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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19489010 No.19489010 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19489015

Praise Thanos

>> No.19489027

At least copy the op from the previous bread
Previous thread got over 300 replies again. So here we go.

>What does STA do?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Niggerfaggot kike whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some kikes and pajeets here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where do I see the price?
You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

This is a Uniswap V2 link. Not ideal, but it's an option and useful if you prefer seeing a graph directly from Uniswap. Note that it does not have the same liquidity as Uniswap V1.

Coingecko is slow. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

You can also put it into the Uniswap V1 pool, but you will be missing out on more rewards and incentives to come from Balancer: https://twitter.com/StateraProject/status/1267342879682371586

>> No.19489038
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>.03 edition

>> No.19489043

>How do I check TXs?
Statera Token Tracker: https://etherscan.io/token/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
Uniswap contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>Balancer AKA Thanos

Pool explanation:

Ok, now let's take an example.
In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer (Thanos) sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool.

That's the magic of the balance pools.

>> No.19489048

50c EOM. Screenshot this.

>> No.19489052

Can anyone tell me what happens to the value of the balancer when LINK drops in value?

>> No.19489086
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medium article today

>> No.19489090

Thanos lead us to glory

>> No.19489091
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I woke up but no dump... guess i have to fomo at the top this time then.

>> No.19489105



>> No.19489116
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we've got a faggot trying to use a counterfeit 20 in the statera thread, all units, i repeat, all units

>> No.19489161

Bullish af

>> No.19489177

how much should I add to the pool %wise

>> No.19489192

Thanks anon. I was on my phone and couldn't locate the dead thread

>> No.19489218

how much do you have?

>> No.19489220

Hope you guys have your bags loaded up. HODL and get comfy

>> No.19489222
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>price didn't go below 2cents
I'm never selling. I wanted to accumulate a little more, though.
What are you planning to gift your family or friends on Christmas this year by the time it reaches $3? I'd buy a new phone for my dad.

>> No.19489226

Depends on your holdings, if you got a small stack, then avoid it. Just going to pay a lot in gases getting all 5 tokens, unlocking, etc.
If you got a bigger stack - you could do up to 50%, that way you appreciate both sta gains, add safety to the statera pool by giving more power to Thanos and also get some nice BAL staking rewards once that feature is up
But even something like 20% is ok if you feel more thrill-seeking

>> No.19489235

if you want to 10x your 10x you statera faggots should be putting your gains into unimoon rn instead of sitting there licking your balls

>> No.19489238

What is the amount of a bigger sack?

>> No.19489241

Lol just a new phone? At $3 you should buy the whole apple shop

>> No.19489254

feels like home in thread about $Statera

I'm so excited about this project

>> No.19489265

The BAL aspect sounds cool

>> No.19489281

Fuck off ranjeet and stop shilling your scams in our shitcoin thread.

>> No.19489285

i dont know, i feel like id rather not use the pool until later on while we're finding a price range. I dont want to get 20% STA gains while btc, eth, link crab. but i will certainely do the pool in the future

>> No.19489289

That's a solid amount. Definitely look in to pooling 20-50%. Support Thanos, protect yourself from dumps. Increase the value of your STA holdings in the longer run.

>> No.19489296

I have 1mln 300k stat bought couple minutes after v3 announcment. Dont selling before 0.5$

>> No.19489298

Statera clones were ghostiies clones

Same energy they just moved onto the new long shot dream

Coin already maxed out for now may get an exchange bump or two...
But the token has no use case

>> No.19489299

my village as good as yours sir

>> No.19489310

You pooling bro?

>> No.19489319

so bullish on this one, this cant go wrong, 1 m in tha pocket

>> No.19489323

Not now, but i will propably today, thinking about 300k for the pool

>> No.19489325

at current rate, you can spend up to 10$ for exchanging all the tokens and depositing liquidity. so depositing at least 200$ should be the goal, so a stack of 30k-50k is minimum imo
I think they are working on one click solution to add liquidity using 1 token only, you could wait for that, as well as that BAL reward release

>> No.19489329

Keep up the good work anon. These daily threads are awesome.

>> No.19489377

Hype is still not over, it should be clear even to extreme fudders this is not a pnd

>> No.19489408

732 wallets and counting.

When the medium article is released we take to twitter

>> No.19489427
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>tfw 20k stack

>> No.19489429

Guys what was the ATH? It was 2.15 cents at 2AM in Europe.

>> No.19489435


>> No.19489444

Unimoon is the new moon mission anons

You may get another 2x short term or you can join unimoon and get 100x

>> No.19489447

/offmychest FUD will start alert

I've made 70% every time swing trading even after the bot fucks me
FUDing bizlets is pretty easy dump 400-1mil price tanks, weak hands offload for a few hours, then pick it back up, the price always goes up because of insane buy pressure and the nautre of the coin, sell at 2 cents.
Repeat until the weak hand pajeets are eliminated.
Seems like a win win in my book.
I've probably participated in many organized FUD, even though the coin is somewhat unFUDable, it works every fucking time.
Why am I telling this?
I've moved on to a different project, holding STA for long hold now, but the FUD group is still active on this coin.
Because of the swing bot, I've personally decided its better to swing another low-cap coin.

