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19262126 No.19262126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19262137
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>> No.19262153

>tfw just barely get over 6’0’’
>tell everyone I’m 6’1’’

>> No.19262155
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>> No.19262180

>tell everyone im 6 feet, only 5'9
>where shoe lifts everywhere to keep up this illusion

>> No.19262187


>> No.19262195

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.19262210

Same here. So close.... yet so far

>> No.19262233

Same boat, shy half an inch of six foot. Just lie

>> No.19262240

5'2". It's not hard it's just degrading. Twink picked me up with 1 hand a few months ago, turned me rock hard instantly. Not even gay kek

>> No.19262289

tfw 6'1.4 I just lie and say I'm 6'2

>> No.19262308

Are you sure?

>> No.19262337

I have made the personal decision to not be gay, gay thoughts are there sometimes though

>> No.19262369

Imagine being so insecure that height is the entire determination of your life.

Thank fucking god I don't obsess about my height and care more about my success and improvement to my quality of life.

>> No.19262814

That's literally 6' you're fine

>> No.19263176

Manlet is a meme, girls don’t care about looks at all, just have a decent face and a good personality.

>> No.19263202

You chose right, anon. See you in heaven.

>> No.19264207

I think everyone gives themselves an inch or 2 except 6'5+ niggaz

>> No.19264232

We know it’s 5”9 OP

>> No.19264294

I’m 180 cm, don’t even know how much in feet and inches.
But I’m above average in my country so I don’t care.

>> No.19264297

top bait

>> No.19264302

I say 6'5
im actually 6'6

>> No.19264309

its all about the chin. just don't be a chinlet.

>> No.19264325

why? do u feel conscious about being a lanklet?

>> No.19264351
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You know what guys?
I normally don't give out tips because I want as much as an edge as possible but i'll give out two today.

1. Take the Timberland pill. I swear this shit adds 2.5 inches and you look classy as fuck wearing them. Look for lower profile ones if you can find them those are absolutely based. They aren't even designed to be height boosting so you don't have to feel stupid for wearing them. It's time to grow up anons, stop wearing sneakers everywhere you go.

2. Research AAVE, just do it.

>> No.19264394

I say 6'2"
I'm actually 6'1.5"
fuck tons of ugly women
God forgive me

>> No.19264422
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>tell everyone I'm 5'10
>everyone else looks like they are lying about their height

>> No.19264438

>tfw 6'4
>tell everyone I'm 5'11 to make them feel insecure about their height

>> No.19264460

>Research AAVE
>AAVE is an acronym for African American Vernacular English. Other terms for it in academia are African American Varieties of English, African American English (AAE), Black English (BE) and Black English Vernacular (BEV).

thanks for the tips nigger. Hold on, let me try again in AAVE. ABOOGA BOOGA BOOGA. BANANA WATERMELON. NIGGER NIGGUH NIGGUH BOOGA BOOGA.

>> No.19264473

not really a lanklet im about 110kg
I think 6'6 borders on taller than just 'tall'.
every inch above 6 the percentile decreases.
6'6 to 6'8 is a weird height to be. Over that its more of a sideshow aspect.
Wearing timbs like the anon said here >>19264351
puts me in the 6'7" range and I very rarely see anyone near that. not really self conscious of it and its more annoying when people ask how tall I am. It has pro's and con's, I would probably prefer to be shorter though maybe 6'2-3 or so.

>> No.19264503

>5'2" and asian
just fucking kill me already.

>> No.19264524

>be me, exactly 6'0"
>every woman who guesses my height says 6'2"
>tfw every 5'10" motherfucker out there is adding two inches to his height so he can break the 6ft barrier

Anyway just add two inches to your height Anon, women don't know how to tell

>> No.19264529

Pls be my girlfriend.

>> No.19264571

>Be 6'1'' for the longest time.
>At 24 go to doctor for yearly checkup.
>They measure my height and say I'm 6'2''.
>At 25 go in for yearly checkup.
>Still 6'2''.
Well how about that.
This. I only wear boots and they add like an inch to my height because the soles are so thick. My Dad and I are the same height but in public he looks shorter than me because he insists on wearing cheap shoes with thin soles and I wear thicc boots.

>> No.19264661

>stopped growing at 19
>clocked out at 5'8.5"
>tell people im 5'9"
>female friend regularly calls me out on this
Its not fair bros

>> No.19264735

>Get away with wearing a straw hat in public

>> No.19264892

Thanks just bought LEND
Please don't do this

>> No.19265016
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its too late anon the sun can't blind me from these obtaining these gains

>> No.19265050

Absolutely fucking devilish

>> No.19265141


>> No.19265212

5'5" masterrace reporting. Just be yourself bro.

>> No.19265289

What the fuck is wrong with you americans? Thats literally slightly above average height. I swear to god you seppos must have some degenerate brain DNA circulating around or something.

>> No.19265401
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Have some confidence, wear these instead.

>> No.19265414
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5'10-6'3 is ideal height. Anything else is 100% cope for either manlets or lanklets.

>> No.19265489
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>> No.19265556

177cm is this bad?

>> No.19265662

>actually legitimately 5'11 barefoot
>everyone thinks im 6' or above

thanks for inflating the numbers faggots

>> No.19265663 [DELETED] 
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One step ahead of you anon

>> No.19265694
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>Driver's license says 5'10"

>> No.19265712

5'7" and I think about killing myself every single day

>> No.19265743

>6 feets
>tell everyone i'm 5'9 just to fuck with manlets