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File: 2 KB, 640x384, germany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19440871 No.19440871 [Reply] [Original]

I am Software Developer and earn 55.000€ which leaves me with 32.000€ after taxes. My landlord gets 1000€ each month. I will always remain a poor wagie if I stay here.

>> No.19440915
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you buy as many chainlink tokens as you can.

>> No.19440925

so after rent and everything you have less than 20k to invest?

>> No.19440937

>over 40% tax

>> No.19440944

32k after income tax. Then 22k after other taxes and fees.

Do europeans really?

>> No.19440952

Yes. If I would spend no money on food, public transport or any hobbies, that would be the max. what I could invest

>> No.19440965

fucck you
keep paying your taxes otherwise italy goes bankrupt you idiot

>> No.19440975

My favorite part about all of the redditor romanticization of Europe is that they fail to acknowledge that those in the 50-150k earning range are miserably weighed down by their "generous" system.

>> No.19440979
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Are taxes really that high there? Feels good to live in the UK

>> No.19441033

it's more like 60% when you're done at the end of the month

>> No.19441050

55k, da geht noch was. Senior/Architekt gehen 70k locker. Nach und nach kleine 1-2 Zimmer Apartments in Studentenstädten kaufen. 20% Eigenkapital kann man von deinem Einkommen in 2-3 Jahren ansparen.

Kannst du an der Miete nicht was drehen? 1k klingt schon happig, Single/Familie?

>> No.19441092

The answer is - stop working and go on NEETbux. Only cucks work in germany.

>> No.19441103

Do u get other benefits in Germany? E.g. 401k match, pension, company car, etc.? or Is It's just 55K Euro cash only?

>> No.19441125

wait why do people want to move to germany then?

>> No.19441138

You can neither read, nor understand different taxation systems. Congrats.
>32.000€ after taxes.

>> No.19441139

Leave Germany and come to USA brother. I make 150k USD as a fresh grad at Amazon.

>> No.19441141

Hast du studiert?
Which city are you in?

>> No.19441167

What'ts the point, anon? If I earn 70k, I increse my after-tax earning from 32k to 39k
I live in Munich (single) and it is not really possible to find a cheaper place here

>> No.19441172

i have no idea

>> No.19441205

Do what I did:

Buy bitcoin at 400, sell at 1200, buy a fucking rv, quit rent forever, live like a chad wherever i want, freelance gigs, no addictions so I can buy crypto every day, cook my own food so I save tons even on food alone, already have 10x bigger portfolio than when I did when I bought the rv. No regrets.

>> No.19441211

The way German system works, I pay for the current retirees, when I retire, the new generation of workers will pay for me. Since German population is shrinking that system is bound to blow up sooner or later

>> No.19441218

post tax is considered. pension, healthcare (for the entire family), childcare (depends on county), schools, university, unemployment, church. Other benefits (company car, bike, etc.) typically just add to your taxable income by ~1% RRP

>> No.19441233
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32k post tax monthly or annualy?

Kauf dir mehrere Einkommens ETF und obendrauf ne Immobilie in den Vorstädten und werde selber zum Landherrscher

>> No.19441246

>I live in Munich (single)
Was zum Fick?
55k als Software Dev in Minga?
It's fucking over.
Currently studying Informatics in Regensburg. Fuck me in my head

>> No.19441251

Also OP is a moron if he's complaining about German salaries (have you seen all the immigrats from half the world getting in)
Also OP is a moron cause a software developer in Germany should be making more, I hope youre a young junior making retarded post at the start of his career
Also OP is moron - wage before tax is irrelevant, you only posted is so you can bitch about taxes existing and have other bitches bitch together with you
Also OP is a moron cause "it is not really possible to find a cheaper place" gimme a break
Also OP is a moron cause he stil has plently of money to spend investing in and make it.

etc etc i could go on, you get my point

>> No.19441257

ETFs are being taxed to fund the breaking pension system (Grundrente).
Property value in suburbs will decrease due to shrinking population and more people moving to cities

>> No.19441273


>> No.19441276

hello fellow software dev. I am literally in the same position as you. Buy as much link as you can and escape humanity in germany forever

>> No.19441286

if it was that easy...

>> No.19441303

in Regensburg you'll only get 45k.