>> No.19489452

Get out pajeet

>> No.19489461

18k here. Still better than 0.

>> No.19489469

You’ll still make it

>> No.19489490

It's an index fund you retard, and the first project to do it

>> No.19489499

How is this such a sure thing to everyone bullish?
What is everyone seeing if it's not a pnd?

>> No.19489517

you read to much about shitcoins.
you think everything is pnd, well anon, i can tell you THIS ONE ISNT

>> No.19489524

First retard of the day found

>> No.19489527

Well that was absolutely useless info.
Anyone else care to explain this to me?

>> No.19489540

the balancer is really the game changer here. It's a smart contract that lets bots to call it for arbitrage, basically free money for AMM.
The statera is the first token that incentivizes participating in the pool, since with its rise, the token rise.
Why would you want to participate in the pool? I dunno, maybe amazing BAL rewards and liquidity provider fees!

>> No.19489552


>> No.19489564



>> No.19489567

Price is going up again. $0.05 today?

>> No.19489619

Not today propably, but at this weekend could be 0.05

>> No.19489655

Guys can we dump it one last time so we can accumulate before mooning?

>> No.19489673

You had 2 days

>> No.19489674

U had yoir time.
Im glad i held theough the dump
Lets go.

What are your targets for EOY?

>> No.19489680


>> No.19489693

Breaking in to the top 200 would be a big first step, that would imply a price of $0.15-$0.20 at current market caps.

>> No.19489711

Yeah I know I sold at 0.022 on the first pump because I didn't want to be greedy and got fudded by the people talking about liquidity problems
Dumb choice I know even though I still made around a 15-20x

>> No.19489713

Bro that would imply a cap of $40-$50m and place STA will projects like MANA, Golem, Bancor and Band. Not sure it’s there yet.

>> No.19489739

Pajeets, seriously. Who are you fooling, spamming threads after threads with your own shitty discord group just copy pasta'ing stupid sentences. WHO ARE YOU FOOLING ???? Kill yourself, i know i would if this is my life

>> No.19489755
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Yeah it will go to 0.05$ in 14 hours.

>> No.19489779

Huh very good and you did buy back at 0.006, 0.008 or 0.01, right? I genuinely do not understand people who don't buy back in unless at that very moment they have a sure moonshot within 2 days like Dev or Hex2.

>> No.19489799
File: 252 KB, 750x809, FCB2515A-3F22-4817-887B-7B8B415B1F28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1m staties getting burned per day.
That implies total volume today of 100m staties, or $2m.
That means today’s volume of STA traded was equal to its current market cap.

>> No.19489800

Kill yourself pajeet

>> No.19489803

if i remember right i bought at 0.007 or 0.008

>> No.19489819
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>Huh very good and you did buy back at 0.006, 0.008 or 0.01, right?

>> No.19489837

Hex is worth even more than them, what does it do? Hell there's top 20 coins that do nothing, no one ever talks about them, but still retain value. This space makes no sense

>> No.19489860

How big pool% u got?

>> No.19489875

u want me to dump a million?

>> No.19489876

Hex is an exception. If you’re trying to gauge future performance you should stick to the majority rather than the few.

>> No.19489887

i do understand you. I didnt dump but went crazy when its went to 0,007 from ath.
Feeling comfy now. only took my initial investment out on the way up to 2 cents.

>> No.19489893

Amazing that people still try to compare STA to some other project.

>> No.19489892

nice entry

>> No.19489924

Yes please master!

>> No.19489955

not doing that great atm is he

>> No.19489975

Unless the coin you're dealing with differentiates itself enough to potentially become a future "few"?

>> No.19490019

All previous threads are archived faggot, DYOR.

>> No.19490029
File: 79 KB, 209x216, 1591177508051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more and stay poor. Imagine thinking that the only shitcoin whose actually backed by something is a pajeet scam. 12 (TWELVE) 300+ replies threads because fudders like you can't stop posting, giving the token even more attention. There is no discord shilling campaign. Not that I know at least.
Sometimes there are actual gems in crypto. STA is one of them. Don't come crying it when we reach $3. /biz/ doesn't deserve this

>> No.19490062

stfu retard, some random smallcap coin nobody ever heard about getting shilled by an army of pajeets just replying to eachother is the biggest red flag ever. And to think you guys are proud of spamming thread after thread just replying to eachother hoping some bigger retard will buy that shit. Kill yourself, again

>> No.19490079
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12 (TWELVE) 300+ replies
> those are all just pajeets shilling a shitcoin, yes you are so right, lol

