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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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193376 No.193376 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=496685.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptocredits
Facebook: fb.com/cryptocredits
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/OfficialCredits/

Website: http://cryptocredits.org/index.html

Windows Fork binary download:
Binaries: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xvltiha76evtpcc/CreditsPackage-WINandMAC.zip
Source: https://github.com/usecredits/Credits

(Working) Pools:
http://cr.verleta.net/ - 0% free, events such as 0% for spring break
http://dredd.cryptocredits.org (been fixed, check it) - 0% fee
http://cr.poolerino.com/ - 0% fee <- Donations pool 0% fee - set your own donation free if wanted
Friendly reminder to use donation pools to support credits development.

Current Exchanges (Trade with Caution):

>> No.193377

Get Credits on more exchanges:
Cryptsy - Write a support ticket & Message Mullick(might pass on queries to Big Vern)
Coinedup - Contact
Coinmarket.io - IRC: #coinmarket @ freenode
Cryptorush.in - Support + IRC
Coinmarketcap - Request Credits & Message Gliss
CryptX.io - Leave them a note(bottom right corner)
Mintpal - Email them: support@mintpal.com & Submit a ticket
BTER - Email them: support@bter.com
Vicurex - Email them: customerservice@vircurex.com
Coinpayments(Merchant tool) - Request Credits
Allcoin.com - Email them: service@allcoin.com
Cryptoaltex - Ask for Credits
Coinwarz - Contact

Not yet, coming soon once we get enough donations!

Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

>> No.193381
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>> No.193389

What's the age range of the people in charge because I see a lot of bitching and moaning and a lot of fuck ups.

>> No.193390
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>Ded coin thread

>> No.193403
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I don't see any problems now and after the fork everything is ideal
What's your excuse for not mining?

>> No.193411

I did mine.
I have 4000CR
If it does go up, I'm set

>> No.193410

>What's your excuse for not mining?

shit hardware ;_;

>> No.193415

Remember to hold for the unlikely event this shit takes off to the moon, Even if it makes it to a dollar. KEEP HOLDING

>> No.193418


selling some for margins would be a better strategy

>> No.193423

Why didnt they add the dudesex pool to the working pool list yet?

>> No.193421

I have 2400CR, which I put on sale at 2000 satoshi.
If it ever sells I'll be very happy.

>> No.193439

Official pools are going to be merged to 1 cus low popularity a shit

>> No.193447
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>83 sat on swisscex

>> No.193448

All of the pools will merge into the Dredd pool, which will eventually be pool.cryptocredits.org

>> No.193455
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Is credits die?

>> No.193461

Where were you when credit is ded

I am toilet


>> No.193512


>> No.193534

How many bitcoins are used to buy drugs and kiddyporn?

>> No.193666

>launching an altcoin in the midst of a crypto slump
>expecting people to jump on it and fuel your moon rocket without mainstream press attention

Maybe if you made AngryFlappyCandyCraft of Duty Online for iOS and Android and used Credits for microtransactions you could get the clueless media to care.

>> No.193681
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Mac wallet is being compiled, stay tuned.


Nice trips.

>> No.193823


Tested Working on Mountain Lion

>> No.193836

Mac wallet IS now compiled!


>> No.193838

Has anyone checked the clients source for bugs/backdors/trojans?
I don't know which one is better, Credit or Maze.
You are both shilling at the same level of stupidity.

>> No.193902

Go away retard

>> No.193911

Just asking questions man.
If you can't answer such a vital question then you are the "retard" and should visit /out/.

>> No.193983

Yeah sorry about that I don't know who that idiot is, and to answer your question yes people have checked the wallet. Before we had a combined download package that included some miners, which showed a flase positive for trojans if I remember correctly.

>> No.193990

seems like every altcoin is dying atm. quite depressing and no fun anymore

>> No.194008
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Come back in a month and play again. Bitcoin is dragging everyone to hell with it ATM.

