
File: 17 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. So literally nothing to worry about, then.

>> No.19552782

It's actually great news, we've burned a fuckton of tokens and that recovery rate amounts to a massive amount of future faith in the power of this token.

>> No.19552802

are people actually so retarded that they buy high and sell low lmfao i thought it was just a meme

>> No.19552804

Which browser works good with metamask and uniswap? My mozilla crashes hard when theres popup windows

>> No.19552813

people with little money and a lot of attachment to it are scared they're going to lose it all and see pepes typing in all caps
so they sell
some people are too retarded to trade

>> No.19552815
File: 11 KB, 216x234, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly right.
I suppose that when we'll hit $0.20 or $0.30 in a few days, the same thing will inevitably happen. Feels nice to be sort of immunized after seeing this coin go through this cycle for the fourth time now, and knowing it will go up. Man I should have got into crypto way earlier instead of counting on the stock market.

>> No.19552832

Use brave browser and earn free bat

>> No.19552834

STA is holding and recovering its price better than any other token in a long long time after big dumps. For such a new project. Good signal anons.

>> No.19552847

I also have very little money. Just got laid off and am basically relying on STA to save me. I will live and die by it though, hands of iron. If it 20x's, I win. If it goes to 0, I'll be bummed for a while. If it went down, I sold, and then skyrockets I would never forgive myself. So I will hold this coin to the bitter end.

>> No.19552868

I didnt get laid off but i am relying on it. Im with u

>> No.19552887

Like half of the people I work with in my factory and a heap of my friends and family have small investments in this now.
If this takes off half the people I know will make crazy gains.

>> No.19552889
File: 68 KB, 1080x395, Imagine selling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine selling

>> No.19552921

Did you tell them to buy? I hate doing that because they never do any research, panic sell and then blame me for it

>> No.19552922


>> No.19552927
File: 22 KB, 960x540, cade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I just did some math and people I know who have bought into this account for just under 1% of the total wallets right now lmao

>> No.19552928

I panic sold half my stack and are currently looking to neck myself

>> No.19552934

so glad i didn't panic sell. let's GO

>> No.19552939

I told them about the project, how it works and what I've invested, and repeated to them all not to invest what they can't afford to lose.
Half of them could have it stabilise where it is now and still be in enough profit to be thanking me.

>> No.19552947
File: 69 KB, 482x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STAr marines, what is a make it stack?
Is 15k enough?

>> No.19552949
File: 502 KB, 1200x627, 1591437618327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that about switching to Uniswap V2? Will I have to transfer my tokens? Or doesn't that just mean I'll just have to change links in order to see the price?

>> No.19552981

I have 10 times my net worth in STA and i dont even bother checking the price. Do you guys seriously think there is any chance this goes to 0? No, even if it does not do a 10x anymore you are still not risking to lose it all. This coin has already proven itself with a working product, it has value already. It will keep going up, just fucking chill for a week or a month.

>> No.19552989

Just enable STA on v2 and youre done if youre just holding tokens

Dunno about pool

>> No.19553005

I have a 12k stack, how much should I pool?
are there risks to pooling?

>> No.19553017

On Monday 50k was a suicide stack and the end of week projections were 5 cents optimistically.
If 15k ain't a a make it stack then it's more than enough money to make it on something else.

>> No.19553018
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>he fell for FUD

>> No.19553023

Unless you did not use uniswap pool, you dont have to do anything. Your tokens are in your wallet not in uniswap.

If you wish to buy or sell, use uniswap V2

>> No.19553025


>> No.19553026

You know you're a crypto trader when you're butthurt that you didn't sell the top and buy the massive dip. C'mon guys it was obvious, I mean from 3 cents to 15 without a dump that will then correct itself?

>> No.19553032

Pooling = low risk, low reward, securing the stability
Not pooling = high risk, high reward, not securing the stability

>> No.19553034

Small update PAMP Exit scammed as well

>> No.19553048


pumping hard af rn

>> No.19553061

Offfffff I missed the 2x dip for pump network. I watched as my buy order turned from 8000 to 16000 tokens, but I didn't have any ethereum to buy it with.


>> No.19553064


>> No.19553065


>> No.19553067

You are holding your tokens on metamask, uniswap is just interface showing you how many tokens you have in your wallet, tokens are never on uniswap

>> No.19553068

so I can't make epic 20x gains with the liquidity that I pool?

>> No.19553078
File: 553 KB, 1070x583, BEARS CAGED AND BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aand just like that, it goes up.

