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19291940 No.19291940 [Reply] [Original]

30k LINK

Am I going to make it?

>> No.19291969

Is 300 million enough for you anon?

>> No.19291975

How does $300 sound?

>> No.19292026
File: 161 KB, 582x584, 2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, on the midnight train from Mumbai to Calcutta.

>> No.19292094
File: 239 KB, 958x1278, 34790F42-70B9-41C6-B96B-7EF1BC366353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been holding for two years, Anon. it depressed me sometimes, because I can’t afford more.

I don’t know if that will be considered a whale in the next cycle.

>> No.19292111

100k Link is the make it stack. Anything below is linklet territory.

>> No.19292135

checked trips

also very true

>> No.19292163
File: 243 KB, 1300x1056, E1EBBBFC-A572-46C8-B906-B5CC93F7F6F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked for trips. I am used to that and I am used to the pain over the years. 100k is always a make it stack.

>> No.19292204

you guy's know it. Always funny to see nuLinkers saying 10k make it stack,1k suicide stack. That's just pure nulinker cope

>> No.19292257

I only have 80k. I guess I'll have to go all into the stock market after link moons and wait 5-10 years before I make it.

>> No.19292294

just stake the link when it pops, it will be as/more efficient than any tracker fund... use the dividends payouts to live on = freedom

>> No.19292304

Yea bro were good. Anyone with $100k+ worth of link will make it during the next bull. If you have been holding for 2+ years just take comfort in the fact that we are already past the half way point. The path forward is shorter than the path back. We bought when they all laughed at us. We held through the crash. We held through the FUD storm and all the discord tranny nonsense. We held through the 20x run up during reddit discovery. And now the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger. Soon we w I'll be getting big ol free steaks everyday and be dabbin on mofos. 1k eoy faggots. Cap this shit cause I'm never fuckin selling

>> No.19292333

Well said

>> No.19292398


>> No.19292510

I will cut my dick off for 80k if you’re not larping, Anon.

That’s always the plan, bro.

Well said, bro. Sometimes, I even think if I am crazy. But seeing legends like Oatmeal anon, I know I am not here alone.

My biggest regret is that I didn’t buy more and I can’t afford to have more at this point.

>> No.19292594

Reddit has known about LINK from the beginning, unironically. Youre making it with redditors.

>> No.19292622

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump.Link is only going to $10 max. Right now I might make 1MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link where about $60 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

The singularity is cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $10. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this board will hold from 20 cents, to $10 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the 1k eoy memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 19k, you will do the same with Link at $10. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 100k Link, nowhere near enough to make it.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.

>> No.19292625

Fuck that I'm selling now. I'd rather not make it.

>> No.19292646

boi no 2key?

>> No.19292677


I only have 20k link :(


should i daytrade link/btc for more?

>> No.19292733

Dubs don't lie

>> No.19293083

Though, I can’t buy as much as I used to, I still am buying when I have the chance. We are all going to make it.

>> No.19293099


Yeah that's all i do with any coin, is just buy with the extra of my monthly check. Wondering if I should be trading in the evenings to get some while it's still sub $5. Whatcha think>?

>> No.19293416
File: 122 KB, 850x569, B0F798A9-CFBD-48C5-BB32-C6E09FD5EC9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to swing, I don’t reccomend you to go with all your holding.

I have leftover at Binance that currently have long position. I am planning to swing this bag with BTC pair. But it’s not a big bag, so I just swing with intention to grow my BTC/ETH bag.

A big position in play is at Aave. Currently my borrowing power is at 20%.

Make sure your liquidation below 1 USD and I think we’re gucci.

If you plan to use Aave, please use debank.com to track your liquidation price.

This is not financial advice, Anon. This is how I do it. 20k is the envious stack for most. Don’t rekt yourself. Playing it careful.

>> No.19293558

That was beautiful anon.

>> No.19293641


Yeah I dunno wtf AAVE is so fuck that. I'd rather futures trade on binance. Not that I would, I've just no idea wtf AAVE is lmao.

Think I'll just put aside 20% savings from my paycheck to trade with after work. Maybe I'll get another 1k this year. Maybe not who knows.

>> No.19293647

>Am I going to make it?

>> No.19293653

no you won't. we don't work for your dopamine and retarded money spending.

>> No.19293691
File: 36 KB, 639x480, 1114BDC9-FE44-4785-81D9-533D2D6C64B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... I want a real Asian Waifu.

>> No.19293714
File: 63 KB, 745x462, D2E784B7-532E-46E4-9561-8D1084786A7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing it careful, brother. I wish you best of luck. Don’t rekt yourself. If you have the time, please learn all about DeFi. DeFi is powered by Chainlink and Aave is one of them.