>> No.194017

the question is do I have enough faith to keep mining during that month or should I just shut everything down (power bills is damn high here).... even coinpayments is going down sigh

>> No.194030

This happens all the time. It always rebounds.

>> No.194180

Credits is all ogre, sell everything now.

>> No.194189

Mining, posting and begging on a dead coin thread, please give credits, email related.

>> No.194206
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If you guys didn't know, the block Rewards are going to go up soon. In about 7 hours.

>> No.194239

What time is that in EST?

>> No.194248

3 AM
Just keep it mining over to receive lots-o-credits

>> No.194252

even more credits flushing the price down... yay... i guess...

>> No.194267

It's what the community wanted. People didn't want to wait 6 months for it to peak.

>> No.194276

though I wonder why the hash drop o suddenly. at current diff you are already getting a shitton of creds even without the increased block reward

>> No.194398
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I want to do a 500Cr giveaway, where would be the best place to post such a thing?

>> No.194411


Here: CUdPBeq2RkagyuGugN8tLHAeN7QoVhxPyY

>> No.194418 [DELETED] 


i just started.

>> No.194419
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le dead coin

>> No.194426


>> No.194434


>> No.194456

Just for fun pointed a 19MH/s rented farm to cr.poolerino.com
10 minutes and I already have 250cr, lol. By the end of the rental I'll have over 3k, which is more than my poor single r9 290 made in 3 days.

>> No.194484

Is that a typo?

>> No.194505
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>> No.194515
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Finally it fully saturated. Took it 25 minutes to saturate on poolerino, compared to 5 minutes of the pot pools...

>> No.194644

Fun's over, but got 2500 coins in 1 hour of mining at 18MH/s.
Not bad.

>> No.194653

bretty good I'd say
How much did it run you back?

>> No.194661

0.034BTC for 6 hours, 5 of which dedicated to POT (had to pay back the 3300POT I rent the rig. Only got 2000 back. It mining POT is not worth the mining), and 1 to CR.
Was fun.

>> No.194671

Where did you rent?

>> No.194685


>> No.194700

Would anyone be interested in a piece of gambling software?

I believe I might be able to make one if anyone can help with making some provably fair maths for it

>> No.194702

There is a guy on bitcointalk that's working on a dice game for credits: JarvisTechnology
Send him a PM, he might need a partner.

>> No.194708

Dont have an account there, don't intend making one.

The thing is, it will be a piece of software, not a website or something the like. I can be a game or anything. Imagine a game-like faucet, or just a dicegame/lottery

>> No.194859

A Credits Poker/Casino is in the works, the development will probably be slow.

>> No.194909
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3 more hours, kiddos, let's see how this goes down.

>> No.194946

Betcha prices skyrocket in 3.

>> No.194961

Prices are going to skyrocket after the peak I feel, we just need people to stick with the program and more people to jump on the program.
Ain't easy, though

>> No.194978

tfw can never get cudaminer to werk

>> No.194981
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I'm drunk so I'll take this advice and buy more. INVESTING!

>> No.194988

What error do you get? Ill try and help you out as best I can

>> No.195020


I don't know what exactly to type in the bat files, I replace the variables but the thing just closes immediately.

>> No.195037
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, 1386462844783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The syntax for the bat file is:

whateverbiner.bat -o stratum+tcp://cr.verleta.net:3333 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password

If you still get an error, open "cmd" cd into the folder, then run it and tell me what error it is

>> No.195083


Hey verleta what does it mean when my worker's difficulty is really high?

>> No.195089

Where do you see this? It shouldn't be an issue, though.

>> No.195095
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It was up to 100 and jumped back down to 30 about a minute ago.

>> No.195117

That's not really important and it'd be difficult for me to explain what it is, but the only thing that really matters is "Difficulty" under "Network Info" so you're good.

>> No.195128


Okay cool. Thanks a ton.

>> No.195168

5,000 Credits here.

I dont understand how this new system will work. So instead of taking the time to receive 100 coins, I'll now receive like 1,000?

What is the ratio change here?

