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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, HEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19134094 No.19134094 [Reply] [Original]

Who here trades HEX?

>> No.19134112

get off here degenerate scum, HEX is not for trading. Stake or die

>> No.19134161

I stake this scam, but if there is an imminent dump like in january (98 percent) I 'll sure hell yeah sell it. Anyone know reading charts of this unpredicatble ponzi shitcoin? Could give you a little bit of eth for the service.

>> No.19134176

Richard why are you so fat.

>> No.19134195
File: 11 KB, 449x461, HEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to know what kind of game the owners of 76% of the supply play.

>> No.19134207
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It's a lymphatic disorder okay

>> No.19134537

You will win way more in the long term if you stake. This coin is meant to change the mentality of the crypto community and actually bring IRL adoption.

>> No.19134584

HEX is a long hold for me. After my stakes I'll have 4x my HEX. Then there is the price which will be a few cents by BPD. Almost no way I'll ever be in the red.

>> No.19134646

Staking my whole stack

>> No.19134709

no sweaty, staking
>tfw share price locked in

>> No.19134736

Get on HEXMAX and stfu that's where whales play

>> No.19134745

>the owners
it's literally only richard

>> No.19134776

same, why trade? you will get rekt. i am a hex long term staker as this will net the best return. goat crypto imo

>> No.19134830

how long you staking lads?

>> No.19134904

Laddered out 1-8 years to get a nice share rate.

>> No.19134983


1m laddered out 0.5-3 years.

>> No.19134989

I have 1m HEX and I don't really know what to do with them. I don't think they're enough to lay out a prolonged, layered stake like you did, but at the same time I don't want to just trade the away. ESH is tempting as fuck though.

>> No.19135217

i have stakes anywhere from 1 year to 5 years with varying amounts. the game theory of when and how long to stake is pretty neat. i probably should have some 10 year shares but im not super optimistic about western civilization so i'm just trying to make money so i can live in an Asian country away from nogs

>> No.19135850

>t. trevon
HEXMAX is a ponzi for niggers

>> No.19135908

The beauty of hex is that you get a good share rate if you stake now for longer. Over time you can be earning crazy APY as the number or shares in the system always decreases.

>> No.19136289

Hex dev simulated 80x off your principle if you stake for 10 years

>> No.19136306

I locked in 100T shares.

>> No.19136434

the average retard does not know SP exists let alone what it does. i have tried communicating this to people and many are physiologically incapable of understanding why a longer, earlier stake is better than multiple stakes/trading/reinvesting

>> No.19136486


That would require the website and project to be operational for 10 years.

>> No.19136512

>he thinks the smart contract is stored on a website

>> No.19136536


You need the website to unstake.

>> No.19136546

HEX is a very intricate ecosystem the more you keep digging. I didn't even realize what the significance of shares was myself until very recently. The good thing is that simpletons don't have to get into the nitty gritty to reap the rewards. All they need to know is longer stakes = more ROI when they end their stake.

>> No.19136601


Brah...it's a smart contract. Anyone can stake/unstake by interacting with the contract directly. There are tutorials out there on how you can do it. It can't be shutdown. Website is just a frontend. Anyone can make a frontend. It's not significant long term. Welcome to decentralization.

>> No.19136635

I don't think it does
most of the hex websites are community made
the ERC-20 protocol should exist in 10 years, well surely after visa secured that patent

>> No.19136654

nigga if the site isn't even up anymore hex aint gonna be worth jack shit even if you can unstake it

>> No.19136667

>well surely after visa secured that patent
shitty fud

>> No.19136740

Someone can always make another site my dude. It's not that big of a deal lol A few people did already. anotherhex.win for example. The smart contract itself is what matters.

>> No.19136779

lol. good luck moron.

better to keep your shit liquid so your not forced holding this shit when it dumps and the SEC come after richard

>> No.19136795
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oh no the website is down, all these peoples' millions of dollars are gone because no one else can make a website welp it was fun while it lasted but le website is le down and it is le over

>> No.19136802

People investing in crypto don't even understand the concept of immutable smart contracts. Fucking kek

>> No.19136826

>get paid for referrals like multi level marketing
>promises high returns for LOCKING up your funds

what else could go wrong?

>> No.19136852

is that you tone? or some other rekt BTC maxi shaking in his heels about whats coming

>> No.19136881


i'm not tone. i buy shit that has substance. like UBT and LINK and is solving a real problem

rather than muhh it's a cd. you fucking moron's don't even know whhat a cd is.

this is some 3rd grade economics project at best

>> No.19136908

> Doesn't understand how it works

Referrals in HEX are not like multi marketing. Only one level of referrals exist. It's a great business tactic for onboarding and spreading the word. That's why most consumer businesses do it. Most cryptos fail to get IRL adoption because they suck at marketing. HEX is changing that.

The returns that are promised are in HEX not USD. They guaranteed because they are distributed by a smart contract. Smart contract was audited and anyone can view what it does at any time. Returns in USD cannot be predicted and no one guarantees them. They fluctuate as with any other crypto.

You fell for retarded FUD.

>> No.19136932
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doesn't matter how long your stake if the price per HEX per ETH isn't guaranteed.

it makes the whole exercise of this even being a cd pointless.

secondly Richard doesn't even want to tell you who own the ETH in the originators ethereum address.

he says "you're not suppose to know that"
he says "maybe it's owned by some priest in a third world country"

he's straight up taking your eth and trolling all of you idiots.

>> No.19136955


and why the fuck if do i care if i'm guaranteed more HEX if HEX itself won't guarantee a future price in something i can redeem it in that's useful like ETH and USD??

>> No.19136961

retards no one is saying website being gone is the end of the world, but chances are if people dont even give enough of a shit to keep the staking site up anymore, hex wouldn't be worth anything anyways

>> No.19136962

> i buy shit that has substance. like UBT and LINK and is solving a real problem

Dunning-Kruger brainlet detected

>> No.19136991


hahahah says the one holding staking hex.

i wish you luck. you're gonna need it.

