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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19268927 No.19268927 [Reply] [Original]

You'll all fomo in at $20

>> No.19268956

$4 2 years

>> No.19269122

Yes sir for one CUR sir

>> No.19269186

Link is still the same price as it was 1 year ago
Let that sink in.

>> No.19269213

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.19269264
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one year
Listen here buddy...

>> No.19269284

kek, no one should be compared to cripple though

>> No.19269288


>> No.19269293

They'll regret not investing in Curio when it was below $1.

>> No.19269304

Fuck off Ranjesh.

>> No.19269323

I buy, I hold, I buy, I hold.
Been doing it all the way down to $0.14 and all the way up to $4.75.
I won't stop, ever.

>> No.19269335

Don't tell that to the Linky stinkies though, they hate the truth, they are cultits after all

>> No.19269646
File: 31 KB, 680x340, curiohuobi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huobi is preparing the article about todays partnership and will be out anytime. They have investment is curio and making it successful is in their personal interest.

Ciara Sun, Head of Global Business and Market at Huobi*, stated that “it’s a big step in expanding HT’s footprint outside our direct ecosystem and making real assets such as collectable cars accessible to the general public"

Only 2 Million curio max will ever exist.

>> No.19269710

What do you mean ? Ive been FOMOing for the last 3 years

>> No.19269785

chainlank 10k eoy
chainlank 10k eoy
chainlank 10k eoy

>> No.19270108
File: 90 KB, 640x765, 8A4EB437-4CDD-466D-B26B-6BBF69B826D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. You all actually think drunkanon is still talking about Chainlink.

>> No.19270134

Link $10000 eoy

>> No.19270158
File: 108 KB, 1241x1269, 1580577741411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>700,000,000.00 tokens held by devs

Fuck no.

>> No.19270181

Why don't you trust them anon?

>> No.19270210

And how much USD is held by the government?

>> No.19270291

negative 21 trillion
gov =/= central bank
thats the whole point of making the central bank a private entity, to stop the stupid gov from printing endless money
although its funny that it clearly hasnt worked since no one cares about the debt ceiling

>> No.19270524
File: 38 KB, 499x338, 1581106865833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The US Treasury is the most trusted institution on the planet, that's why the whole world and every major player holds their debt.

That's not even REMOTELY analogous to some fat fuck serial con man/marketer and his offshore illegal security offering with zero strings attached, zero security, zero use case and ultimately zero value.

Go fuck yourself you literal mental toddler and let me know when you've earned your first one thousand dollars.

>> No.19271605

this desu, he put his chips on rpl

>> No.19271671

Imagine waiting for link to 2x from here. The absolute state of brainlets. If you haven’t made it from link yet then you probably never will. Think about it