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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19422560 No.19422560 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuuuuuuck. This is blowing up. Wait til the Reddit fags get a wind of this.

>> No.19422577

What do you mean with blowing up? What happened? We hit $1 per token already or what?

>> No.19422586

It's moving hard g

>> No.19422597

Duuhh it's deflationary so it is going to pump and pump beyond $1 but where can I see the price?

>> No.19422604

No it’s not

>> No.19422605

It's 0.008$ per token and I see lots of activity. Still shitty slippage...

Someone contact Reddit and Twitter and offer them all the information on how to buy it. I want this to moon properly, not the tiny PnDs sessions we had because of the glitches and 2 extra tokens.
All of /biz/'s money is already in, it's time to bring in new money.

>> No.19422615

Uniswap V1. I posted the address. Check it with DAI if you want to see the price in $$$.


>> No.19422625

I fucked up. It's 0.0044$ per token.

Had 1.8(xxxxx) tokens instead of 1 token.

>> No.19422627

It sounds like such a dream. A larp. But I do think it’ll be possible so long as the whales are polite enough to not dump on us all at once. Aforementioned whales themselves didn’t even have to spend that damn much seeming as most got in the moment it launched. We’re talking maybe 10 ETH.

>> No.19423179

168000 bag holder here. I’m in the top 100 I’m holding! :) this is a trip man!

>> No.19423266

$1 is not a meme

>> No.19423275

Slippage is pretty high, not a lot of liquidity in the pool. Have fun trying to cash out

>> No.19423282

you've been pushed off! i have a bag of 171 and am squarely in 100th place with my poorfag stack.

>> No.19423295

Why the fuck do you want to run off to your little faggoty friends on reddit before this has already mooned.

>> No.19423297

1.5 m reporting in. Not selling before 0,25$

>> No.19423298
File: 47 KB, 605x406, Screen Shot 2020-05-30 at 11.00.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit. slippage isn't an issue with v3.

>> No.19423307

Yur enjoying this arent you?
Pls dont buy in this moontrip

>> No.19423326

picked up a bag, this is pretty comfy
no shitty threads with Pajeet tier memes, no sketchy discords and no promises of 1000x rewards
looks like we've finally found a good one

>> No.19423349

Comfy 1 mln bag

>> No.19423357
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i feel bad posting this image when the excitement started trying to spread awareness.

>> No.19423373

>top 5 holders can dump and crash this to 0 at any time

>> No.19423379

I won't ;)

>> No.19423383

Top 5 holders can bang Ur mom

>> No.19423397

Why you ruined the devs life hahah

>> No.19423398

thats how it goes with crypto. hopefully none of them get too greedy while this thing is taking off. said dips will let people buy back in at a discount. i don't see people abandoning this. we dont have a drug dealer as the frontman. the people who are in it right now are fucking iron hands who stuck with things through v1 and v2.

>> No.19423416

Liquidity on the increase anyway. Devs already added 3mil

>> No.19423426
File: 734 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200530-111241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me borrow some of your sta and you can have me

>> No.19423455

I'm one of them. I wont be. Its usually the jeets with .5eth in projects that collectively dump. Whales become whales cause they hold. At least that my intention. I see zero reason why this doesnt hit $1. With burning at least half the supply that's only 50m mc. Easy fucking peasy. Will need some courage to hold for that though. Most of you poorfags are already planning to sell after 3x I expect.

>> No.19423456

>almost 2% for 3 eth
You literally just proved my point
You retards with huge bags will not be able to cash out after it 5xs. One whale cashing out an early bag will suck up all the liquidity in the pool.

>> No.19423481


Lol. Go home poorfag. This project is formen not boys.

>> No.19423487

The “current liquidity” there are going to be a lot of new buyers in the coming weeks

>> No.19423491

Why would people add liquidity when the token is rapidly growing instead of waiting until it gets stable retard?

>> No.19423508

The higher the price goes the more liquidity you little fag. So no, it doesn't work like you try to look like.

>> No.19423511

For what it's worth, top 75 wallet holder here and these hands are made of titanium

>> No.19423524

How much to make it?

>> No.19423529

Us early ones already got the investment back and made profit with v1 and v2 and what not. We're holding all the way up. Yesterday half eth would net you a 300k bag, now you gotta throw in 1 for 47k.

>> No.19423533

Anon I got a 400k stack with my 2 ETH. At this point, I'm gonna go big or go home. #fuck it.

>> No.19423548

what's the suicide stack?

>> No.19423565

and thanks for proving my point of your inability to grasp it. it's already gone up .1 ETH since posting that. that's 3%. this shit is taking off while the days old coin will have its liquidity sorted out. while you're worried about losses you're not seeing the bigger picture of gains. stay losing.