>> No.195173

There is no real ratio, it was just made to be something everyone could agree on at the time of planning.

>> No.195178


So where does CR go from here? Once I have a bunch what will I eventually be able to do with them? It seems so far all I can do is trade them for 0.00000001 of a BTC

>> No.195175

So but how much of an increase are we talking?

And obviously this wont drive up the prices on the exchange, this will lower them. So I assume dump immediately?

>> No.195183

There marketplace should be up soon, its down for maintenance for a little bit. We're trying to set up a bounty for a Poker Site based on "Bitcoin Poker Room" but cant find who's down.

A faucet would be nice but would take a lot of time. There's others but I cant think of them, still busy with a few other things.

>> No.195232

So what's suppose to happen?

Are pools like bamboohouse automatically going to pick this up? How much money until this takes place? How many money coins is this generating?

>> No.195239

Someone should just get one of those raffle scripts and made a Credits Raffle website.

>> No.195247

Ill look into that, thanks.

Some of the pools are already updated, for example, mine and the Dredd server and CryptoPirates before it went down. Don't know if amDOGE from bamboohouse is with the program as she hasnt been on the IRC or anything like that

>> No.195279

hey what the fuck is going on here?
why is it down?

>> No.195284

I don't know and he got kicked from the IRC because he was acting childish.

>> No.195298

so... is it safe to say that he took the credits that were mined and ran?
Who is he anyway?

>> No.195301

I couldn't say for sure, but I wont make accusations.

He's cnz on #freenode, CryptoPirate on BTCTalk that's all I know

>> No.195333

cr.bamboo is updated.

>> No.195402


Wow I've waited so long for a wallet that doesn't even work on my mac (Maverick).
>pro tip: When you develop a software, make sure it works with the latest version of your target OS before you release it.

Do you need help? I know OBJ-C and C if you guys really need help get it working...

>> No.195411

I'll make the Poker Site if you get the mac credit wallet working.

>> No.195415

Would contacting Zynga be of any help?

>> No.195420

Nah don't need Zynga's help

>> No.195471


CR is on mintpal voting list now vote for it

dont confuse it with CRDE that is not our coin

>> No.195479


you can vote 3 times every hour and 6 times if you have registered


The other Credit has more votes than us right now

>> No.195480

For anyone unsure, you can vote multiple times without registering so just search for Credits (Cr) and keep hitting vote every hour

>> No.195481


if you register you can vote 6 time every hour

and registering can let you go at trading the moment CR is selected

>> No.195519

I knew I should have sold my DOGE at 200...Now everyone is fucking with these other new cryptos..

>> No.195524

There are other credits?

>> No.195525

Nevermind, it's some shit asic coin that has even less potential than this thing.

>> No.195529

In the same boat. Considering whether or not to sell most of mine off and a keep a few reserve. Start mining Credits. The payout increase just literally started. Get in while you still can.

>> No.195536

but people could confuse CR with CRDE

so better to just get it above CRDE

>> No.195537

doge is kill credits will never take up. better get gpucoin

>> No.195541

A coin marketed at miners instead of end users who will actually spend the coin and give it value?
Sure, that's bound to succeed.

When will people learn?
You need to separate users and miners and design the coin with users in mind. Miners will adapt in order to make profit, while users will just say fuck it, I'll just keep using bitcoin if they don't like something.

>> No.195556


>> No.195602


oh thats just great another Credits CRD also on mintpal

jeez total 3 Credits competing in mintpal

>> No.195612

this is shit. poolerino down, dredd on the wrong fucking fork, verlata has 3 cunts mining, dedicatedpool cant create a fucking worker.

Well fucking done you useless cunts

>> No.195616
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bamboohouse is also updated in case you were asking.

>> No.195621

(Working) Pools:
http://cr.verleta.net/ - 0% free, events such as 0% for spring break
http://dredd.cryptocredits.org (been fixed, check it) - 0% fee
http://cr.poolerino.com/ - 0% fee <- Donations pool 0% fee - set your own donation free if wanted
Friendly reminder to use donation pools to support credits development.

maybe if it was on the fucking list someone would look

>> No.195637

mining. thank you.