>> No.19490086

Sure but that’s statistically extremely unlikely

>> No.19490096

nobody heard of? look on biz, look on reddit.....you didnt do nothing anon....this is the reason why you will never make it...
i think you'd better stick to yur hex/ tron-lunchmoney stacks

>> No.19490109

please do

>> No.19490132

Which to be fair is what everyone is banking on, literally everybody thinks their coin is "the one" despite all logic pointing counter to that. It's just for me personally this is a cut above the usual uniswap shit getting shilled here weekly, so I'm just that little bit more confident the planets will align

>> No.19490134

euh, yes? How else is a shitcoin nobody heard of suddenly getting all this attention? This is the most anorganic shilling and red flaggy behavious ever. And retard like you bring it up as if it its something to brag about ... shows how low iq all these pajeets really are

>> No.19490159

check how the wallet number is increasing and then talk about "anorganic"

>> No.19490170

Let's try a different angle. Is it at least PLAUSIBLE that a new coin came up with a hook no one else has ever used despite this speculation fest going on for over 10 years, and enough anons were impressed by this to bet on it? I don't know if Sta is the one, but it's done enough to at least make me hold for awhile instead of flipping it in a day like the rest of the uniswap shit

>> No.19490182
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>Day 5
The coin is brand new. Brand new, and it has already shown what it was capable of doing compared to other projects who needed a mainnet before getting anywhere. STA is showing results and constant growth as I'm typing this post. The threads may be slightly redundant or give of a bad shilling vibe, but some people are unable to contain their genuine excitement for the idea behind STA. It's simple, it's showing results, and it's about to hit an exchange while a lot of people are already making x10-x20 gains.

There's nothing unnatural to see people flock like flies around a fire when there's money to be made.

>> No.19490201

you must all be stupid to think that after such a rally it won't come down and stay there for at least a week. Time to sell, thank you for the gains thus far, see you in the next pajeet shit

>> No.19490207
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The delusion is going strong ITT. Can't wait for the pink wojaks when the Nigerian scammer exits or creates a Statera v4

>> No.19490212

See you at 0.1 soon faggots. You can post his retarded fud or you can just buy and enjoy it. It up to you pajeets

>> No.19490220
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>0.0260 REJECTED
Yesterday was the last chance for STA to go above the ATH. Pro tip : it won't. Dump your bags before it's too late

>> No.19490239

it was funny for a while but i think I'll sell now
anons are right, everything is way too scammy

>> No.19490253
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>> No.19490261

Keep the FUD please I want people to sell so I can buy in

>> No.19490263

maybe because its a fucking GEM retard? you just dont wanne see it....np, we dont want you to buy in faggot. you dont deserve to be rich lazy motherfucker.

>> No.19490264

We tried to warn them. This is the LEAD DEV when he was arrested in Thailand
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QL4rT9o4Qxc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.19490274


>> No.19490281

yes and when its rejected it will never surpass ath never ever again.....right?

>> No.19490282

Is this Runescape? the FUD reminds me of Runescape. By the way our dev looks like Brendan Fraser.

>> No.19490287
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This retarded fud is getting even more retarded

>> No.19490294

>buy my shit or you wont get rich, lol you will stay poor because you didnt give me money
Do you even read what you write down ranjesh? you guys sound like the street vendors selling lottery tickets, yes sounds very legit ...

>> No.19490297

>buy the top sirs

>> No.19490312
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>all the pajeet shitty fud in this thread.

Bullish sign.

>> No.19490336
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praise Scott

>> No.19490337
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Fucking kek, look at the transactions. Almost nobody is buying and everyone is leaving kek you're getting dumped on

>> No.19490349

Anyone that doesn't live in a mud hut looks like Brendan Frasier to you pajeet

>> No.19490350

>screenshot from uniswap v2 over 2 days ago

>> No.19490351

These are transactions from uniswap V2 you retarded midget

>> No.19490358

I should never have trusted /biz/ fucking scammers it's always like this fuck off

>> No.19490365

Never fucking selling to you fudding faggots.

>> No.19490376


You guys ever wonder why anyone would want to post these every single day?

Its not that anyone cares about your financial situation. Whats really happening is whales are co ordinating FUD campaigns, the very same thing that happened 2 days ago, to drive price down so they can buy more.

I am in the 100 wallets, down from the top 90 because whales are accumulating. Go to etherscan and check.

>> No.19490394

checked. fall for the fud and you'll nek in a months time

>> No.19490395


Balancer has more than double liquidity now

you smelly pajeets won't tank the price this time haha, see you at the moon subhumans

>> No.19490408

How much is a good gamble for a poorfag?

>> No.19490409 [DELETED] 

>warning people not to get scammed is part of a strategy to get richer
the fuck are you on about
Several people ITT right now are telling you to sell. Sure there might be a whale playing mind games but look at the IDs. Numbers don't lie, in fact that's the argument you've been using to explain why your shitcoin isn't a scam compared to the others with your
>muh 300+ replies active threads!!

