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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 1198x410, Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 1.37.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19168288 No.19168288 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19168323

The desperation, I can't wait for the day ETH flips BTC.

>> No.19168331
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>> No.19168335


>> No.19168337
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How hard is he going to seethe with the rise of the racist toxic frogposting Chainlinkers?

>> No.19168432

He is pathetic and a cuck but also right

>> No.19168464

L I T E R A L L Y W H O ?
L I T E R A L L Y W H O ?


>> No.19168480


>> No.19168510

The Ethereum platform did not want BTC and does not need it. We also do not need litecoin (same thing except for network demand and interest). Those who hold an interest in bitcoin are the ones responsible for implementing it. So Samson misrepresents on purpose because of his agenda involving his support of decrepit technology. Basically, his bags.

>> No.19168527

Guy who lets girl fuck him for his money, even though his dick is 2 inches.

>> No.19168639
File: 110 KB, 1287x722, wrap it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loooool seething maxipad
Btc is on eth so ppl can finally do something with it

>> No.19168646

Cringe. Boomercoin is absolute garbage.

>> No.19168683

What does "btc is on eth" mean?

>> No.19168701

samefag OP
gay thread

>forming alliances over decentralized currencies like toxic fags
>muh eth is better than ur blargcoin

let's be honest, people buy alt because they missed the initial boat for btc, don't have the money to afford btc now, and form confirmation bias over thinking their blockchain version will be superior over the hundreds of others once fiat becomes minority

>> No.19168740
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Based retards
Anyone can build anything on eth permissionless infrastructure tnx to sc+shit like uniswap so you can see shit poping up from ponzi contracts like hex to noncustodial wrappers as tbtc =what people want people can build
Meanwhile in land of btc you have only custodial solutions so cucked fag can literally explain whats good for you and what you dont want something

>> No.19168755

Isn't that the dude that got cucked?

>> No.19168759
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I bet lina makes him call her "daddy" as she's pegging him

>> No.19168760

Bitcoin cucks will never make it

Gambling on low market cap altcoins is what will bring us the highest multipliers

Read up on the next big thing


>> No.19168809

can only potentially 5x if tether goes full retard without hiding their scam, and the holders sell the top (which they won't)
can easily lose 99% of your money in it
>small caps
dozens of 10x-s and more every year, most of them are even shilled here
can also lose 99% of your money
Who the fuck even holds this shitcoin

>> No.19168814

The small number of /biz/tards whose idea of following crypto is to follow Core developer drama like it's a soap opera are the biggest retards here.
Who gives a fuck? Nobody gives a shit about BTC any more let alone their cuck developers. Nobody cares.

>> No.19168927

Honestly I’m making money in defi and I make money whether number go up or number go down. That’s more valuable to me than digital boomer rocks

>> No.19169057
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Its not 2017 anymore, not all of us are poor enough to allin in shitcoins
I casually 2x my eth in 2020 doing 0 trades only lending/swapping/sets in defi all from my fucking ledger
I also really want to do it with my btc but i dont want to put my btc in hands of jew custodians like blockfi etc and tbtc exactly what we missed

They are seething because they are losing long term holders like me to eth kek

>> No.19169110

who is this faggot? how did he become so popular?

>> No.19169285
File: 152 KB, 1080x1077, 1577783200453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only things in something are the dicks of gymfriends in Lina pussy while Samsom watches from a corner stroking his chink microdick

>> No.19169365

>not all of us are poor enough to allin in shitcoins
who said anything about all in? I keep 35% of my portfolio in fiat, selling as we go up and buying as we drop. That 35% is on 8% interest.
I just think that stablecoins are better for stability, and small caps are better for gains.
BTC's only utility is number go up, and it's just the worst option for this use case.