>> No.19423595

Anon I believe 1 ETH will get you a 50k stack right now. Also, in case you put more be willing to lose it. The whales might pull the plug a week from now or a month. No one knows.

>> No.19423597

general target seems to be somewhere between 100k - 200k, i suppose. whatever you can comfortably afford. i've yet to see this question come up desu.

>> No.19423634
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"muh liquidity"

>> No.19423638

Nobody knows how high can this really go. /biz/ is the only board where threads stay and had 300+ replies in the past week, one thread of reddit yesterday had 8 replies in 7 hours. When this hits the normies and some serious whale cash in/add to the pool, could probably hit 1$?

>> No.19423643

Indeed. It's impossible to tell suicide or make it stack marks here coz it all depends on what price do the whales decide to check out. The patient iron hand whales will DEFINITELY make it with this coin alone.

>> No.19423676

ive said it before and ill say it again im forever fucking angry that i wasnt able to put in a larger investment thanks to how shit shook down with v1 but its damn exciting to see this shit take off. it just keeps going.

>> No.19423686

yeah the fact that even plebbit are bullish on this gives me hope

>> No.19423693

.0055. lets smash that fucking sell wall.

>> No.19423718

top 30 wallet, not selling until market cap is at least $50M

>> No.19423750

And what price would that be? $1?

>> No.19423761

They are? You have any discussion link for there?

>> No.19423767

.25 cents

>> No.19423784

This isn't a 5 minute pump and dump you stupid little faggot

>> No.19423794

That would be 50 cents, but as currency keeps getting burned it would get higher.

>> No.19423802

depends on how much supply has burned by then
currently at 97.1m off of 100m yesterday

>> No.19423814


>> No.19423825

Fuck this board became pure cancer. Im out, have fun shilling pnds to eachother, ENDLESSLY

>> No.19423839

my bad. i was going off someone else's projection based off the marketcap price of $2 million.
nigger please. you have to acknowledge its a sell wall when .0055 was the ATH for STA v1 discounting the .01 anomaly.

>> No.19423861

even if you didn't get in early you're still very early. you'll want to eat your own head when you see where this thing goes.

>> No.19423866

It just hit 0.0055

>> No.19423869

It was the ATH since the system broke after that. We don't know whether it would've kept pumping.

>> No.19423903

The fact that this could reach $1 if the top holders don't get greedy is fucking insane.

>> No.19423923
File: 46 KB, 592x396, Screen Shot 2020-05-30 at 11.49.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 1.98% liquidity
>muh 12.5% gain

>> No.19423927

This will be for 1 dollar soon for the fuck sake

>> No.19423935

this shit was fucking WORTHLESS yesterday. wew lad.

>> No.19423947



>> No.19423964

Link it

>> No.19423974

we've been telling you to get in for 24 hours straight now. A thread popped up here within 5 minutes of v3 trustless being announced in the telegram. If you got in, good job anons.

>> No.19424025


>> No.19424039

Another top 40 holder here. Got in as soon as it was released, super grateful I was on the telegram at the time. Not even gonna consider selling til 50 cents.

>> No.19424074

i have statera coins, but they dont show up on uniswap, why is that?
i bought them a while ago, like a week, if that matters

>> No.19424122

yikes lad. you're late. you've been airdropped a portion of the liquidity pool for satv3

>> No.19424216

Anon next time whenever you invest in a coin, ALWAYS keep a tab on its telegram updates. ALWAYS.

>> No.19424553

We need some big crypto twitter shills on this. Fags like Chico and the lot would unironically send us to $1. I'd feel bad dumping on biz, I'd relish in selling my bags to normies. I don't use twitter so one of you anons get on this, technically this is a community project now

>> No.19424662

Delusional lol

>> No.19424675

True. I'll drop statera with the uniswap link on every youtube video by this chico guy, from past month. How does that sound?

>> No.19424685


>> No.19424700

biz is loaded now. do it.

>> No.19424723

Why is he delusional? Explain.

>> No.19424729

Do you understand that selling just increases the liquidity pool. Literally the more dumped the more money I.make.

>> No.19424732

On it anon. I'm bringing the youtube fags here in the coming hours. We'll do well. Deus Vult.

>> No.19424755
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>have over 500k

>> No.19424862

which vid are you starting with??

>> No.19424897

Man uniswap fucked this all up with v2.

Is there no way to see this on uniswap.info v1?

>> No.19424932

Hey..if you bought the old sta..you cannot swap it with the new one?thnx

>> No.19424982

V1 STA is useless now go to the statera website claim your new v3 tokens and sell off the other tokens on balance pool for v3

>> No.19424990

you can swap but V1 STA is so devalued its not worth it

>> No.19425111

I’m a simp, how does selling increase the liquidity pool? I know they burn coins, but hypothetically, what if everyone but me sold all their coins... am I rich??