>> No.19553081


No I even increased my stack from 90k to 120k swinging, feels good

>> No.19553085

I think its mostly for the big guys to secure the project. If you are small fish just add in 10% like me

>> No.19553098


I was exactly this same, until you realise this is just as risky as the stock market, only the reward can be 10 times bigger

>> No.19553113

bruh, this fucking coin

>> No.19553124

No, when you pool, your pool only holds 20% in STA. Additionally, when STA rises in value, the balance AI sells off your STA to keep the ratio at 20% value between the 5 tokens.

You earn in the pool from transaction fees of every one, as well as balance (the pool) tokens that aren't deployed yet.

Pooling with a small stack doesn't make sense right now if you have the gripstrength to hold trough dips.

>> No.19553131

Tfw I put all my LINK profits that I had basically forgotten about into STA at 0,023 so not much pressure even if I lose it all. The initial investment into LINK was around 3000 euros and my STA stack is worth almost 10x that atm.

Feels good man, we are going to make it.

>> No.19553132
File: 184 KB, 402x472, PC_Erika.Casual.Sprite_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people who sold below 10c
Apparently people sold at fucking $0.04? Imagine being THIS short sighted. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.19553145

I want erika to step on my face

>> No.19553156

Eh, it's how they learn.
I learned with ESH.

>> No.19553162
File: 176 KB, 406x472, PC_Erika.Casual.Sprite_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not until we reach $1, anon.

>> No.19553165

nigger we were swing trading there. learn2read

>> No.19553175
File: 1.26 MB, 620x465, 1550568325701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is my first foray into crypto
>44k stack and I'm barely above minimum wage
>tfw could be getting it right first time

>> No.19553203

Same but snatched 388k on day 1. Ignorantly riding into the sunset anon

>> No.19553230

lucky bastard

>> No.19553241

>OP needs updating


We've been in contact with the developers of Uniswap and they have confirmed that FoT tokens (Statera) are now supported on Uniswap v2.

What this means for you:

You will be able to see a live, accurate chart of volume, liquidity and price data on Uniswap v2

You will have to manually place the price slippage at 1% (this can be found in the 'advanced options' dropdown

You will only need to access the link once before STA will be added to the drop-down menu on Uniswap v2.

Prices on CoinGecko should be updated as we begin trading on there!

We should see ourselves in the top ranks of Uniswap's ETH pairing list.

To trade on Uniswap v2 please follow this link: https://uniswap.exchange/swap/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

To adjust slippage see the image attached.



>> No.19553307

Agree. It’s also worth considering that the dumps are exaggerated due to the low liquidity on uniswap. Uniswap is basically restricted to market buys/sells for the vast majority of users. Once this gets on an exchange it’ll behave differently.

>> No.19553324
File: 25 KB, 650x638, 1585595411357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning Stabros.
Hope some of you got in on the dip we had when i was sleeping.

>> No.19553373

Any new info about exchange? I dont have Telegram

>> No.19553377

I was awake for fucking 20 hours and slept like 4 and the dip happened while in was sleeping. Fuck, i wouldve bought absolutely as much as i could below 5-6c.

>> No.19553387
File: 78 KB, 209x250, 1591440503844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now finally confirmed.
$0.09 support REJECTED. Down we go. Lower highs and lower lows. You know where we're heading...

>> No.19553400
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checked and based.
how much you got, you dont need to tell exactly if you wanna keep your wallet private.

>> No.19553407

Around 1m

>> No.19553414
File: 84 KB, 760x490, Thanos-and-Cap-Skull-760x490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut it, animal

>> No.19553419
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1587461433620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why are you crying about missing the dip, you have already made it unless you have toilet-paper hands.

>> No.19553437

More is more XD

>> No.19553449

Then get it faggot
Holy shit how can people with money on the line be this lazy

>> No.19553470
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Where's your recovery?

>> No.19553487

I thought it was invite only?
>+100% value from the bottom

>> No.19553526
File: 18 KB, 472x565, 1540229854347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alert! Urgent question! Does Thanos (Balancer) only trade on Uniswap v1, or does he trade also on Uniswap v2? This could lead to issues if most of trade volume move to v2 and Thanos only trade on v1.

>> No.19553536
File: 59 KB, 450x418, 275053053b91bec8f555882a8bff579d6e5998d552e1552e98e37bcb9bf76c86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I becoming a bear?
Sold some on the way up at 2 cents and then the rest at 15.

>> No.19553550
File: 27 KB, 641x630, bobo-carrying-sickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? There's always problems like this. It's why STA will never moon. Think about it. No transparency, several revisions to the project... It's a goddamn miracle that it managed to reach $0.15, but now it has to stop. You've already won enough, especially people who said that 0.05 was a realistic goal by EOW. Just sell. Get rid of all this worrying over a shitcoin. Sell.

