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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19217419 No.19217419 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone /x/ /biz/ here? I am ready to sell my soul for money and need instructions how.

>> No.19217447

I’m not, but I’m intrigued to see where this goes, so have a bump and a (((you))).

>> No.19217546

You don't need to sell your soul. Listen to this Luciferian meditation/affirmation daily.


>> No.19217573

don't do it anon

>> No.19217631
File: 82 KB, 526x526, 1588263150224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walk the other way, fren.

>> No.19217684
File: 28 KB, 347x351, Bune-copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if you're after wealth specifically, you mainly want to worship Dutchess Bune and Lucifer. There is plenty of information online.. Goodluck fren

>> No.19217737

you don’t have to resort to astrology-tier BS to develop some cleverness and exercise good judgment in the market, your survivorship bias will one day burn you hard if you believe this shit really works
if you’re this strapped for cash then you shouldn’t be asking for a nonexistent magic bullet, you should be evaluating how to rationally get out of your situation and get back into a sustainable lifestyle.

>> No.19217821

No shit. However, having a lucky spirit on your side is never a bad idea.

>> No.19217883
File: 86 KB, 480x793, il bagatto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't really work like that and I wouldn't give you a road map even if it did.

>> No.19217904
File: 856 KB, 555x900, rosxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't give you a road map even if it did.

>> No.19217974

You need to have a soul worth buying. Why would Satan buy your soul if most likely you've already given it to him? Are you deeply devout? If so he'd buy your soul as a slight to god. Are you able to promote his agenda to the mass? If not you can't bring him new souls or deceive the masses. Are you exceptionally smart, creative and able to accomplish big projects? If you were you'd already be doing that and would only sell your soul to be apart of human history.
You have no worth to Satan, you probably curse god for your "luck" already. You probably already commit major sins daily without caring or asking forgiveness. When their 8 billion people on earth you really have to stand out to get Satan's attention and guidance. Repent, start loving and serving God, the bible tells you investing is good but greed is bad and blowing money is a sin. You'll be much happier giving your soul to god and living by his word.

>> No.19218569

Fairy Tail is trash and Hiro Mashitma is a terrible author.

>> No.19218639
File: 599 KB, 480x270, 9D09CE5D-DA4A-4406-8E89-1084D4BD194D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck off biz and go back to your meme board
You guys were voted the most retarded people on 4chan.
>people that actually believe this shit NGMI

>> No.19218656

Look into LOKI anon, that's where the rabbit hole begins

>> No.19218708
File: 596 KB, 771x353, Screenshot_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my soul for money

lmao scrub, that's not how it works. You sell your soul for ability, not for shiny coins

Further, if you're eager to sell it, your soul has incredibly low value. So you won't be getting Michael Jordan's jump shot for the exchange anyway, so really, don't bother

Instead stop focusing on money and focus on ability, because money's just the score of how much you're able to provide value of some kind to society. Get good at a valuable thing and money follows

>> No.19218725

>mercury on the pillar

is this a meme?

>> No.19218938
File: 837 KB, 800x909, 1546729614372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to sell someone else's soul?

>> No.19219024

>. Repent, start loving and serving God, the b
are you kidding with this god shit. look around you. satan rules the universe. and I want to give him my soul in exchange for having everything I want.

>> No.19219030
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x1528, 1588146122250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The symbolism used in esoteric Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism holds a completely different connotation than general collective symbols in our society. Their system cannot be interpreted from the outside.

>> No.19219094

ok so. last week I tried a ritual, summoning a goethic demon. and I asked directly, what trade should I make. He told me. I didn't follow through on it, and my portfolio tanked. If I listened I'd be sitting pretty indeed. I think he punished me because he's mad I didn't listen.

>> No.19219105

you will get nothing substantive out of it. by all means try, at first you'll see some shit if you're worth a damn. however, don't be surprised when the high's over and you've ended up on the spiritual equivalent kneepads, a slutboy to people who have more power than you, and a comeup for uninitiated people who are more ambitious than you. the fact that you've posted this thread is a good indication that you'll be sucking the devil's dick for scraps in no time. give it a shot though, surely it will work for you, right?

>> No.19219200

Satan here. I'm gonna be honest with you here anon, you sound like a boring fucking faggot. I mean first of all it's the same old "epic freethinker mom's gonna flip when I sell my soul for some candy and to see my music teacher's boobies" shtick. Then there's the fact you have no actual knowledge of me or my edicts, I'm not your fucking alt-veda hippie good time chum, I'm a celestial being playing for all the marbles all day every day at maximum leverage, and your soul frankly ain't worth the fees. Gotta moon somewhere before you can fall fast and far enough to be worth even a call, let alone a real put. Lastly, and this is where I really draw the line, you're OP. Even I'm not a sick enough fuck to touch that level of faggotry, and you can forget about ever getting a member share in YHWH, let alone preferred.

>> No.19219224

sign me up. nothing is possibly worse than this.

>> No.19219241

trust me, satan. you will want me on your side

>> No.19219466

Trust me faggot, I really don't. Literally no one in any plane wants le suicidal sadbois sure that their penny-ante suffering is the biggest and the most. Even if you weren't a lying faggot you coming to me with nothing to lose because you have nothing to lose and it can't get worse for you isn't a very compelling interview. "I'm sad because my company can't make money, bail me out!" Know why they call simps who go for that ANGEL investors? Because I don't do those sorts of deals since before the firmament. You want to sell me your soul? Man the fuck up and grow one first, at the very least.

>> No.19219513

what a bullshit system, like entry jobs needing 5 yrs experience

>> No.19219612

What a bullshit person, expecting other lifeforms to respect, aid or accommodate you at their own risk while sparing no thought to reciprocity or how you can help them, or that they might have immediate needs and desires as well. You want something for nothing? You picked the wrong multiverse pal, both energy-wise and ritual-wise.

>> No.19219618

follow the GCP dot anon