>> No.19137013

No crypto guarantees a future USD price though. Wtf are you talking about? Can you guarantee BTC will be worth 100K this time next year? HEXs value proposition is that it minimizes dumping and incentivizes people to stake which can have a positive impact on price over the long term. You know kind of like a store of value. But,again, nothing is guaranteed.

>> No.19137020


NO shit. nothing is guaranteed.

so why the fuck do yo want to lock it up??

>> No.19137034


ride this scammy hex pump but be close to the exit. just saying. otherwise you'll be FORCED to hold this piece of shit.

>> No.19137049


and the fact that future price in USD or ETH is NOT gauranteed.

people calling this a CD are literally fucking retarded beyond belief.

>> No.19137060

>solving a real problem

>> No.19137069

Because that's the game. Youre in to see if the game theory works out long term. Yes,it's risky...just like every single crypto. Why are you holding your shitcoins when it's not guaranteed they will succeed or be relevant in the future?

>> No.19137093



learn to read


ohh look.

>he doesn't know.

>> No.19137108

>he thinks fortune 500 companies are going to use blockchain

>> No.19137114
File: 444 KB, 1887x1073, duecf980osf41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'd buy hex to ride the pump. but no way am i staking this garbage and be forced to hold this piece of shit when it starts dumping.. cause eventually it will run out of suckers buying into it.

or eventually richard get hard fucked by the SEC and the ETH recycling will stop

>> No.19137144


>doesn't know about quorum..
>doesn't know about Oracle initiative

>doesn't work in a 500 company and major US bank and has friends that work in "new product developements"

lol biztards are fucking hilarious

>> No.19137150

If you think it's a ponzi you don't understand how it works. That's a fact. Research more instead of parroting FUD you heard from someone else

>> No.19137157


since you faggots like being spoonfed

>> No.19137185
File: 61 KB, 700x620, 1506336243756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why don't u ask richard about the originators address then??

why doesn't he tell you who owns the damn ETH in that address.

maybe i'll stop thinking its a ponzi until those questions are answered

>> No.19137335

lol you are tone

>> No.19137356
File: 41 KB, 374x374, 1452734453951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I supposed to be looking at here? I only see enterprise buzzword bingo graphic #348149. Is this meant to prove something?

>> No.19137415

Who gives a shit who owns it? OA is not relevant to HEX functioning as it was designed

>> No.19137433

This. Its a fucking scam. Bitconnect 2.0

>> No.19137451

I don't see your point. Companies can and will spin off their own erc-20s and blockchain projects. They have the resources. Why do you think they're so eager to buy your particular overvalued shitcoin bag?

>> No.19137479

>The returns that are promised are in HEX not USD

what the fuck is the point than bro? How many lambos you gonna buy with your 309876% gains in HEX? Kek stay fucking poor retard

>> No.19137480
File: 5 KB, 225x224, 1276317263123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was comfortably swing trading hex and making $100+ every couple of days and then i decided to withdrawal my hexies to gamble on binance and lost it all

>> No.19137544

You know that it's an erc-20 that can be traded for any other erc-20 including ETH on uniswap right?

If you're concerned about USD value not being guaranteed then what's the point of holding any crypto then? All this shit swings down 85-95% every couple of years. Maybe Bitcoin will be 50K next year or maybe 3K. You do understand that everyone in crypto, including you is just speculating, right? HEX is designed to make speculation more interesting and intricate which inadvertently can bring about real adoption. Goddamn some of you bois are thiccck

>> No.19137746


if you're paying attention a lot of companies will still be using the ethereum mainnet as a universal point of reference.

DYOR. a lot of shit going on. meanwhile you retards are buying into richards 3rd grade economics vanity project

>> No.19137772 [DELETED] 


Stop conflating what i'm saying.. i'm saying thei'r not guaranteed when you LOCK THEM up

holy shit room temperature IQ over here.

>> No.19137898


uniswap doesnt fucking matter if your lock up you shitcoins and are forced to hold onto it

muhhh CD

you half-enlightened halfwitts deserve to get anally fucked with no lube if you lock up this trash.

>> No.19137924


I like speculation WITH liquidity..

not without it.

>> No.19138110

guys like you are hillarious

>> No.19138210

There's enough liquidity for you, I'm sure.

>> No.19138233

What happens to the price of something if most of it ends up being locked up/burnt?

>> No.19138925
File: 52 KB, 416x356, 1589527734627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude are you a brainlet?? im refering to the people who lock up their hex..

>> No.19138944

Just check out hex-data.com. There's a lot of liquidity.

>> No.19139063

No you don't.

>> No.19139113

back to your containment thread virgin

>> No.19139471

you don't have liquidity if you lock up your funds.

do you fucking idiots even know what liquidity means.

you lock you your funds means you can't sell it until X day.

holy shit some of you people should not be dealing in crypto

>> No.19139808

you're not forced to stake your HEX, fuckhead

>> No.19139896


i know you're not but u can't withdraw without eating shit and a penalty for your shit that youre already holding

>> No.19139916


and if you do decide to stake...you are fucking yourself of liquidity.

liquidity means the ease of selling something along with your principal. fucking brainlet

>> No.19139980

>i'm not tone. i buy shit that has substance. like UBT and LINK and is solving a real problem

This is literally not true. Link?UBT has zero use case, zero adoption. They are only valuable because you've been told they're valuable.

How about a crypto that is not only designed to go up but designed to protect itself from the one thing that investors feart the most - the horrific dumps? Is that not valuable?

>> No.19140097
File: 6 KB, 250x211, 1589417039019s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tell me which crypto has adoption right now..

UBT has zero use case?? lmaooo

dude okay i'm done.

>> No.19140108 [DELETED] 


dude the only reason why HEX ever pumped is because who ever owns the all the hex in that orignators address..

most likely richard is recycling ETH back into the contract...

holy shit.

u dumbasses deserve to get rekt. and i hope you do.

good luck

>> No.19140121


>doesn't matter how long your stake if the price per HEX per ETH isn't guaranteed.
That's precisely what a speculative investment is. What crypto's do you own? I'll tell you which one of them have guaranteed returns.