>> No.19490419

75K in the balancer and back up to 0.02 we go.

Never been more comfy in my life

>> No.19490420

Do you even know how this coin works you fucking inbred brainlet?

>> No.19490426
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Why would you? It's like they're not even trying anymore. Time to go back to the drawing board guys. Your fud is cringe tier.

>> No.19490443
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someone can use a VPN congratuliations. What you're saying doesn't really match the numbers.

The FUD worked 2 days ago when it was new, but everyone knows whats up.

>> No.19490495

ETH whale here. Prepare yourself the coming days.

>> No.19490506

>he got on the Internet and lied

>> No.19490508

what u gonna do?

>> No.19490536

actually im from europe and i bought 1.5 million at 0,001 ;-) NOT SELLING TILL 0,50
look at the chart in a month and promise me not to cry

>> No.19490545

Proof it little faggot buy and put in a floor.

>> No.19490552

lol imagine being this retarded......
> they dont even know STA is nr 2 in volume on uniswap V1 (ONE, hear me? ONE)

>> No.19490632

U gonna dump?

>> No.19490639
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You are still will be poor, dont you?

>> No.19490641

>Price is steadily rising despite the fud
What should I make of this? 2 cents seems like a high entrypoint. I'm unsure if I should throw 0.5 ETH in this just for laughs.

>> No.19490647

these are the people calling STA a scam


>> No.19490651
File: 538 KB, 1125x2436, 56D575FD-8BE6-4CDE-ADEB-E30EE241B0B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to the chart, SAT volume is pretty much twice as much as HEX, according to numbers it’s close behind.

>> No.19490654


>> No.19490661

sir no will still poor be many bags buy new toilet for village Mumbai yes big bob fat vagene thanks please i love you sex

>> No.19490662

its not gonna matter once its 50 cents. You'll FOMO and wish you bought at 2 cents

>> No.19490667

Its just gambling really, with pretty high margins and reasonable odds. Why not?

>> No.19490668
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good morning frens, are we all comfy?

>> No.19490682

Comfy as fuck

>> No.19490690

honestly never been more comfy in my life

>> No.19490705
File: 328 KB, 800x778, 1427647911142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have never been as lucky to get into something as early as i have with this. gone from 3 figures to 5 figures, hoping to eventually get to 7 lol

got lil over 1 mil

>> No.19490707

So I still have STA v1 and STAC, does anyone have the link for swapping?

>> No.19490710
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i love the balancer aspect of this shit, it blows the fuck out of fudders and whales trying mind games and got me feeling comfy as fuck. Im probably gonna add to its liquidity when they introduce the 1 click thing they were talking about.

>> No.19490718

very comfy anon, couldn't be more comfyer

>> No.19490720

The nicest thing is that there is less and less supply. Every drop is bought back within minutes for days now. Never seen anything like that before. Even if a whale would sell we all know that the price is going to rebound within minutes and even print new highs for the day. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.19490732

Comfy and tired

>> No.19490737

Surely there must be something wrong with this. Someone will have to lose eventually, does Thanos have an unlimited amount of money or something? Low IQ retard here

>> No.19490778


Join the discord guys

>> No.19490804

No thank you. I don't see what we would need to discuss on a fucking discord regarding a cryptocurrency other than coordinated shilling that would ruin the comfy threads we've had so far, ignoring the pathetic FUD attempts

>> No.19490815

the telegram channels are shit.

>> No.19490819
File: 24 KB, 727x737, 1585167129593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what games are you bros playing while waiting for this to pick up speed? and if you dont play games what hobbies are you into?

>> No.19490820
File: 116 KB, 640x405, tumblr_o4rrd5IOaB1v0pigno1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking comfy

>> No.19490824


>> No.19490837

watching Frankie MacDonald vids
might donate a fat stack to him if I make it, he deserves it

>> No.19490849

is he related to ronald mcdonalds? that psychopathic clown that sells burgers?

>> No.19490866

>tfw I sold 56k
Im an idiot

>> No.19490894

Same anon I sold 100k at 0.22 and didn't buy back at the dip

>> No.19490922

The price is currently $0.019, retard

>> No.19490972

Not him, but I bought the top at ~0.2, then sold at ~0.016, if it was a pnd it would be 0.00001 by now, if it ever goes past 0.2 ill cry blood.

>> No.19490988

Ever? Lol,,,,look tonight

>> No.19490998
File: 40 KB, 676x593, 1583354578566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought 1k just to help pump it right now

>> No.19491013

Just buy right now, Jfc

>> No.19491014

Im in the exact same boat anon, took initial investment out though on 2 cents

>> No.19491041


>> No.19491079

It WILL go past 2c today anon, you have been warned.

