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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19324152 No.19324152 [Reply] [Original]

Where are my fellow human farmers at?
What's your make-it-stack?

>> No.19324199

what does 2000 DNA get me?

>> No.19324513

between $2k and $5k eoy is my prediction
Currently sitting on 30k.

>> No.19324542

Got just over 1k from mining only. Suicide stack is minimum 10k. I don’t plan to buy any, just keep mining while I can during lockdown.

>> No.19324606

>between $2k and $5k eoy is my prediction
I wish hopium worked on me, but I'm the biggest pessimist there is and I know 10x is not happening, even though I really like the project.

>> No.19324647

just sell the news on their exchange listing in a few months and accumulate some more, i agree there is a lot of pressure from everybody mining. as long as everybody is mining 13 coins a day and earning 500 from validating + invitees the price will stay low, node growth will be crucial for price increase. Last hardfork's increased difficulty will not help growth but I guess it will be more organic

>> No.19324665
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That logo.
That damned logo.

>> No.19324766
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>> No.19324822

15k human reporting in. I’ll be mining for the foreseeable future. If this pops off the 2.5k DNA I’ve mined over a few months will have me sitting pretty comfy. Literally a couple of stimulus checks for doing nothing.

>> No.19324835



its clear and obvious bitcoin cash. look at this . its at ALL time lows, easiest stop loss you could ever have on a trade.

BTC fees are going through the rough, network is slowing down like fuck. Look for alternatives (just like 2017).

Satoshi moved 150 bitcoin addresses today and said lightning is ok but we need better scaling. If you don't see BCH meme pumping off of this news you deserve to stay poor.

>> No.19324842

in on crypto wallet miner botnet program post hand post synced node post flip post credit card details including the 3 wacky numbers on the back post nude high res photographs including photographic ID and timestamp along with a video (again including a second form of photographic government issued ID) of you explaining your most depraved intrusive thoughts and a 20000 word disseration on the benefits of IDENA to the world to be even remotely considered to receive my one (1) invitation to this project as I have used the other invitations on myself to improve my botnet farm to mine idena as we are going to have advertisments in the program now so now you can view adverts to get DNA. This is way better than any other advertising tokens as its a sekret club noone else knows about I can't wait to log into my pornhub and facebook accounts using my proof of person identity did you know that OG cypherpunks (who we cant name as it will ruin their OPSEC!) love this project? to the moon!

ps. the fact this project was taken down by a 16 yr old with a 10year old amd cpu is pure FUD and btw 600gb internet usage a month is only $5 a month or less if you mine at the public library near you

>> No.19324846

it depends on time scale, 10x is definitely possible but highly unlikely in 2020, its so effortless to accumulate for free that im glad to have more time desu

>> No.19324860


>> No.19324968

you do realize it’s kyc-less to run a node? what are you even talking about with credit cards? not even going to bother addressing the rest of that schizophrenic rant

>> No.19325038

>he hasn't seen the hoops power tripping autists o here make anons jump through to get an invitation

you have to go back.

>> No.19325075

>giving out your invite to some retard who can't make a simple flip and will probably miss his validation session

make a simple flip and reap the benefits you entitled manchild

>> No.19325087

>he doesn't know

>> No.19325265

>make a simple flip and reap the benefits you entitled manchild
>making people jump through bizzare hoops, who already post on this secret club forum and most likely are english native speaking people, post up images of their hands and photographs of synced nodes as if that would have any bearing on whether or not they would be any more viable to validate a node 3 times when the project is already being taken over en masse by chinese and indian users who give invites to eachother without making eachother do party tricks like jesters in front of a royal family to be judged and criticised

its just a simple powertrip. Its cringe inducing watching anons post up stuff trying to make other anons jump through hoops and perform degrading tricks for them to have the chance at being given an invite (when invites are plentiful and simple to get without performing for someone on here) thinking it has any bearing on whether or not they will be reliable. its not just me either, plenty of people observe it on here. huge respect to the anons who come on here on their own volition to give invites out without the hall monitor raid leader attitudes.

>you entitled manchild

and by the way, i have nodes. Nodes. Plural. Imagine thinking i'm crying about not having an invite lmao you have no clue. Sorry if I struck a sore point if you have been one of those autists trying to make invites jump through hoops, dangling an invite in front of them if they don't perform for you :-)

>> No.19325567

jesus, anon, you posted cringe.

>it's hard to get invites, inviters are cruel!!
>but invites are plentiful and simple to get!!
pick one, retard.

>it's all a powertrip!!
>implying there's no correlation between the effort invitee puts in and the chance they show up
>implying people haven't been taught to create good flips after posting bad flips for invites
people can always drop their invites publicly in the last second, but until then it helps to vet people you invite. helps you, helps the whole network.

you're so stupid it hurts.

>> No.19326058

Unironically this. I’ve sent my invites to people that take a picture of their hand. No flips or hoops necessary. If you can’t take 45 seconds to do that and upload it, you probably aren’t going to bother showing up for validation.

>> No.19326844
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Can I get a quick gestalt on these guys and their plan?

>> No.19327188

Wow, youre a giant a cuck, go slurp some sperm.
Agreed, showing some effort for an invite is just common courtesy.

>> No.19328215

identity layer on ethereum
Imagine if you 3200 eth for 100 nodes
you can only 1 human node on idena (maybe 2 if you try)
Good for voting, human identity, etc

>> No.19328879

They're also building a layer for Cosmos. Some Twitter guy leaked it.

>> No.19329255

that anon never posted any source to that claim.
would love to see it, if it did exist.