>it makes the whole exercise of this even being a cd pointless.
The CD methodology is most likely the most useful feature a cryptocurrency could have. As it adds the incentive to hold - can't think of anything more pragmatic for cryptocurrency to ask for.

>secondly Richard doesn't even want to tell you who own the ETH in the originators ethereum address.
SEC securities law, if he tells you what he does you can denote the possibility for reinvestment/work on the project. This is discussed ad nauseam. It would have been easier for him to be able to tell you as this is essentially the first and last rebuttal against Hex.

he says "you're not suppose to know that"
he says "maybe it's owned by some priest in a third world country"

he's straight up taking your eth and trolling all of you idiots.
>If you listened at length to his discussions and debates on crypto it's clear that this is not true. This takes a lot of time and patience to unearth, and you'll need to be a good judge of character but I've personally never heard anyone so passionate and knowledgeable about crypto.


>> No.19140137

dude the only reason why HEX ever pumped is because who ever owns the all the hex in that orignators address..

most likely richard is recycling ETH back into the contract...

holy shit.

u dumbasses deserve to get rekt. and i hope you do.

good luck

>> No.19140155


fyi.. richard dancing around semantics on definitions to avoid securities law won't save him.

what he's actually doing will get him in trouble..

lawyers have looked into this.

>> No.19140183


richard good judge of character?!??!ahjahhahahahaahaha

this guy is a really good piece of shit.

ive dug really deep int o this project

followed richard for many years for everythign he's advocated against only to embody that.

i lost all respect for him..

don't think i know shit about this project.. cuz honestly i do know a lot about it to NOT touch this vanity project with a 10 foot pole

>> No.19140184

When was the last time you used UBT?

>> No.19140206

and to know KNOW who owns the ETH in the orignators address. because muh securities law.

is literally cognitive dissonance

investors SHOULD know what they invested in wiht the ethereum that they exchanged for this HEX

that shouldnt be kept a secret. cause if he wont tell u obviously he's doing something that she should'nt be doing.

>> No.19140225

I've seen the video as well where those idiots got their lawyer buddy to say it was a ponzi and a scam. They couldn't even get their own friend to say it was a scam!

Riddle me this, why would Hex be considered a security and not literally any other crypto project??

>> No.19140253


yeah and in the video Richard was like " ohh please ask one more question" and the lawyer did

and he was like " oh enough about me blah blah" and the lawyer just got annoyed

richard things he can't dance around semantics .. the law doesnt care what you call it..

they care more for what it is and WHAT you're doing.

that mere fact he wont say who owns the ethereum that everyone is putting in for hex just scammy all around.

>> No.19140308


>Riddle me this, why would Hex be considered a security and not literally any other crypto project??

Reliance.. richard promotes hex constantly, goes on youtube... wears a hex tshirt... that's reliance.

he's also paid devs, paid someone to build the website and is most likely using the same ethereum to recycle back into the contract that is driving the price up... and when that stops people will freak out and panic sell.

bitconnect 2.0

you guys need to take a step back and realize what this thing really is and stop mentally and emotionally justify your investment with all the red flags are there.

>> No.19140323
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Hex wow sir such crazy cool crypto

>> No.19140324

What is cognitive dissonance? Of course Richard owns the originator address. He also created Hex. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with his money. You not liking him isn't an argument. If you don't like the project don't put money into the lobby. After the year is over, no new ETH will be receivable anyway so you can be at peace with him not making any more money. But it's not relevant to the project itself.

Hex is a finished product. Richard clearly says that he is financially liable for further investments into it. Investors can read the source code for themselves and know exactly how the project works. What other crypto's offer open source code and 3 audits?

>> No.19140366


cognitive dissonance is the fact that all you people who invested in HEX

Don't seem to care about who owns the majority of hex and the ETH in the hex contract and what relationship that has to the price.

people invested should know what's going on with the ETH they traded for hex.

if people are ignoring this because they're too emotionally attached to their investment that is cognitive dissonance

>> No.19140394


if Richard does own the ETH in that address.. the whole project automatically a security cause all that ETH is driving up price when it's soley done by richard or a hext team member..

this is exactly why he wont admit to it.. but all that info is onchain go see for yourself DYOR

>> No.19140460

You didn't answer my question. Why isn't any other crypto project not only not a security, EVEN when they have INFINITELY more reasons to be considered a security based on how a security is defined?

If Hex was declared a security it would set a precedent for every other crypto imaginable. There's no getting around this. Also, he is exhaustively clear on the fact that he is not doing any work to support the project. That doesn't mean he can't explain what the project does, build a website and code it, it does mean he can't guarantee returns, give you a roadmap of future developments etc. Ultimately this is a non-issue if you can acknowledge the hypocrisy a la other crypto projects.

If he is recycling (which hasn't been explicitly proven via audit) then he's taking an unnecessary gamble at this point as he's already worth 100m+ I personally don't see the risk/reward here and conjecture is boring because it's your opinion vs mine.

>> No.19140493





1# richard won't admit to who owns the Etheruem in the originators address


2# if it's him which most likely it is. all the ethereum that is being RECYCLED back into the hex contract is driving up the price of HEX..

which ultimately fails the Howey Test..

which is why he wont admit to who owns that ethereum cause of him recycling it to drive up the price..

read please.

>> No.19140572

Looks like it's just me and you in here lol.

I don't care what Richard is doing with his ETH (I think he is going to invest it into longevity research but that's just a hunch). And no, cognitive dissonance has to do with believing two opposing/contradictory things at the same time.

You seem to be caught up on the recycling. Fair enough, we can agree to disagree there. I don't have the technical abilities to prove wash trading. A single reddit post is not a damning case. And if the money was being wash trading, it wouldn't be the first time I've heard of it in a "legitimate" crypto. If he is wash trading I would be disappointed however I can easily ignore it because I strongly believe in the thesis behind Hex (even if Hex fails, I will look for reinvestment in a similar project).

