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File: 52 KB, 1080x997, EUcQte_XsAAQiMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19170283 No.19170283 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the ramifications if Italy, third largest economy, left the EU?
The second largest, Britain, has already left and now Italians are losing hope

>> No.19170299

>UK to officially adpot "Britcoin" as first ever crypto as sole currency

>> No.19170316

nobody can even guess at this point, we don't even know yet what the ramifications of the uk quiting will be, they're practically still in for all aspects that matters until dec31 at least.

>> No.19170335

>What would be the ramifications if Italy, third largest economy, left the EU?
the end of eu

>> No.19170338

uk retards.
Italy has too much debt, their currency would suck, and the country would be in financial ruin

>> No.19170341

but italy is an eur country. i don't think anyone will consider their leaving intentions serious until the world has adopted bitcoin at least (in place of the eur)
like, they leave the eu AND switch from eur to lira? no way.

>> No.19170347
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i dream of the day that Europe is fully independent of the Globalist jews.

>> No.19170357

Toilet paper was worth more than Italian currency before they joined the EU. Given the current circumstances, that might again be true for various reason if they leave lol. It’ll hurt the EU, but it’ll hurt the Italian’s worse. Britain is a different story, the never adopted the euro, and the pound was strong before, and will be strong after.

>> No.19170360 [DELETED] 



>> No.19170364

i like the freedom the eu brings tho
i think with a directly elected president and cross-country campaign it'd have hope, at least def would be an interesting experiment
but it is lacking fundamental aspects ofdemocracy in its current form

>> No.19170388

Italy would become an african country on the european continent. Italy is so poor has so many debts, they just cant leave.

If they could the northern european countries would have kicked the weak links (e.g. Italy spain, france) out of the EU

>> No.19170404


>15% of Italians say Holocaust never happened, poll finds

>> No.19170416

Why does worthless currency matter? Just redefine the unit to be equal to 100x the old unit and bang, your new currency is worth 100x more than the old one

>> No.19170424
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nah. italy just has a differently structured economy and fundamentally is less consoom oriented than northerners
gdp is no measure of wealth. just has SOME correlation to it.

>> No.19170437

It will be a lot worse for Italy than the rest of the EU but in the short term it would suck for all. I am as disgrunted with Italian lack of solidarity and irresponisble spending over the past decades like the next guy, but a populist exit out of the EU during these times would propell us all back to another triple crisis.

>> No.19170438

Confidence. You can define it’s worth as you will, if nothing backs it, it’s useless. The euro is backed by strong economies and trade.

>> No.19170471

Oh, i see thats why Italy and Spain are constantly beggen for more money from the EU. And get mad on the Dutch PM for refusing to agree.

>> No.19170647

Dumbasses like you are the reason EU was necessary in the first place

>> No.19170692

They're full on Arab rapebabies so it's in their nature to feel entitled tor money even if they don't need it or deserve it. It's the southern chad genes.

>> No.19170750

strong economies hahah, its backed by a house of cards with germany at the top

>> No.19170820

Italy has more government debt. Northern countries are better off in that regard, but northern countries have higher private debt.

>> No.19170823

Italian here.
If we “ItalExit” and get back to Lira , I would rather go all in on a pajeet p&d coin at the top, I would lose less money in the switch.

>> No.19170883

This. Italy can't get out now. The problem is that they have a connundrum. They want to get out ot control their finances more so they can have the debt based economy they want. However, they can't get out with the current debt they have. So Italy needs to play by EU (Northern rules) to gain the debt levels needed to get out. But at that point, your economy will already be reformed to the point that there is no need to get out.

>> No.19170938

If you leave the EU, Luigi, we'll let you be honorary Anglos for your perfidiousness

>> No.19171059

If they took Greece, France and Spain with them the Euro would unironically become world reserve currency.

>> No.19171062

I just don't want Italy to be even fuller of niggers, muslims and chinks. Getting out of EU might be bad financially, but being in EU while Italy just slowly goes to shit is even worse imo. I'm half Italian and live in a northern europe country. I've always liked the vibe of Italy when I visited in the Summer. Everything is a lot more relaxing. The language feels nicer and smoother.