>> No.19441333

>Property value in suburbs will decrease due to shrinking population and more people moving to cities

Also OP is a moron because
a) he claims property value will decrease
b) he doesnt comprehend that "more people moving to cities" means cities expand, means those suburbs become city parts, which counters his point

>> No.19441344

This... If all u get is 55k Euro cash, with no equity/no other benefits, sounds a bit low for a coder, from burger perspective.

>> No.19441347

als single? Zieh in eine WG, oder mach eine auf.

>> No.19441369

>SPS programmer
>made 26k after text last year
>rent costs about 250-300€, food 200€ per month

We always think how much better it is in other European countries but desu we are doing quite fine after all...

>> No.19441400

It's really laughable.
At least I own 3500 LINK, so I have some hope left.
Funny how my fellow Kommilitonen are so euphoric about it

>> No.19441429
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Not right now, its planned to be taxed around 0. ish %. (i dont support Olaf Scholz neither... fking SPD and Linke ruining this country).

Try to buy at least some tax friendly ETF right now before Finanztransaktionssteuer is coming fren.

Also i find your Salary to be very low as Software Dev. means you make 2.6 to 2.7k € after tax per month? Man i do this same money with only apprenticeship (Ausbildung Elektroniker) and i chilled 3.5 years in my trainee...
Maybe look for other jobs abroad of Germany...
In the US you get very well paid as Softw.Dev but you basically have no real life there (12hrs a day & also pretending to be family with your coworkers) with like 5 vacation days and no healthcare at all unlike Germany.

Yea you could start by gaining some condos one by one to gain some cash flow.

>> No.19441442

Ich bin auch aus München und mach 65 k. Zahl für meine Wohnung 800. Reicht trotzdem nicht um wie ein ami im cryptomarkt einzukaufen

>> No.19441451

>My landlord gets 1000€ each month
Unless you're living with 3 kids and a wife you're throwing money out of the windows. You can probably find a comfy place for 700-800 bucks a month.

There is nothing easiest than working remote as a software dev, I know a few germans who constantly tour between places in Asia and South America (they pretty much change place every year) making more than you and living for dirtcheap.

>> No.19441470


OP forgets about dem 'fugees coming into town with every single one bringing at least 30 "family members" with dem and flooding the market with demand.

>> No.19441487
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It's not comparable, germans have quite the same purchasing power than americans. He does not pay 4k rent like in silicon velly kid
would do, also taxes include pensions and health care. In usa retirees pay health insurance out of their pocket. Yes, if you land a very high
paying job, 200k or so, you can earn more in usa but on median level it's probably better in germany

>> No.19441491

Fachkräftemangel is a fucking lie told everyday by Bitkom. Bitkom is the lobby of the IT employer trying to lower wages for software development in germany. Everyone who gets into IT to make money will get burnout. However, if you are really good, which you'll be after several years of experience, you can do freelancing or find a nice senior dev job

>> No.19441521

dumbest thing i ever heard. even if you pay 4k in rent that's only 48k a year. in USA he would literally be making at least 3 times his salary. he will end up with wayyyy more disposable income. also heathcare costs are irrelevant in USA. Amazon covers my healthcare and when I get old I'll just move to EU or Canada or some other socialized medicine country. You live in USA when you're young make lots of money and then leave. pretty much everyone in tech is doing this.

>> No.19441547

Das Problem ist doch, sobald irgendwann Freundin und später Kinder kommen, braucht man eine größere Wohnung. Da man es sich nicht leisten kann zu Kaufen, muss man zum aktuellen Marktpreis mieten, oder man zieht in irgendein Kuhkaff und lässt alle sozialen Bindungen zurück.
Man wird hier in den besten Jahren seines Lebens ausgesaugt und kann nicht mal was ansparen