>> No.19140610


it's not just single reddit post. a lot of other people have talked about this...and have pointed it out. its onchain activity of the clear recycling of eth which automatically deems HEX a security if it's infact done by richard or a member of the team.

that is reliance..

the fact that richard isn't forth coming about the orignators address and who owns that ethereum is infact damming and a massive red flag.

>> No.19140616

To trade HEX you have to sell it OP..
It's a bad idea trust me..

>> No.19140630


EOS was doing the exact same thing.. but richard does not have 4 billion dollars to bribe to SEC to get out of this mess if they do infact tie the ethereum back to him or his devs.

its all on chain and this should not be ignored.

>> No.19140674

You are right, but you are wrong to believe that this isn't happening in many projects. And I mean many. This whole market is manipulated by bots also, frankly nobody gives a single fuck about this and your concerns, except for the few Loud people like yourself screeching this over and over. This whole market is a joke. That being said, you can still earn money in this so called Market, and now HEX is the most promising one for future years.

>> No.19140751 [DELETED] 


i agree with you on the manipulation. crypto is the wilde west

HOWEVER most of the manipulation are done on major exchanges by whales and the exchanges themselves.

which wouldn't team whatever coin that's being trade a security.

its different in the case of HEX

>> No.19140764

Again, I don't want to get caught up on the recycling because it's conjecture. It hasn't been proven and would take an audit to get around it. If an audit tomorrow proved there was no recycling, would this be beyond your capability to believe? If an audit proved it was recycling I would believe it. Point is, we don't know and we're two idiots arguing about something that we can't prove.

On the securities point, I don't see how it would define it as a security due to the wording behind the howie test. If you want to explain to me why secretly wash trading would therefore classify this crypto as a security I'd be interested to hear it. Furthermore, even if the SEC came down on Richard, Hex is simply a smart contract - I'm not aware of any precedent where a smart contract has been removed by the SEC. Ultimately I'm betting Hex won't be hurt by any legal proceedings, and it's my opinion that the revolutionary CD format will revolutionize crypto. Could I be wrong? Of course, time will tell.

>> No.19140870

Yeah....that's the whole fucking point. You can't do shit with your hex when it's staked. You sacrifice shirt term liquidity for long term returns. When someone stakes they burn hex. When hex is burned circulating supply reduces. When supply is reduced but demand remains constant or increases guess what happens to the price you absolute retard. Now imagine an ecosystem where people stake, unstake, restake their currency eventually creating a reliable source of returns

>> No.19140885


if the audit fails? and they do tie it back to richard or the the team? then what it will be deemed a security. its public info where the where all the ethereum is going and where it's being flushed doesnt take a full audit for that. either way.

dancing around semantics of how a law "is worded" isnt enough.either

there are 80years of court cases the judge can refer to still..

i suggest you watch that video with the lawyers and richard at full length.

you can see him uncomfortably fidget around when the lawyers ask him questions that every other sane investor should be asking him as well

and by the way I'm securities licensed, and a wealth manager in case you're wondering so i'm intimately versed in the subject.

>> No.19140918


stop concerning yourself with the the intended design.. and start asking yourself what is really driving up the price..

ask who owns the ethereum in the originators address and where is the ethereum being flushed into?

what is it being used for.. where is it going?

ask your self that.

>> No.19140945
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They only paid 24mil as a fine. That's nothing compared to what they raised.

This recycling FUD is so yaaaaawn at this point. First of all you can't prove that Richard controls any of the addresses. Even if he did you can't prove he has malicious intent. So far it looks like whoever is seeding the uniswap pool and keeping people from arbitraging the AA price is actually helping hex grow. While managers of other projects constantly dump their supply to pay their salaries. So whats your point?

>> No.19140990


my point is that he refuses to be transparent about the ethereum

while other projects are. that's my point.

>> No.19141010


we can keep arguing here. but hey if you' want to continue to see another 15 or 20% of your wealth continue to evaporate investing in this 3rd grade economics vanity project go right a head..

>> No.19141065

You sound exactly like the same people I talked to on /g/ when I bought Bitcoin at 20 dollars. Take that in consideration

>> No.19141078

Hi Knightly

>> No.19141105
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listen i bought bitcoin in 2012...

hex is different when Richard most likely controls 70% of the liquidity in both the hex and ethereum within the hex contracts..

please don't get conflated. i appreciate some of you not using foul language and atleast making room for intellectual discourse

>> No.19141121

So the howie test states:
"a person invests his money in a common enterprise and is led to expect profits SOLELY from the efforts of the promoter or a third party,"

So let's say that the audit proves he wash traded (and this is a big ask considering the anonymity-centric design of crypto). How would that tie into investors being "led to expect profits solely from the efforts of the promoter or a third party"? Semantics is all we have. The lawyers would be the one's to dance around with how the law is worded. It's not like Richard didn't anticipate this. I'm not even sure what country he's in.

Richard says nothing of the origin address ad infinitum. I am certainly not being led to expect profits due to wash trading. And even if I did, where is this expectation laid out? Hex is designed to run on autopilot. If you have listened to Richard at length on this point, I'm sure you agree.

And again, say it was declared a security? What would be the implications of this be? I can tell you with certainty there are a lot of people that really believe in the revolutionary nature of a crypto project like this. This is lightyears ahead of Bitconnect.

>> No.19141144 [DELETED] 


just keep in mind people say one thing

and do another...

i for one have followed richard for a while. he's intelligent which most likely makes me very very very good scammer.

>> No.19141159


i'm going to revisit the recycling. like i said if there is any trace of that leading back to him or the devs on this team.. that is reliance..

that in turn makes hex a security.

>> No.19141173

Yeah I'm drunk and im not bothering debating you. I'm just starting that you should take that in consideration. And a smart investor will always ask himself "But what if it does work". High risk, high returns.

>> No.19141179

Get back to us when you do.

>> No.19141214


you'd be surprised not a lot of people are smart enough to make that risk to reward consideration..

some people are desperate on here. and are hooked on the fast money and have somewhat lost a way to rationally consider ALL the risks

>> No.19141264

Well, that's why you always only risk as much as you can afford to lose.