>> No.19171132

Theyll do some kind of cyprus scheme for investors to attract rich people most probably.
And of course tourism $$$

Italy is the greatest european country to spend your summer time in

>> No.19171173

dude if your govt really didn't want to, it just wouldn't accept refugees. the eu has 0 means to force their hands.
>t. hungarian

>> No.19171256

>the eu has 0 means to force their hands.
Of course you do. If you're not in the cool club (Germany, Benelux, and German dick-sucking France) they'll do everything they can to drag you down
The clique did this to Britain for too long and we said a collective 'fuck you', now they're shitting themselves x10 with corona going on

>> No.19171267

Meanwhile the Netherlands steals billions of tax revenue from those countries because of its fiscal laws. If the EU is a trade union it needs common fiscal laws. It won't last

>> No.19171314

Fucking bullshit, nearly everyone is a socialdemocrat here or a liberal.

>> No.19171372

what did the eu do to drag you down? i was talking with a brexiteer in the uk and he was quoting shit at me what the eu forced on you. turned out none of it was forced. you're not qualified for free healthcare in most countries just for moving there like you were in the UK. you need private insurance.
you can't just stay indefinitely in most countries without asking for approval after 3 months from the local authorities and proving you're either working or are self-sufficient, like you could in the UK. the eu didn't force you to get cucked by accepting entire cripple families and let them form colonies. why do you think it's such a much more apparent problem there than any other country? because you have the best welfare in the entire eu? no, it was because you had the most loose laws and checks. it was entirely your govt that let you get cucked. the only thing that'll change long term is that they'll cuck you with people from outside the eu.

>> No.19171390

You do realize you can just default on debt if you have independent currency?

>> No.19171423

There are some niggers ITT who unironically support the existence of the EU. How hopelessly retarded does one have to be to get to that point?

>> No.19171460

Italy leaving the EU would be a blessing for the EU

>> No.19171466

Found the German

>> No.19171475
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>> No.19171483

The concept is nice but the execution is terrible

>> No.19171488

Wow powerful

>> No.19171506

The concept was nice for a couple of decades after WW2 until the threat of intra European war subsided for good. If the EU collapsed right now there's no way France and Germany would start fighting again kek

>> No.19171626

Less immigrants and things would improve

>> No.19171703

>some kind of cyprus scheme for investors

Cypriot here. Can you explain in more detail what you know about these schemes?
We are full of the russian mafia now, but they bring in massive cash

>> No.19171841
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>> No.19171965

Greece and Italy is the problem we get african niggers flowing into EU. Italy mainly. Some Italy beach regions are run by mafia, thugs and shit. It's main logistic locations where niggers come up to land. italy is in a problem, no one would notice. Italy in such dept, leaving EU would destroy Italians, yes they would still exists, but Italy is not london, italy is another back yard in EU, where niggers and pope buttfucks each other.
>but muh pasta, but muh cheese
eastern eu make same shit and if allowed would replace those italian products in no time if allowed to do so. I guess corona in some way is a relief to Italians themselves, but thing is, there still not enough old people dying.

>> No.19171967

>Netherlands steals billions of tax revenue from those countries because of its fiscal laws
They're not stealing anything. They're reducing theft by allowing people to avoid taxes.

>> No.19172024

Another luxury the Netherlands has over Italy and France in this regard, is that we have our pensions paid by funds for the most part. These are among the the richest funds in the world. This really reduces the drag on society old people have on the economies of Italy, France and the less well managed brethren in the South. Their goverment pays Billions each month in Pensions.

And no, you can't have our pensions although the EU is trying.

>> No.19172059

Italy is a net contributor you dumb retard

>> No.19172096

France had something called "assurance vie" ( which can be translated to life insurance but it actually is not ) that works kind of similar.

Its basically speculative funds that gets less and less taxed as time goes by, by the 8th year its completely tax free.
Was designed to help with pension but underused.

>> No.19172099

maybe i'll move to iceland and bring the median down to 150

>> No.19172112

Why is Germany low?

>> No.19172123

Borderline commies

>> No.19172148

truth: snowniggers are closer to mutts than europeans

>> No.19172160

It could help a lot with spreading the load. It also takes a lot of pressure away from the government.

>> No.19172167

Based Greeks have developed deep knowledge of the EU ecosystem

>> No.19172171

Nah. I'm not buying that the average German is poorer than the average Spaniard. And why is Italy high? This chart is BS.

>> No.19172196

Φερνουν και τις κορες τους να ερθω?