>> No.19441623
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Willkommen in Deutschland Bernd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wo die Jungen atleast 5 anderen Drecksrentnern die Rente finanzieren.
Das beschissenste ist auch das man nicht entscheiden kann ob man die Staatliche Rente haben will bzw. Einzahlen möchte oder nicht.
Ich möchte weder diese Scheiss gibs me dats von diesem drecksstaat haben noch sollen die sich in meine Pension einmischen.
Altersvorsorge sollte vor allem Privat ablaufen und nicht über den Staat und meiner Abrechnung!!!!
Sobald ich etwas vermögen angesammelt habe Wandere ich aus diesem Sozialistischen Drecksloch aus.
Die Amerikaner können richtig in der ganzen Welt Einkaufen und für ihre Altersvorsorge Privat vorsorgen und dort juckt es keine Sau wie du vorsorgst aber hier in Deutschland mischen sich diese Sozialistenmissgeburten überall ein. Richtig fetter Krebs sei der SPD und seiner Bob Marley frisur-wählerschaft gegönntttttt

>> No.19441640 [DELETED] 

Wir viele LINKs hast du?
Das blöde mit dem Link staking ist wie schlecht das wieder steuerlich behandelt wird.

>> No.19441650

Wieviel LINK hast du Schwuchtel?

>> No.19441687

Ich habe keine Links. Ich habe 10k auf der bank und sonst nix

>> No.19441709
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Like i said, if you earn 200k or more and have no family to raise then go ahead. You are
implying somebody simply move to usa and make 150k just like, gee, wonder why half of the eastern europeans arent doing that already!

High paying jobs are high in demand even in silicon valley not so common and easy to land one these days. But back to the topic, Living standard is simply superior in germany on median that is not a dispute

>I'll just move to EU or Canada or some other socialized medicine country

Most people find it extremely difficult to move and leave their families and friends to another continent.

>> No.19441717

Ouch, deine Probleme werde ich wohl in den kommenden nächsten Jahre nicht haben mein Freund. Melde dich wenn du eine größere Wohnung mieten möchtest ;)

>> No.19441727

Lebe weit unter deinen Verhältnissen, auf keinen Fall eine Immobilie zum eigenen bewohnen kaufen, wenn dann nur zum vermieten. Crypto Gewinne steuerfrei nach 12 Monaten mitnehmen, deinen Steuerfreibetrag jedes Jahr mitnehmen (800€) - 10% deines Net Vermögens in P2P investieren (bondora go&grow)
Und halt viel schwarz arbeiten lel

Wenn wir’s geschafft haben nach Georgien auswandern. Dazu ruhig mal auf YT das Video von Homo Oeconomicus ansehen, viel guter Input.

>> No.19441729
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In Deutschland wirst du als Mittelschichtler links und rechts gefickt. Boomer Chefs reden dir immer ein, dass du faul bist und mehr arbeiten sollst um erfolgreich zu sein. Dann kriegst du erstmal 40% abgezogen von deinem Brutto. Und am Ende wohnst du in einem Loch vermietet von einem anderen Boomer der dich vorn und hinten ausnimmt. Wieso stößt sich die ältere Generation auf Kosten der Jungen gesund? Grundrente ist Diebstahl

>> No.19441730

>Living standard is simply superior in germany on median that is not a dispute
Yes, because people like me pay the bill

>> No.19441733

>cryptomarkt einzukaufen
Why the fuck is this so funny

ENGLISH, motherfucker, DO YOU SPEAK IT?

>> No.19441742

Oder man hofft dass die Immobilienblase in München platzt.Wenn mehr Firmen dank covid Erfahrungen auf homeoffice umsteigen werden wohl viele Münchner Familien aufs Land ziehen

>> No.19441758

Okay, dann kaufe ab jetzt jeden Monat so viel LINK wie du kannst. Das ist unironischerweise deine einzige Möglichkeit. Wir wissen wie gefickt man in Deutschland mit ETF und Aktien schon ist. Zumindest mit Crypto gibt es noch keine Steuern. Wenn LINK erfolgreich wird, dann könnte das dein letzter Strohhalm sein JEMALS. Ansonsten bringt man es zu nichts.
"Traditionelles investieren in nen ETF ist sicher und hat sich bewährt" das ist für cucks und Loser die es nie zu was bringen werden.
Ich hoffe du bist schlauer.
>t.Informatikstudent mit 3500 LINK

>> No.19441770
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>earn 55.000€ which leaves me with 32.000€ after taxes

>> No.19441793

I won't participate in your ponzi scheme

>> No.19441805

München ist doch chucked. Wieso möchtest du dort leben wollen?