>> No.19425114

I have a lot of sta and a pretty decent % in pool. Win-win, comfy af

>> No.19425206

I have two wallets in the top 40. I can’t tell you I’m not selling until after 1.5 and we enter the next super bitcoin cycle.

100K can easily net you 100-200K once we hit bull market. I’m hodling

>> No.19425260


>> No.19425270
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These mini dumps and massive pumps are giving me hope that I'll make it.

>> No.19425293

Or keep balance pool the bigger the pool the better

>> No.19425386

The ones with the max views of course. Got stuck doing smthing. Will spam youtube all night now.

>> No.19425459

Damn the sheer amount of people who throw money into something they don't understand

>> No.19425467

Wher can u get an idea of the real price without any of the nonsense from sta v1 and stac?

>> No.19425483

put sta-dai as pair and input 1 coin to trade. it'll give you an accurate usd value

>> No.19425509

let me know b4 u dump bro....

>> No.19425572


>> No.19425596

it seems like everyone is waiting to stack up on a little pull back

>> No.19425638

Yep, the 55 wall was peak of v1 holders and where many got burned. If it breaks it for good we're into the unknown

>> No.19425664

I'm not at my computer right now, I'll be gone for a week. If you have the initial STA token, how do you claim the new V3 token?

>> No.19425697

You have balance pool tokens.

>> No.19425807

Will my airdrop get devalued as STA V3 goes up?

>> No.19425947

Unlike your mom, this thing really doesn't know how to go down.

>> No.19426041


>> No.19426081

No but it’s not gonna pamp your portfolio as hard as if you were to own it exclusively.

>> No.19426084

Anon I don't know about airdrop. Post question in other thread with 280+ replies. Others would know.

>> No.19426098

Complete newfag here. How do I buy this?

>> No.19426119


>> No.19426125

Go to uniswap and paste this address:

>> No.19426156

I don't even know how things work to be honest. Shouldn't I have a ETH wallet or something? I'm dumb. I'll be honest, I heard about this via a friend who's way more in this stuff than me but he's unavailable right now so I thought I could go on /biz/ to ask instead. What would be my first step in order to have more of this?

>> No.19426193

Create metamask wallet > send eth to it > connect wallet to Uniswap v1

>> No.19426218


Paste this address

>> No.19426219

Get metamask from chrome web store. Transfer your ETH from exchange or where ever you have it to metamask. Then click on this and buy STA (again you're new to this project or I suggest don't put too much ETH before reading about it - https://v1.uniswap.exchange/swap/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>> No.19426243
File: 42 KB, 680x605, 1589225421651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinase buy eth metamask. connect metamask to uniswap. swap eth for sta.

>> No.19426264

man, 9x already.
i should've put more in
maybe with sta v4 kek

>> No.19426303

if only. But this is the final iteration. It works beautifully

>> No.19426306

Literally can't be a v4. Someone smarter than me might explain.

>> No.19426411

I think I can explain STA now as per my brainlet abilities. The coin goes brrrrr.

>> No.19426500
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>> No.19426573

You used fast gas right anon?

>> No.19426602

Click on transaction in metamask. It'll show up the 'SPEED UP' option. Click it and choose 'fast mode'. It'll either fail and return your money or go in fast mode.

>> No.19426635

Actually it’s the opposite of brrrrrrrrrt

>> No.19426646

Through the balance pool, link on their website stateratoken.com

>> No.19426687

I have bought STA, how do i monitor the price

>> No.19426690

what do i do if it doesnt show up though

>> No.19426710

add the contract to uniswap v1 and compare with dai or something

>> No.19426737

You can check price here - https://uniswap.info/token/0xa7de087329bfcda5639247f96140f9dabe3deed1

>> No.19426812

does the opposite but that means holders get rewarded and dumpers miss out by design

>> No.19426821

The pool is under 2,000,000 STA, we are approaching zero

>> No.19426829

This shit will never stop it could easy do 100x this is it my friends our fucking moon

>> No.19426834

Thank you anon. Is it safe to buy ETH directly from Wyre or should I go through another "exchange"?

>> No.19426887

I don't know much about wyre. I get my ETH from binance. Only put in the amount that you won't mind losing half off. I don't want people on this board to get ripped off in case some whale dumps though that's unlikely for several days to come..

>> No.19426903
File: 321 KB, 1125x913, 9CEB5848-02C4-4796-AFBC-737A3911DA44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf this thing doesnt stop. I think im actually gonna Make it as a top 20 holder

>> No.19426930
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Thanks. I'll rely on binance then. Yeah, I'm not planning to invest more than I can afford to lose here, probably 100 or 150€ at most. I'll just be testing waters a little, may as well begin and learn cold realities of life with something that seems to be at the center of discussion right now so that it might be easier to follow the price and such for example. I don't know.

