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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19202154 No.19202154 [Reply] [Original]


get on fags

>> No.19202376

What's the best wallet to put your ESH on to ensure you will have access / control over your GHST come the 25th? Is there any value in keeping the ESH after the airdrop?

I'm currently using Trust Wallet - is this okay?

>> No.19202510


>> No.19202560

Any Ethereum wallets will do, like Metamask or whatever. However after the drop you have to swap your airdropped Ghosties for the real ghosties (which then can't be held in your ethereum wallet anymore) But this will be all announced on the 24th / 25th

>> No.19202562

Yes to answer your question

>> No.19202598
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>> No.19202977

Thanks anons, that helps clear things up for me. I was worried because GHST will be on its own blockchain so it didn't make sense to me how we'd get the airdrop to our eth wallets.

If I sent over to my ledger eth address and used metamask through the ledger would that be considered safer? I know you can add custom tokens on metamask and I was thinking I'd probably have to do something similar to see my balance on Trust Wallet but I don't know how to do that on Trust Wallet.

A bit paranoid of not getting my ghosties due to some silly fuck up like this - am I over thinking it?

>> No.19203134

Alright, did some research and I'm guessing all I'd need to do is get the contract address and add the custom token.


>> No.19203445

too old, looks 16

>> No.19203543


>> No.19204459
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adding a custom token just means you can see and interact with it, the ESH will be "there" on your eth address once you withdraw them onto it regardless of whether you have added the token beforehand.

any nice eth wallet will do where you own the private key, metamask, mycrypto, mist, ledger, the list goes on. as long as it's not an EXCHANGE or an absolute piece of shit wallet.

ledger will only be "safer" if your PC is a compromised piece of shit full of russian gaming torrent keyloggers that spy on you while typing/copypasting your private keys somewhere.