>> No.19441820

Alright, then keep slaving away untill you die

>> No.19441859

Soziale Kontakte... wenn auch wenige da typischer 4chan Frosch

>> No.19441863

Meinst du SC werden sich in den kommenden Jahren erfolgreich etablieren? Das ist für Firmen doch eine große Hürde und bis auf die Defi meme ist adoption noch viele Jahre entfernt.
Wenn du staken willst, verfällt die steuerminderung ja auch wieder.

>> No.19441864

>Altersvorsorge sollte vor allem Privat ablaufen und nicht über den Staat und meiner Abrechnung
Sowas wird in Deutschland nicht funktionieren, viel zu viele Vollpfosten die absolut keine Ahnung von Finanzen haben, das Geld brav auf dem Sparbuch verfallen lassen und auf Papa Staat vertrauen.

Habe nächstes Jahr meinen Bachelor in Vwl, gleiche Stadt wie du. Schätze wohl ich bin gefickt

>> No.19441881

Ja, vor allem weil du in einer Rezession in den Arbeitsmarkt einsteigen wirst

>> No.19441890

was hast du gegen ETFs?
wegen den 25% kapitalabtrag oder den kontogebühren?

>> No.19441908

Last year I made $145k and paid $39k in taxes. Europe is so cucked.

>> No.19441914
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Do not worry Hans. Ahmed and Mbongo will pay your pension. They are all doctors and scientists.

>> No.19441940

Got to feed the migrants somehow

>> No.19441955

Shut ameri-scum. Americans are taxed at a rate just as high as European but have to pay for social spending out of pocket because all of your money goes to the military and FIRE sector. Moron.

>> No.19441960

i made 125k per year as a software developer in the US. Started at 21 at 85k, hit 125 by 25, semi retired at 30

>> No.19442133


>> No.19442170

ja kettenverbindungen sind riskant und noch 10 jahre hin. aber als student ohne verpflichtungen. why not? bafög geld oder 450 euro job lohn, ggf kindergeld kann man da ruhig verblasen...

>> No.19442323

is this real?

>> No.19442363

Lest die Bibel. Das ist keine 10 Jahre mehr entfernt. Digitales Geld wird 2023 kommen

>> No.19442492

Made 21k EUR gross as middle software developer in Cyprus, paid no taxes, as after social insurance contributions my income is less than 19.5k EUR, which is non-taxable and also most of the people here get less than 19.5k EUR net per year. Also made around 100k EUR in trading crypto, also paid no taxes, as Cyprus doesn't tax capital gains or profits from trading digital assets.

>> No.19442497
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yes of course every single burger here is making at least 6 figuers again...
so why are your cities burning then? wasn't there an unemployment rate of 40% or something?
man your dollar is a really neat trick

>> No.19442528

Not even counting what the employer pays in taxes. I assume his real wage is about 70k-75k. Out of that he only recieves 32k, 12k of which go to his landlord. From the remaining 20k 19% is eaten up by the sales tax. So from his atual 70k salary only 16k (22%) remain, not counting the money he needs to spend to travel to work. So on 4 days a week he slaves away for somebody else. We truly live in the most cucked times in history.

>> No.19442531

I live in the suburbs so I never see any riots. We switched to WFH which is pretty comfy since I only have to do about 3 hours of actual work a day.

>> No.19442541

>100k in trading crypto
you probably code your own trading bots right?

>> No.19442593

That 100k profits are not from bots, mostly pure luck, but how do you know, that I'm coding bots, which I plan to use in the near future? I'm actually aiming at 1%-3% per day, which will lead to ~30k per month.

>> No.19442664

Here is what I did.
My roommate made his living by playing a game called old school Runescape and he wanted me to write him some basic shit scripts back in 2013.
Later I learned that this bastard was making big bucks selling the in-game currency. So I went on sythe and started writing scripts for people and took % gain.

I quit working for my wage slave employer and did this fulltime.

Eventually, I moved on writing a bot for clash royale with few .NET devs and we released that shit and sold the bot for $10 a month.