>> No.19491105

Starting Supply: 101,000,000
Current Supply: 95,337,277
Total Supply Burnt: 5,662,723

Average Burn Rate:
/D: 1,048,961.20
/H: 43,706.71
/M: 728.44

Market Cap

>> No.19491106
File: 61 KB, 1920x966, Screenshot_2020-06-03 Uniswap V1 Interface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i...

>> No.19491121
File: 80 KB, 992x641, SHITERA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NONONONO! Where are all the transactions?

Its dead Jim.

>> No.19491140
File: 479 KB, 772x804, a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19491161


>> No.19491187
File: 61 KB, 1920x966, Screenshot_2020-06-03 Uniswap V1 Interface(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19491220


First medium article published.

>> No.19491230
File: 108 KB, 790x712, 1591186067000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does Statera look like the sharingan?

>> No.19491243
File: 17 KB, 229x220, bobo_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest sell signal

>> No.19491258

>Now we can see where Statera’s magic happens.

Okay I sold .... srsly. Cringe.

>> No.19491275

Not cringe to the boomers we need to invest.

>> No.19491281

and then there's people that still think this is a scam

>> No.19491299


sell if you want to then anons :)

>> No.19491324

DESU that medium article reads like it was written by one of you shills. KEK

its a bit like P3D, FOMO3d team JUST bullshit.

>> No.19491330

What deadline in minutes to use on uniswap when buying?

>> No.19491336

Okay, sell then.

>> No.19491338

>Let us examine Statera in motion. On every Statera transaction 1% of that transaction’s value is burned. Meanwhile, in the Index Fund portfolio, all five tokens maintain a 20% share of the portfolio’s wealth through the use of a smart contract portfolio manager. When an asset’s ratio increases relative to the others, the portfolio will re-balance itself by selling the token that has gained value. This is accomplished by utilizing arbitrage opportunities in the external markets for the imbalanced tokens. This means that if Statera’s price drops, the portfolio manager will sell the other coins for Statera. If Statera’s value rises, the portfolio manager will sell Statera for the other coins. This is good for a variety of reasons: the AI is a direct competitor to swing traders, discouraging the dumps and pumps that always come from that. Moreover, it also helps negate dumps in general, as it offsets the loss from a large sell order.

Now I see why there are so many threads. I might not put my savings on it, but this looks genuinely promising. Will wait and see for a little while but it's highly likely that I'll put some ETH in this. It's fucking genius

>> No.19491365

We’ve been trying to tell people. This is so Fing genius people struggle getting it.


>> No.19491367

>medium article written by the team themselves sounds like it was written by a shill
hmm, i wonder why they would be trying to shill their own token

if you dont want to be a part of it then leave the thread lol. i am up 13x atm and it will go higher

>> No.19491396
File: 76 KB, 750x934, 6fu9a6cb7y811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it is Thanos anon.

>> No.19491409

Smoothbrain here with a question.

If Thanos is essentially designed to stop dumps... does that mean it's designed to stop pumps also?

I.e. when STA goes up, it sells STA to rebalance the pool. The opposite of what happens if it dumps.

Surely this means that way more buying power is required in order to 'fight' against Thanos selling?

>> No.19491417

146k checking in bought at 0.01 - let’s hope this continues to generate hype.

>> No.19491424

thanos does have more buying power than he has selling power

>> No.19491451

Please do it

>> No.19491452

It's so blatant lol

>> No.19491458

how so?

>> No.19491461

More buying power than selling power. Plus it allows for steady stable growth. You don’t want a skyrocket pump that people compete selling the top for. You want steady growth that when people do take profit all is good. That’s what’s happening. This the antithesis of a PnD.

>> No.19491478

What exactly do you mean by more buying power than selling power? Surely it has to sell whatever it takes to balance the pool?

>> No.19491483

he can sell his other tokens to buy STA so he has a lot of fire power that way, or more like 4/5 of his portfolio and on the other hand he only has 1/5 in his portfolio of STA he can sell so the total liqiudity is lower for selling than for buying.

>> No.19491488

The v1 is worthless keep it as a momento

>> No.19491540

I'm interested in this project.
Has the contract been audited yet? As in, it's verifiably proven that this is absolutely trustless and can't be changed.
Until it is, surely there's a chance they've implemented some code to be able to drain funds whenever they want

>> No.19491551
File: 9 KB, 259x194, download_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanos is just another name for trading bot. Where did we hear this term before?

>> No.19491555

Nope. I think there are plans on it.
You are right, it affects both ways equally to make the coin more stable.

>> No.19491575

Do you have a source for this?
I'm not able to understand the intricacies of the code myself, but until it's audited and provably set in stone, surely this is still a huge risk?

>> No.19491591

But who can shut it down in an unregulated market?

>> No.19491628
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, 1582027814339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can

>> No.19491647

The telegram, but yeah you aren't wrong.
I give the devs leniency though since it's day 5 of the coin release and we literally broke their v1 coin since we caused an explosive boom in volume before they were officially ready.

