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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 256x256, lition_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19329522 No.19329522 [Reply] [Original]

You have been LOHWASSERED

>> No.19329533

where do i buy shitcoin

>> No.19329551

I'm just holding a bag for now. Did I buy yet another scam?

>> No.19329584

I appear to have bought yet another shitcoin. In the years to come i may well become famous for holding the largest number of total different shitcoins.

>> No.19329599

Maybe it's better to start looking outside /biz/

>> No.19329697
File: 175 KB, 2048x2048, 1587226148716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no shit staking rewards are going down. Are you all retarded? Did you read what staking Lition even means? You get the most rewards at the beginning and it drops off as Lition gets more stakers and as you exit the genesis phase. Fucking hell.

>> No.19329712
File: 14 KB, 786x406, litpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all this right after they sold most of the ecosystem tokens (without doing anything with it, the ETH didn't move, they just sold at the peak causing a perfect pump&dump pattern), based Richard, based Alex, based gook

>> No.19329732

>Yeah, no shit staking rewards are going down. Are you all retarded? Did you read what staking Lition even means? You get the most rewards at the beginning and it drops off as Lition gets more stakers and as you exit the genesis phase. Fucking hell.
When I was warning the newfags and pajeet here I was the fudder, now that we are all in this together it was obvious :)

>> No.19329764
File: 9 KB, 264x176, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This absolute retard was completely clueless and it's mostly because of the shillers. And that pump was completely useless after the team murdered it with that massive sale

>> No.19329788

When will retards learn that nothing good EVER comes of locking your money away for ‘staking’.

>> No.19329845

Free lition while we wait for the project to flip over to actual users transaction fees...

>> No.19329852
File: 344 KB, 1080x2124, Screenshot_20200525_141732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not calling you a fudder, I'm pointing out that you're raging about something that was obvious to anybody with a functioning neocortex. You're just fucking retarded.

>> No.19330026

>more and more people are staking
How is that not bullish?

>> No.19330188

LIT more like shit if you guys know what i mean

>> No.19330507
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao Litcucks absolutely BTFO

>> No.19330517
File: 18 KB, 679x190, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fud pajeets are afraid of the upcoming mainnet announcement.

>> No.19330531

soon sap partnership, buy now or stay poor

>> No.19330551

people not understanding that more people staking is bullish and we starters get more while price goes up..

>> No.19331508

Every single day, the same shit. Pajeets lurk waiting for LIT threads to fud. When it appears there won't be one they start their own with some retarded pseudo-fud you can debunk just by reading the whitepaper or listening to any Q&A. And at some point mikefrompenjab steps in, spouting his garbage that has also been debunked in every single previous thread. Meanwhile actual LIT owners have just stopped caring and keep on making it.


>> No.19332622

I thought there had already been a partnership? Also where do you see it taking use

>> No.19332658
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, Getlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soon sap partnership, buy now or stay poor


How has no one seen either of these?

>> No.19332802

Richtard low.iq

no you don't wanna, trust me


based Richtard scamming retarded bagholders (oh im making so much money staking this shit kek)
and he is still dumping every day
the price will never recover as long as they still have shittion to dumb on you, and when they run out of tokens they will abandon this scam because they are not making anymore money from it

what? stop impersonating me you little shit, no one was exposing this scam when the price was at 11c , everyone was saying this is like buying eth at 1$ lmao
this is my proof >>/biz/thread/S18896868#p18897550

>stuck for a year

retards will never learn, its an obvious pyramid scheme scam when the team is incentivising you to lock your coins without even a mainnet and giving you insane rewards for early stakers while they dumb their tokens and hold ether instead of their own scam coins

lition more like shittion
Richard lohwasser more like Richtard low.iq

this retard again, sap partnering with a scam coin kek

>> No.19332842

>you can debunk just by reading the whitepaper or listening to any Q&A
like how you debunked the team dumping by saying its the bep2 bridge?
like how you debunked the team need the money to pay for some imaginary expenses but they still didn't withdraw the 1500 ether?
like how you debunked the team selling as fud and every team sell tokens but forget to mention this facts:
-they started selling at half ico price
-they started selling after saying they don't need more money
-they started selling after they burned their imaginary premined tokens
-they are selling before the mainnet and new exchange listing which is odd, the only developers who sell before big announcement are the one who know there is no announcement in the first place
-they started selling as soon as they got listed on idex 1 year ago and they are still dumping to this day
-where did the 5 millions $ they raised in ico go? did they already spent 5 millions dollars in 12 months?????

