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19437658 No.19437658 [Reply] [Original]

Clean your room

>> No.19437692
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>> No.19437713

that guy literally got sent to rehab and hes telling us to get our shit together LMAO

>> No.19437727
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>> No.19437731

juden peterstein

>> No.19437778

I listened to him while doing research when markets are closed and honestly he gives great advice. Kind of sad how people meme him and make fun of him but I guess that's what happens when you feel insecure for being called out. You're not going to make it in a day and something as simple as cleaning your room makes a big difference, especially if you're in depression or something, which has been scientifically proven to be true.

Then again for lots of people on this site their lives are beyond saving honestly so who cares.

>> No.19437849


His words are like gold.

>> No.19438107

He's a complete reject in the academic community so he turned to chatting alt right bollocks on youtube instead. He pretends that every statement he makes is supported by academic research but you go and ask any half good psychology academic and they'll tell you he literally cherry picks 1 or 2 articles and ignores the other 99%.
Hes very good at manipulating incels and more widely telling men exactly what they want to hear, I'll give him that. But literally nobody in his field takes him seriously at all and hes just considered to be a manipulative sellout.

>> No.19438164

Is he still retarded from his drug withdrawls?

>> No.19438238

Red pilled

>> No.19438243
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>> No.19438284

Thats because the field consists of leftist bluepilled marxist nutjobs that cry foul when someone actually defends basic human rights

>> No.19438290

The field of psychology is full of bullshit in general, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis.. But Peterson is generally a good academic and has done interesting work. He was only rejected after he became controversial.

>> No.19438305

The dude abuses drugs. Like cmon nigga just stop shoving drugs up your ass, lmfao like nigga no one is forcing you to be a degenerate .

>> No.19438395

Blablabla. Most of his advice is reasonable and psychology 101. If you think telling people to keep their personal space tidy and organised is bad advice you're beyond hope.

>> No.19438551

c'mon bro just stop browsing 4chan and start working towards your goals no one is holding you back but yourself why do you do this man

>> No.19438566


>> No.19439764

>projection: the post

Maybe if you clean your room for once you'll be able to focus.

>> No.19439828

i am physiologically unable to

>> No.19439869

>still on 4chan>>19438566

>> No.19440002
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>> No.19440013

He is literally Goldstein from 1984; a member of the Inner Party (that is, he's a tenured professor and UN speaker), supposedly a traitor and existential enemy to the Inner Party, but in reality is entirely propped up as a Two Minutes Hate boogeyman for the Inner Party, while also serving as a conspicuous siphon for any would-be dissidents against the party line to gather around and expose themselves.

>> No.19440048

>Sacrifice your life for the system
No thanks. I'm no NEET, but I'm not your moral slave agent either.

>> No.19440245

>Thinking that popping pills will make you happy
Lmao. When will these morons realize that they need to fucking exercise? Our bodies are not meant for the average sedentary lifestyle of today. Everybody is constantly bitching about how unhappy and depressed they are, so they keep coming up with ridiculous meme solutions that don't work. Nigga literally just go for a fucking run or lift some fucking weights, get off your lazy ass and you won't be so unhappy. I used to want to kill myself, but I started lifting and now I don't. The only times I feel suicidal anymore is when I haven't exercised for a few days, it is literally that simple. Everybody keeps overcomplicating the fuck out of depression when it is just because they don't want to admit that it is their fault for being sedentary. How the fuck am I the only one that has figured this out?

>> No.19440264


>> No.19440270

Why are people always so eager to get into these huffy, cussing tirades over shit that doesn't really warrant it?

>> No.19440356

Why do people bitch and moan constantly about problems that are their fault? It's irritating to listen to the same shit 24/7 when none of these morons are ever going to put in the effort to change.
I'm so sick of hearing it.

>> No.19440376
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>> No.19440396

his lecture videos are great, other then that idc

>> No.19440404
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Do you think his daughter flew to Romania to help tate clean his room?

>> No.19440417

Is there anything this cat can't do?

>> No.19440439

I'm not going to take advice on being a man from someone who failed at raising their daughter and got addicted to benzos. I bought 12 rules for life and was into his stuff around 2018 but I feel like he's a bit of a con man now.

>> No.19440454

Don't get hooked on pills.
Don't do weird therapies in Russia.
Bye bye Jordan!

>> No.19440582
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How high did he claim his own IQ is? 170?

>> No.19441296

lol how is this real

>> No.19441441

Fucking kek