>> No.19491661

Has anyone asked the Devs about plans to be audited?
And have they responded?

>> No.19491699

Dew it jew

>> No.19491703

Dunno, ask them yourself. I recall abu-akr saying an audit was planned.

>> No.19491762

Feed the Thanos

>> No.19491766



>> No.19491789

Look at it goooooooooooooooo

>> No.19491821


>> No.19491845

Yes they just confirmed it in the a telegram

>> No.19491923

Pretending this takes off, what is a realistic number for this coin to hit? $0.40?

>> No.19491926

this is what they said when asked about the audit -

"We're currently looking at getting an audit done, please wait for further announcements!"

>> No.19491945

Clap it up niggas

>> No.19491982

0.40 is completely realistic.

>> No.19492026

0,30-0,75 mid term i would say

>> No.19492029

Does anyone know roughly how long an audit would take, once started?

>> No.19492050
File: 241 KB, 1331x1079, 1589740288909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hold statera (STA)

>> No.19492073

Looking good on google trends.

>> No.19492129

So upcoming exchange listing, upcoming audit after that some time....
What else can these fags do and release to not lose attention?

They need a regular stream of announcements even if it's not much progress to have a good image.

>> No.19492149

Never felt comfiest in my life

>> No.19492185

Exchange is by far the biggest thing right now, the purchase process is too convoluted at the moment. Uniswap is obscure enough by itself but it’s not even listed there, you have to specifically know the URL.

>> No.19492188

It's not even a week old project, they focused more on delivering the working system behind it. I'd rather have something do what it's supposed to than read 20 pages of promising bullshit and have them not deliver a year later.

>> No.19492200

I thought it was written ok

>> No.19492230
File: 28 KB, 334x506, 1587409098256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based.
scott is too autistic too write a boring whitepaper, he would rather just make the damn thing and then release it.
The man is based as fuck.

>> No.19492244

As far as I understand it they already deployed the system and it's completely autonomous from here on out?

>> No.19492264



>> No.19492285

Yup. They released STA with the burning mechanic and linked it to Thanos, the balancer pool. The balancer pools are are a completely different project from a different team.

>> No.19492302


>> No.19492339

>I'd buy a new phone for my dad.
To match the Lambo you bought him? Based.

>> No.19492347

>he thinks it’s going below .02 again


>> No.19492403

guys get the medium article trending on twitter

>> No.19492419


oh shid

>> No.19492442


Guys i need help with the reddit thread. Sort by newest and help me answer to all these questions.

>> No.19492458

Refer them to the medium article.

>> No.19492473

>Plz sirs, sell your coins so can swing trade sirs, thank you plz

>> No.19492512

stop using brand new reddit accounts

>> No.19492543

honestly.. pay a famous celebrity - soulja boy - like 300 dollars to shill the medium article. that's ALL we need to do

>> No.19492577
File: 61 KB, 184x184, 1410905648522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahha you came up with soulja boy of all people

>> No.19492588

Number of addresses is increasing quickly. Feeling very bullish right now

>> No.19492601

Reddit r/crypotocurrency daily discussion, there's a post on there about STA which has been downvoted. Upvote the hell out of it and promote some positive discussion and reddit will flock

>> No.19492610

I’m 90% sure degen spartan from twitter has a bag of statera. You could try shilling him on twitter, he is followed by some smart people.

>> No.19492617


You made me laugh!

>> No.19492629



just upvoted

>> No.19492634

It will

>> No.19492639


On it

>> No.19492655

Based anon. Let's get it to a good number and have some 'looks interesting' type posts (if you have an account with a decent age)

>> No.19492680

make it clear to the redditors that they will actually benefit from this coin and we aren't just shilling a bag for them to pump

>> No.19492739

we need to become the redditors. ask some questions. 'looks interesting, [valid question], i might put an eth in and see what happens. market cap is still super low...



main comment needs more upvotes.

we keep this going for a while and the ball will start rolling. that place is an echo chamber for idiots, if we plant the seed it will grow.

>> No.19492785

my reddit account's fairly new and so far only commented on r/cryptomoonshots a couple times

>> No.19492811

can still get upvoting anon

>> No.19492817

lol pamp 2.0 is out hahaha. STA is the King

>> No.19492827

Was that you who created the eth whale thread 6 or 8 hours ago?

>> No.19492836

Whatever we need more upvotes and people asking questions there.

>> No.19492851
File: 203 KB, 1200x1600, 451A9213-D3D5-4B30-9C62-1414FECA3808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Christ Anon. Good job!

>> No.19492880
File: 143 KB, 1441x745, fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be aware of discord trannies triying to FUD on STA because they sold low KEK

>> No.19492920


>> No.19492940

what server is that
I recognise a couple of them from another server

>> No.19492947

sooner or later they will jump on board. WHy waste time FUDing? makes no sense.

