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19231209 No.19231209 [Reply] [Original]

At what point did the guillotines start coming out in the French Revolution?

>> No.19231324

anti semites like this make me sick

>> No.19231387

In America we'd just shoot everyone of them.

>> No.19231397
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they should just pick themselves up by the bootstraps, a little bit of elbow grease goes a long way

>> No.19231470

Shouldn't these poor people protest the government that is forcing them to not work and be able to pay rent instead?

>> No.19231513

hey, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

>> No.19231555
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>shouldn't retards make more intelligent choices
No one who is dumb enough to show up somewhere and hold a sign with their opinion written has ever made a good decision or amounted to anything.

>> No.19231560
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>> No.19231562
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Why doesn't the government stop manipulating the housing market with zoning laws and price ceilings and pumping over prices wood palaces because boomers need to sell them at a profit for some reason

>> No.19231564

stupid fucking rentcucks

sorry you degenerates fucked your credit score up and now have to rent a house and pay 20% above what you'd pay if you had just bought the fucking house

>> No.19231604

this kind of seems like trespassing/harassment/assault

>> No.19231722

This is a pretty good idea, if we can’t just kill landlords at least shame them daily in front of their peers

>> No.19231765


Cause they want sky high property taxes too

>> No.19231780

>Shouldn't these poor people protest the government that is forcing them to not work and be able to pay rent instead?

Their theory is that the lockdown is legitimate, but since everyone is going through hard times landlords should too. They're the only ones "earning" their money and expecting to not take a hit during this unprecedented crisis and threatening to put people out on the street for not having money.

>> No.19231789

This is more in line with the communist revolution

>> No.19231790

This. Castle law, baby.

>> No.19231821

smartest reply in this thread

>> No.19231834

They should get rid of the chinese influence on property first

>> No.19231863

>willingly enter into a contract with someone to exchange money each money for a place to live
>noooo you can't just expect me to uphold my end of the bargain

>> No.19231865

Rentcucks don't understand the math behind real estate investment.

For example, in my uncles town he rents an apartment for $720/mo + parking fee of $60. So he's blowing through $780/mo or $9,630/yr after taxes.

Let's assume his marginal tax rate is 25%. A similar apartment would be ~90K. With 20% down, thats 350/mo (interest & principal), maybe $150/mo in property taxes, $100 hoa, $50 insurance. Seems like $650/mo.

He argues no liability, and he only pays a little extra. But adjust for principal paydown ($110/mo), apreciation ($150/mo), and tax savings ($60/mo), and net cost of ownership drops to $330/mo, compared to the $780/mo he pays that will only go up.

>> No.19231901

>a mansion
kek that's a $200k house in the midwest

>> No.19231932

faster than this, UBI by end of June or shits going down

>> No.19231942

" I don't have any savings and can't keep up with my own life style. It's the rich man's fault!"

>> No.19231955

communist actually believe this.

>> No.19231970

what is that a row home?

>> No.19231993

no one gives a fuck about some literal who location in the midwest these people are protesting in Toronto shit is expensive there

>> No.19232025

everyone getting a taste of the NEET lifestyle living off gubmint bucks. If cuckdeau stops sending the checks these low iq serfs will actually riot in the name of muh socialism

>> No.19232063
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I lived in CA for years and we had surprisingly low property taxes, I can't wait until they raise them to NYC levels and owning a home becomes a bigger joke than it already is

>> No.19232135
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>another housing bubble collapse because governments refuse to freeze both mortgages and rent and also refuses to implement UBI-like measures

It's like watching someone have a gasoline fight at a bonfire.

>> No.19232189


I mean... if your property is super expensive, it's going to generate super high property taxes regardless of whether your rate is normal or not. This is a large part of the reason that city governments are so restrictive with their residential zoning regulation.

>> No.19232244

greedy fucks. Canada is bad for this.

>durr durr lets keep pumping house prices so we can siphon taxes from property values and mismanage the funds by spending it on refugees welcome.

day of the fucking rake when?

>> No.19232284

You will never be a woman.

>> No.19232300

retard the french revolution was about the rich killing the poor

>> No.19232673

and that's a good thing

>> No.19232761
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Thank god.

>> No.19232917

Not in CA. Prop 13 baby. It grandfathered in property tax rates and capped them at the day you bought it

>> No.19232950


Property tax RATES or Property TAXES?