>> No.195704
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>> No.195711

>implying there are not some users that are also miners
your black/white argument is invalid

>> No.195712


What happened to Verleta? The dashboard is down

>> No.195713

But it's the only pool that works.

Did the cryptopirates guy really steal peoples credits?

And poolerino won't let me log in


also this

>> No.195716

>Did the cryptopirates guy really steal peoples credits?
The people behind it are seemingly clueless but alright.

>> No.195717

I'm in the Dredd pool, shit works fine

>> No.195726

What about gamers? Gamers need GPUs as well.

>> No.195728

Seen the intel iris, that's just as good as a midrange graphics card.

>> No.195736
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>> No.195818

I should've sold yesterday ;_;

>> No.195847

How are Credits supposed to be worth anything when everyone has a shitload of them? This is exactly what happened to Zimbabwe

>> No.195852

Yeah, this.

Credits is now sub 200 satosh and declining. Basically dead.

>> No.195853
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You might want to consider spreading your hashrate.

>> No.195855

mfw bamboohouse has almost 100% of the credits hashrate
what the fuck are you doing? are the devs really that incompetent?

>> No.195859

no one fucking mines on other pools
no one fucking mines that coin
its a total failure
you can be in luck that amdoge knows what shes doing. she owns the network now and could fork it with ease

>> No.195860

i'm solo mining, don't blame me

>> No.195861

What pool is that?

>> No.195865

Other pools are being DDOSed badly:
But for now yes, its an 100-200GB/s attack and Hoster (OVH) just pulled the plug.

>> No.195868
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>ddosing a worthless coin
sure dat

>> No.195873

Those pools don't carry only Credits, considering the amount of power behind the attack, the target is probably another coin, and CR just got caught in the crossfire:
>its an 100-200GB/s attack

>> No.195879

>Those pools don't carry only Credits
official pools dont carry only credits?

>> No.195882


>> No.195902

Poolerino, sub-official pool which had more hashrate than bamboo is being DDoS'd probably by amDoge, he said it on IRC

>> No.195911

>WARNING Displayed transactions may not be correct. You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade

What does this mean exactly? And I just sent some credits to my wallet, nothing's come yet

>> No.195913

It means that "You may need to upgrade".

>> No.195916

did you download the mandatory update?

>> No.195917

I doubt it's amDoge. 200GB/s means HUGE botnets attacking.

>> No.195919

i wasn't aware there was on, thanks

>> No.195921

It even told you in the message.

>> No.195930

does this mean i lost the cr i just transferred?

>> No.195931


>> No.195934

you can not lose coins that have been created/transfered before the fork, unless you are sending it to the wrong fork, then it wents nirvana.

>> No.195941

So how is in for keeping this fairly quiet until post peak reward then shilling the shit out of it and voting it onto exchanges?

>> No.195944

i got it, thanks again

>> No.195945


>> No.195950

how much credits do you need to go to the moon?

>> No.195963

tree fiddy

>> No.195992

Verleta seems to be struggling, it won't accept my payout requests even though i've got a warning saying i've exceeded the threshhold

>> No.196029

Poolerino back online.
Low difficulty fun is over.
Dammit, should have rented the 20MH/s rig sooner, I'd have 50k CR to dump now.

>> No.196060

When did it go offline?
I was on Poolerino, and woke up to CUDAMiner telling me it couldn't connect.

Hope it wasn't offline for too long...

>> No.196064

about 6 hours ago, give or take.

>> No.196080

Holy shit.
So many things happened in the span of 8 hours.

Yeah, I couldn't payout to myself either but I am looking into it.

>> No.196082

I have 55 credits on poolerino and can't cash out untill 250
mfw my hash rate can't even get me to 250 now.
does someone with epic hash rate wanna mine 200 cr for me?
creditfiend.creuser crepass

>> No.196099

Manual cash out..........