>> No.19492949

We'll roll in cash and they'll neck themselves, FUD or not

>> No.19492958

link to the discord? I'll integrate my way in

>> No.19492974

>looking for some valid sta fud
>uniswap shitcoin
kek neck yourselves

>> No.19492994



>> No.19493020

Even the fudders are bullish

>> No.19493030
File: 343 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200603_161316_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we gonna moon again?

>> No.19493037

God best laugh in a while.

>valid points i foudn so far
>uniswap shitcoin

>> No.19493060
File: 113 KB, 750x1000, mp,840x830,matte,f8f8f8,t-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers where am I suppose to put that, tried on the end of the url just redirects me to home page, I'm unfamiliar with this site anon

>> No.19493095

ok your comments will be deleted if you click on the link, so navigate manually to the comment to avoid this

>> No.19493166

Yep, reddit does this to avoid brigading. Just go to r/cc, daily discussion, and find the comment made by TJohns88

>> No.19493168

O shit did they fix the CG chart?

>> No.19493179

Volume still displays incorrectly though

>> No.19493196

See if
I am not super familiar with discord either

>> No.19493226

ah cool that works cheers anon

>> No.19493288

I'm planning to make some really cool STA T-shirts. Post your design that I should print on them.

>> No.19493321


sta box

>> No.19493353

I want a red Statera logo.

>> No.19493385

Alright boys. When will the moon to something like 4 cents potentially?
Also do you think it will ever go under 2 cents again so I can buy in more? i didn't have much money before to buy in with

>> No.19493396

Sta box and i will order one and i will wear it once this hits 0.5

>> No.19493430

As soon as uniswap v2 fixes their shit or coingecko starts displaying proper volume along with an exchange listing

>> No.19493431
File: 63 KB, 627x584, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder there is a whale discord server actively trying to suppress the price. These are the same people who pumped and dumped ESH.
They are trying to accumulate and shake out weak hands. I just got banned for exposing the group.
There is going to be a fucking slaughter. you guys better sell now and buy at the bottom.

>> No.19493464

Yeah nice try after
now we have the whale discord server kek just buy in now before it's too late

>> No.19493484

Why is the balance here:

A different balance to the one here:


>> No.19493494


>> No.19493498

i hope you and everyone in that discord gets terminal cancer

>> No.19493524

It's the same pool, but with deflationatory tokens people at balancer have said to use the noproxy link to add liquidity to it

>> No.19493530

>guys there is a fud campaign by discord trannies
>sell now
Go back to discord

>> No.19493532

okay whale

>> No.19493553

wont matter. This thing is solid for the long term. Pumps or dumps along the way mean nothing to me. 2021 Q1 is my target.

>> No.19493558

>Better sell now
And help the whales accumulate???

>> No.19493563

You faggots can suck my dick
You do this everytime something actually good comes along
>muhh whales gonna crash the price
Those motherfuckers have at best 1k between the whole server
Keep staging conversations and wasting your time when you could be DCAing in
I will never sell

>> No.19493577
File: 77 KB, 1267x620, whales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick reminder this is from the "whales" (160k stack, not even a dolphin) on the discord server buying back at a loss.

>> No.19493584
File: 2.46 MB, 3888x2592, 1557982554845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ifs:
- BTC dumps and all the different tokens in the balancer pool lose a similar or greater % in their value as alts use to do
- A balancer pool is set up that includes a stable coin (USDT etc)
Last q:
I added about 50$ of liquidity / token to the balancer pool. I saw that it had shuffled my pooled holdings around slightly, does it do anything that benefits me directly like pay interest?

>> No.19493585

It is slightly bellow 0.02 right now, might be the only chance. I think it dropped to 0.0185 for a few minutes a few hours ago. The dips are getting smaller.

>> No.19493589


Just dipped below 2 cents. If you're waiting nows a good time to buy in

>> No.19493590

The price just pumped 0.024 then crashed to 0.018 within 10 seconds. One of you fuckers sold a stack.

>> No.19493593


>> No.19493594

Haven't checked the price yet. Are we above 0.0264

>> No.19493599
File: 12 KB, 474x95, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned for exposing the group. Believe me or dont. But i sold at the top and just waiting for the bottom. You guys are going to get fucking slaughtered. This group must have an upward of 50k STA to be allowed in. The dump is going to be massive

>> No.19493606
File: 97 KB, 958x554, unipower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck STA,

unipower is where it's at, 100% transparent supply added to liquidity

>> No.19493611

What is STA box?

>> No.19493615

I probably hold more by myself than the whole group then KEK

>> No.19493616

I’m not worried about your lunch money. Dump it all, please.

>> No.19493622

yeah what the fucks going on

>> No.19493623

lol I have 750K in one wallet alone. These are minnows.

