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19383738 No.19383738 [Reply] [Original]

Is dropshipping worth it?

>> No.19383933

Is coffee good for dropsipping

>> No.19383953

It’s a shit ton more work then they make it out to be. It’s more about the skills of general contracting. You need to hire work out meaning you have to invest a decent amount to begin with with no guarantee of profit. Highly time consuming, only attempt full time if you are able to live a year without profits with your savings. Neets with less than 10k in net worth not apply

>> No.19383969

And people are not stupid. You have to have high quality or nobody will buy. Just wait until you are on the product descriptions(it’s called copywriting), seems easier than it looks.

>> No.19384125

When OP says drop shipping, does he mean personal website and having supplier in china ship the product to the customer?

I can see how this is outdated and people wont buy generic stuff on a random website.

How about Amazon FBA?

>> No.19384145

Amazon fba is full of predators That will report you down and take your place. My friend was making 5k/mo avg drop shipping and he got bogus reports then the fuckers posted the exact same product but different look and got massive sales

>> No.19384173

Actual drop shipping is running a real business, which requires work if you want to have any success. Many people mistake drop shipping with retail arbitrage, which is not the same thing. Is it worth it? It can be, if you're willing to put in the work.

>> No.19384174

Holy crap, first Im hearing of anything like this happening, care to go into any detail I understand if you cant sit and type it out but Im am wondering if there is opportunity in other markets like Spain or Mexico? I speak Spanish and I wonder if I can find luck selling in a less saturated market

>> No.19384180

That's a man

>> No.19384182

Also if you think you’re gonna get by with 5 week shipping you’re fucking kidding. Amazon is 2 day shipping and worth 1 trillion for that reason. This means large initial investments regardless.

>> No.19384197

Sounds like you know a thing or two, care to share any insights to what it takes to succeed? Youtube has some free resources but a lot of the videos sorta circle back to them trying to sell you a course that teaches you how to do it. What is best way to get informed?

>> No.19384201

Dropshipping was good back in 2017, now people on fb are more aware, practically everyone got burned on those aliexpress products.

>> No.19384206

Lol are you asking details on how the scam works? No, I will not reveal that.

>> No.19384222

Go to forums where there is a community to learn from. Learn from their mistakes and successes. Stop trying to make it easy, it will never just read a book then get rich instantly. Books only support your future choices for better or worse

>> No.19384243

Nope they bought into niches that we’re running out of gas. Just look at bitcoins 5 yr history. Selling online products mimic bitcoins bubble then burst

>> No.19384247

lol I didn't even think of it that way, just a curious person and sounds very interesting. Now that I think about it, it is best to not reveal how the scam works. Can you at least tell me if he tried to appeal to amazon? Sounds like a very sophisticated scam if the bad guys got away with it.

>> No.19384251


no you fucking faggot. just because everyone can make a fuck retard ass landing page with some cheap chink shit, they all think theyre businessmen now.

if you actually give a fuck and want to become an entrepreneur then think of something that brings actual value to people and the world and go with that. otherwise you're just gonna be a trend hopping faggot going from one oversaturated market to the next and no bags to show for it. drop shipping is for youtube faggots and chinks.

>> No.19384282

I am aware that this is no easy en devour and that if it was easy everyone would be doing it. I just want to know where are some good forums/communities with decent information.

>> No.19384321


everyone already is doing it. you're 5 years too late and by asking if it's worth it, you are clearly stating your intent that this is only of interest to you for the money. dropshipping successfully nowadays will require more failures than you will be willing to put up with and will cost you more than you currently realize. even now, you're still looking for shortcuts before even starting. this is not something you should pursue.

>> No.19384464

Are you confusing me for OP? I was the person asking about Amazon FBA not dropshipping. Follow a thread before wasting your time replying.

>> No.19384505


my response is applicable to both. they are both oversaturated and for faggots. china has amazon fba cornered right now and there are people out there with resources that can pump out some shit product based around some flavor of the week trend or meme within DAYS. (literally, as soon as tiger king started getting popular there were cheap knock off products going up on amazon)

i dont even know how the fuck they get away with it, it's blatant IP theft and copyright infringement.

