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19181557 No.19181557 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here makes money in Youtube / Twitch / Amazon / online? if so how and how much you make?

>> No.19181655

I make money off of crypto

>> No.19181665
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>tfw no azn gf with antibodies

>> No.19181992

several hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube here, make better money than I would in any other job

>> No.19182335
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What type of channel is it? Ex: Info,entertainment, gaming, info, cooking, or just reposting shit and adding a new title to it?

>> No.19182499

How, long did it take you? I have a YouTube channel I have 35 videos on it but I only have 200 subscribers.
>any recommendations that I might not know.
> Have you ever shilled your channel on biz before? I was thinking of doing it but some of these guys are pretty savage

>> No.19183890

5 years

>> No.19184140

Are you this guy?


Could you reply on what I said?

Also how many views you get a month? in your experience, what do you need to get recommended? because my conclusion is, to get views (money) you need to get recommended, and that is due high CTR and high watch/retention time, some odd combination of those, and probably other raandom stuff.

Im fucking paranoid as a motherfucker because I see channels with millions of subs becoming stagnant while others thrive. Since I learned about p-score im suicidal.

I do autistic anonymous content, its mostly 8-15 yo kids, like animated stuff. It takes too much time to create, other than adsense nobody bothers to click on shit, forget about merch and so on, unless you have an huge channel with an original character or concept, and that's like 1%. Im suicidal everytime a video doesn't get recommended by algorithm. I basically waste 1 month making a video for nothing. I live off the adsense income from ranked videos, and when it gets randomly deranged I want to jump off a tall building. Im always working on the next video in case the ranked videos fall. Most of the traffic comes from a handful of ranked videos.

>> No.19184199

Also, im too autistic to show my face or voice, so theres no connectio nwith the public. I also live with my mom, so its embarrassing to start a gaming channel or something, im too old for that shit talking about shit that I dont care like a fucking retard in my bedroom. I wanted a way to make money withotu showing my face or voice and managed to do it, problem is, it doesnt scale beyond getting views and thus im trapped with adsense only. I wish I had more money making schemes. My channel is huge 1+ million, but having subs is useless. Example of huge channel with few views:


You can find many gaming channels that ended up like this too.

>> No.19184339

> Are you this guy?
I'm not, I didn't see that thread yesterday
> Also how many views you get a month?
few millions
> what do you need to get recommended?
Good topic, thumbnail, title and high retention time. Now, you can make the best video in the world, but if topic is niche or boring, not many people will watch it. You can make great eye-catching title and thumbnail, but if people click it and stop watching quickly, youtube will stop recommending it. Hope you get how all those factors are important
> unless you have an huge channel with an original character or concept, and that's like 1%
true, money from adsense I don't even count because it's so little for me. I make money having deals with brands etc.