>> No.19553552

Congrats, you now own no STA and have no stake in these threads, GTFO.

>> No.19553555

No it's public

>> No.19553562
File: 11 KB, 309x163, 1582209379719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that the sissy hands are out we can finally moon.

>> No.19553573

i sold 850k on the way up.....made $100k already and i still have a nice stack

>> No.19553576

>literally screaming for another drop because you didn't buy at 4 cents
Bears get the rope here

>> No.19553577
File: 387 KB, 627x866, 1554225144996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this when we hit 1$, bobo

>> No.19553604

>goes up to 0.086
>then back down to 0.084
It's fucking dead. It's falling down. Why don't you realize this already?

>> No.19553606

oh i've heard that one before......i believe in this. but i1$ isnt a guarantee. even 0,20 isnt

>> No.19553623

Is it worth joining one of the pools on uniswap v2? The eth/sta pool?

>> No.19553627

>uniswap v2
That was the DEX announcement?

>> No.19553632

Uniswap V2 has just recently fixed Fee of Transaction (FoT) tokens like STA. The community is in the middle of migrating liquidity from Uniswap V1 to Uniswap V2.


>> No.19553638

Sub 10c. Fill your bag and get ready bois

>> No.19553645

Imagine crying like a child over a 2% turbulence drop

>> No.19553648

Assuming everyone moves their liquidity to Uniswap V2, yes.
No. Uniswap team had been working toward assisting FoT token teams like STA for a week now. They made good on their promise. Now STA folks get a shiny graph and accurate stats with Uniswap.info and stuff.

>> No.19553658
File: 120 KB, 1080x788, more sells than buys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only more people are selling STA than people buying, but the amount of the buyers is significantly smaller. It's going down

>> No.19553666

To clarify
>Assuming everyone moves their liquidity to Uniswap V2, yes.
The community will more than likely move liquidity. Ask yourself: Why wouldn't the community want to view graphs and metrics more easily? Why would the community want to trade their cash cow on Uniswap V1, read: deprecated but functioning, when they could be in the Uniswap dev space, Uniswap V2?

>> No.19553669
File: 35 KB, 506x675, 1501237678001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v2 today analytics updated tomorrow fudders get the rope

>> No.19553671

Good try fudtard.

>> No.19553675
File: 3.70 MB, 480x360, 1591442585064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19553676

I bought 25k on v1, so gfy

>> No.19553690

Don't you think Statera is being STAle, lately? Yeah...

>> No.19553701

people are still scared a bit imo. and the change to v2 didnt help with that. however the price recovered quite significantly and once we break 10cents again a lot of people will fomo in again

>> No.19553729

honestly fuck everyone like you

>> No.19553735

cool story faggot

>> No.19553741

>but the amount of the buyers is significantly smaller
hi retard, that means whales are holding. Please stop fudding :)

>> No.19553746

Why is the number of adresses growing

>> No.19553767

Smart money

>> No.19553788
File: 208 KB, 770x998, 1567557857065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we ever go past 9 cents again? Thanos isn't doing anything

>> No.19553841

>invest in the riskiest asset class there is
>get cold feet over some volatility
if you didn't open your position being sure that there is large probability you'll never see the money back - go kys it's not for you, buy some bonds or index fund and never trade crypto if you can't take the heat

>> No.19553856

>buy some bonds or index fund
The irony made me chuckle

>> No.19553867

This, uniroincally. I don’t know about these pussies but I love this shit. I was born in the bear of 2018.

>> No.19553871

every risk metric known to man will obviously show that crypto is 10x riskier than bonds or stocks

>> No.19553879

I’m the smart money, you should be thanking me

>> No.19553889

The joke
Your head

>> No.19553890

I'm not disagreeing anon. But sta made the first crypto index.
That's the funny bit

>> No.19553894

This. If you invest in solid projects and keep your hands tied you will do great.

The rollercoaster of emotions is part of the fun. Dont let them fool you.

>> No.19553902

Yeah lmao just gamble
Fucking piece of shit I'm tempted to sell to dump the price even more just to piss you off you fucking nigger
You told me it was going up, that dumps would always recover and yet here we are stuck at 8cents for several hours now. There's no upward trend, everytime we touch 9cents it goes back down
And now we're below 0.079 hahaha what a sick joke. I'm selling and never trusting /biz/ again you FUCKING PAJEETS

>> No.19553905

Did any one of you whales manage to sell the top at 15c and buy the dip at 4c ? I'm curious how much the slippage fucks you over. I know Uniswap doesn't even let you trade with above 50% slippage.

