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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19333866 No.19333866 [Reply] [Original]

Rent: $900
size: 700 sq. feet

Mortgage: $700
size: 1,800 sq. ft

>> No.19333892

Rent: $2000
size: 1000 sq. feet

Mortgage: $5000
size: 850 sq. ft

Look, I can make up random numbers too!

>> No.19333902
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fuck you asshole

>> No.19334023
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>this kills the rentcuck

>> No.19334067

>more people rent where homes are expensive
>more people get mortgages in bumfuck flyover land

>> No.19334078

rent: $925
size: 450 sqft

Mortgage: $1400
size: 700 sqft

Mortgage + prop tax + maintenance: ~$2000
size: 700 sqft

yeah, I'll keep renting, thanks.

>> No.19334097

mortgage: in debt and strapped down for 30 years

rent: invest in anything you want for 30 years

>> No.19334101
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>rentcels trying to justify their idiocy

You're never going to make it.

>> No.19334117

You've been exposed in >>19333686. Just give up.

>> No.19334149

Rent : $2600
Mortgage: $1350

Size 1800 sq feet.

>> No.19334164

Plus the mortgage stays the same , and eventually ends. rent goes up

>> No.19334200

Thoughts on buying a condo?

>> No.19334236

its basically an apartment. fuck that

>> No.19334278

damn this rentcuck is SHOOK in multiple housing threads lmao

>> No.19334307

You're the one so shook that you had to make a new thread after being exposed as a desperate larper.

>> No.19334315

33 always paid cash for everything thinking I was being smart. Just started building credit this year. 690 now with a shitty secured card with $300 limit. Best way to raise it? Good job, zero debt, really no expenses other than rent and bills and a week of work pays all that. Help me, boys. Tired of a this ghetto apartment. One of my bikes got stolen I need a garage.

>> No.19334389

so which one of us is it, schizoid?

>> No.19334396

Shook? Can u turn down the bass tayshaun? Cringe!

>> No.19334421

lol this dude has gone and accused 3 people of writing a post in another thread

have you taken your meds today sonny?

>> No.19334461

How sad did you have to be to attempt that horrible larp?

>> No.19334508
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>Mortgage: $700
>size: 1,800 sq. ft
>major appliances breaking/needing replacement
>new roof every 20 years
>plumbing, flooring, paint and every other kind of upkeep
>property taxes
>hopefully value keeps up with inflation because amortization schedule means you will pay about 40% in interest over the period of the mortgage

>> No.19334511

ill take that as a no

>> No.19334550
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>muh roof

$6000/25 years = $20/month

property taxes are included in the $700

>plumbing, flooring, paint and every other kind of upkeep
of course a worthless rentfag doesnt know how to fix basic problems around the home

>> No.19334571

wait hold on, I thought it was me? get it together

>> No.19334594

nah breh, it was really ME

>> No.19334612

Doesn't matter who it is. Wouldn't be surprised of all of you are on a proxy. Mortgageshills are larpers and no one on this board should take any of them seriously.

>> No.19334631

it may have been this guy.... >>19334101
hes been awfully quiet...

>> No.19334650

ohhh so now it doesnt matter hmm after you've posted 4 times about LARPing... lol get it together rentcuck.

>> No.19334666
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>> No.19334706


>> No.19335122

>property taxes
I don't pay any taxes on my land cause my properties are considered a farm. I get grants, deductions and refundable credits applied to the structures as well. I literally get paid to have the properties instead of paying property taxes. In case you're wondering, I only needed to sell $600 (gross) worth of crop or animals a year to qualify. Which is easy cause, you can sell it to friends, and your friends can sell you their crop or animals.

>> No.19335157
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>$700 mortgage

>> No.19335268

>$400/month covers all potential property repairs, maintenance, insurance, management fees, financing costs and the risk free return of a similar amount of capital invested vs put as a downpayment.

That's a lot of overhead that has to be covered by a mere $400/month premium on average...

>rich people rent, poor people own
These numbers appear to back up that claim.

>> No.19335406

>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>"o-only niggers rent, a-are you a nigger??"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>other anons are reassuring you you're going to make it
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>time to make another thread
>"rentcucks btfo... 20k roi in 5 years"
>yeah that's nice... look at all those replies
>respond to every single person to keep thread alive as long as possible
>haha wow, im nearly at the top of the catalog
>imagine what i can do with 20k in 5 years
>maybe i'll finally have sex...
>sun peeks through the curtains
>you hear your parents waking up
>hehe, fucking rentcucks
>the depression comes back
>the dopamine rushes dont last as long as they used to
>time to make another thread
>"why don't you rentcucks ever learn"

>> No.19335739

I literally paid a third of your mortgage for a good while.

>> No.19335831
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Here is a quick summary so you stop wasting your time in rent Vs mortgage threads:

1. In these threads people don't actually try to neutrally learn whether mortgage or renting is better; it's just a "battleground" thread where people already with mortgages come to reinforce their belief that their choice of buying a home was a good choice VERSUS people that rent coming to this thread to convince their selves that renting was a good idea. There is no argument or potential to change minds.

2. Whether mortgage or rent is better depends on personal situation, location and so many variables so I don't get why people are arguing in absolutes ("rent is better" "mortgage is better")