>> No.19172294

Ναι αλλά δεν μιλάνε αγγλικά ούτε ελληνικά. Συναναστρέφοντε μόνο με άλλες Ρωσσίδες και είναι όλη μέρα σε (ρωσσίδες) αισθητικούς και σε ιδιωτικά σχολεία αποκλειστικά για ξένους.

>> No.19172309
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To many issues with the EU project.
Open Borders and Work and one coin is not bad but the bureaucratic nonse kills it.

>> No.19172315

>Sacrifice our industry just so other countries like France could take the cake
>Get our vegetables shitsmeared by Krauts after gobbling kebabs filled with E.coli and blaming it on our cucumbers, never apologizing when it was proven that it wasn't the case.
>Almost never get our interests defended by the EU except when it's convenient to them, like for example the talks about Gibraltar just to stick it to the brits for leaving
>Pay and even manage to narrowly avoid becoming another Greece sacrificing the general well being by lots of budget cuts
>Essentially get cucked into oblivion every time we breathe
>"We need money to fight this nasty disease, please help us"
>Lol no, who do you think you are you lazy son of a bitch?

The entire concept of this "Union", and specially that tulip fucker, can fuck off. For each real good argument to stay there are three to leave.

>> No.19172335

>literally drinking northerncuck propaganda
Fuck off libtard

>> No.19172373

i think france is one of the stronger EU economies. everything else you said sounds about right though.

>> No.19172394

>Greece and Italy is the problem we get african niggers flowing into EU.
Meanwhile the people allowing Erdogan to be an entitled old fuck using the migrant hordes as a trading chip and the masses protesting about how the Greeks are patrolling their borders like it's 480 BC are far away from that country, curious isn't it?

>> No.19172418

>Toilet paper was worth more than Italian currency
how much of it? 100 rolls of toilet paper is worth more than $1. You are saying so much while saying nothing.

>> No.19172442

Lol this

>> No.19172457

>If they could
I think the correct verb is if they wanted. And it's obvious that they still want to suck as much as they can like the fucking leeches they are

>> No.19172504

Ωχ, εγώ για πλάκα το είπα. Κακή φάση, δεν ήξερα οτι έχει γίνει έτσι η κατάσταση έχω να έρθω στην Κύπρο απο το 2003.

>> No.19172791

>It’ll hurt the EU, but it’ll hurt the Italian’s worse
Italians are being raped within the EU since 20 years if you didn’t notice
Instead of inflating the currency they are deflating salaries which is even worse because it also cause high unemployment
Out of EU/eurozone they can do pretty well

>> No.19172874

Actually in the last 7 years Italy was a net contributor for over 37 billions, fuck you and this kike union

>> No.19172898

with the right leadership italy could provide the antibodies needed to fight off the multicult infection in Europe

>> No.19173024

the economic union was and is a grest success.

the monetary union is a huge failure and should be terminated peacefully.

if italy defaults and introduces a new lira they will be better off within 5 years

>> No.19173120

italy is refinancing 134.8% of national debt at often literal negative yield bonds thanks to the eur. what interest you think they'd pay if they couldn't issue euro bonds, and if the ECB wasn't buying them up?
maybe it could work if they declared bankruptcy at the time of the exit, but then nobody would sell them anything for lira, they could literally only import shit for gold and bitcoin.
there's no legitiamte chance they're reintroducing the lira. IF they exit, they'll be using bitcoin.

>> No.19173136

Most germans are dirt poor and pay rent
Our government combines restrictive old people politics with hardcore to big to fail subventions, making the rich richer, the poor poorer and the zoomers in jail

>> No.19173232

/biz/ really has a piss poor grip EU economy and politics. Not to mention reality

>> No.19173260
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welcome in Italy, a piece of africa in Europe

>> No.19173296

Most of the southern economies where based on inflationary monetary policies, most of the north had stable/strong currencies before. When the "union" became fiscal the subsequent adoption of the Euro mirrored the stable/strong currencies. Whether this was by malicious intent or by ideological convergence is a matter of speculation but the fact of the matter is the noŕthern economies where structurally ready to take advantage of the new form while the ex-inflationary economies where at a huge disadvantage and had to change. Obviously that wouldn't happen and it didn't, but make no mistake spain and italy had massive manufacturing outputs before and where very productive in general post war. Reverting to a local currency wouldn't currently be to their detriment, the people who stand to lose the most from a Euro (not EU) breakdown are Germans, Slovaks, the Dutch, Belgians and maybe france.