Also is Uniswap V2 functioning properly or still giving errors? The Uniswap V1 and V2 prices seem to be the same.

>> No.19553910

Do it and we will buy your bags.

>> No.19553917

Literally what are you usually investing in that regularly gives you 20%+ returns per hour?

>> No.19553924

The price swings are unironically mainly slippage

>> No.19553931

Yeah yeah right. So far everyone says this but no one is buying, see >>19553658

Nothing. STA is my first investment and now I have a sour taste in my mouth.

>> No.19553939

friendly reminder that the moon phase and come. if you're buying and holding anything more than the current price you've been scammed. find a new shitcoin, this one has been pumped to its maximum.

>> No.19553944

v2 works, but you have to change the slippage manually, between 1-2%, I've checked that few minutes ago and it didn't work for me with 1% but 1.02% and above worked fine

>> No.19553961

Then just have some patience and take your ADHD meds

>> No.19553963

it is collapsing lol almost below 7 cents again. probably was only a dead cat bounce. wait till the bigger holders sell. slippage is crazy is the only reason there are not more sales

>> No.19553968


>> No.19553971

nigga woudl you relax

>> No.19553979

because this coin pump is over. it literally went 100x what did you expect? bubble bursting with some small bounces

>> No.19554006
File: 151 KB, 531x602, 1591444921440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shit, I'm out. Sorry guys, I'm not made for this. I thought that after the Fredrick dump I was immunized against this but now it's the third time in a row we're seeing massive dips with no one buying back to balance things out. The Thanos address has stopped working and the Price keeps decreasing. I' m going to save as much as I can
See you anons

>> No.19554015

Still functions as before and we are still waiting on proper exchange listing. Just chill, anons have become speed blind, they're so used now to this thing pumping insanely fast anything less is seen as it dying. Nothing has changed.
Calm yourself and don't sell or buy anything in an emotional state.

>> No.19554027

is this your first shitcoin pump and dump scheme? it's over. if you made your money, great. if you didn't, you're fucked. there's ALWAYS a bagholder in these pump and dump schemes. i'm assuming you're at a loss right now. get out at this moderate loss before it really craters and liquidity goes to zero. a moderate loss to better than a complete loss. this is why i never gamble more than $100 in shitcoin pump and dump schemes. if i lose it, who gives a fuck. if i turn it into $200 or $2000, great.

>> No.19554029

price will continue dropping until here is an exchange listing

>> No.19554042

THIS. Liquidity is shrinking rapidly.

>> No.19554050

I cant believe people bought high to sell low i thought its just a meme

>> No.19554051

>proper exchange listing.
If true, I'll buy more right now

>> No.19554056

Made a nice tidy profit thanks /biz/ moved onto H3X now.

>> No.19554089

There is no pump that eternally goes in a straight line. Nothing has changed with the coin, what has changed is a lot of emotionally unstable anons bought in because they gave in to the hype and can't handle the pressure and want instant gratification.

Swing if you want to try but don't complain if you get burnt. Whales are holding, coin is spreading it's news and exchange listings are coming. Far from dead, it's is just doing what all healthy coins are doing and that is correcting itself. It's an uneven ladder to the moon not a rocket ship.

>> No.19554096

I just bought yet another bag. 15k on v1 uniswap.

>> No.19554097

97% weak hands detected.
funny as always.

>> No.19554098
File: 152 KB, 1024x1022, 1506981835468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes dump more I beg

>> No.19554103

still holding

>> No.19554108

LOL relax. It's literally only been around a week. You are gonna kys if this pumps to $1 EOM (and it will).

>> No.19554119

Is swinging dangerous with small amounts like 2-3k? I traded like that 2 days ago and profited 5x, but i wonder if something changed with uni v2 and all those burned tokens

>> No.19554147

60s here. Not selling. The first ever crypto index fund has changed the game. t's also a week old. This is not unexpected.

>> No.19554148

Developers already announced they signed NDA days ago.

>> No.19554153
File: 433 KB, 417x604, 8k90RB0FBaE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuros are have awoken and selling

>> No.19554169
File: 9 KB, 252x250, 27b08ae9691bd7d0e930d889e681e94d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump it to 3 cents or even 2.85 (the previous ATH) and watch the whales get in. (that is if the majority managed to sell at 13-15 cents)

>> No.19554179

With this coin it's dangerous, slippage is insane on this one. But gamble away with a small part of your stack if you got the gift for it. Just no complaining later.