this is really obvious with all this facts that the team don't believe in their project success so they are selling as much as they can before the inevitable closure of lition blockchain like how modum did

>> No.19332875



>back then none of us knew the team was dumping

yes we know why you little monkey
>pajeet shills:yeah mainnet2.0 + binance listing + new partnerships announcements coming soon
>the team knows that there is no good announcement in the near future so they decided to dump most of the ecosystem tokens and hold ether instead of their shitcoin which show how much confidence they have in their own project success
>the team started selling at 5cents just below the 2millions sell wall (halfico price)
>they didn't need the money to pay for expenses because they are still holding into that 1500ether which shows they are expecting it to raise in value more than their own shitcoin

>inb4 sirgay did the same thing
no he didn't do the same thing:
-sirgay started dumping between 2$ and 4.5$ which was x13 increase in price in one month and also chainlink ico price was 0.11$, and also he sold his own tokens and not the ecosystem tokens
-sirgay dumped maybe 0.5-1% of the max supply tokens

-Richtard started selling at 0.05$ (half the ico price) in the way to 0.1$ and caused the price to crash
-Richtard sold the ecosystem tokens after he burned their own tokens and said they don't need more money to run and to pay the expenses
-Richtard dumped 5% of the max supply tokens in April alone and another 5% is waiting as they said they won't sell anymore in the mid term, mid term means 1week in the scammer dictionary

>oh how can a team with a legit company and good connections and relations with the german government and endorsed by sap turn to be a SCAM
>remember modum?
>they have so much in common
go read replies

>> No.19332922

>And at some point mikefrompenjab steps in, spouting his garbage that has also been debunked in every single previous thread.


>> No.19332952

Ghost staking looks pretty mediocre if you don't have a master node.

>> No.19332976

You guys are going to be so happy you weren't able to sell when you wanted to by the time your Staking period ends

>> No.19333622


>hurr Sergey dumped 700K STINKY LINKIES OMG HE MUST BE SCAMMING US!!111!ONE!!1

So tired to read your fud, jesus christ you must have a really low IQ to believe Lition is a scam just because they sold some tokens. Are you ignoring they're backed by real customers and companies?

>> No.19333834

>So tired to read your fud
>i can't refute anything you say so i will attack you on person and call you names to make myself feels good after getting justed by a literal retard who didn't know there is a delay between nodes synchronizing over the internet yet he say shit like this in his resume: at age 15, i was fluent at 7 different programming languages
>a retard who tried to hide the dumpening tx in a public blockchain
no wonder as he think people are dumber than him and will never take 1min to check exchanges token inflows

>> No.19333869


You haven't answered the only question I've asked.

Are you ignoring they're backed by real customers and companies?

>> No.19333889

Biz is funny theyve no clue why lition is going to be a gold mine, some of them got lucky that they are locked into their stakes or else they would have jumped ship at the first sign of fud, its gonna be 2 years of these fluctuations but then its gonna explode be cool litards enjoy the ride

>> No.19334044

>backed by real customers and companies?
ok im replying to a literal brainlet who think the real company aka lition energy with the real customers is the same as the lition blockchain which doesn't even have a mainnet to generate any revenue
>inb4 they will fix the consensus soon
if you weren't a retard i would explained to you why they can't fix that shit without changing the consensus, IBFT Consensus Issue is a known problem and still no one fixed this issue to this day, and to think someone who is as retarded as someone who tried to hide tx's in a public blockchain and who didn't know there is delay over the internet is capable to fix it is uhhhh i don't have any more words to describe how ignorant, pathetic and delusional the bagholders are right now, im sure they will launch the mainnet2 but it will crash after only hours or days of running

go read about it here if you have the IQ necessary to understand:

>> No.19334072


>> No.19334234

holy shit I had not seen this before
makes sense

>> No.19334338
File: 320 KB, 411x500, 1528769818490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the biz flavor of the week pump n dump
>time after time

>> No.19334434

every single time

>> No.19334489

Exactly. Sitting around and worrying about a cool off period from a pump which was initiated by ecosystem token selling is ridiculous. Just sit back and enjoy the ride to the top.