>> No.196131
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Lel, amDOGE has like 85% of the hashrate again. Soon to be a rich woman.

>> No.196142

For fuck sake... That was most of last night's mining to the shitter for me then.

>> No.196152

>Difficulty 2.45335263
What happened?

>> No.196154
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A whale friend came in with his 90MH/s farm.
I shouldn't have tipped him about the low difficulty of the coin...
Now he's murdering my rewards as well.

>> No.196155

She should fork attack it.
Just to teach the devs a lesson.

I know she probably wouldn't but some people need to learn this shit the hard way.

>> No.196160

What do the devs have anything to do with it? The users are the ones who don't listen. The devs made plenty of pools available.

>> No.196167
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>> No.196171

my understanding was that the dev pools didn't work on launch. which meant more people on amdoges pool.

People are lazy and i don't think the devs really put in effort to get people to move to their pools after launch.

But yeah it's not just the devs fault, everyone deserves equal blame.

>> No.196178

and there goes poolerino again

>> No.196181

Well, before this huge DDOS, Poolerino had around 40% of the hashrate, so people did spread it...

>> No.196186

No, the devs fucked up big time.
It took them 24 hours to bring the pools online, and in that time everyone was already mining on amDOGE's pool.

>> No.196187

>Credits falling down in price
>Sub 200s
>WIll be sub 100s in the evenining
>Will never regain momemtum ever again

This was just to speed up the deadcoin process instead of the slow agonizing death over the next 6 months.

>> No.196194


Is it just poolerino that's getting DDOSed
or is it all the Dev pools too?

Is Amdoge's pool still running just because of the seriously overkill server amdoge has?

What were the specs for amdoge's server? I think i remember it having shitloads of bandwidth too?

>> No.196198
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200 MH/s isn't overkill.

>> No.196201

Dev pools are just broken, I think.
Poolerino is getting DDOSed, but it's for a different coin I think.
Dedicatedpool working without issues, apparently.

>> No.196212

Scratch the comment on that post.

>> No.196265

I'm in the Dredd pool and I haven't received a single Cred since 10:30pm nd I still have 111Cr waiting to be confirmed.
Currently hash is 300 and difficulty is 64

>> No.196272

how can you be this retarded? I guess the animus are eating your brain away

get off my /biz/

>> No.196276
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>> No.196344

Does ANYONE here know how to set up a Poker Room, Casino, Faucet or ANYTHING like that?

And is there ANYONE here that can compile for OSX Maverics?

>> No.196365

Ask /g/`

>> No.196366

amDoge owns 100 % of your network.
This should tell you everything you need about the success of your coin.

>> No.196378

I came here to say this, i am late, dead coin general.

>> No.196386

>90MH/s farm
Fuck you.

>> No.196389

holy crap would u ppl give up please

>> No.196408
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Few hours in, he's already made 100k credits...

>> No.196411

Burn in hell.

>> No.196425

Wolong's mining it. Pump and dump coming.

>> No.196430

[citation needed]

>> No.196446


>any spike in hashrate is wolong doing it to pump and dump

>> No.196449


>> No.196451

It's one miner. Are you new to this?

>> No.196457

>It's one miner.

so that automatically makes him wolong?

>> No.196469

He mines with that much hash.

>> No.196471


>> No.196475

>being that six-year-old who thinks he's really intelligent and clever because he responds to everything with, "Why?"

>> No.196477


i see

>> No.196479

You can rent that hash for cheap:

>> No.196485

>0.82 BTC
Yeah right.

>> No.196482



>> No.196492
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Look how much he's getting in that timeframe.

>> No.196493

It's a trap!

>> No.196497

i wouldn't really scoff at that price, if you mine the right coin in those 24 hours you could well make your money back

it is indeed a gamble though

>> No.196502
File: 24 KB, 308x316, moneyprofit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how much BTC he's getting off it even at current shitty price.

>> No.196513

Which exchange is that?As far as i know isn't Cr hanging on a 1 satoshi thread?