>> No.19173343

Anon you clearly misunderstood who were the ones I was calling leeches

>> No.19173438

Brief history of defaults in EU:
>Germany defaults: 3, and was about to default a 4th in 1990s
>France defaults: 9
>Holland defaults: 1
>Austria defaults: 3
>Italy defaults: 0, zero, nada
You need to rethink about who's viable here

>> No.19173497

germany was never about to default post war.

>> No.19173546


>> No.19173581

Yes it was, and guess what, in 1953 they avoided the absolute crash thanks to Italy (among others) that halvened the war debts.
In 1990 debts were almost completely cancelled because of a political reason, not because germans paid them.

>> No.19173842

ok now, think about it for a second. italy leaves the EU next year. do you seriously not think their bond yields will rise? do you seriously not think they'll rise supper massively and force them to default? would you give credit to a govt that's 135% in debt and just left the EU because it wouldn't let them inflate away their currency?

>> No.19173881

>implying they would leave the euro and not instantly default on their debt
>implying if they leave the euro isn't dead
What are you smoking?

>> No.19173890

the germans agreed to a lot of shit including the euro in 1990. also east germany is and was a shithole that created a huge burden on west germany.

>> No.19173896

>implying they would leave the euro and not instantly default on their debt
no, not me. he implied it


>> No.19173918

20.000 είναι, και όλοι στην λεμεσό. Ντάξει δεν ενοχλούν κανένα, 100 φορές καλύτεροι είναι από τα παράσητα που έχει γεμίσει η αθήνα.

>> No.19173997

>debt debt debt!
Other eurocuck nations just moved their debt to private sector, it's just a matter of perspectives.
After an initial shock they will just get back at 1980 inflation politics, that were stable enough.
Guess what, literally everyone wants italian bonds and shit, because the interest is high and they know that there's absolutely no problem in getting the money back.
Who's picturing Italy like it was zimbabwe is the same jew that makes shopping among our private companies, trying to choke national economy even more, in order to buy everything on sale.

Now try to picture this: what will happen to EU if italy leaves? Spain and Portugal will follow. France will leave too because they don't want to become the piggy banks.
Eurshitcoin will raise in value because of this, so bye bye german exports.

>> No.19173998

You are right. This whole default is morally bad is some bullshit. When you give someone a loan you are make an investment, it isn't risk free nor should the loaner's capital be protected. The fact that you are loaning to an entire country makes it even more imperative for defaulting to be stripped of everything implying imorality. Im no commie, capitalism should be capitalism, you play you lose you move on, dick measuring how many times a country has defaulted should only be discussed when talking about fair market price of bonds.

>> No.19174053

Έχω ξεκινήσει μια εταιρία με χαμηλά margins και σκέφτομαι να μεταφέρω τα γραφεία στην Λεμεσό για φορολογία. Παίζει μαφιοζιλίκι που πρέπει να έχω υπόψην?

>> No.19174319

Regardless of all the euro bs invest in the balkans. Boatload of funds coming from china and usa fighting over the influence. In 10 years balkans will be on par with most eu countries.

>> No.19174682

>In 10 years balkans will be on par with most eu countries.

>> No.19174930
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Tι να σου πω, είμαι πολύ νέος για να ξέρω από αυτά. Αυτό που γνωρίζω όμως είναι ότι η γραφειοκρατεία στην Κύπρο είναι ανύπαρκτη σε σχέση με την Ελλάδα, ίσως απομεινάρι της αγγλικής αποτελεσματικότητας επί αποικιοκρατίας. Γενικά, you can get things done.
Για τι εταιρία μιλάμε?

>> No.19175034

Ας πούμε ζωοτροφές γιατι αν το συγκεκριμενοποιήσω θα το βρεί κανείς κατευθείαν. Ναι εντάξει, όταν λείξει η κατάσταση με τον ιό θα περάσω μια βόλτα να δω την κατάσταση απο κοντά. Είχα φίλους κύπριους στο πανεπιστήμιο και ήταν εντελώς based τύποι. Και οι κοπέλες σας είναι πολύ πιο εντάξει απ τις δικές μας εδώ. Τι κάνεις στο biz?

>> No.19175179

>bureaucratic nonse
the most trustworthy brainlet indicator is someone going muh bureaucracy with no fucking idea about administration. It's the all in mount stupid.

>> No.19175230

That’s what they have in EU.