>> No.19426932

Can some smart anon explain this

>> No.19426976

It’ll have to buy more STA. Most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in Crypto

>> No.19427071

This is amazing. I can see this doing a run like HEX, but it's deflationary so it could be even crazier.

>> No.19427088

How much to make it? I got 422,000 for about 1 eth and I'm literally cumming my pants.

>> No.19427127


Are you sure about that...

>> No.19427140

About which part? My pants are sopping wet, yes.

>> No.19427146

just passed 300 holders

>> No.19427164

Please don't tell me you bought the v1 and not v3...

>> No.19427196

We all gonna be fucking rich here bros

>> No.19427202

No, it's v3. I got it right as the telegram announced the new coin. What a great day to spontaneously wake up early.

>> No.19427233

Awesome bro. You did well.

>> No.19427253

last chance for next HEX!

>> No.19427260

Lol. You literally woke up into greatness.

>> No.19427273

>422000 for 1 ETH
oh no no no no no no nooooo

>> No.19427281

How do I know I have V3 or V1?

>> No.19427284

ok you're one lucky fucker

>> No.19427286

This is going to be bigger than HEX, which has that massive supply holding it back. Deflationary coins ftw.

>> No.19427340

I'm in the same boat. Got a similar amount, we must've bought within minutes of each other, haha.

Still got this awful feeling that it's gonna come crashing down somehow, but maybe that's just the pessimist in me?

>> No.19427379

At worst it comes crashing down to a point well above where we bought, so I don't really care. Letting it ride baby

>> No.19427384
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>> No.19427399
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>> No.19427477


Please tell me that was STA V3 and you got that yesterday.

I'm just worried about you, Anon.

>> No.19427480

What's that?

>> No.19427490


The balancer in action.

>> No.19427502


Check on etherscan.

>> No.19427518

the inevitable crash will happen when it hits a penny. whether or not its a heavy crash or how long it lasts is up to the community. i.e. us.

>> No.19427525

Google all your questions,your faggot friend should b helping you if he told u about it and knows u dont knw shit about it instead of throwing u in the lions den wth nothing

>> No.19427527


Paste this token address into uniswap and pray that you have a balance.

>> No.19427544

Even if it crashes, just think of all those sells, each eating 1%, then all the buys at the bottom eating 1%. This is a long hold for me.

>> No.19427561
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oh believe me, I'm riding high

>> No.19427585

Dude, look at the amount left to burn, this thing could legitimately hit $1 even if people crash it once at $0.01 and $0.10

>> No.19427622


that's great Anon! For a minute I thought I was going to watch someone off himself after realizing a very grave mistake...

>> No.19427625

How sure are you about that on a scale of 1-10?

>> No.19427657
File: 34 KB, 600x600, abuapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) install chrome if you don't already have it — https://www.google.com/chrome/
2) download the metamask extension -— https://metamask.io/
4) buy some ETH — https://home.metamask.io/buy-crypto
5) exchange ETH for STA — https://v1.uniswap.exchange/swap/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
6) brrrrrrrr

>> No.19427704

it climbed down 20% for about an hour after it hit the previous sell wall. it might just blow through it altogether if we have a big dick whale buying in around this time. watch the price and see f it starts to stall.

>> No.19427718

Yep. That’s the beauty of this. If people dump they just increase the value long term. Short term there will be a price dip but it will recover. It’s amazing. We’re all going to be rich. Will be over $1

>> No.19427730

Well its nearly at 0.01$ within 38 ish hours of release. Once the devs go back to work and sort the website and we start shilling on twitter

>> No.19427746

Anon. We already blew past that! Sell wall was at .0055. We are at .008!! We will hit one cent in just 24 hours of this thing being live. And people don’t think this is going to $1?! You’re insane If you can acquire 100K STA and you’re not right now.

>> No.19427754
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>> No.19427772

But what if the whales dump at a penny? Other anon says recovery is inevitable + many latecomers would love to catch that dip so...oh well. Won't sell.

>> No.19427773

So about the 1-3 guys who managed to ride the waves and get in early like 3 times... how much of your initial investment did you make? I noticed that if you were to buy with all your gains you'd waste cash because of the slippage, otherwise we'd have 20 million token whales.

>> No.19427789

I only have 50k. I want more :'(

>> No.19427800

i would be the top wallet holder if i didnt fuck up with the ESH/ghost fiasco and didn't buy into v1. but i also wouldn't have found v1 had i not gotten fucked over by ESH/ghost and lost all my gains. it is what it is.