>> No.19554223

My worst swing was selling 3800 and then buying 4400 which turned out to be 4020 after slip and fees

>> No.19554233
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1589313858084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>stash has been reduced to half its value

>> No.19554246

Its been going up and down from 10c to 5c for 12h. Chill out its strong as fuck

>> No.19554248

Wait, weak hands shall be left behind.

>> No.19554253

>he boght

>> No.19554254

if you knew the future yeah obviously, but you don't. i'm personally still holding it. my whole crypto stack is in STA, bought at 2 cents first then bought more at 10. i'm still at a profit from my original investment even with the enormous dip.i'm riding this shit out

>> No.19554258

You should have, but you didn't. Now hold. There's no reason to sell now.
Could have put your gains into the balancer pool to provide liquidity and a safe investment when dumping or crabbing.

>> No.19554264


>> No.19554281

This is it isnt it

>> No.19554287

>massive dump is still higher than monday's optimistic projection of 5c
Chill, nigga

>> No.19554290

if you're not holding till exchange listing and coingecko fix you're actually fucking stupid and deserve to lose all your bags

>> No.19554292

This. We could even head back to $0.02 and maintain a bullish structure.

>> No.19554296

yes, it's over. the only people saying to hold it, this is only the beginning, you'll regret selling, etc. are discord trannies who got in on this scam at the beginning and still have large bags to slowly sell to prevent it from absolutely cratering with 0 liquidity. they need useful idiots to baghold now while they sell off.

>> No.19554297
File: 1.28 MB, 720x720, golden retriever owo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slippy hands noooooo

>> No.19554323

I got out at 0.02 (bought at 0.01) and now Im buying again.

Because the hedge fund itself is a very interesting idea. Top whales aren't selling, that means they believe in the project too.

>> No.19554333

do u remember me scammers? i told u, ur scam shit is going to 0, the sheeps who is still on board dump this scam or u will loose ur money for good

>> No.19554336

yup, this is all just weak tier fud of people saying 'scam' as if it's enough to make it true.
The project is a fucking crypto index fund.

>> No.19554344

Like are these retards even looking at the token burn?
This is literally just retards who bought on Wednesday/Thursday's supermassive jumps selling at a loss.

>> No.19554347

I honestly hope we dump that low. Two reasons: 1) More token burns 2) Anybody who sells now is probably a weak bitch who would've just market dumped at every leg up. The iron hands being forged in this dump won't give a fuck and will stay strong right up to $1

>> No.19554354

dump more jello hands dumpy dumpy

>> No.19554363

We've seen dips decreasing the value in half but in third now? Honestly I'm getting scared here. Should I buy more? Why isn't THANOS BUYING BACK

>> No.19554370

theres always a few sheeps who dont understand, thats it scam is over, take ur loss and go away

>> No.19554383

He is, he's increased his STAck like 25% in the last 24 hours.

>> No.19554384

> broken english

>> No.19554388

cause wheres no money u sheep, think, its a faqin smoke screen

>> No.19554394

looks like u have some brain cells still

>> No.19554403

There is, all the funds are public stupid pajeet

>> No.19554409

english not my first language mr sheep :DDD like u who can speak just one language

>> No.19554418

Can you blame them? One pump in a week old token isn't very convincing, every pnd scam does this (in fact it looks like it's dumping right now). It has no listing on any exchanges, it's not even in top 1000 because it's barely a week old, and it appeared out of nowhere and started getting shilled on /biz/. Why should anyone believe in this?
>inb4 hurr durr ok get left behind!!!!

>> No.19554425

its faqin smoke screen u sheep, belieber in scam projects, thats why all those pnd projects are so successful

>> No.19554426

It's straight up free falling at this point. I GOT ESH'D AGAIN

>> No.19554443

..-. ..- -.-. -.-
--- ..-. ..-.
..-. ..- -.. -.. . .-.

>> No.19554455


>> No.19554463

lol. can you, or anyone else type a 5 sentence paragraph on what a pump and dump scam is? i doubt you can, because if you really thought about it, and read what you wrote, you'd realize there are greater forces at work here than boogie men PnD demons.
>Hint those greater forces are have to do with the market

>> No.19554472

fuck this shit i'm buying h3x

>> No.19554475

Aaahhh the smell or burning STA in the morning

>> No.19554476

lots of shaky hands here. hold lads, hold

>> No.19554477

t. smoothbrain

>> No.19554479

FO 2 u 2 :DDD i dont fud i just tell the straight truth which u dont want to hear :DDD

>> No.19554484


>> No.19554494

Whhy my wallet rank. Keeps going down

>> No.19554500

What whale wallet is selling? Post a link or a screenshot at least to assert your claims as true.

