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19438399 No.19438399 [Reply] [Original]

You guys shilled MRO but it’s been taking the shit for a month straight, Morgan & Stanley also rated it as a sell

>> No.19438554

Look into SSL. Seems like a better play than MRO. Looks like it’s in a uptrend right now

>> No.19438581

I second SSL. MRO won't be that bad long term (think winter time when people need heat) but it probably won't do more than 2x. SKYW might 2x once domestic flights pick back up. NAIL will continue to go up while people figure out how to build houses during all this shit

>> No.19438669

I third this and am not even samefagging to pump my bags

>> No.19438779

I just dumped 700$ into Sasol. This better be good

>> No.19438792

eth or bitcoin

>> No.19438826

Unless some retarded bullshit happens and South Africa suddenly goes full solar, SSL will most likely go up for a bit

>> No.19438848

I have just finished reading factfulness by Hans Rosling and he is correct that Africa will be the future. This talk here was enough to convince me to invest

>> No.19438896
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>tfw when I told everyone on /biz/ to buy SSL @1.80 and everyone called me stupid
>now its at 5.21 and its getting noticed

>> No.19438905

I would have listened then if I had been investing. I just started getting my feet wet, SSL looks like a great buy for the moment

>> No.19438980
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Well, when I first started to post it, this is what I was preaching.
Sasol is undervalued. The decline in stock value prior to the Coronavirus was due to the LCCP project went over budget in Q4 of 2019, they had a fire at the ethoxylates unit in Jan., then unexpected the price of oil dropped to less than $35 a barrel, and Sasol wasn't hedged. The drop in oil, the LCCP project cost overrun, and fire in Jan. all happened just a couple months prior to the Coronivirus where oil prices took a nose dive. They had to restrict production in South Africa due to the excess of fuel caused by the Coronavirus. All this said, Sasol is still generating profits. They took actions several years prior seeking to diversify away from fossil fuels and into the chemicals market. Their future is an intergrated chemicals industry. The LCCP project is 99% finished. The last unit is starting up in June. June or early July is when you should expect to see this stock jump. Currently we will see days like these where the price drops. However, it will not be long before the market notices that Sasol is severely undervalued. In the next couple years, this stock will return to $22+ a share.

If Sasol fails, a whole country will suffer. South Africa energy needs depends on SSL. MRO fails and the executives just retire early and join somewhere else as a board member.
Sasol definitely mixing things up though, rough times for a little while.Sasol is essentially the Chevron of South Africa before it went to chemical business it was purely natural gas and oil.

Sasol's business plan is below for managing their debt during this crisis.

>> No.19439180

This is the kind of research I wish all stock recs came with on /biz/. It's always a gamble but at least this is a much more informed gamble.

>> No.19439231
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Thank you anon.