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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19355358 No.19355358 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not having a BAT stack.

>> No.19355660

40K BAT enough to make it boys?

>> No.19355968

You have a chance to make it anon. Most people on here wont even get a 10k stack before its too late.

>> No.19356096

brave sucks

>> No.19356116 [DELETED] 
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I have about 1k BAT but thats it

other coins are better R/R.
>32 eth
>5k link
>25k omg

I use brave exclusively and like the concept but the money you make from BAT is all from speculation. I like staking and i think in the long run blockchains will put an end to speculation. Im looking for whatever i think the most used pos blockchains will be and trying to lay claim to pieces of those networks before dumb money eventually flows that way anyway.

Tell me why im wrong and i should add more BAT and i will

>> No.19356199

not possible on mobile

>> No.19356716

this is pretty fucking slick.

>> No.19356732

It's literally forked and updated from Chrome. It's the se exact code, just has a built in extension for BAT and Adblocking.

>> No.19356756

well yeah but I earn 20c in shitcoins a day just from brave selling all my data and personal information to chinks on the darkweb

>> No.19356766

chrome sucks dick, too. way too fucking resource intesive (especially for webdev).

>> No.19356822

how are the tokenomics not gonna get rekt by bot nets watching the ads? the only FUD that keeps me from getting a stack

>> No.19356865

Literally bought the tip top at .25 cents a month ago

>> No.19356876

Go look at all the retards that tried to spin up a vmware botnet to harvest thousands of dollars in tokens and got the banhammer. Their salty tears are so delicious. They literally ran their botnet for months and got banned and called brave a scam. The absolute state.

>> No.19357013

KYC is one of the biggest limiting factors Nothing is ever 100% fraud free, but it's by far the best method around so far to limit ad-fraud.

>> No.19357290

so if there's KYC what's the purpose of the token? if it isn't trustless why does it need to be on a blockchain? why don't they just use dollars?

>> No.19357303

Holy based sauce?

>> No.19357406

lot of problems with using dollars. payment processor minimums, fees, etc. Transacting within the Brave/BAT ecosystem is 100% KYC free. KYC only comes up when people want to exit and "cash out" their BAT. The token of itself is the purpose built unit of account.

>> No.19357635
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thanks for the spoon feed

>> No.19357651
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when it's free yer the product lmao nice try batshill