>> No.19554501

Just monitor for 48 hours, I'll see you when you FOMO back in at 20 cents, literally what do you hope to gain by FUDding in this thread other than fatter swing trade stacks?

>> No.19554502

whales haven't sold shit faggot

>> No.19554509

its not a faqin star wars u sheep (great forces at work :DDDD ) its just a clever scam project for sheeps

>> No.19554518
File: 74 KB, 1599x776, spazmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's for you spaz mode shaky hands out there. Look at your savior Thanos and ask yourself: Would a man with 3.4 BTC let you down?

>> No.19554523

there was a whale moving his liquidity from uniswap v1 to v2 and everyone sperged out thinking he was selling.
everyone needs to chill. it's just a fucking dip. remember how many people were burned for selling at the last dip?

>> No.19554524

Interesting how the top 20 holders don't seem to be knocked down too much. Seems like the first 20 whales aren't insane swing traders trying to get their stash up by 50%

>> No.19554525

Im holding.
After the smoke is gone we will have burnt a considerable amount of STA and the fund will still have a shitload. Watch it bounce back by tomorrow.

People here are treating this like your regular PnD, when its obvious this coin has real value.

Granted, STA is not ETH, not even the new LINK. But it doesn't have to be. This coin is an index fund made coin.

>> No.19554528

LOL, I KNEW IT. Nice discredit attempt retard. Next time come with facts, doubt you will though.

>> No.19554533
File: 27 KB, 923x361, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total Liquidity $56,765
What's up the huge jump? The liquidity graph used to mirror price more or less before last night.

>> No.19554535

scammers get richer, while sheeps get slaughtered

>> No.19554538


>> No.19554544

Stop writing like a retard.

>> No.19554553

thats a scammers wallets :DDD

>> No.19554555

Everyone who's in the liquidity pool, could you tell us how much $$$ you have and how much are you making off this massive dip and crab?

>> No.19554558

I'm thinking about adding some STA to the balancer pool while we are in a bit of a dip. Seems like a good idea so when STA goes back up I get a nice stack of the 5 other coins and am hedged against further dumps.

Might also be a good time to provide liquidity on uniswap with all those trades going through with high slippage.

What's /biz/ think?

>> No.19554562

Read TG announcement: Statera Announcement
We're migrating liquidity from Uniswap V1 --> Uniswap V2. There's also been weak hands bought around $0.10 taking profits and losses. Natural forces.

>> No.19554566

this mis scam, how much money u have to loose to understand this

>> No.19554571

100% correct. Go look in the price group on telegram, it’s literal pajeets worries about 35 euro losses.

>> No.19554581

stop being retard and investing in scam projects, invest in top20 and be happy u little sheep

>> No.19554586

I’ll learn Hindi so we can speak in your mother tongue

>> No.19554587

Anyone else not able to sell on cb wallet ?

>> No.19554593

FUDers get the rope.
You obviously have an agenda, you aren't "informing" people about a "scam" out of the goodness of your heart.

GTFO fagget

>> No.19554596

Ranjeet be gone

>> No.19554599


>> No.19554602

u will see 10c once again, but then scammers will dump on u like never before, screenshot this

>> No.19554604

pretty quickly you'll be telling us about your curry coin to save us, fuck off.

>> No.19554607

I'm shocked. Who could have known??

>> No.19554608

>implying I don't have a diversified 10+ asset portfolio
I wont be investing in whatever scam you must be peddling in other threads

>> No.19554625


>> No.19554627

Yeah people forget this happens with every single coin posted here. Of course buy pressure runs out temporarily, because only once buying are /biz/ and a few redditors and we have all pretty much filled our bags. This coin is literally few days old and nobody knows about. That doesnt change fundamentals, this coin is linked to crypto market. I put a grand in it and am currently in red, but I can just walk away for a few months and know I will be in green eventually. Only people seething are the ones who put in more then they can afford at the moment

>> No.19554633

not really, im not good with hindi language, btw u can dream on to learn any basic hindi its not for ur brains

>> No.19554640

no u sheep, i told yesterday stop shilling this shit outside 4chan and u wont see me again but nooo u have to shill this shit

>> No.19554651
File: 1.24 MB, 1600x681, 1_Znbwhd7SC95emm1huwtKug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys seriously, educate us on how it's healthy to provide liquidity how cash from staking like HEX compares to the Balancer Pool website. We need to bring STA to fuck you levels of cash.