>> No.19175428

Αποφοιτώ φέτος από top πανεπηστήμιο του εξωτερικού, STEM. Αντιλίφθηκα ότι καριέρα σαν ακαδημαικός/ερευνητής είναι πατάτα: δεν πληρώνει καλά, πρέπει να αλλάζεις πόλη κάθε 3-5 χρόννια και σε "τρώει" με ατελείωτες ώρες εργασίας και overtime.
Ιδανικά θα ήθελα να φτιάξω εταιρία σχετική με τον τομέα μου.
Είμαι στο biz για να μάθω από crypto, αν και δεν νομίζω να είμαι ποτέ αρκετά ενημερωμένος για να επενδύσω και να βγάλω λεφτά.

>> No.19175954

It would even be more DM than it already is

>> No.19175972

man you have a fucked up definition of freedom

>> No.19175978

Most here are Americans
They never experienced the good and bad sides of the EU themselves.

>> No.19176159

Italy is fucked. By poverty, superstitions, bad food codes, sweaty loud hairy native populace, and now, a bunch of immigrants at a completely unsustainable rate. Italy is rat poison squared.

>> No.19176536

Kek watch out we got a blatant idiot here

>> No.19176600

PIGS won't quit, they benefit from the Euro too much, the countries in the north paying for the party might though

>> No.19176641

No you found the truth and deflected with divisive race bate.
Germany is your only salvation Italy. This is not an opinion. This is basic math lagic

>> No.19176652

>kick France out of the EU
You realise France is the core of the system, right? That Germany only exists as a country right now because France allowed it to re-integrate?
t. Paddy

>> No.19176699

>Germany, Slovenia, Portugal and Sweden lower than Greece

>> No.19177284

The rest of the EU become Franco-German slaves states.

>> No.19177561


lol at all the seething meds in this thread
get rekt

>> No.19178846

bumping it

>> No.19179468

You know it’s true what he said

>> No.19179487


>> No.19179536

καλώς ήρθες νεόφυτε

>> No.19179857


>> No.19180432

The Eu is still gay as fuck, we may have a cucked government, but The EU is still gay

>> No.19180626

based karlsruhe court will bring eurozone to collapse finally
i dream all european citizens to go on the street with their national flags, sing their hantem and burn the shiteuropean flag
i love you all frens, i just hate european union and eurozone
we are all in this together

>> No.19181288

Of course this is based
Eu project was clearly hijacked from outside (or inside, we don't know) and now is something that went shit

>> No.19181569

Its a shame really, a true european feration/confederation would have been dank as fuck

>> No.19182164

Found the kraut

>> No.19182785


>> No.19183186

Guess again rabbi

>> No.19183211

it means the EU loses countries that now cost money


>> No.19183276

what is the best country in europe? give me top five

>> No.19183381
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Nobody is paying shit
Italy is net contributor
Stop shitting on neighbors for no reasons with false accusations
Italy is fucked beyond imagination yet quality of life is extremely high, excluding rome and milan which are nigger/gipsy infested shitholes
We can go to sky in 30 minutes and we can enjoy beautiful beaches in 30 minutes, food quality is incredibly high, hygiene is very high and people are actually warm
Portuguese people can relate, Portugal is even more poor yet I would definitely live there
Spain as well
Problems in south eu is having a good career, jobs and salaries, but lifestyle is amazing
Now that my career is going well in north europe, I plan to get some remote work and fuck off back to south

>> No.19184094

What the fuck does it have to do that Italy is a net contributor with the fact that if they have their own currency it would be shitcoin tier?

>> No.19184127

Italy can't exist without being able to fuck around with their currency they are too niggerbrained

>> No.19184297

They were able to afford to have a shitcoin before 2001, they will be again.
Fact that a shitcurrency is undervalued is very good for export, now we're sharing a shitcoin that is modeled for german economy, so it's good for germany export, not for med countries.

>> No.19184636

Italy exports luxury goods, people that buy Ferraris, Armanis, Guccis, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Prada, etc won't give a fuck if they're a few bucks cheaper, and they will still be unaffordable for poor people, their entire reputation depends on them being unaffordable to poor people, this comment is retarded.

>> No.19184678


Amazing, pastaniggers soak up enormous amounts of subsidies. The entire EU needs to disband fast.

>> No.19185635

typical southern european smoothbrain

good luck selling bonds after you default idiot, enjoy trying to finance deficit spending when no one is willing to lend your shithole any capital

>> No.19185688

Italy exports everything from food to industry, you dumbass illiterate.