>> No.19442668

how do i know? i guess its apparent. being a dev and trading at the same - lot of people that do both combine this.
but yeah i also tried trading by luck and lost everything so props to you

>> No.19442706
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Because that's the best you can get in the whole fucking continent. Netherlands and UK are slightly better but that's three out of 50+ countries. Why do you think eurofags cling on culture and anything but money? Because if you want to make money here you are almost considered a criminal unless you are a crony of the state and if, Mother Europa forbid, you are a self employed person who wants to be financially independent, YOU BELONG TO A FUCKING CROSS YOU CAPITALIST PIG! Fuck this continent

>> No.19442723

>1%-3% per day
damn bro you're killing it
not even bitconnects bot in late 2017 came up to 1% daily ;)

>> No.19442732

Ich bin selbstständig, probiert es auch irgendwie zu werden. Gerade IT sollte es relativ einfach sein. Private Rentenversicherung ist eh besser, da zahlt man nur für sich selber ein und muss nicht darauf hoffen dass es in 30 Jahren noch dümmere als man selbst gibt die immer noch in dieses System einbezahlen. Ich arbeite ca. 35 Stunden pro Woche als selbstständiger Physiotherapeut und habe wesentlich mehr in der Tasche als damals als Angestellter. Außerdem kannste so jede Scheiße von der Steuer absetzen. Brauchst nen neuen PC? Ist dann halt en Praxis PC den du in deiner Privatwohnung stehen hast. Ach ja du hast dann natürlich auch zu Hause nen Büro und kannst somit nen Teil deiner Miete absetzen. Rofl

>> No.19442733

>trading by luck and lost everything
Well, that's crypto, bro. I was losing for almost two years, until I finally broke even and then started to do multiples on some shitcoins, but again, these are not systematic gains, so I can lose it all overnight. I plan to stop doing manual trading at all, and move into automation on some stable cryptocurrency pairs with low, but systematic profits.

>> No.19442811

Well, I see a lot of pairs which have around 3 to 5 1% - 3% swings per day, which are difficult to get into for the human, mostly because of emotions and greed, but it's perfect fit for supervised software (means, it's not fully automated or AI shit)

>> No.19442820

Es lutscht halt das du hier als top ausgebildete Fachkraft netto nicht mal das doppelte von der frisöse hast, wenn es gut Trinkgeld gibt. Steuern flicken natürlich auch maximal. Wenn du noch jung bist folgender Ansatz :
Geh Richtung Inbetriebnahme und Montage, geht mit Erfahrung ab 70k los und dazu gibt's Fett Bonus im auslandseinsatz. Deine Lebenshaltungskosten zählt der AG, mini Wohnung in De am arsch der Welt reicht, pack die nebenbei auf einschlägigen Portalen rein. Nach paar Jahren hast du ein nettes Land gefunden und arsch viel Geld beiseite geschafft. Ausgecasht wird natürlich nicht in De. Fick Merkel, wer sich sowas als spezialist bieten lässt ist selber schuld

>> No.19442860

Das ist auch mein eventueller Plan.
Noch besser wäre es Unternehmer zu werden, dann könnte ich andere Trottel wie mich ausbeuten.
Ich habe aber keinen Plan, wie ich von meiner aktuellen Situation zur Unternehmungsgründung kommen kann

>> No.19442892

Your accountant is useless and lacks the ability to think on their feet. And if you are location independent, you can either move somewhere cheaper or go full digital nomad abroad and cash in 100%. You can still visit Germany you know.

I deride your lack of creative thinking.

>> No.19442894

>Cyprus doesn't tax capital gains or profits from trading digital assets

>> No.19442920

>cash in 100%
It doesn't work like that, unless you relocate to a tax free country. There are very few of those.

>> No.19442973

This. They are fucking idiots

>> No.19442987

Yes, only if you get capital gains from property within Cyprus or from shares of the company which has property within Cyprus and so on you will pay tax, also in some conditions you might be taxed. You can read here more:

>> No.19442991

Bollocks kamerad. You register in Cambodia or anywhere in SEA, or just simply deregister from Germany. Get an expat travel insurance The SEA countries lack the ability to check your foreign income, or even notice that you are living there.

I haven't paid tax for 20 years just by being hard to put the finger on. I constantly meet people in the same situation. You can do it too.

>> No.19442995
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Montage und Inbetriebnahme möchte aber nicht jeder Bernd machen. Der 0815 Bernd möchte sich hinter seiner Bürotür verstecken und seine Zahlen von 9-17 Uhr bewundern und sich zwischen 15:30 und 16:00 einen von der Palme wedeln und nicht an Schrauben drehen.