>> No.19141321

Richard has good policy

>> No.19141356

if you're not buying this dip you might be retarded

>> No.19141719
File: 44 KB, 963x633, hex-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes. that steep drop off in volume looks like a great buying opportunity

>> No.19141783

buy high, sell low. the biz way. the RSI is completely oversold on the 1hr, and 4hr timeframes and there has always been reversals when this happens on these timeframes

>> No.19141808


lol using 1hour time frames. if youve traded long enough you'd realize RSI does not work on that time frame without giving you mixed signals

>> No.19141851

it does on an asset that is 167 days old you fucking retard

>> No.19142011

yeah unless some big dick whale comes in this dip is over imo. i dont see it going below 24000 gwei. this shit too oversold

>> No.19142032


now now. no adhominems. i've been trading for years and i'll tell you 1 hour time frames and rsi WILL give you mixed signals.

>> No.19142051


sounds like cope. you should've taken your gains and put it into UBT. pumps like this dont last forever...

you must be new.

>> No.19142096


and just fyi the age of an asset and using RSI have no correlation what so ever.

do you even math bro? lol

>> No.19142099

well, you lol'd at me, so you get to be called a retard. normally i agree with you about 1hr timeframes but not on Hex which too young.
i guess we'll see. check back in two days. screen cap this.

>> No.19142113
File: 202 KB, 679x960, 15843166820353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is kind of people holding / investing in this pure shit coin..


>> No.19142120

what other time frames would you like to use? the monthly?

>> No.19142128

how many times are you going to reply to my post you weirdo, jesus

>> No.19142147

Hex Money (HXY)
what do you think of this new token? just listed on coingecko available on uniswap and metamask wallet



>> No.19142164


u can't use any of those. just volume for now which i already showed you.

and it's dropping off. rising prise.. dying volume means the price could drop further.

learn something kid

and the fact that this asset is so young you have less information to work with..

>> No.19142168
File: 49 KB, 248x253, Hex money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19142182
File: 889 KB, 1111x597, 1585939668905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>46 posts by this ID
rent free

>> No.19142200



think i did my good deed for the day.,

if you guys want to loose more money in this scam i won't say otherwise.

peace out faggots

>> No.19142204

>u can't use any of those. just volume for now which i already showed you.
yeah, retard confirmed.

>> No.19142218

also slowing volume when there is selling is actually bullish newfag. it means the selling is slowing down

>> No.19142223


RSI on hour time frames.. lmao. RSI doesn't tell you much fucking retard. especially in trending markets.

volume is a good indicator. and the fact that it's dropping off means richard probably turned offf the eth recycler

get hard fucked faggot

>> No.19142226
File: 764 KB, 800x687, 1514942866509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your service protecting all these anons from getting S C A M M E D into more money

>> No.19142231

The understanding of basic economics in this thread is pathetic. It’s obvious that hexfags are desperados blinded by greed. One of you fucktards explain to me why hex will maintain a high price once every staker starts getting paid their massive bonuses? Who is going to buy into that expansion of liquidity? What use does hex have other than inflating itself by creating more hex? How can this have any other use than getting the fat cunt Richard rich? U dumbass motherfuckers he even told you it was a scam in the name.

>> No.19142239

i made 2 ethereum while you were trying to argue with me, haha. nighty night

>> No.19142240


you have it backwards you moron.. the price went up on DYING volume



nothing but room temperature iq neckbeards over here.

enjoy your heavy bags

>> No.19142256



hahahahaha my sides

bunch of fucking poorfags here.

>> No.19142273


retard confirmed... that also means the buying is slowing down.

please dilate or kys

>> No.19142276

educate yourself and get off biz

>> No.19142287

Lol okay bud let us lose our money. So far the "losing money thing" is not going that great. HEX outperformed pretty much everything in top 100 for the past few months. Most that use hex get sucked into the game theory. But good luck bagholding your chainlink or whatever

>> No.19142293


look at the fucking chart you moron..

the price went up on DYING volume.. that was the top. volume continues to decrease

like i said DILATE

>> No.19142296

yes, when the price is going up and volume lowers, that is bearish. congrats you learned something

>> No.19142314


no i knew that all a long..

YOU LEARNED something

cause you are retarded trying to argue technical analysis to professional

>> No.19142319

Good luck getting any money for your epic staked returns paid in hex kek

>> No.19142337



this guy fucks

>> No.19142345

>trying to argue technical analysis to professional
okay Rajesh, it's getting late in Mumbai. go to sleep now

>> No.19142353

I'm smarter than you. You want to know why HEX makes you upset? You have an inferior complexity. You do not like the fact that Richard will be more richer than you ever will be by making this token. This is the core reason as to why you are flaming and fudding HEX and Richard. You know it is true, and it will only eat you out Alive. The fact is, this isn't an everyday shitcoin, and it will hit 0.30$ whether your ego can handle it or not. You are nothing special, just another specimen on this planet. And also consider that you think you are smart here now, but consider the possibility that others reading this are a lot smarter than you - there's no shame to admitting it to yourself. One human has to be smarter than the other. You are clever, but you are severely underestimating some peers here on /biz/. Was this personal? Yes it was. If thd English sounds pajeetry it's because English is not my Mother tongue. I handle Assets at my Job In Norway worth more than your Bank and you are wrong.

>> No.19142360

Thanks.should be epic

>> No.19142374


enjoy your heavy bags faggot.

RSI 1 hour time frame ahahahahahahah

learn something today. i hope it won't cost you too much

>> No.19142401

Hex is old shit.

Hex Money is what you want to be trading right now

We're going to be so fucking early bros it's been less than a week

>> No.19142410


lmao whatsup richard..i'll admit your a smart guy to make all these retards buy into your vanity project when you said so yourself people who invest in such a thing are sure to get "hard fucked"

way to an advocate of your own advice richard.

No one should have to feel jealous over an grossly obese scammer..

get your wallet ready cause SEC is coming after you.

>> No.19142429


i work for a major bank and over see a quarter billion in assets dude what is your point.??

>> No.19142475

Absolutely seething. If you think hex is a shitcoin what are you doing spending your day talking about it? Do you need someone to talk to? I think you have the most posts in this thread.Congrats. Rent free.

>> No.19142483

Im one of the head lead on the Oilfund of Norway. Go Google our assets if you do not know. The point is that you are wrong and will not admit to defeat because it is personal for you vs Richard and you are a fucking moron not to invest in HEX.

>> No.19142504


no im jsut sick of these faggots circle jerking each other to this shit coin,

yes i'm seething cause i hate seeing trash projects like this ruin crypto as an entire asset class as whole.

dont say i didnt come to warn you

enjoy your losses faggots

>> No.19142511

Hex is smart enough to con people by making them think they are smart when really they are just suckers giving money to Richard. That’s the “hex”.

>> No.19142527


dude because you manage an oil fund doesnt mean your anywhere near qualified to speak on the legitimacy of a block chain project

i work in wealth management but i don't tout that expertise on there. except for when low iq retards think they can debate me on technical analysis.

>> No.19142539


last i checked crude oil is wayyy wayy down

how are those bonuses this year?

>> No.19142564

Our fund is the most successfull fund on this entire planet. Do you want to know why? Because im one of a few people leading it. And you will completely miss out on HEX as an investment because you hate the character of the individual who made the asset class. Stubborn piece of shit

>> No.19142578
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 1584316682035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and i agree to disagree. i think you the MORON for investing in this literal ponzi. with red flags all over it.

you're probably way down on your oil portfolio..

this shit coin is most likely next

>> No.19142589

Answer my questions from before. Who is going to buy hex when everyone is getting their “big pay day” and wants to cash out? Who in their right mind would buy an asset that is getting massively diluted on a continual basis? Do you even understand basic economics?

>> No.19142595


give me the ticker to the fund then.. so I can look you up.


if you can't give me that then you're larping

>> No.19142635


none of these hex bag holders understand basic economics.. they think the internal game theory design of this shit coin with "pumpamentals" will make their worthless baby stacks worth something so they can pay off whatever debt they're in

these people are blind and desperate.

>> No.19142660


CUSIP or ISN or ticker symbol of your fund please mr. larper.

>> No.19142735

People that want utilize a decentralized time deposit and participate in the game theory. Not everyone makes and ends stakes at the same time. You know that right? AA ends in November. After that there will only ever be 3.69% inflation rate (lower than bitcoins for the past decade). How much of that inflation a staker collects depends on the share rate they locked in.

>> No.19142741

anyone who has invested in this coin has made money. it seems like you are just a douche bag

>> No.19142752

That's what fiat tards said about Bitcoin.whats your next fud?

>> No.19142805


well i'm warning everyone that that party is over.

screen cap this.. get out now while you can.

>> No.19142823


comparing bitcoin to hex?really..hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.19142842

this guy is clearly a 4d reverse-fudding HEX bagholder, no one can possibly be this assblasted

>> No.19142847

Wait for when it goes up to the top 10 anon.. people are gonna be doing that a lot

>> No.19142874

You are just parroting yourself. Lets just say you not understand how wrong you are. And in 6 months time we will see.

>> No.19142881


sheer delusion

>> No.19142895


where's the cuspi or isn or ticker to your norway oil fund mr. larper..

still waiting for it.

>> No.19142905

Google it.

>> No.19142931

Why in the fuck would I lock up my capital in a random shitcoin just to get more of that shitcoin? What intrinsic value does hex have? What happens when all those stakes get unstaked? Do you think that maybe a significant portion of people will want to cash out? Where is demand going to come from once the marketing hype is gone? There is literally no reason for anyone to buy hex because just getting more hex is fundamentally worthless and tying up capital has an opportunity cost. You are doing nothing more than betting on hex going up in price and as soon as Richard gets tired of keeping up the charade, that eth is going to stop being recycled and demand is going to disappear and everyone that is staking is going to be hung out to dry and left with a worthless token.

>> No.19142953 [DELETED] 


you didnt tell me whati ts called jack ass.




don't fuckiking tell me to google it cause i don't know what the fucking google faggot.

obviously your just just a larping faggot.

muhhh "i manage oil fund i know a lot a bout crypto."


>> No.19142971


these idiots investing in hex don't know what a CD is and they've all been conned by fatboy richard.

>> No.19142979

It's always funny at first. That's the way these things go

>> No.19142995 [DELETED] 


you didnt tell me whati ts called jack ass.




don't fucking tell me to google it cause i don't know what the fucking google. there's an ocean of energy funds out there have you idea??!

obviously your just just a larping faggot.

muhhh "i manage oil fund i know a lot a bout crypto."

>> No.19143025

you didn't tell me what its called jack ass.




don't fucking tell me to "google it" cause i don't know what to fucking google when you can't even give me the name of the fund. there's an ocean of energy funds out there have you no idea??!

obviously your just just a larping faggot.

muhhh "i manage oil fund i know a lot about crypto."

>> No.19143048 [DELETED] 


yeah it's funny cause i'll be comical when all you desperate losers loose whatever pocket change you have left

>> No.19143060

Oilfund of Norway. Google it. If you dont know what the most successfull fund or the planet is I dont know I should take you seriously.

>> No.19143064

But dicky said he wants everyone to be rich, he wouldn’t lie to us just to enrich himself would he?

>> No.19143080


your return in HEX is guaranteed.

you lack understanding on all fronts. weak FUD.

>> No.19143134
File: 25 KB, 1176x342, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that shit doesnt exist.

do you have a ticker symbol atleast? what exchange is this fund of yours traded on.?

is it a hedge fund? or privately held. this is all i'm finding.. pic related..
nice try larper

>> No.19143145

First of all you still don't realize that not everyone stakes and ends stakes on the same date. You still don't realize hex is burned when it's staked. You still don't understand the concept of share price and inflation distribution and how it impacts incentives. The random shitcoin might not be so random anymore after you actually learn how it works. Bitcoin was a random shitcoin you can get for free in 2009. If people like the game theory and it's implications HEX will have value. You guys baghold shitcoins that dump on your heads all the time yet get so triggered about hex. Seething reaching terminal velocity.

>> No.19143147

His point is that hex is worthless and it can’t be compared to a CD because a CD pays interest in a useful and broadly accepted currency, not a shit token scam with a few thousand suckers holding it lol

>> No.19143149



if HEX ITSSELF wont guarantee a USD price OR ETH price.

holy shit you guys are dense.

>> No.19143188


btw no one gives a shit of FTSE or the european markets your euro fags have done nothing but UNDERPERFORM

us stocks for the past decade. neck yourself norwegian cuck

>> No.19143190

God you are retarded. Do you Google search and only find what fits your 1personal narrative? You truly are a fuckatrd who o lu talks shit. You would reach level 2 on our interviews

>> No.19143195

>Has never heard of the world's largest pension fund that holds 1.4% of the world's wealth

>> No.19143239

How can a coin 'guarantee' a usd price if it isn't a stable coin retard?
You can say bitcoin can't be used as money yet for the exact same reason why hex isn't a CD yet, becuz the shit still goes up and down too much..

>> No.19143253


i asked you for fucking ticker symbol more specifically a CUSIP or ISN

if you really are teh fund manager you would have that in your back pocket.

googling "Norwegian Oil Fund" doesn't give me anything specific

and i dont' give a shit about your stupid company

i work for a major US bank in wealth management and manage a quarter billion in client assets that I and another financial advisor acquired on our own.

i dont need to wagie salary job at your shit company

>> No.19143256

You are a compete moron. You do ot unferstand gie my h of the Us we own. Are you afraid to look it up? Yes 8 know you are, sump fuck

>> No.19143274


ummm maybe because thats what CDs do retard??

and there are stable coin cryptos that dont have a counter parties. its called DAI and MKR

look it up

>> No.19143284

Typing in all caps doesn't make you sound smarter. No crypto guarantees returns in USD price. Can you be sure how much BTC will be worth next year? What's your point?

>> No.19143293


Euro fag

no one here in the states cares to invest in europe..

like i said you guys have been lagging and underperforming vs us stocks.. even more so now

stay europoor

>> No.19143302

If you so dont understand the biggest fund of the world. You are nobody to did discudd with.

>> No.19143306

The only game theory you need to understand is that you suckers willingly handed over your actually valuable eth to Richard for nothing in return. That’s the only game, the rest is window dressing to confuse people long enough that they don’t see the truth. If you actually listen to what Richard says he continually tells you that he is scamming you, it’s so flagrant and in your face that people deliberately blind themselves to it because they are greedy.

>> No.19143320


BIGGEST fund lmaoo. okayyy budddy..

and you're the lead manager of said fund?!?!

hahahha okayyyyyyyy

>> No.19143332

Lol you are a fucking larping retard aren't you? MKR literally has an organization that has majority voting power in regards to how the contract functions.

>> No.19143348



dude there is nothing but larpers and low iq retards here..

i give up.

>> No.19143373


so HEx is a CD or is not a CD

on their website it says its a CD

which one is it retard?

>> No.19143400

>81 posts by this ID

>> No.19143407


yes care to chat?

>> No.19143413

> Doesn't understand how things acrue value

>> No.19143443

Haha ok tell me how hex will accrue value? You seriously think it will achieve any sort of network effect? It’s a “finished product” that’s only use is to create more hex. It’s a steaming fat pile of shit wrapped in fake velvet just like Richard.

>> No.19143453

sure. i got 1.3 million HEX per ETH in february. how mad does that make you

>> No.19143457

Well then money also needs to stay stable to be money retard that's exactly what I'm saying, do you not understand that all of this crypto shit is just one big speculation that theoretically one day after we pump to the moon and back this could all stabilize and actually be used in the real world by actual people?

>> No.19143481


I applaud you.. now take that life bonus and REALIZE those gains.

>> No.19143486

Yes it will and is already well on the way to achieving network effect. You're just blinded by seething rage lol

>> No.19143506

this is so cringe

>> No.19143508

lol if you think now is the time to sell you don't get it

>> No.19143529

Yeah and hex is definitely going to be used in the real world because everybody will want hex because they want to get more hex and buyers are magically going to keep buying hex because there wouldn’t possibly be a better place for their capital than hex because hex is so valuable that getting more of it is the best idea ever. Sellers won’t even want to sell hex because it literally just keeps going up because, get this, it’s literally designed to only go up. Fucking genius.

>> No.19143539

why isn't anybody talking about this?
HXY hex money

>> No.19143567
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1529112301575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont get it. no one cares about "having HEX" but rather parking their money temporarily in HEX for its utility. you're just too low IQ to see that there is real use in crypto besides dumping shitcoins on a greater fool, stay rekt faggot

>> No.19143608

What is the “utility”? Do you know what opportunity cost is? If you want to deposit your money somewhere then a fucking scam token is not the place to do it kek. And don’t worry Richard already dumped on his merry band of fools, I’m here to tell you that soon enough you won’t even get a chance to do that.

>> No.19143646

lol nobody ever told you it's designed to only go up retard, richard always warns you that all of this crypto shit dumps like 90% every few years, but now we are at the bottom of a bubble and not at the top of one, and with the amount of money that's gonna come into crypto I wouldn't be surprised if we went up more than the 10,000x in two and a half years that he tried for..

>> No.19143760


shit literally has a 800-1billion market cap.. propped by recycled ETH

to think this will go up any furter is sheer delusional..

screen cap this.

>> No.19143798
File: 30 KB, 867x510, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

>> No.19143807


oh its literally the top.. go check the volume it's dropping off as i mentioned this earlier.

>> No.19143813

then why you bought ESH ?

>> No.19143815

Yeah so basically the plan is that every sucker that handed their money to Richard is forced into shilling hex in the hope that eventually more dumb money comes along to dump your bags on. I mean at least give up the charade that hex has any value or utility other than to make Richard rich, it’s pathetic.

>> No.19143828

No one is screen capping anything anon

>> No.19143830

I dont even have a clue what ESH is

>> No.19143840

>theyre still posting
its a better version of bitcoin that rewards stakers instead of miners and chinks

>> No.19143881

Haha ok bro

>> No.19144049

20k/month for all 2021, 10k/month for 2022, 5k/month 2023-2027, 1k/month for the rest of the 8 years. Do this before BPD

>> No.19144068

>i probably should have some 10 year shares but im not super optimistic about western civilization
Are you me?

>> No.19144124

Do you know why there are shit coins in the top 10 and people are buying them happily even though they effectively provide 0 real life utility? HEX provides more value than them because people actually use it the way crypto is meant to be used.

>> No.19144280
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>better version of bitcoin.

>> No.19144337

>propped by recycled ETH
lol You've never heard of EOS? how come they didn't crash retard?

>> No.19144362
File: 12 KB, 286x286, 1589217780119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Describes every cryptocurrency
You are an idiot anon

>> No.19144386
File: 6 KB, 226x223, download.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hex is a finished product (More things can still be built on top of it).

You're buying shitcoins like Link that dumps 700k LINK almost daily to fund their office. Bitcoin doesn't do any oracle solutions or anything else useless, yet it's worth $10k.

You're delusional if you think that utility value pumps the price. People buying tokens and hold it for 10 years is what really brings value. Dunning Kruger at its finest, enjoy being poor and shilling your useless shitcoins you pajeet.

>> No.19144434


Chainlink doesn't even have a product yet. The only thing they can do is query prices of tokens. Guess who else does that? Coinbase and they don't need a fucking token for that.

Useless piece of shit vaporware degenerate shitcoin maximalist, who blindly buys whatever Chico Crypto tells him to buy instead of thinking for himself. Pathetic.

>> No.19144461
File: 103 KB, 1200x675, Brainlet_054ad8_6684167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


scroll up retarded... maybe you can go through alll the posts i have in this thread i'm not repeating myself

>> No.19144487
File: 10 KB, 250x240, 1588972727214s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want to read posts written by an idiot?

>> No.19144491


ctrl + F "Eos" is your friend

>> No.19144918
File: 8 KB, 200x163, gnfjmjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19145011


>> No.19145343
File: 17 KB, 187x195, rocket-gradient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did and you're a retard. EOS didn't bribe the SEC with $4b dollars. They payed $24m because they promised their investors to build a smart contract platform in the future without registering their token as a security.

HEX is a completed project. It's not a security, it's a product you can interact with. Gosh you're so unaware of how retarded you are that it's making Dunning Kruger look like a saint.

>> No.19145410 [DELETED] 


you're taking my shit out context retard. i didnt say eos bribed the sec with 4 billiion

i'm saying richard didnt raise 4 billion nor does he have the money to dish out if the SEC does come after if if the do infact tie the recycling back to him or his team
which by the way is reliance and does fail the howey test...

retarded much?

>> No.19145441 [DELETED] 


you're taking my shit out context retard. i didnt say eos bribed the sec with 4 billiion

i'm saying Richard didnt raise 4 billion nor does he have "THAT" kind of money to dish out in legal fees and penalties if the SEC does come after him..and if they do in fact tie the recycling back to him or his team which is blatanly on evident on chain..
which by the way is reliance and does fail the howey test...

you hex holders are super low iq retards and deserve to lose your money.

good luck

>> No.19145489


you're taking my shit out context retard. i didnt say eos bribed the sec with 4 billiion

i'm saying Richard didnt raise 4 billion nor does he have "THAT" kind of money to dish out in legal fees and penalties if the SEC does come after him..and if they do in fact tie the recycling back to him or his team (which is blatantly evident on-chain); this by the way results in reliance, and ultimately fails the howey test...

you hex holders are super low iq retards and deserve to lose your money investing in this 3rd grade economics and vanity project.

good luck

>> No.19145532

if he has 200 million worth of ETH, he can pay the SEC $24 million in the worst case scenario, but he wont have too, because its nothing like fucking EOS.

>> No.19145550


yeah its much worse.

you give him eth.. and he gives your a shitcioin that compounds in more useless shit coin..

THAT's it.. much wow!

>> No.19145608


and i'm sure if they do catch this clown and tie the recyling back to him.. (which by the is the #1 reason he won't admit who owns that ETH)


it still blows my mind why none of you people don't ask who controls that ETH.

the fines will be much higher than a mere 24million.

>> No.19145693
File: 166 KB, 1010x672, a5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>imagine trusting this guy.

>> No.19145856

its illegal to sell off the supply?
ripple, link, eos, tron, every top 100 coin does it
hex is here to stay

>> No.19145881
File: 15 KB, 308x185, 24F9530D00000578-0-image-a-1_1422009778248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Coping becoming a terminal condition

>> No.19146376

Why not? If you can recycle ETH, you can snowball ETH. This will pump at least until November 19.

>> No.19146572
File: 50 KB, 399x385, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine trusting reddit

>> No.19146934


Yes you fuckinh did, retard.

>> No.19146965
File: 7 KB, 199x253, download.jpeg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah like giving Vitalin yoir BTC during the ICO in exchange for useless ETH? My god you're pathetic. Enjoy missing out on HEX doing 10000x hahahhahahabab

>> No.19147480

a 10 trillion market cap? checks out. 1 months tops right?

>> No.19147614

Give it up, Knightly

>> No.19147634

Why would you trade hex? just your money in it and it goes up forever

>> No.19148159


Poorfags like yourself missed out on the first 100x. Another 100x is how far we have to go from here the coming 3 years.

100x times 100x is 10000x in case your monkey brain doesn't understanf maths.

>> No.19148184
File: 41 KB, 1000x1000, st,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't even think about it but this guy literally types just like Knighly does hahahahhaha. Wise Conneeeeeeeeect hahahahha!!

Knighly is literally the guy who fell for Bitconnect (google Knightly Gaming Bitconnect for a Reddit thread with videos saved about him promoting Bitconnect). He then proceeds to buy HEX, just to miss out on a 100x pump, proceeding to create a copy of HEX. Hilarious man.