>> No.19427808

Whale have iron hands in this project. We've gone through to much to dump now.

>> No.19427839

Im am absolutely sure that no one is selling 1 sta before 0.5 usd. This is fucking absolute /biz/ project.

>> No.19427849

how can there be a sell wall if there's no order book.
tf is going on itt

>> No.19427860

And this is actually a fucking genious value holder even if we put aside all this get rich fast bullshit. This WILL fuck up all the other pnd deflatory shit like bomb as this one actually has value and not just imaginatory tokens.

>> No.19427867

I'm sitting on about 250K small whale? in any case I'm holding. this is my ticket out!

>> No.19427888

How is it different to bomb.

>> No.19427896

Whoever sold, don't forget you're burning supply so you're actually losing out on profit as it is still rising.

>> No.19427899

can someone help me? I bought STA before the switch to another token. What do I do?

>> No.19427903

same thing happened to me yesterday. Swapped most of my UBT for this when it was at .0045
Love you anons

>> No.19427911

it'll recover. these are arbitrary milestones that people wait for. you can fatten your stack if you're not averse to swing trading. or you can lose some of your stack. with the way things are going its not a bad idea to simply let it ride, either. its your call.

>> No.19427935


With tokens burned every transaction trying to swing STA seems retarded.

>> No.19427942

Bomb just gets burned and STA has a pool linked to it.

>> No.19427966

Whoever is selling, you can't swing trade retard unless you're shorting 10x the amount which only the top holder can do.

>> No.19427970

Absolutely do not try to trade this shit because each time this dumps 5-10% it will recover in minutes. You will easily burn your hands while trying to time it. Just hold until 0.5-1 usd. then we will see who has iron hands and who does not.

>> No.19427996

1) go here — https://pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x0e511Aa1a137AaD267dfe3a6bFCa0b856C1a3682
2) authorize the contract
3a) let it ride
3b) pull out your liquidity. eat the fees. convert everything into STA.

your old tokens are likely to be worthless. i ate nearly $20 of fees converting mere pennies and fractions of value of v1 into v3 but ended up getting ~30k (compared to my initial bag of 170k) of v3 unloading them 7500 at a time. thankfully, this ended up paying off given that the $20 of fees for mere pennies that i was cursing myself out for authorizing have translated into $228 @ the current price of .0078.

>> No.19428018

Oh and also the pool balance is being eaten and is only like 1.5m tokens and the buy back will start soon.

>> No.19428033


i don't disagree with y'all but when the thing went down 20% at the previous sell wall you can't deny the margins. as with swing trading, you assume the risk.

>> No.19428041

.0076 wew bois 1 cent eod

>> No.19428049

Anyone up for a 1 eth bet that this will blow 1 cent within 24 hours?

>> No.19428052

So you were the one who did it?

>> No.19428055


>> No.19428064

addendum: option 3a is the safe option. that's the whole point of the balancer pool. option 3b is taking the initial amount of STA and multiplying it by 5, then, letting it ride the waves of the pump. much higher profit margin.

>> No.19428071

Nevermind, my bad.

>> No.19428088

my stack is tiny compared to others. i sold at ~.0058 once the gains stalled. i bought back in. i was able to get a little more STA but swing trading gives me a lot of anxiety.

>> No.19428098

hold on boooooys

>> No.19428099

Huge dip someone dumping, if you are looking to get in this is the time.

>> No.19428105

This was quite a dump. Whales being whales. They'll never change.

>> No.19428109
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Hear that?
Those are burning tokens.

>> No.19428115

I buy as we speak.

>> No.19428118

oh fuck. while i was hypothesizing the benefits of swing trading ITT it went down. missed the boat, there.

>> No.19428125
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why god didn't I wake up 5 hours earlier yesterday. AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.19428130

Boys, even with the dip I now am worth MORE

>> No.19428134

Yeah that was actually a really good spot to swing but gotta be fast because everytime this happens it recovers within minutes.

>> No.19428150

Dump is over i repeat dump is over

>> No.19428151

buying the dip as well kek

>> No.19428161

i took the opportunity to add ~4000 to my stack. fucking hell im going to be up all night watching this shit aren't i.

>> No.19428163

How's that? Through pooling? Tbh I did not even understand the pooling concept with regards to this coin.

>> No.19428166

Buying 3 eth worth rn

>> No.19428175

It dumped from 0.0084 to 0.0051 , but if I were to buy with 1mil tokens , I'd be buying at 0.0070. Weird. The slippage only shows 13%

>> No.19428178

>3 million tokens sold

>> No.19428180

In case the dumper is in this thread, man you are such a faggot.