>> No.19554656

what are u? The witcher? go play ur D&D some where else

>> No.19554661

You do seem to be proficient in retarded English though. And I say that as a non-native speaker.

Aprednda a escribir en inglés, hijo de la chingada.

>> No.19554665

Do you even comprehend anything I wrote in my post you dumbfuck?

Shoo, shoo pajeet.

>> No.19554666

scammer alert!!! one of the scammers

>> No.19554683

u like curry? chicken curry lamb curry? sheep curry :D u see what i did ?

>> No.19554697

im not shilling anything u stupid sheep, just take ur money and run

>> No.19554698

So many people want to see this fail. Telling. I’m holding because price doesn’t matter right now. It’s about fundamentals.

>> No.19554712

What do you win by trying to make this crash, I wonder...

>> No.19554717

first of all u are broke, u dont have more than 5$k in ur bank

>> No.19554725

The project is super solid, im with you. Still holding a huge stack, and i will only start selling once it gains the attention it deserves. Exchange listing is happening soon and quite possibly some crypto news sites will pick this up.

>> No.19554729

Post your eth wallet. I’ll send you something. Then we’ll find out who’s broke ;)

>> No.19554733
File: 41 KB, 788x685, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same boat fren. STAstronauts will make it. Pajeets will keep fudding and then return to shitting in the streets.

>> No.19554737

u see i dont need to, cause sheeps like u .... just leave it like that

>> No.19554740
File: 90 KB, 1500x1200, 1543232453249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least learn how to reply to multiple posts in a single post so you don't shit up the thread.

Also irrelevant opinion: the fund should have included either dai or Ampleforth in place of SNX, that way we could have had at least one uncorrelated asset, generating more pool volume.

>> No.19554749

why so angry, take ur money and run, oh sorry u are one of the scammers

>> No.19554751

but why the fuck would you want to have crypto index fund? i mean like normal ETF for btc is interesting idea but why crypto on crypto?

>> No.19554757

i win nothing, im just telling thats a scam project and u will loose money

>> No.19554772

scammers words :DDDD do u think any credible crypto news site will publish anything about scam project :DDD u are delusional

>> No.19554775

it is essentially a gamble, dont you know? ffs you want to get 1000% return with no risk? you're just a dumb fuck, if you wanna sell then sell i don't give a fuck, i'm ready to loose all money in crypto

>> No.19554781
File: 34 KB, 220x143, C7AF8A7F-DBB5-4C56-8F86-3D197B99552D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19554785

>I win nothing
>23 posts by this ID

>> No.19554787
File: 216 KB, 394x480, Meijiu_(49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for an even lower dip to buy. I won't get other chances like this in a long time. Statera is working as intended. Panic sellers, weak hands, fudders and the like will come to regret their words and actions in due time. There is literally nothing to worry about.
Exchange listing is coming soon.
Tokens are still getting burned as I type this post. Leave the retards trying their hardest to FUD alone, they're not even worth your time.
I can't imagine how they will feel when we're above 20 cents. The FOMO will be immense.

>> No.19554790


here u go

>> No.19554796

Explain the scam part of it. It does what it's supposed to do, and is at the moment unique project with the first movers advantage. As bullish as it gets.

I will keep my stack no matter how much you fud, let's see who is right.

>> No.19554797

dont be so angry u need to relax

>> No.19554801

Pathetic. A pajeet beggar, just like I thought.

>> No.19554805

I'm holding 8k STA put in like $100 when it was at 0.017 i want to keep holding. Will I make it biz?

>> No.19554810

u look smart, but why u act like a sheep ? why?

>> No.19554812

here you go faggot

>> No.19554824

hold my son

>> No.19554834
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>> No.19554835


>> No.19554847
File: 201 KB, 476x576, 1591449578524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19554852

and it will be more, but stop acting like a sheep ...

>> No.19554866

scammer alert !!!! stop shilling

>> No.19554868


>> No.19554877



>> No.19554878

thats a deal, i will love to see how gonna loose ur money

>> No.19554888

no ur wrong, i dont need scam coins like u do

>> No.19554892

It's cool if any of my shitcoins make it to a dollar I can get ROI anyways.

>> No.19554900


>> No.19554914

i look so beautiful :)

>> No.19554926
File: 548 KB, 936x1407, 1591039910589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if we can tokenize getting butthurt over making bad trades. Ideas anyone?