>> No.19185734

Lol Italy is one of the largest beneficiaries of the common agricultural policy, if Italy leaves the EU their agricultural sector will be fucked, you're truly retarded

>> No.19185759

better a shitcoin tier currency that you can use for actual fiscal policies instead of waiting for eu mafia approval

>> No.19185859

Italy would end up like Argentina if they managed their own currency, and it shouldn't surprise anyone since argentines are mostly descended from italians. Enjoy your hyperinflation retards.

>> No.19185906

I'm sorry, but with due respect, i'd rather be the worst Italian than an onorary anglo.

>> No.19185913

>Argentine issued 100 year bonds after 8 defaults and people bought them on the day

get rekt

All the south countries were better off before

>> No.19185921

Explain how, please, i want to laugh.
Argentina ended up like Argentina because its own currency was bond to US dollar, you libtard imbecile

>> No.19185982

(and guess who was in the Argentina government, right, A LIBTARD like you)

>> No.19186018

Hahahaha you don't even know what the CAP is, italian farmers would go broke instantly without the EU subsidies, not to mention if they also had to pay tariffs to get into the EU lol. And Argentina hasn't pegged their currency to the USD since 2001, they destroyed their currency because they're like stupid med niggers that can't even run a grocery store.

>> No.19186143

>Here's the mongoloid
Eu subsidies are a fucking scam, and of course just a libtard retarded mind could imagine this.
Just another prove that eu is modeled on the northerncuck needs.
I say "food" and you imagine some fruit or vegetable, of course i mean processed food, that is a thing with a real export, of course not in your shithole country where you eat some industrial pajeet tier sauce like the morally poor fuck you are.

>> No.19186235

Vet here. I CAP is currently covering not only Italian but all agriculture in the EU, basically transferring EU tax to the agricultural sector. That being said, ALL of the EU countries had an ag sector before and they will after.

EU mafia cucks need to eat shit

t. Actual capitalist

>> No.19186333

Imagine spending years reading negotiations at the WTO, paying attention to the Doha Round, learning about amber box subsidies, understanding the goals of the Cairns Group, etc only to be lectured in a mongolian handweaving board by a retarded teenager that thinks that the EU subsidies, which account for 40% of the EU's entire budget are irrelevant...

>> No.19186386

Not to mention the old "Milk quotas" with which the EU geniuses created a major damage to farmers, forcing them to shut down.
Very great help indeed.

>> No.19186407

Europe agricultural sector would disappear without the EU protectionism and subsidies, every single producer would leave to Africa or Latin America where land and labor costs are 1/100th of what they are in Europe, you people are retarded.

>> No.19186420

getting a few millions instead of the usual trillions

yeah, smart move 500 iq bigbrain over here, default good!

>> No.19186443

Imagine needing entire *years* to learn about EU economics, and then still thinking it's not a parasitic organization.

>> No.19186518

I don't care about you doing your retarded libtard homework, EU union is a complete failure, like almost every libtard oriented political project.
People like you failed in every single part of history, and still you dare wandering with your completely faulted economical beliefs and your fake news.

Problem is not even EU, but the bunch of scum that got in charge.
Constantly failing negotiations nowadays and the pathetic economical help plan that they're creating, compared to china and US, are another success.

>> No.19186540

imagine the smell of that books, too

>> No.19186615

You're getting me wrong, I want the EU to go away, because I hate Europe, I'm just telling you facts, but I will definitely enjoy seeing Europe crash and burn, especially the leech countries of the south that will become latin america tier in a whim

>> No.19186707

No they wouldn't. Do you think Italians will buy "parmesan" from Africa. Do you think Greeks will buy African tomatoes? Or maybe the Spanish will just have imported pork. You are deluded. The price of land and labour was low before the EU and they didn't then, they won't now either.

Sometimes I think all this FUD is paid.

>> No.19186709

>EU union
>European Union union

Amerilard edumacation, erryone

>> No.19186745

>Oh, the southern countries are leeches, i wonder why the generous northerncucks keep them into the EU, maybe because of they're very compassionate
Explain me how they're leeches, since there's not any form of euro bond or communitarian help.
If you're talking about euro funds, you should then know what a net contributor is.
Italy is the third contributor in the EU, and actually they don't get back at least 30% of what they give.
This means that the marvelous CAP could be paid by the Italian government itself.