Im Handwerk arbeiten außerdem nur Untermenschen und mittlerweile wimmelt es dort nur noch von Ahmeds, Matumbos und Assi Bernds die auf anordnung der Staatskanzlei Merkelagentur zu den jeweiligen Firmen geschickt werden. Dort 1 Jahr arbeiten und dann einen auf Psycho machen und 2 Jahre krank geballert werden und nebenbei schwarz arbeiten.

Deutschlands Sozialsystem muss komplett umgekrempelt werden.
In Zukunft kann das ganze doch gar nicht funktionieren mit der Automatisierung fallen doch Beitragszahler für die Gibs me dats empfänger aus?

>> No.19443039

since this is a German thread, can someone tell me which forms should I fill at the ELSTER if i only invested in American stocks? Also how much is the taxrate for stock gains?
I am with Degiro and they don't do the thing that is usually done at the "Depotkonto" in German banks.

>> No.19443071
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>> No.19443114
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OP is a fucking faggot lair, 55k will earn you 37k NET. after all taxes, health care and social security. burgers need to pay a shit ton for health care in co payments. the public services are pure shit. traffic is shit. police is shit. infrastructure is shit. everything is expensive as hell.

>> No.19443175

>The SEA countries lack the ability to check your foreign income, or even notice that you are living there.
All of the SEA will eventually join the CRS. Thailand in 2024 for example. What you are doing is not legal, and could in the worst case cause trouble for you later. Not to mention it is fucking impossible to have any real trading accounts open if you are "hard to put a finger on". I know it has worked well in the past, but I would suggest establishing a real tax residence in the near future

>> No.19443191

Thanks for the info anon, good to know

>> No.19443346
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what do you think about my solution to this?

>> No.19443430

In Zukunft sind wir am arsch. Sehe nicht ein den Dreck zu bezahlen und bin bereit wo anders scheiße zu fressen wenn da lecker mais drin ist

>> No.19443450

Do you Play wow classic as a tank?

>> No.19443850

Anlage KAP should be all you Need. If you earned money from employment do not forget to include Anlage N

>> No.19443932

Geh International, work online für 100k+ wenn du kein Lappen bist und such aggressiv für eine billig Wohnung die du selbst so schick machst wie du eitel bist. Geht alles,
t. 120k mit 500€ Wohnung zentral in HH

>> No.19443969

Bin 30, verdiene 78.000€ brutto und wohne in einer 25qm Wohnung die ich für 22.000€ gekauft habe.

1000€ an den Vermieter? LOL OPFAH

>> No.19444078

Läuft bei dir Sachsenpaule

>> No.19444136

But Anlage KAP is for the tax returns, I made gains in May this year, should I report that? Or i should just wait until next year for reporting and paying tax on gains?

>> No.19444281
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>40% tax rate on 55k of income
What the fuck? Is this really what europeans deal with?

>> No.19444291

schön für dich, aber wer will schon noch mit 30 in einer 25qm Wohnung wohnen?

>> No.19444331

Emulate Hitler in the bunker. He had the right idea.

>> No.19444439

Pretty accurate description, sadly

>> No.19444678

>40% tax rate on 55k of income
You don't think we are done here, do you?
I'll add what comes afterwards, at least as an austrian
In Germany its probably very similar
>public tv tax: 200-360€/year
>health insurance: 100-300€/month
>gas has a tax of about 60%
>car engine tax, mine is 1k€/year for a 3 litre diesel, they are cheaper in Germany though
>dog tax: 70€
>real estate tax
>20% VAT on every product

I probably forgot something

>> No.19445409

inflation tax.

>> No.19445504

Move to the US. The US is shitty for a lot of reasons, but the one thing it's good for is high wages. You'd probably be earning at least double what you're earning now, with room for earning more.

>> No.19446132

Du wirst auf ewig arm und ein Sklave bleiben du dämlicher Cuck und du verdienst es nicht anders

>> No.19446760

Go to Switzerland if you want to make money in Europe.

>> No.19446830

kek, 30 years ago Boomer

>> No.19446856

>L3 TC at google in Zurich: 134k
after tax that is ~100k

That's an entry-level salary.