>> No.19428190

i fucking fell asleep AFTER hearing about v3. what a fucking joke. they didn't give a firm timeline as to when the airdrop would happen. woke up to it at .0007 hours after the fact. i lack self-discipline. but i was also very disillusioned about what i had just read.

>> No.19428191

15 minutes and we will be at ath :D

>> No.19428199

Thanks for letting me buy more cheap Statera dumpers kek

>> No.19428205


>> No.19428209

i now understand the mindset of chainlinkers

>> No.19428217

feels good adding 130k to my stack

>> No.19428220

>not filling your bags in the dip
how new are you?

>> No.19428234

Don't complain, the dumper is actually burning tokens. If he wants to leave on Day 2, let him. Wait until this shit breaks $0.01 and $0.10 respectively. If it reaches $1.00 then I'll eat my own shit.

>> No.19428256

Thanks faggot dumper.for burning supply, you will be crying soon

>> No.19428264

Can someone here PLEASE promote this on twitter, get it trending ASAP. make it hit a dollar

>> No.19428265


J-J-John McAfee? Is that you?

Shouldn't you be busy shilling Ghost?

>> No.19428268
File: 2.85 MB, 320x294, 1583457397192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And back UP WE GO

>> No.19428287


Stop my eth is still transferring AAAAAAAAA!

>> No.19428333
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>> No.19428348

Up up up

>> No.19428349

Dips will happen people. But this shit is going to a dollar. Buy more on the dip and have even more when it hits a dollar

>> No.19428360

Supply is under 97 million now!

>> No.19428376

0.5 usd is easy, at that point will happen the first real barrier. If we can get twitter and reddit on this at the correct time we will blow past that.

>> No.19428408

I would have bought the dump, but for me it showed a huge difference in buy/sell like it was nothing. Guessing the liquidity is still too low and the price didn't consolidate properly.

>> No.19428410

"If this hits $1, I'll eat my own dick" - former ESH McAfee fag.

>> No.19428449

in one of the previous threads someone said if it hits a dollar he'll suck abu's dick and he got quads.

>> No.19428454


>> No.19428457


Retweet faggots

>> No.19428555
File: 436 KB, 840x859, 170-kb-png-angry-pink-wojak-11563399195ryigybu2uf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so pissed. My eth is still fucking pending and I'm missing the fucking dip.

>> No.19428558

That's it. First thing tomorrow morning, I'm gonna shill this thing as much as I can. There' tons of room for profit with current price so it's not like I'll be ripping others off. No guilt.

>> No.19428585

If you are not buying this coin right now, you are literally subhuman.

>> No.19428612

It still has not surpassed ath so hope you get it in time

>> No.19428642

Forget the price going up down like a maniac, I'm just stunned that there's no fudders in these threads. It's weird.

>> No.19428669

nearly all getting to 300 replies and even reddit aren't fudding
have we actually found something big here?

>> No.19428678

Do you trust a coin made by someone from Nigeria named Abu-Bakr?

>> No.19428685

there was certainly a lot of bullshit involved with v1-v2-v3. other than that...

>> No.19428691


I think it helps that there is no central meme figure like Sergey or McAfee or Craig. And STA does exactly like it promises, there is no lofty bullshit.

Also, getting STA in the first place requires some help and guidance to reduce confusion. I would be happy to help random anons since it was biz that got me into this coin in the first place.

>> No.19428694

lol its an alias

t. cloud strife

>> No.19428717

Best thing about this token is that the devs cant fuck this up anymore + The thing that at the moment you need to have an IQ of 70+ to even buy it. Once it gets listed to exchanges it will absolutely blow up.

>> No.19428725

Wait until Uniswap actually makes it so that you don't have to put the contract address of STA in... We'll see a huge pump from that alone, an exchange would be absolutely huge

>> No.19428745

beginning to think i've been abu'd.

Went to bed last night and the pool fund had $51k, woke up 8 hours later and it is only at $52k.

Is the pool balance irrelevant and too difficult for people to use?

>> No.19428758

Broke: we need memes for this coin to succeed!
Woke: let the results speak for themselves

>> No.19428766

Imagine twatter thots buying this months later. I would love to dump on them, not gonna lie.

>> No.19428771

True, didn't even think that :D I am pretty sure it will happen really soon.

>> No.19428782

The pool fund self-regulates a lot in terms of STA stacks. Whenever the price dumps the pool buys more STA and puts it back into the pool.

>> No.19428786

newfags are accumulating but not putting anything in the pool

>> No.19428789


what's the catch so they do it? Volume?

>> No.19428798

People withdrawing from the pool to buy sta v3

>> No.19428801

I think volume is part of it yes, also this has only been going for 24 hours ish so give it some time.