>> No.196511

Dev pool merge when?

>> No.196514

that's assuming anyone would buy it

>> No.196516

that's as if there are enough buyers to meet that

>> No.196519

Just stay off the official pools

>> No.196521


i think he is placing an order at that price and not it being the current price of CR

>> No.196530

This includes the dudesex pool? damn.

>> No.196528
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>> No.196534


what exchange?

>> No.196536


>> No.196545

Protip: Buy @ 1 satoshi in Swisscex transfer to allcoin and sell it @ 100 satoshi or whatever

>> No.196555
File: 40 KB, 420x365, daytrading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been doing it since the beginning.

>> No.196559


i see

>> No.196567

Is there anyone watching that could make one of these but with Credits?


>> No.196824

This could help make the coin go big. If not anyone here, where could I go to find someone that can do this?

>> No.196840

So everyone: Disregarding all outside forces related to the pools going down, what are your opinions on the fork?

>> No.196847

the fork isn't the only thing that's hard ( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.196852

if ya know what I mean ( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.196859

My wallet is happy.

>> No.196857

penis ( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.196868

When do you think the DDoS will end

>> No.196935


who would DDOS us?

>> No.196936

dredd pool is fucked

>> No.196938

Rephrasing, when will the pools be up and running again, at least the ones being down?

>> No.196972

Sucks because No Mac wallet

>> No.197043

Not sure when, the DDoS has only affected pools that are NOT official ones that the fellow devs and I run, only donation ones that are unofficial.

Well that's great to hear

>> No.197051

There is a Mac wallet, download is here


>> No.197159

It doesn't work...

>> No.197231
File: 27 KB, 532x253, creditsisprofitable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how credits is currently the only coin profitable enough to allow use of rented rigs.

>> No.197271

The devs are fucking awful, but they mean well, have heart and good intentions.

>> No.197275

all my coins add up to 0.07btc. would it be worth putting it all on a rental?

>> No.197278

Depends if you can get in before the 400k sellwall is eroded by the 80MH/s guy.

>> No.197312

>never tried craftcoin
3,841 478.26 0.0478

>> No.197327

I can't find a working link for the wallet, a working pool, or any exchange. How is that profitable?

>> No.197360

10,000,000 cr for bad rats

what a steal

>> No.197429


>> No.197445

Originally mined 1100 that I sold at 660 satoshi.

Just bought back 2100 at 150 satoshi because why the fuck not. There might be a minor miracle.

>> No.197448

Is bamboohouse on the right fork? I assume so since they show up in muh wallet.

>> No.197475

network difficulty is pretty fucking low, really enjoying raking in those credits.

Hopefully this coin isn't actually ded

>> No.197491


Pretty sure it's not going anywhere

>> No.197502


>> No.197526

why are you even asking then.... you suck

>> No.197533

Is train departed?

>> No.197540

Train is still in station

>> No.197621

im stuck paying for rigs in fucking doge

>> No.197789

What version do you have? We've tested it on Leopard, and Mountain Lion and it's worked on both of those. But obviously we wanna know if it won't work on a certain one

The devs that you referenced as "fucking awful" are probably the ones that are gone at this point.

>> No.197996

official pools are still fucked

>> No.198006
File: 9 KB, 733x101, 1394414241867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm that the osx wallet isn't opening.
>dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/db48/libdb_cxx-4.8.dylib

>> No.198230

I have the newest OS, Mavericks. And You are probably testing it on a Virtual machine with unofficial ISOs if its working for you.

>pro tip: When you develop a software for an OS, make sure you're developing for the current version. Its like developing Half Life 3 for Windows 95 instead of windows 8.

>> No.198763
File: 98 KB, 2147x1161, profit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey verleta guy,
I know it says that you'll apply fees at 11:59PM today, approx. 2 hours from now, but if you could hold off for 12 more hours, I would be extremely grateful.

>> No.198864

>Not wanting to donate to the pool


>> No.198870

Is the bamboo house site getting ddosed? Its not loading for me. My miner is still working fine though.