>> No.19446859

>I probably forgot something
A few things but you get the idea

>Go to Switzerland if you already have money in Europe.

>> No.19446869

Cause burger baking mcdonalds niggers post on TikTok not 4chan

>> No.19446892

Only post that understands the current state of Europe

>> No.19447039

>Informatikstudenten shillen Chainlink
Ihr seid einfach alle Retards. Ihr verdient es, arm zu sein.

Most Germans are retards. They are born to be wage slaves.

>> No.19447103

>have you seen all the immigrats from half the world getting in
Op is paying their dole dumb fuck.

>> No.19447157

UK is a shithole. I live in Australia which is basically the Eldorado for most UK professionals. They all want to move here for higher wages and the possibility of not living in a euro cuckbox apartment

>> No.19447230

And continental europe is a shithole. I live in UK which is basically the eldorado for most eurofags. I moved here for higher wages and the possibility of, never mind. Having a UK passport is a blessing because you can easily move to any of the civilized anglophone countries AND any remaining functioning countries, like singapore

>> No.19447408

Poo in loo

>> No.19447471

>taxed almost half income
>public transport isnt free

>> No.19447612 [DELETED] 

I'm from Denmark. Taxes are indeed very high here, but they're not THAT bad if you make <$80k/ year. As far as I remember, the average tax rate is 33.5%. Yes, that's a lot but you have to factor in that we get free university, $850/ month in student gibs for living expenses, free primary/ middle/ high school, free kindergarden if you're pure, sizeable public pension (enough to live on), gibs if you have children etc. It adds up even if you aren't a leech.
Also, our tax wages are MUCH higher for the middle class and lower class than in the US. At Mcdonald's wagies make $18/hour + 5 weeks of paid vacation + paid sick leave + private pension.
For upper class/ upper middle class wages are about the same as the US, but our work hours are MUCH better and we have much more vacation.
Some doctors make $300k+ here. Sure, it sucks to pay half of that in taxes, but you're still left with $150k. That's a lot of money. Especially when you consider that you don't have to pay for healthcare, school for your children, you have zero student debt etc.
I make a lot of money and wish taxes were lower, but honestly life is great here. We have a lot less foreigners than the US, a lot less crime, we have zero poverty, no mentally ill people in the streets, our cities are clean etc.

>> No.19447637


Nope. Our median wages are higher, AND we pay lower taxes on them. Anyone with a decent job pays $100/month max for health insurance. Try again.

>> No.19447716

I'm from Denmark. Taxes are indeed very high here, but they're not THAT bad if you make <$80k/ year. As far as I remember, the average tax rate is 33.5%. Yes, that's a lot, but you have to factor in that we get free university, $850/ month in student gibs for living expenses, free primary/ middle/ high school, free kindergarden if you're poor, sizeable public pensions (enough to live on), gibs if you have children, huge unemployment benefits etc. It adds up even if you aren't a leech.
Also, our wages are MUCH higher for the middle class and lower class than in the US. Even Mcdonald's wagies make around $18/hour + 5 weeks of paid vacation + paid sick leave + private pension.
For upper class/ upper middle class wages are about the same as the US, maybe a little lower at the very top ($300k+/ year jobs). But our work hours are MUCH better and we have much more vacation.
Some doctors make $300k+ here. Sure, it sucks to pay half of that in taxes, but they're still left with $150k. That's a lot of money. Especially when you consider that you don't have to pay for healthcare, school for your children is free, you have zero student debt, etc.
I make a lot of money and wish taxes were lower, but honestly life is great here. We have a lot less foreigners than the US, a lot less crime, we have zero poverty, no mentally ill people in the streets, our cities are clean etc.

>> No.19447780
File: 254 KB, 334x506, 1581926061923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried learning to code?

>> No.19447825

US is over 50% once you factor state tax, local tax, property tax, sales tax and gasoline taxes.

>> No.19447850

Freedom ain’t free.... wait a second

>> No.19448009

Fren, your country is the rich suburbs of Europe.

>> No.19448094

Just imagine, if USA wasn't taking in literally millions of Hispanics, Indians and Chinese every year we could have moved to the ultimate high wage, high freedom, big spaces country

>> No.19449051

And who the fuck is going to pay those wages dum dum?