>> No.19428815

Brainlet here. I just bought on Uniswap v1 using this contract address 0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

Do I need to do anything else? It also seems like I paid 20ndollars in fees or something.

An I fucked?

>> No.19428819

by that description, newfag here. What could we do to help this moon? put a certain percentage of our bags into the pool?

>> No.19428822
File: 348 KB, 699x715, D9862839-FEF7-48E9-8820-70FA376D3D80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-w-what happens when the pool dries up? is there a set percentage that can’t be withdrawn (or is owned by abu)

>> No.19428826

Any suggestions on what a decent contribution to the pool would be? I'm holding 250K

>> No.19428861

when it dries up we die anon

>> No.19428869

hmm that sounds plausible.

>> No.19428876

uniswap pools need eth as well though so be careful

>> No.19428877

Anything is better than nothing.

>> No.19428927

Well shit. I’m going to have to do what I can to contribute once I get ahead. I’m a poorfag though. At an arbitrary point I will recoup my initial investment then diverge a portion of my STA stack back into the pool.

>> No.19428944

How much $ did you put in? Also, you can monitor the price here - https://uniswap.info/token/0xa7de087329bfcda5639247f96140f9dabe3deed1

>> No.19428956

it wont, thas why decimals matter, 0.1 STA will be very appreciated and sough after

>> No.19428971

that's the price on uniswap v2
more of the liquidity is on uniswap v1 (although it would be better for everyone involved if it was all on one or the other)

>> No.19428973

Why would we be fucked? Is there any link to read about how this pool works.

>> No.19428978

Are your retarded? It has doubled since this morning

>> No.19429016

look up uniswap pools
>add coin and equivalent in ETH to pool
>get pool tokens in return
>these can be used to withdraw coin and ETH from pool at any point in time
>depending on how many people add to the pool after you and what happens to the price of the coin, the amount of both the coin and ETH that your pool tokens are worth changes
chances are if you pool early and this does take off then you stand to make a hell of a lot of ETH from the pool

>> No.19429031

I was moreso thinking about the balancer pool, not the uniswap pool.

>> No.19429061

redpill me on the balancer pool

>> No.19429071

Lol that’s what I’m asking. I would believe it’s an integral part of this and we gotta make sure it doesn’t dry up but I’m also a smoothbrain

>> No.19429073

this is a legitimate 100x

>> No.19429077

Wait what happened to us v1 STA holders??? I have 7K original STA that's worthless. Was there supposed to be an airdrop of the new token? WTF ALL MY ASSETS ARE GONE!?

>> No.19429092

Literal brainlet here.

I bought STA on Uniswap v1. What do I do now? I read mention of a pool balancer where I can withdraw liquidity or something but I have no idea what that means.

Please explain like I'm literally 5

>> No.19429101

I only put in half an ETH

>> No.19429111

Interesting. So I got a roughly 150k stack. How much would you suggest I add to the pool? Also, is it safe as in you sure I get to sell sta for eth anytime even after pooling? (in case of a future flash dumping event)

>> No.19429113

Everytime I refresh etherscan the amount of holders goes up. This is it bois. The golden bull run is upon us!!!!!!!!

>> No.19429123

no when people say V1 they are referring to STA V1 which is worthless now. you are supposed to by on uniswap V1 so thats a good thing... what contract number did you use to find the coin?

>> No.19429129

go here
connect your metamask wallet, if you got aidropped balance pool tokens you should see your balance of a few different coins.
Withdraw to meatmask and swap all other coins for STA.
Or leave in the pool. Up to you

>> No.19429165

Where do you sell BPT? or what the fuck are you supposed to do with them

>> No.19429190

But what does 'leaving it in the pool' mean?

I just bought STA tokens which are now sitting in my wallet. Why would I need to do anything else with them?

I used this contract address to buy them on Uniswap v1:


>> No.19429206

Don't do anything. buy coke and hookers in a few months

>> No.19429209

you don't sell them. If they are in your wallet then you should just connect to it from the balancer pool. Do you see now that there's other coins there with balances too?

>> No.19429234

Did the devs seriously just ditch all original STA holders??? do they just make a new token every week and leave hodlers with nothing?

>> No.19429256

if you already bought more v3 STA then whatever you have in the balancer pool can stay there, if this actually moons you'll more STA and ETH to witthdraw later. Or so I've understood, I am no expert either. I'm just you 24 hours later.
I had all these questions yesterday

>> No.19429299

You have a stash in the balancer pool equal to your original investment choose to either cash it out, keep it in, or swap all of it for v3

>> No.19429305

Some anons were saying that we (4chan) got into buying the token a bit too early given the uniswap listing BUT the devs weren't expecting that as they were probably ironing out the coin's code or whatever. Long story short, the fixed token and or fixed uniswap led to creation of new token and old holders got an airdrop.