>> No.19329315

How do I get my node to stop dying? I am running it on idena manager on a vps and every few days it just stops mining

Still says it's running but I have to manually restart it and reenable mining on my client

>> No.19329511

Transactions are increasing in size, a simple vps just doesn’t cut it anymore afaik. That said, a couple of restarts once a couple of days fixes the issue atm, but I highly suggest getting either a raspberry pi4, a desktop or a better vps and mining from there

>> No.19329863

You better ask on discord. It's hard to debug problems like that without logs or at least additional symptoms.
But you definitely don't need a better VPS if your current one isn't struggling with RAM or CPU usage. $5 VPSs are still working fine.

>> No.19330181

Reboot your node every now and then to stop it hogging memory, and add a swap file to your node.

>> No.19330220

Giving away invites to link holders

>> No.19331022
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>> No.19331913
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I'm a newbie that missed the last validation session by 1 minute. Gib invite and I promise not to fuck up again sirs.


>> No.19331975

Sending one now
Good luck

>> No.19332222

> Currently sitting on 30k.
lmao , you actually bought that shit?

>> No.19332239

why do you think 10x is not reasonable?

>> No.19332341

Massive sell pressure even though whales aren't dumping, no minting cap, no real utility yet, no sharding yet even though devs said implementing it is crucial to support over 8-10k nodes. Also the past couple of epochs had sad growth, which doesn't help my pessimism.

>> No.19332352

where is massive selloff pressure coming from?

>> No.19332368

where can I see epoch growth statistics? Where is a chart for that?

>> No.19332401

From people who value 1 dollar per day more than some digital coins.


>> No.19332431

He means the validated identities, which is true. Generally miners sell what they mine, but I don’t think it’s as much the case with Idena. Once we start seeing miners being the minority of validated identities, we will stop having so much sell pressure.

An average normie will only do the validation for the sake of identity, no dna because it will be such a low amount. We are some epochs away from that

>> No.19332570

Why cant i find this poop on cmc?

>> No.19332579
File: 147 KB, 600x800, 1589387098701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon did you ever dream of solving captchas every second of the day until you die? being the ultimate wage slave, but for pajeets? then this is your token. wage slaving to the max. just. incredible. this is just as amazing as >we wuz judges n shiet

>> No.19332660

Sell pressure isn’t “massive”, no one has mined more than 3k DNA since this was shilled in late February unless they’re running multiple identities, which street shitters and 3rd worlders aren’t smart enough to do. Also can’t access staked coins unless you decide to start all over and get an invite from someone. Only early adopters have enough mined coins to flash crash this. Selling a months worth of mined coins will barely affect the price.
It’s only listed on qTrade and CMC doesn’t have qTrade coins listed. You can find it on coingecko or wait until this hits a t1 exchange for CMC

>> No.19332698

>every second of the day
You mean for 10 minutes every 2 weeks? You act like running a node is slaving away when it’s minimal “work” (if you can even classify it as such). I check my node once every 4 or 5 days to make sure everything’s running smoothly and wake up for validations at 9am every 2 weeks. You could do a lot worse for passive income, retard.

>> No.19332797

He is trolling you

>> No.19332801

>From people who value 1 dollar per day more than some digital coins.
1$ a day is approx you can make with IDENA? Those must be pajeets or africans selling then.

>> No.19332855
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>no one has mined more than 3k DNA since this was shilled in late February
no need to rub it in, anon.

1$ of mining rewards per day, plus whatever you get for validation (currently anywhere from 8-80$ per epoch, depending on your invitees).
lots of chinese flips in the network too...

>> No.19332873

sounds like you're full of shit

>> No.19332930
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Assuming optimal conditions you can do about $200 a month at current prices as a human. If you're above 100IQ and you don't get extremely unlucky, you can run two of these, so you'd clear $400.
It's nothing much for westerners, but pajeets and chinks will dump their small bags like clockwork for a next meal of curry or fried cat.

>> No.19332934

kek this post is autistic screeching

>> No.19332995
File: 25 KB, 439x183, brain user feel good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using brain = autism
sorry, this coin is for brain users only. never gonna make it.

>> No.19333574

How can you do 200$ a month for mining? I mined and I think I got 1$ a day and computer was turned on ALL day. How can you get more?

>> No.19333588

> If you're above 100IQ and you don't get extremely unlucky, you can run two of these, so you'd clear $400.

Two of these? Ha, think its realistic to solve flips on two computers simultaneously that fast?

>> No.19333606

right now we have 2 validation sessions a month, i average around 500 DNA/ for invite rewards.
>mined coins
>flip rewards
>validation rewards
>invite rewards

>> No.19333610

Can Pajeets even dump their bags if the stake is locked for some time?

>> No.19333627
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>> No.19333839

you get rewards for inviting people?

>> No.19333943

your rewards stop with your invited node (it’s not a pyramid) but yes, if your invite turns out to be someone that can contribute as a human node and make the network healthier, you are rewarded. The 3rd epoch that they do is the largest payout, then you don’t receive anything as they’re Verified and then Human. You can receive a pretty sizable reward every epoch for 5 flips, invites and the validation itself.

>> No.19334071

You can, but you'll very likely be in 90% at most range for both, maybe 92% and 80% or something, but forget getting 95% on your main identity if you spend < 1 min on it each validation

>> No.19334709


LMAO at you autists trying to justify making other anons jump through hoops thinking that helps make them any more reliable when indians and chinese are freely giving their invitations out without the sekret club autism and shitting up the network anyway like >>19332995

didn't mean to trigger you guys and make you upset that you look like losers asking for hand pictures wtf thats so weird and creepy step back from your computer and have a think about it.

>> No.19335477

Not mining, but invite, validation and flip rewards add up.

>> No.19335761

I couldnt imagine trying to fud this