>> No.19554928

finally some one with a brains

>> No.19554932
File: 8 KB, 227x222, HOjbEaOZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32 posts in broken english by this ID
thank you ranjeesh, the pure desperation of your FUD only makes me even more confident in my hold

>> No.19554942

i like u already, someone with a brains telling u sheeps how this shit works and still u dont understand

>> No.19554948

this thread is just the same indian on his shit break
shut the fuck up holy fuck

>> No.19554960

Any ideas when this will be listed outside uniswap?

>> No.19554962

Man seriously why do u keep doing this? What's in it for you?

>> No.19554963

scammer alert!!! paid for shilling this shit

>> No.19554977

i think like never :DD

>> No.19554989

nothing for me, from this shitcoin, please i beg u stop investing :DDDDDDDD or sell the house and buy more :DDDDD

>> No.19554992

There are no scammers here. It's all just lucky anon poor fags who happened to be browsing last Friday that got in early. This is different in so many ways.

>> No.19555004

Could be next week. It's decided already but they can't say any dates yet.

>> No.19555010

ull be lucky, when u sell in profit, if u still holding ... i dont need to say anything more

>> No.19555024

exit scam incoming :DDD

>> No.19555073
File: 25 KB, 288x292, 1587132266470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so fucking comfy Stabros.

>> No.19555075

wheres everyone?

>> No.19555085

ur a faqin stalker, ur a creep go away :)

>> No.19555115

This tells you we will start mooning once all the weak hands have sold. It's obvious but this fucking obvious FUD shit works on some people.

>> No.19555116

You're wrong about everything.

>> No.19555131

im not fudding, im just letting others to know thats a disaster not a project

>> No.19555136
File: 581 KB, 1080x1281, zendaya-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nibbas thinking STA is done???Huh ya'll gonna be big mad when this hit $1 in a month.

>> No.19555145
File: 113 KB, 425x340, 1591450925266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao not selling until we reach $55 dollar per statera. Cope more poorfags

>> No.19555152

Are you one of the really poor anons who waited to buy in at the top and is now bitter like that idiot who invested 5$?

>> No.19555153

starting from yesterday, actually i was wright about everything

>> No.19555166

ur disgusting, sheeps look what kind of people does this shit

>> No.19555179

scammer alert!!!!! paid shill !!!

>> No.19555189
File: 2.00 MB, 1363x1846, 1591424839704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flama is the first deflationary token with smart dapps in the market, ready to build onchain apps with enhanced futures like staking. Currently rest of the deflationary tokens are all experimental and useless. FLAMA aims to change that.

No premine, No ICO, No airdrops. There is an ongoing Uniswap Offering here:



Offering has $5k initial marketcap. %50 of the tokens have been moved to uniswap for sale, %6.5 is the team's fund and %43.5 is allocated for staking rewards and listing purposes in the near future.

Flamanet has determined %3 burn rate as it is the most ideal option to increase the market’s demand to the token while reducing the total supply with every tx that is being made on chain.

Website is coming soon.
After that, Coingecko and many more...

Official Telegram channel: @flamatoken

>> No.19555192

i dont need this shit scam coin really :DDD dont beg me to buy it :DDD if its not top20 from cmc im not touching this shit

>> No.19555193

Actually, I've been right about everything since yesterday.


>> No.19555200
File: 90 KB, 750x1000, Adobe_20200605_195614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. Never selling. Thanks strengthening my choice, pajeet.

>> No.19555216

put ur money in this one while its not too late :DDD and take profits on monday, best shit u ever hear all day :DDD

>> No.19555226

mmmm no :) u see how angry u are ? i like it mr sheep :DD

>> No.19555229


>> No.19555242

called it

>> No.19555243

paid shill :) good to klnow, good luck with ur scam project

>> No.19555257

not im not shilling this :DDDDDDD i can shill ada vet ETH BTC LINK maybe TEZOS for short scalp and maybe some other never ever a scam shit

>> No.19555271

We'll be back at 10 cents EOD

>> No.19555276

ur thread is gettiing boring, c u in some time peace out :)

>> No.19555421

That sounds like some class A projecting. It wouldn't happen to be the case you are incredibly poor and bitter about not getting in earlier so your throwing the most annoying hapless unrelenting shit fudd I have seen since the Fantom schizo hoping you can afford more than 3 statera?

>> No.19555428
File: 543 KB, 1080x1080, brie-larson-and-gal-gadot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao sup sissy boy i got ur feelings hurt?

>> No.19555452

New youtube video up. It's starting to look we gaining momentum soon and the weak hands have been shaken off.

>> No.19555509

Yep, it's going to be a crazy ride to the top
Only titanium hands will make it

>> No.19555618
File: 127 KB, 869x488, 1591453165254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19555669

Could you link it stabro?