>> No.19429314

this is probably the greatest project on biz right now

>> No.19429358

I didn't buy earlier so I have no previous versions. I just bought from the latest contract. Do I still own part of the liquidity pool?

>> No.19429363
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keep it burningggggg

>> No.19429372

Pajeets are already trying to make shitty, low-quality memes to fudd this while pretending to shill it.

>> No.19429375

There's definitely an IQ barrier in fully comprehending this coin's mechanisms.

>> No.19429389

Wtf is that shit ohnononononon

>> No.19429395

It should have only costed less than a dollar for the trade, including slippage and gas

>> No.19429396

What a fucking wild ride this is. It's already so high and we're basically the only autists in this right now. How hard will this pump once more people get in?

Looks to me like we could well be in the dozens of cents range in the coming week already. How realistic am I being? I'm basing this on the fact that it'll probably break one cent tomorrow

>> No.19429402

where can you see the total tokens burnt?

>> No.19429405

ohh.. no you don't. Just keep your STA

>> No.19429407

Where can I find this balancer pool? Can't see anything on uniswap. Something on their websites or something?

>> No.19429421


>> No.19429435

I bought sta..how can i joined this balancer pool?

>> No.19429446
File: 357 KB, 750x763, CF8F6B88-49C7-4B6A-8FD0-8886B53AF8D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that means we made it. Still pretty gross. Fuck your ugly memes, Rajeesh.

>> No.19429448



>> No.19429467

ohh.. no you don't. Just keep your STA. This was my bad, on your original post i understood you bought STA v1. but you said uniswap v1

>> No.19429478

>we could well be in the dozens of cents range in the coming week
Very possible if it gets much traction. I don't want to get my hopes up though, so I am planning for the long haul.

>> No.19429509

You’re being very realistic. It’ll be over one buck in a few months.

>> No.19429529

What pool are you guys in? Multiple or just 1?

>> No.19429562

New thread needed

>> No.19429567

There is only Uniswap right now, unless you mean the blancer pool

>> No.19429573

Yeah I'm trying to remain optimistic but my wage cage is starting back on tuesday so my mind is racing since I don't feel like going back but I need money. If I can make what I make there in a year quickly enough I'll quit before they have time to drive me mad again. If it goes to a couple dollars I'm quitting and swinging crypto for a living

I sure hope you're right my dude, if it does I'll get my investment back with some interests to buy steak and then hodl with iron hands and ride this bitch for all she has

>> No.19429603

I just removed my airdropped tokens from the pool but I can't see them anywhere? I wanna trade them for more STA v3 REEEE

>> No.19429613

Yeah I meant the balancer pool. So uniswap is better? Makes sense considering it's just on ETH and not their other random shit I don't really want. I'm still lost as to what exactly I'm supposed to do with my balancing pool tokens I got from holding sta v1

>> No.19429620

I am right. It’s not a matter of this reaches a dollar or not. The pool has to buy back. And when’s there’s less and less price goes up.

The question is do you have the balls to hold until then.

>> No.19429640

Unless people stop buying

>> No.19429642
File: 296 KB, 915x582, staebur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19429647

It's barely possible to swing. Why would anyone be selling if they didn't intend to cash out for good

>> No.19429674

What's the current marketcap, circulating supply etc?

Could this shit really realistically hit $1?

>> No.19429677

Right. But people will continue to buy. So what if people cash out right now. It just ends up in more wallets for more transactions for more burns. It’s a win win. It’s undumpable long term.

>> No.19429705

With the same market cap as hex, it would be at 500mil divided by 100mil = 5$. And don't forget the token burning, so it would actually be 500 mil divided by 96 mil = 5.2$.
The question is then, will it be more popular than hex?

>> No.19429734

nooo stop buying you motherfuckers im swapping over my pool tokens

>> No.19429761


New bread. Pajeet memes are not welcome.


>> No.19429771

Nice. I never followed hex, is it a similar concept?

How long did it take to get to that marketcap?

Do you see STA as a good hold for weeks or months?

>> No.19429792

You know how chainlinkers pride themselves on “never fucking selling”? It’s like that. Except you’ll not be dumped on by an autistic Swede and it’s value won’t be artificially restricted.

>> No.19429803

nvm they just took a little while to show up in wallet...

>> No.19429806


I've moved up 2 spots in rank, a couple people took profits.

>> No.19430028

How are people able to see the biggest wallets for STA? I'm curious about the whales.

>> No.19430055


Check in the address holders tab


In spite of the (relatively minor) dumps I’ve actually been bumped down from the top 100 position. Not a bad sign!

Also: holy shit the new bread is already being brigaded hard.