>> No.19384621

Are you genuinely upset at the question or trying to dish out tough love? You are very passionate in your response, makes me wonder if you have tried yourself. I was just inquiring about the potential succeeding with hard work. If your such an expert, what are the chances finding a product to pull a profit on?

>> No.19384691


little of both, i just know that nobody here listens to any advice without some bit of berating. ive tried a couple before with little success but i stand by my point in that, if you're just looking for some bullshit product that you can throw up on shopify and expect to pull 5 figures/month with then youre going to be looking a long time and that mindset will not be enough to get you through the months or years of failure. and nothing about this can be considered 'hard work' nobody is out there qc'ing their shitty chinese dog bowls or whatever the fuck. idk, for all the time people spend looking for x product they could be using to solve actual problems. read millionaire fastlane.

>> No.19384792

I looked into dropshipping and instantly realized that model was outdated and that no none shops on random websites and buys a product with a 3 week shipping time. Then I looked into amazon fba and I felt like there could be something there. It sounds like there is a large learning curve which only motivated me because anything that sounds easy is bs. Between me and some friends, we have 5k to throw at a project like private label on amazon. For starters I might pay for jungle scout and spend a good amount of hours browsing to see if there is anything stands out. Never heard of it, Ill check it out

>> No.19384921

Your reputation could get ruined when your suppliers turn out to be less than stellar. Print on demand on the other hand... those providers are way more likely to be able to continue supplying without hassle or delays.

>> No.19385040


honestly, if you have 5k between you all id recommend brainstorming over a weekend and thinking of an app or something to make instead. doesn't have to be groundbreaking or anything, just try to think of something that can help streamline a process or make something easier for some group of people. use the 5k to throw a landing page together, get some pajeet off fiverr to whip up a prototype if you cant program yourself, shit like that. like i said, between china and bullshit youtube 'gurus' amazon is pretty much cornered and there is a good chance you will lose what money you put in (and without gaining much other than learning a little bit about amazon specifically). but getting yourself in the mindset of doing things that will actually help people and provide value will set you up for greater success in the future; plus failing in this sense gives you more applicable knowledge moving forward.

>> No.19385267

You make a good point that the trial and error of learning the amazon route will take too long and be costly. I guess I missed the ship on this one.
An app sounds harder imo, there seems to be an app for everything already and how will it be monetized ads maybe? If we make something, wont it just be copied? especially if there is a landing page displaying the idea to everyone. I kno I am getting a bit pessimistic just frustrated

>> No.19385306
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This is actually becoming the norm in dropshipping, no matter where you live.
People start their dropshipping business in China and have their 'uncle' who works in the police department write up an official looking letter and send it to Amazon saying the person is selling bad goods, goods made from slave prisons, etc and Amazon will terminate your account without even a notice. Or else the Chinese will get their cousins in the US named Wang Li or Yang Ming make fake accounts under the name 'Richard Smith' or 'Brianna Wilson' to make them sound 100% whitebread and they'll buy the product and give shit reviews saying it didn't arrive, it was broken, etc....and then no one buys your shit because of that shit review.
The Chinese are not your friend, they can live easily off $1000/mo so when they make 3k a month, they become like pirahnas to keep the money flowing, and Amazon, ebay, others do absolutely nothing in your favor.
I used to do business with many Chinese but they all end up screwing you one way or another, and from what others say its only gotten worse.

>> No.19385364

Millionaire Fastlane is a horrible book

>> No.19385461


you have to think of this shit in terms of ease of entry. everything worth while is going to be harder because all the easy shit will be filled with people looking for the easy way out. if you try to create something and you run into a lot of difficulties then you are creating your own barrier for entry therefore minimizing the risk of it getting copied. landing page for x product is just an idea. this is why you need to brainstorm some things. if you and your friends come up with something and are really worried about someone copying it (dont) then your next step wouldn't be launching an announcement page/pre-order/whatever; it would be first steps in creating whatever widget/app you come up with. stop trying to avoid hurdles and confront them instead.

meh, like all self help type books i kinda agree but there are still a few good bits i took away.

>> No.19385989

Is drug dealer dropshipping worth it?