>> No.198933

Decided just to move to bamboohouse. Rather pay the 0.8% fee than have 210% share rate.

>> No.198938 [DELETED] 

Hey amDOGE, does your pool donate to the devs if I set a donation percentage? I really would like to give this coin the best chance.

>> No.199042

I was mining for a few days without incident but since the fork I've accumulated some invalid shares. What do i need to do to start mining valid shares again with my pool? (poolerino)

>> No.199088


is your wallet updated?

>> No.199238

yes. how can i check?

>> No.199239


wallet help menu

about option, check version

>> No.199254


>> No.199265


no not about QT

check aboty credits

also ask Crmoon if thats the latest version of the wallet

>> No.199317

Why is Credits so low, get your shit together /biz/.

>> No.199321


they changed voting conditions

only registered mint[pal users can vote and that too only if they have atleast made one trade transaction with mintpal

i would vote if someone picks up my bloody order

>> No.199385

128 MH/s ?

What happened? Dead coin?

>> No.199433

1M credits worth of buy orders at 100sat at allcoin have been removed. Coin value plummeted under 20sat, which makes it unprofitable to mine.

>> No.200306

Jesus what should I mine now?

>> No.200450



>> No.200454
File: 13 KB, 704x396, 1393556159216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't find anything that's worth renting mining power for currently.
Was testing out Krugercoin, but I can't even ROI...
All that BTC wasted...

>> No.200455

Do what I do whenever I don't know what to mine

>> No.200457

>dead coin

Friendly reminder that all shitcoins are shit. You will not make money in them.

>> No.200460

ScryptGuild is better currently.

>> No.200472


You can ROI on Failcoin and Trollcoin.

Both are at super low diff and the returns are good (satoshi and litoshi)

>> No.200479

Link, can't find threads on google.

>> No.200475

Its still to early to deem failed. Not mining because the value is low now is silly. The difficulty is extremely low now, dont dump it. Get as many as you can while the value is low and while the marketplace is gaining momentum.

>> No.200477


>> No.200484

Kind of beats the whole point of using a multipool for a short while whenever I'm not sure what to mine and then switching to something else.

>> No.200488

Are there any exchanges on Failcoin?

>> No.200491

What's wrong with that?

>> No.201739

who /laptop/ here?

>> No.202050

Just letting someone know that the total value, excluding fees, of every sell order on CryptoALTeX for Cr/BTC is 0.99448615 BTC, which will bump the coin to .00008 BTC if done. Whoever would like to do it, y'know... that'd be awesome of you.

>> No.202124

In addition, I took the liberty to add up the BTC value of the total sell volume, as of now, on each of the exchanges.

Swisscex CR/BTC - 1.14673199 BTC
Swisscex CR/DOGE - 128221.48679746 -> 0.16155907 BTC
Allcoin CR/BTC - 5.45639103 BTC

Total BTC: 6.76468209

In addition to CryptoALTeX, the grand total to buy up every credit in all exchanges is 7.75916824, or $4846.45.

>> No.202134

You don't even need to spend that much to make it worth mining.
Just put a 1M CR buywall at 150 satoshi and miners will do the rest.

>> No.202158

I'm just putting it into perspective. Yeah you can do the buywall but any whale with at least 10 BTC to burn can come into the CR market, buy up literally ALL the coins being sold down to a T, and bump up the price to around .0002, which is orders of magnitude higher than the value a 1M CR buywall would do at 150 satoshi.

>> No.202278

Oh well coin failed, wats the next coin guys?

>> No.202283

I also took the total average of CR value for all the sell orders and came up with this:

Avg. value

Swisscex CR/DOGE - 6.29346154 DOGE -> .00000079 BTC
Swisscex CR/BTC - 0.00000605 BTC
CryptoALTeX CR/BTC - 0.00000161 BTC
Allcoin - CR/BTC - .00001638 BTC

Total avg. value: .00000620 BTC

Assuming that's the overall value of CR if all the coins in the exchange were bought rather than the value coming from the last purchase made, for someone like myself who only has about 13,500 credits that's a valuation of $50, up from $12 right now

>> No.202309

We are going to need a couple of shake downs before Credits can gain any value. There are a lot of people with a lot of coins that will dump as soon as we hit 100 sato. For now we'll bump the BCT thread once in while are generally keep it alive but we won't know if anyone else in interested until the max block reward.

