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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 1771x781, nanofrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19552074 No.19552074 [Reply] [Original]

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loving the new nice apps build around nano coming out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.19552091

Witch one ?

>> No.19552107

I remember when I 50x'd off this when it was called XRB (raiblocks), indonesians got it for free. You're paying almost $1 for a dead scam coin.



>> No.19552118
File: 210 KB, 1156x1180, iaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea there are like fucking 50.

But this thread is obviously made with the intent of making Nano holders look like scrubs and outsiders.

Real Nano thread was here, and maxed out: >>19546634

And now we are mooning again. Sage.

>> No.19552462

nano bump here

>> No.19552474

Love Nano.
Still the best actual crypto currency on the market, by a mile.

>> No.19552602

im sorry I didn't mean to make nano holders look retarded. I just like to pretend being retarded and make these kind of threads. lol.

pretending to be retarded and frenposting on /biz/ is one of my favorite waste of time

>> No.19552619

curry fury

>> No.19552633

who created nano, they must be a fucking genius

>> No.19552657
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>> No.19552853
File: 417 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200606-044935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would have to be gullible as fuck to buy nano. Pic related.

>> No.19552923

so nano is exactly like BTC but not shit?

>> No.19553006

no its vastly different thats why its so interesting to invest in.

I just tried out the natrium phone wallet. sent a nano from my desktop wallet , received it 2 seconds later. no fees. this is so nice.

>> No.19553169

Except nano isnt an erc20

>> No.19553409

This shits popping off. The one of the only few working projects

>> No.19553663

yeah, considering its no inflation, completely distributed nature... its a good canditate for mega pumps, and the community is building app after app and integration after integration, ive seen some really cool shit.

might have to even increase my bags. tier good shit.

if you were ever annoyed with the difficulty / slowness of sending/receiving crypto. Use nano once and you'll be amazed. I'm still amazed now. its usually sent and confirmed in under 5 seconds. also sending 10 nano and receiving 10 nano fully on the other end is so satisfying

>> No.19553686

I feel like nano would be something females would like, e-thots etc. and then all their beta orbiters would follow. I think this might be the way it could gain huge adoption

>> No.19554016
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>> No.19554585

energy wasting miners, cockstream faggots, json parser idiots, marketing hype shills and eth erc20 scamming assholes BTFO. nano is the patrician choice and is the only useable cryptocurrency. the killer app for crypto is PAYMENTS and only PAYMENTS. wake the fuck up retards. you have until the he end of the month.

>> No.19554617

based post. all retards see what anon says here

>> No.19554726

We'll get used to the nanofrens thread cause I post it Everytime nano is uptrending

>> No.19554748

you've been doing it since 2018 and we all see through it.

>> No.19554764

Nano = 1$
For how long?

>> No.19554786

Nano only dumped; I've been making the nanofrens thread only the past few months. Are you implying I make it to scare away people? Lmao

>> No.19554972

Got 50k. One of the best crypto projects out ther.

>> No.19555054

This has to be fake other wise eth is in the hands of an idiot. Nano is not erc20 token. Top kek eth holders on suicide watch

>> No.19556009


>> No.19556145

What do I have to do to get my Nano to show up in metamask? It's been bugging me for a while now.

>> No.19556447
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>> No.19556531

If you are genuinely interested in Nano, Nano network structure is a block lattice. Nothing to do with MetaMask which is an ethereum wallet.
Nano blockchain is a big mess of blockchains that avoids double spending through delegated voting.
Impressively the network structure hasn't been compromised unlike Iota, though there was a clusterfuck where coins were stolen from bitgrail.

>> No.19556858
File: 397 KB, 800x480, colinlevishnu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a Vishnu on the block lattice
Please buy NANO sirs, it is very good coin I promise you dear. Works now, lightning quick transfers, as fast as Arjuna's Brahmashirsha Astra, used to strike down Kaurava army during the Virata war. NANO is free like the sacred cow, wondering field to field, eating and pooping leaving no waste. This is the magic of the divine animal, what comes out is food for the grass which in turn is food for the cow. Thus the cycle of life is complete with no waste, not even land to be mined or tilled. NANO sirs, I tell you sincerely is much like this, and due to the perfect sacred geometric design of the block lettuce can expand like the flower of life, with unlimited capability. There is no inflation, no rewards, no incentive. It just exists, like ascended Bodhisattva, here for benefit of all. For this I think it is the best long term investment. True revolutionary technologies. Thank you kindly sirs. India superpower 2020.

>> No.19557127
File: 534 KB, 725x455, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all strapped in fren. Let's fucking go!

>> No.19557239


>> No.19557267

This shit about to get listed
Get in fags

>> No.19557319

Isn't nano already listed?

>> No.19557329
File: 254 KB, 707x1115, teamNANO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19557368

I had a dream last night this garbage blew up

>> No.19557414

Listed somewhere better

>> No.19557428
File: 10 KB, 128x128, NPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder

>> No.19557456
File: 117 KB, 1660x412, ftm (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19557541

I can't wait for Nano to be $100

>> No.19557548

So this is where the redditors on biz hang out.

>> No.19557594


If you buy Nano, you are gullible as fuck

First off the program itself is garbage, despite being on livenet for several years, it is so complicated and bad in design that people are sending transactions to the burn addresses that they don't have access to, and a single typo in typing an address for a transaction results in loss of funds (lots of people have already lost money.) The devs couldn't even be bothered doing a Windows miner release - users had to work out how to do it themselves. Even as live trading had began, an unknown exchange was sending deposits in error to the black hole burn address. The UI is unintelligible. To mine I had to use two CMD windows in combination.

It's made by a 30 year old washed out dev as a hobby project. He has no achievements, not even academic. He and his team of 'developers' gobbled up millions of dollars from the initial 5% dev fund and are down to less than 700k in terms of their supply. Nano is DEAD!

>> No.19557656

RIDDLE ME THIS NANO HATERS. If Nano sucks why is it going up?

>> No.19557659

you dont mine Nano retard.
your copypasta is fake and gay

>> No.19557676

is that why no one join my pvp match because price increase? someone come join my 10 nano pvp match.

>> No.19557680

obvious exit scam by pajeet devs

>> No.19557683
File: 1.02 MB, 480x368, CA95FB60-7D20-474D-943C-AA374EF4FAEF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related right on cue

>> No.19557699
File: 48 KB, 563x651, Dumb fuck juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can mine Nano

>typing an address
Why? Let me introduce you to Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Why would you manually type an address?

>> No.19557702 [DELETED] 

You don't know that. He may be a genuine moron.

>> No.19557714

>pajeet devs
what are you even doing?

>> No.19557718

You don't know that. He may be a genuine moron.

>> No.19557741

I didn't want to entertain the idea... but are linkies fudding this? Or may be some of the uniswap shitcoin shillers?

>> No.19557775

pick one

>> No.19557781

blockfolio fucking up showing 9600 sats on binance...binance.com showing 11000 sats

>> No.19558130
File: 78 KB, 1080x792, 1591462646638 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19558182

delet this

>> No.19558227

>this fake shit again already in 3 threads
>being this retarded

>> No.19558258

>>Thinking this is fake
>>being this retarded

>> No.19558492

prove it retard. until this it's a shoop

>> No.19559350

Whenever the nanofrens thread pops up I know it's gonna pump a few days