>> No.19493625

Where do I buy brah

>> No.19493637
File: 93 KB, 586x192, oh wow price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19493639
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1584777649064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50k is whale

>> No.19493647

If we want your shitcoin wed be in your thread.

>> No.19493669


some weeb edited the LINK logo with the STA logo and named the image sta box

>> No.19493676

>This group must have an upward of 50k STA to be allowed in.
That's the pajeet stack you fucking retard LMAO

>> No.19493683
File: 32 KB, 640x640, photo_2020-06-02_21-39-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the whales dump so i can throw some more ETH at this absolute gem

>> No.19493686
File: 318 KB, 1775x2048, 15911060291674725513962590243558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>50k STA

>> No.19493705

someone cap this shit for the next thread pls so we can keep keking at the discord trannies

>> No.19493710
File: 26 KB, 598x574, 1585243519268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19493739
File: 58 KB, 717x520, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek laughing anons ill have the last laugh. Theres over 200 people in the server. 50k is just the min. Most people have way more

>> No.19493746
File: 228 KB, 1786x295, np.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales run this place

>> No.19493747
File: 507 KB, 1280x1280, 7e8d0141-240f-4542-a269-000715dd92df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy knowing that i have more sta and more eth than the whole server so their dump will be eaten alive. Almighty Thanos is backing us up!

>> No.19493770


>> No.19493788

Fuck that scares me. I only have 6075 in STA. Should I sell now and buy the dip when whales dump?
Sorry if this sounds stupid i am a NOOB

>> No.19493798
File: 9 KB, 249x197, 1591106144684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are really doubling down
holy kek this is to good to be real

>> No.19493810

That was mine, I also got banned for brigrading for 30 days because someone fucking linked the post here.

Next time navigate there organically.

Someone else take the reigns in tomorrows chat.

>> No.19493817

yes pls dump and buy back at a loss thank you based whales

>> No.19493820

you literally write like you have zero social skills and autism. cringe

>> No.19493829
File: 15 KB, 396x147, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your going to get fucking slaughtered if you keep holding. These whale are manipulating the prices. Why do you think after every pump there is a massive dump?

>> No.19493832


>> No.19493835


It is an index fund, so if the whole market goes down, then it will likely go down too, although if btc dropped 5% and eth dropped 10%, it would swap that around so that they become equal in value again. Same way with gains. If the marked is up, then the pool will go up. If I understand it correctly.
Mining is coming soon, which will earn you BAL tokens. I think there is another way that it benefits you directly but I am not sure, I mainly just put money in to act as a buffer against fluctuations. Shuffling things around is what it is meant to do

>> No.19493839

Not just a noob, you're a nigger too. Neck yourself. Do it.

>> No.19493841

Reply limit again

>> No.19493843

ignore the fud
monkeys playing strange games as usual or trying to kill the momentum. Stay rational, keep holding or pooling whatever.

Ignore the pathetic discord "drama", it won't have any long-lasting effects

>> No.19493845

>50k min
that is not whale status

t. 1.2mil

>> No.19493853

Virtual machines and everything to sell their bags to us :D

>> No.19493861

Idk why we're trying to runa reddit campaign in the first place
There's people fudding it in fucking cryptomoonshots saying it's a scam
Literally the home of stupid scams and moonboys
It's the same people fudding it here
Honestly let them find out on their own
That thread you posted is like a mini business and finance but without 4chan speak

>> No.19493866
File: 285 KB, 1775x2048, STA BOX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the anon who made it did his best but i remade it so it looks a bit better

>> No.19493885

Just for that, I am going to shit in the next 3 unipower threads I see. Stay in your lane, faggot

No, holding steady around ~0.02

>> No.19493893

I still think the STA bill is the way to go

>> No.19493908

someone is rping as this guy, this is a shitpost and there is no organization in that discord that could influence the price to begin with, there is no STA whale server anons

>> No.19493931

hello discord trannies.

>> No.19493942

new thread btw

>> No.19493977

This IS the dip. Sell and lose your stack if you want though. Use the money you get to buy rope though

>> No.19494007

Reddit is censored as fuck

>> No.19494037

Because it's a fucking echo chamber, much like biz, except once they get an idea in their head it'll stay there forever (they still love VeChain & Nano almost 3 years later)

Promote positive discussion and you've expanded the amount of buyers significantly. the cryptomoonshots discussion yesterday was mine too and that's had more comments than any post in recent memory.

Twitter has barely taken note yet either, it's another opportunity to snowball there if approached in the right manner.

If word doesn't get out then it's just us 100 anons talking amongst ourselves

>> No.19494611

>check out the guy who sold 500k 20 min ago
>he holds ghost
>it barely went down
>already recovered

I feel sorry for the guy. This isn't a McAfee scam, but he can't see that.

>> No.19494799

He didn't sell though, he just transferred to a different wallet, and burned some STA in the process