>> No.19186977

Hahahahahahaha PIGS can do whatever they want, the countries in the north will just import their food from other places where its a million times cheaper to produce it. The UK is already looking to sign free trade agreements with countries like Brazil and Mexico.

They're leeches because they are retarded and would destroy their economies without the EU stopping them from going full retard. Without the EU, Podemos or M5S would go full on gibs until they destroy everything, Venezuela style.

>> No.19187021

Yes, obviously because the UK has never produced and wont ever produce all the goodies they got used to.
Also, who cares, let nordcucks do whatever they want to.

>> No.19187114
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>He doesn't care but actually comes in EVERY italy thread to cope
They did until 2001, they will probably do just fine.

>> No.19187186

Why is he like this, does he get paid or is it a modus vivendi for Germans?

>> No.19187255

Lol I enjoy so much when I hit a nerve, pigs know that their productivity is shit tier and only have thousands euros wages because of the EU, the moment they leave they become latin america tier without the north buying their overpriced shit.

>> No.19187259

I don't know, maybe his mother ran away with a portugese

>> No.19187314

Actually north is worth less than shit, no one cares if and how you spend your nickels.

>> No.19187456

>without the EU subsidies
>net contributor
pick one retard, there is no "eu subsidies", there are country putting money and country taking money

>> No.19187499

>They're leeches because they are retarded and would destroy their economies without the EU stopping them from going full retard.
meanwhile economy are getting destroyed because of EU...

>> No.19187513

b-but he spent YEARS reading negotiations at the WTO, paying attention to the Doha Round, learning about amber box subsidies.
He understood the goals of Cairns Group.
How dare you.

>> No.19187541

Nah man we the Portuguese are full on pro Europe. Italy leaving is indifferent to us

>> No.19187565

what if Spain leaves

>> No.19187572


We absolutely hate the Spaniards they are dirty people please take them

>> No.19187594

I eagerly await he day Castille loses, Galicia joins us and Spain is divided into 7 different regions

>> No.19187595

we've been playing along with the EU rules for 20 years, for the past few years we even have negative public spending (our state gets more money than they spend) and yet the debt keeps growing.
cant you see that this system doesnt work and we'll never be debt free with this trend?
austerity is retarded and the EU at large would be much better if northern states werent so anally retensive about public spending (first and foremost germany).

>> No.19187624


We either go full union, fiscal and debt or the EU implodes.

Why can France and Germany ignore EU budget rules and benefit fully from the union while southern Europe lags behind

>> No.19187663


>> No.19187692

Germany has know the EU is going to implode for years now, which is why they have doubled down on their fiscal policies, to them its literally pump and dump. I mean good for them I would do the same, but its all doomed to fail anyway.

>no fiscal union
they knew it was a meme from the very beginning

>> No.19187762

It’s literally basic math, but
>muh 70 years of peace
fuck eurozone
fuck european union
It’s the only thing worse than mafia

>> No.19187901

>Germancuck buttmad we got all the sun, beaches and hot women

Gets me every time lads

>> No.19188006

I love this biz way to explain things

>> No.19188032

> Hahahahahahaha PIGS can do whatever they want, the countries in the north will just import their food from other places where its a million times cheaper to produce it. The UK is already looking to sign free trade agreements with countries like Brazil and Mexico.
>Haha haha you see guys I eat shit. Who cares about the quality, it’s cheap, next let’s import canned food from China, what could go wrong

>> No.19188100

Lol the contribution Italy makes to the EU is nothing compared to all the overpriced shit they can sell in the rest of the EU, only because of the protectionism of the CAP. Please leave the EU I want to laugh at retards like you it would be too good to be true.

>> No.19188147
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>Please leave the EU

>> No.19188234

>I-I-I swear guys it's all about food safety, it has nothing to do with giving benefits to farmers that live in jurisdictions where you can get a representative with very few votes. IT'S ALL ABOUT SAFETY!

>> No.19188314

It’s about quality and common sense
We have to destroy Italian milk because of quotas, we also pay fines on that
And then we are forced to import milk from Rumania
Tell me how this make any fucking sense
EU rules are a cancer and eurozone is a salary deflation tool, a cage with 100 hungry dogs fighting for 95 bones

>> No.19188462

The subsidies exist because in rural areas votes are worth a lot more than in cities, you need far less votes to get a representative in a rural jurisdiction than in a big city, it's political suicide to touch them.

