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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19232795 No.19232795 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19232930

Wait until BTC starts pumping like hell.

>> No.19232966
File: 14 KB, 353x353, 1585032058783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than a year before biz is shit again for several years

>> No.19232984

It won't

>> No.19233160

Oh god you're right. The board is going to be so fucking bad. And i thought this was the bottom. Fuck, 2021 is going to be abysmal

>> No.19233277

get on the /biz/coin chain fren, we're all gonna make it

>> No.19233322

None of you are gonna make it, that ship has sailed in Jan 2018. FUCK YOUR BAGS

>> No.19233350

You mean Coping wagecück threads instead of taking actual action to make money?

>> No.19233393

>taking actual action to make money?
You mean scamming people out of their money with non stop P&D schemes?

Seriously fuck off

>> No.19233751

Doing something is better than nothing.
Fuck your money is evil socialist bullshit. Go circle jerk to wagecück thread reddit faggot.

>> No.19233795

if i were a mod i would delete every post

>> No.19234188

if i was a mod i would ban me

>> No.19234740

>Major cyclone hits India
>Shitcoin threads drastically decline

Surely just a coincidence!

>> No.19234782

>actual action to make money
>Buying shitcoin scams

Pick one lmao. Also you need to be a "wagecuck" to have a significant amount of income to invest into something.

>> No.19234787

You would do that for free?


>> No.19234834
File: 13 KB, 308x308, 1576396954337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like reddit

>> No.19234855

What does that even mean? What "looks like 4chan" then? Indian cryptoscam spam?

>> No.19234857

If you have less than 32 threads filtered right now you're part of the problem.

>> No.19234893

uncensored and unfiltered nonsense
that is 4chan

>> No.19234918

So /b/? No it isn't.

>> No.19234922

Just a reminder that /biz/ was created to take the crypto spamming off /g/. What most cryptofags conveniently forget is that the OG cryptos that were flooding /g/ at that time were BTC and DOGE. ETH was a good /biz/ call but the ICOs opened the gates for an endless amount of scam shilling. /biz/ is still mainly a crypto board but all these scammers and 2017 bagholders try to hide behind the "/biz/ is a crypto board, fuck off" mantra and deny any changes to the board culture. >>19234893 is correct that cryptofags do what the bard culture allows. I don't like it either but screeching that there is an insane amount of crypto shilling is meaningless.
Also, checked

>> No.19234925

Filter that shitty
>stock market crash when
And you've got a winner

>> No.19234968

The board has gotten much shittier over the years, before it would be a few generals to talk about crypto and the rest was for College/career advice, resume threads, economic/stock discussions, business ideas, etc.

Now it's like 80% crypto-spam and 15% /r9k/ + /pol/.

>> No.19234982

Filter the following


Should improve the catalog by 30% before filtering specific shitcoins.

>> No.19235007

I'm currently developing a chrome extension to get rid of crypto threads automatically and once and for all. Next week it will be done.

>> No.19235058

Keep dreaming pal...

>> No.19235116

I've been on this board for around 3 years so I can't speak for what was going on before 2017. If the various posts I've read about the state of the board pre 2017 you are very likely right. There were threads about what you mentioned but it was still a crypto board predominantly. I'm with you that the quality has gotten way worse the past year with crypto shilling getting more pathetic with every passing hour and the good economic/financial threads are gone. Most of the high IQ anons have probably abandoned the board and I can't blame them when cryptofags would shit every thread shilling their bags. As much as it hurts me to say it as i hold a small bag, Chainlink utterly destroyed the board.