>> No.19233312
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do these unwashed swine realise that being a landlord is a business just like any other.

if my unwashed tenant does not pay the rent then I as landlord cant pay rates/taxes/mortgage etc and i lose my business and then my house etc.

how is not being able to pay and fulfill a obligatory contract which you agreed to any fault of the landlord?

these commies need to get their shit straight with their employer or the Politburo who put them in this situation.

the problem has nothing to do with the landlord. the fucking chink government thinks this shit is just magically going to go away? how the fuck am i supposed to pay for anything if my CUSTOMERS cant pay me. fucking commies.

>> No.19233706
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Check'd and Truthpilled.

>> No.19233764

>At what point
After the King had stepped down.

>> No.19233915


>> No.19233934

>do these unwashed swine realise that being a landlord is a business just like any other.
and do you realise that as a business you take on risk? such as loss of business or debtors defaulting?

>> No.19233962


I've never heard of a business owner getting told he needs to tolerate shoplifters. The risk is having to deal with an eviction proceeding, not be forced to harbor retards who can't pay their rent.

>> No.19234015

Except in Canada the landlords are all chinks. Nice attempted deflection Zhang, the day of the bat-eaters is coming

>> No.19234087

you pay insurance for theft like you pay for eviction proceedings

>> No.19234116


And in both cases you kick the thieves out

>> No.19234155

Nice trips and based common sense

>> No.19234168

Nice trips and based common sense

>> No.19234189

so kick them out

>> No.19234229

okay but shoplifting is still a crime. How is this any different from going to the grocery store like
>I can't afford food anymore so you have to let me walk out without paying

>> No.19234278


>> No.19234708

what the fuck were you even arguing then retard

>> No.19234882

everyone old enough to be a government boomer has a house that's value is propped up by restrictive zoning laws. That or they receive donations from property developers who benefit. Even if they're not conscious of the incentives to keep values high, it's baked in to their existence.

>> No.19234910

Try to keep up, retard

>> No.19234947

True, I can't wait for them to die off

>> No.19235126

Zoning laws are a good thing, they keep non-whites out. The whole point is to gatekeep undesirables. Maybe if your parents were rich whites you wouldn't be in this situation.

>> No.19235159

>they keep non-whites out
Look at where we are now, we can't even name a big city that isn't majority minority now. All it's done is making housing unnecessarily expensive

>> No.19235175

blame jews you worthless fuckheads. Let landlords hang

>> No.19235349

based. fuck landies

>> No.19235392

We run mill rates in Canada. The city decides what it wants and splits it up by the % of the city's total assessed property value that you own.
We also pay 0% capital gains tax if you are selling your primary residence and give zero fucks about verifying this unless you are too stupid to have claimed it as a mailing address for half a year, or are too stupid to have a relative squat the place, gift it to them, have them sell it and pay 0% tax on the gains, then gift the proceeds back to you because we have 0% gift tax.

The government is doing this to keep values high so that immigrants will borrow more from our banks to buy in. We also need it to go up because if it goes down and people can't renew their mortgages, our government has insured so many of them that our country would either never recover financially from paying out, or would have to do some extremely blatant shit like buying all the mortgages and generously letting tax payers rent to own the % of the property the government bought to keep them above water. The Canadian Government is engaged in top shelf fuckery around mortgage debt and it has little to do with taxes at this point.

>> No.19235481

It isn’t different

>> No.19235567

So buy real estate or short the loonie and gtfo? To me the answer is obvious

>> No.19235656

>Maybe if your parents were rich whites you wouldn't be in this situation.
i literally own a house because of my parents are rich whites lmao. I can still see how (((those currently in power))) use zoning laws to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else (read: the white race)

>blame jews you worthless fuckheads.
see above
>Let landlords hang
cringe, private property is the basis of any rich and prosperous society

>> No.19235676

Imagine thinking you should get shit for free

>> No.19235708
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>> No.19235718


>> No.19235742

The minimum down payment for an FHA backed mortgage is 3.5%, so long as your credit score is at least 580. I'm glad I live in the US and not Canada.

>> No.19235756


>> No.19235766

The government is stopping people from being able to pay, hence the government should fix it by brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so that these sign cucks can pay their masters.

>> No.19235772

Is that really considered a mansion in canada lmao?

>> No.19235780

Why run off and kill people (landlords or jews) when you can just vote for greater federal support for home ownership, like existed back in the 50s?

>> No.19235925

Kill yourself boomtard

>> No.19236116

If you can get together a $15,000 down payment you can literally buy a house next week in most of the country even if your credit score is abysmally low. Two working people can save that in a year.

>> No.19236139


You overestimate your average neo commie poopbrain

>> No.19236156

i used to live in toronto and i recently moved to new york and i'm so glad i did. i've never met people who complain as much as torontonians. i've never met people with such a large victim complex ever in my life. new yorkers are a breeze to deal with compared to torontonians.