The truth is that without subsidies and protectionism most producers would leave to cheaper places. Also EU quality controls are well known to be deceitful, to pass them you have to buy testing devices that are insanely overpriced and only sold by politically connected companies, it's just protectionism and cronyism.

>> No.19188719

>pretends italy isn't a net contributor
>invents subsidies that technically DON'T exist in the shitty EU
>busted, glisses on other bullshit that is going to get rekt right now
Someone is grasping on the mirrors here

So, in your opinion, italy's main economy is to sell overpriced vegetables that northern cucks stick up in their asses.
Those YEARS of reading WTO negotiations damaged your brain, i fear.

About vegetables and agricolture, it's a common libtard opinion that you can import everything from everywhere, like it was steel or other shit.
Problem is that it's not steel, you're not eating steel, there's biological intrinsic value that you can't get from a shitty african country or similar.
But again, since you probably eat industrial SHIT, it's obvious that you can't even notice the difference.
I bet that your libtard leaders do, oddly enoug.

>> No.19188744


>> No.19188848

If only Amerisharts wouldn't enter EU threads. Their incompetence and lack of knowledge is outstanding.

>> No.19188883

Yeah and then it would recover rather than being stuck as a zombie bitch of germoney

>> No.19188964

Imagine being so retarded that you don't even understand that without preferential treatment no one will buy your overpriced shit, that you keep repeating that a tiny net contribution is more important that literally billions of euros of trade surplus.

Imagine being so stupid that you don't even know that the EU already dumps its surplus production all over the world, even all those products that for your retarded brain have can only be transported to the next town over.

It's one retarded argument after another, every time you open your mouth the world becomes stupider.

>> No.19189021

Just break it all up entirely.

>> No.19189143

Imagine being so illiterate that you don't even understand on what Italy export is based, and no, it's not based on selling overpriced watermelons to your imported niggers.
"Tiny" net contribution means that we are paying to give subsidies to some fucking poltard, and infact the only economies in eu that are having a pump are the slav ones, also because of the huge fiscal gap that affects the entire eu zone, and it's probably the income #1 of some retarded nation like Holland (income #2 are literally tulips, and that's all).

Italy has always had a strong export, and EU worsened that, for several reasons, included the EUR shitcoin which is not suited.

Strong export of what? A lot of shit that is overpriced because it's made in Italy, i'm sorry for you seething, but made in some-other-fucking-eurland doesn't mean the same worldwide.

>> No.19189197

Because both WW2 and the cold war set German back 10 years plus Socialist spending causing Germany country to go into poverty.
Plus Germany didn't exist during the time most European countries were developed and created.
It was the holy Roman empire or Prussia that made it exist just to twist the nipples of most of the countries that invaded it when it was a bunch of monarchies in a can.
Most balken countries didn't exist and they are waaaaay poorer because of it.

>> No.19189294

>omg who could we have an agreement with other countries without a multinational entity destroying the sovereignty of my nation? i dunno

>> No.19189351
File: 62 KB, 720x609, portuganon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol are you retarded, José? Spain has been a unified territory since mid 15th century and your country is a spin-off of it

>> No.19189355

Shut up gay nerd

>> No.19189389

>but Italy is not london
Why the fuck would any country want to be london? lmao fucking anglo, london sucks.

>> No.19189447


>> No.19189461

only few posts have any sound arguments, rest of the thread is jusy people saying kys / die nigger / burn in hell in various forms
yeah, sure

>> No.19189507


>> No.19189631

Menem was cool, he didnt ruin Argentina.

>> No.19189640

Ahahahaha, of course

>> No.19189864
File: 305 KB, 510x510, disdain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's gonna be a monetary union, it needs to be a fiscal union (no more double Irish and Dutch sandwich) and a politic union with directly elected representatives.

Also, northeners tend to be workaholics (or alcoholics) because they don't have nice weather and sun, just autistic societies fighting to win the rat race. Otoh, people in the south would rather enjoy their life outdoors interacting with other people with no money on their pockets.

Dunno if that mentality gap can ever be fixed desu, northeners become sociable down here and we become autistic when we leave the Mediterranean area. Human psychology depends way too much on sun exposure, but you can't export the sun... and importing tourists with a common currency hasn't worked out quite well for the south.

>> No.19189949

We are one of the oldest if not the oldest country in Europe dumbo

>> No.19190092

That would then make it impossible for Italy to take loans at decent interest in the future.