>> No.202322

No, they won't dump at 100.
The people that bought the coins, probably bought them at 100sat, since that's where the huge buywalls were, so they will want a profit.
The people that mined the coins have long since dumped them and moved on (I'm one of them, with nearly 200k coins dumped. I only kept 5k just in case it explodes).

>> No.202332

The real mining is happening now, Credits are being mined faster than ever. It's these miners I expect to dump hard.

>> No.202392


Keep telling yourself that, pops.

Investors will dump for a loss at the first sign of panic or sell-offs. GTFO while you still can.

>> No.202405

Are pools up and running again?

>> No.202441

Last I check poolerino was working fine.

>> No.202543

Buy while you still can with the low sell orders. Price will rise once it has matured. The coin is only a few weeks old. How do people expect any coin to have a chance when everyone causes unneeded panic and dumps at ridiculously low prices.

>> No.203485

If you decide to sell, don't sell lower than the 98 satoshi wall on allcoin. There's pretty much 0.01BTC of volume under 98. The buyers will come to us.

>> No.205428

Whoever put 800,000 up for sale on allcoin at 55 satoshis is a fucking cunt

>> No.205547

He will probably sell into the 49 satoshi buy wall once he realizes that his order is not going to be filled.

>> No.205746

And you damn well know that he's got more in his wallet

>> No.205775

Lets see how long until he realizes it's gone

>> No.205778

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around for a while had some stuff to do.

>> No.205785

Who? both the 800k sell and buy walls are still there as far as I can see

>> No.205786

Sorry, it's taking a while for my BTC to deposit into my account

>> No.205799

Also if I don't make the next thread after 300 replies, make sure to put these into the next OP.

Credits Donation address: CLkRQfUsQyVEAf14xMg3wkpBYHhWro8Lpq
BTC Donation Address: 1JtQaytDhi6KRL1dPrxDGhR8CGLieJhBeT
We're working on developing a casino for Credits at the moment, and also getting onto Nexxuscorp.

>> No.205995

800K sellwall is gone

>> No.206121

When you guys really should work on fixing the fucking Mac wallet, three people have confirmed here its not working on actual Mac OS X

>> No.206149

Don't even bother. They don't give a fuck about fixing basic things that are actually important, they just want to keep making gimmicky shit.

Thats why credits is dying.

>> No.206296
File: 107 KB, 846x661, 5Yv07v7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I'm sorry about the Mac wallet; however we did have over ten people in the IRC confirm that it was working on their OSX so it's some sort of really damn annoying "hit or miss" situation. Going to try to compile it into package installer instead of a dmg; maybe it will install the missing library then.

Also, gimmicky stuff was old dev that is gone now. So basically the rest of us are just in here trying to repair the damage. Definitely no bullshit in the future.

>> No.206303

Fok, gonna have to sell back the Credits I just bought... My phone just broke, and I take this as karma after killing a moth that was bugging me.

>> No.206316 [DELETED] 

On exchange or for cash?

>> No.206320

whoops, forgot trip

>> No.206321

For cash, unless I can buy a Nexus 5 with credits somehow

>> No.206323

Okay, I'll buy. https://www.guerrillamail.com/ ?

>> No.206325

It doesn't work on Mavericks. I can confirm that.

>> No.206655

Faucet is working now guys.

Reminder to keep on holding

>> No.206662


is v1.4.0.0 the latest version of windows wallet?

>> No.206673

250k sellwall at 78.

>> No.206710

Any status updates on the casino?

>> No.206752

Also curious. Im willing to donate if someone is working on it.

>> No.206763

New Thread: