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19137278 No.19137278 [Reply] [Original]

If BTC becomes successful, how will a deflationary money supply keep the economy afloat? People will just sit on their money watching their wealth "grow". No investment no spending

>> No.19137288

>no spending

>> No.19137324

At some point the future after Bitcoin has been adopted (BSV) the ability to make money off of just holding it will not exist anymore. It'll be come more stable than gold. Remember this is a new technology. There is an S-Curve to adoption. We haven't even begun the leg up on the S-Curve. Remember we've been held back for over five years on scaling and only just now are getting to the point where building can take place.

So no, people in the future won't sit on Bitcoin for a profit, but they probably will be much less of a consumer of useless shit than people today.

>> No.19137332

This is why bitcoin will never work. You cant lend a deflationary currency.
Scenario. I borrow 1 Btc at 5% and buy a $9000 car.
Next year bitcoin is $20,000. The debt is exponentially more unpayable.
Unironically this is why gold is superior. The mining rate tends to correlate to population growth which keeps things balanced.

>> No.19137353

you've been brainwashed...well we all have.
deflationary money is nothing new
building will again be built to last hundreds or thousands of years.
you wont have a house filled with $2 shitty plastic cups...instead you will have fewer possessions of higher quality.
basically the move back to deflationary money produces a move back to quality over quantity.
remember that our universe if finite. only a limited amount of sunshine, corn, cows, etc. it only makes sense that we have a finite money to represent it.

>> No.19137366

>it cant work because it will reduce jewish income
ok rabbi.

>> No.19137369

Even if Bitcoin goes to $1 million each, its market cap would only be like $18 trillion dollars. That's less than the US national debt. It's a drop in the bucket. It will just become absorbed into the speculative assets market like gold and oil futures.

>> No.19137400
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You understand oppertunity cost, right? Do you honestly think everyone will just baghold forever? Do you think humans have no incentive to spend just because thier savings isnt being (((inflated away)))?

>> No.19137442

People should be less concerned with growing their capital and more concerned with growing their relationships with family, community and God.

>> No.19137454

God isn't real.

>> No.19137495

Theyll spend money on things they need and things that are worth enough to actually part with their money for, and an economy that worked in this way would unironically be healthier and more stable

>> No.19137513
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Oh boy anon do I have some fucking news for you

>> No.19137534


>> No.19137552

Get off my Christian board atheist scum. Come back when you repent.

>> No.19137571

don't worry BTC will never be world money

>> No.19137587

>I don't understand how lock-ins work

>> No.19137604

What's the news, anon?

>> No.19137683

this confuses me greatly, why would no one lend in a deflationary economy? sure your dollar becomes more valuable over time. but since your dollar isn't losing value you could charge as low as 1% interest and still be making money.

>> No.19137711

Bitcoin already exists yet people invest and spend. Why did people buy alts instead of bitcoin?

>> No.19137735

Why lend at all? Why take the default risk for a measly 1%

>> No.19137774

economic growth comes from under-consuming resources so that we can make investments in our future

mainstream economists, politicians, and (you) are literally retarded

>> No.19137785

The Good News

>> No.19137787

>it will become more stable than gold.

>> No.19137803

Would make all purchases more meaningful, you wouldn't buy shit just for the sake of it, you'd only buy things you absolutely needed

>> No.19137805

if you got the good goyim score of 800 i'd lend you money for almost free. because the chance of you defaulting is so slim. but you could charge more, and if less people are willing to lend, that means you could charge reliable people more interest.

>> No.19137812

47 IQ: bitcoin is deflationary

470 IQ: bitcoin is disinflationary

>> No.19138049

Your question is irrelevant. Privately digitally created datachains that were inflated by early "investors" will never have renowned value outside of speculation, therefore it's not and will never becone an accepted means of payment.

>> No.19138085

47000 IQ: bitcoin is disinfolationary

>> No.19139129

470000 IQ: even if it has a dick, I would
beware, NSFW link

>> No.19139196

deflation is a meme. not saying that it doesn't exist, but I'm saying that it isn't a problem. eventually people want goods and services. When the money in their pocket is worth more today than it was worth yesterday, they'll feel rich enough to buy stuff again.

>> No.19139327

How many satoshis for her

>> No.19139337

bitcoin will never be money. period.
and thank god because investing in money is a fucking big oxymoron.

>> No.19139351


>> No.19139364

>wtf is forex

>> No.19139386

Why? So they can scam me out of my capital?

>> No.19139393

>Scenario. I borrow 1 Btc at 5% and buy a $9000 car.
>Next year bitcoin is $20,000. The debt is exponentially more unpayable.

No dumbass. A loan at 5% in real terms would just mean you repay back less than 1 BTC if it's deflating fast enough.

E.g. I give you 1 BTC today ($9,000) and want 0.5 BTC a year from now (worth $10,000).

>> No.19139401

everything but investment it's like slot-machines for wannabe traders that can't sit to the poker table because too poor.

>> No.19139422

yeah lending bitcoin at negative interest seems plausible. IN WHAT FUCKING UNIVERSE?

>> No.19139492

It wouldn't make sense to do it outright as the lender could just hoard and make more money in real terms. But it could happen incidentally if, say, you had a loan contract that stipulated adjustment for deflation.

>> No.19139613

fucking based

>> No.19139642

>If BTC becomes successful, how will a deflationary money supply keep the economy afloat? People will just sit on their money watching their wealth "grow". No investment no spending

Once the entire world economy is based on Bitcoin, deflation in Bitcoin will exactly parallel the rate of global economic growth. Maybe 5% a year. By just holding bitcoins in your wallet you will naturally get to enjoy future economic growth without effort.

What that means is that people will only invest in businesses and people that are capable of generating higher returns, e.g. 10%. This is a good thing. It's not like the current world economy where shit money is chasing shit business opportunities, it would be a paradisiacal world where solid money chases amazing business opportunities and doesn't get wasted.

>> No.19139675

Same universe where you have to pay for someone to host your worthless data online

>> No.19139695
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>Bitcoin would never work because it undermines the banking system that society is entrapped by *cough* *cough* I meant, the banking system that benefits everyone today....

>> No.19140198

There will be a fiat system like now but backed by bitcoin, just like gold in the past

But there will be a transition period where the nation states collapse into totalitarianism trying to confiscate all the bitcoin

>> No.19140240

i'm bullish on bitcoin as fuck but if it ever gets more than 10% adoption i will chop off my dick and eat it with mcafee.

>> No.19140302

People will start buying things they actually need instead of just consooming

>> No.19140513
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Yes, people would just stop producing.