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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.67 MB, 4517x6600, CoalChain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19123758 No.19123758 [Reply] [Original]

t. me/CoalChainPublic
Early bird gets the worm!

CoalFax going crypto!

Real world application
Engaged audience
Real Value

>> No.19123803

Fucking based

>> No.19123813

telegram sucks dick, make a discor

>> No.19123823


>> No.19123824

Fuck off tranny

>> No.19123831


>> No.19123835

How do I profit off this?

>> No.19123853
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>> No.19123864

Join the telegram, contribite to the community, and wait for the token sale / airdrop . The devs are working hard , and we will have this up and running soon. This is going to the moon. 14,888,888 tokens will be minted

>> No.19123888

who the fuck cares? google already knows everything you do nigger

>> No.19123909

Let me illustrate with some examples, there will be no he said she said or infighting of any sort, because it is not designed in that way:

A prospector places down evidence or a request for evidence of coalburning and stakes 0.50 of his own COAL on the claim. 1.00 COAL is added to the pool, an appraiser links the whore's instagram and pays 0.05 COAL to have a webscraper service check. The webscraper finds that the name is the same and the face is 95% similar. Next he pays 0.01 COAL to check a twitter post saying that she enjoys the company of Niggers. The match is consistent and the case is closed and advanced into the “mature” distributed database. The miner gets 0.6 COAL and the prospector gets 0.4 COAL (and his 0.50 COAL staked is returned). As you make more successful prospects, your stake decreases since the chain considers your address to be more trustworthy. The service will only be able to check a list of normie social media, but this covers 99% of coalburning activity since they have no fear and feel like they have nothing to hide.

If the prospector had linked her instagram and twitter directly he would obtain 0.60 COAL if proven correct but also pay 0.05 COAL for checking leaving him with an extra 0.55 COAL. Another prospector claims maliciously without evidence and 1.00 coal is added to the pool, he stakes 0.50 of his own coal on the claim. You can’t prove a negative. But he will lose 0.55 coal gradually as the coal vein becomes dry unless proof is made by him or a miner that comes in to help verify. This 0.50 stake is “given” to appraisers that contribute computing power towards the chain. You can also mine COAL in a conventional way using a GPU but the process is much slower than just producing the Coalfax.

>> No.19123922
File: 24 KB, 300x451, obelisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about the black phallus that allows it to transcend that of an ordinary penis? The egyptians themselves revered the black phallus and even venerated it in the form of an obelisk that would align with the star systems drawing energy from the celestial centers of the heavenly realm. I truly believe this matter is more than what meets the eye and their is some pwoerfu occultic aspect of black dick

>> No.19123925

You could also make “derivatives” and other financial products out of what will happen to verified coalburners by staking COAL on their lifestyle choices and outcomes. Will they pay the toll, will they delete their social media, will they become born again, will they divorce? Who guesses correctly gets a payout on the COAL market. Of course people will also speculate in COAL as a normal cryptocurrency, but I am describing the internal dynamics. If they delete their social media, their value as a speculative instrument is at an end, but they will forever be on the blockchain as a verified coalburner and anyone can check this ledger at any time for any reason. Requests to find a coalburner on the coalchain are powered by appraisers and their computing power.

Again I wanted real discussion about how this would work while only using publically available information and strictly avoiding false positives. This will take a good amount of effort to formalize and engineer, but feedback is welcome.

>> No.19123928


>> No.19123952
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>Unironically using Google

>> No.19123964
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x718, racemixhero.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can even make money on it nigga

>> No.19123981

HOLY SHIT... neocities is still doing their thing??

Shit I wish I could remember 12 yr old me's homepage ;_;

>> No.19123999
File: 23 KB, 472x425, 393640dbcf4692c1efbfe62269fc4a1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> thinking you can avoid using google

>> No.19124006
File: 475 KB, 683x605, brapmccain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name - PajeetCoin
Max Supply - However much devs need for lambo
MC - 5bil approx
What's coming, In few days:-
1. OP will get $0.50 USD for shilling
2. OP will suck a cock for curry powder
3. PajeetCoin devs will exitscam
4. Autists on /biz/ will actually buy a suicide stack like retards
5. OP will shill more
6. OP will shill more
7. OP will shill more
8. OP will shill more
9. OP will shill more
Available on all chinkshit exchanges (no 2FA, no security, Mt. Gox 2.0 guaranteed)
Haters gonna hate, but OP will be able to afford an entire bottle of estrogen pills and a value-pack of Spanx after he shills enough PajeetCoin.

>> No.19124024

retarded idea. There is no way to do verification properly without it being tampered with. I'll literally just set up bots all over social media to look like fake coalburners and milk it dry if it becomes profitable

>> No.19124026
File: 1.39 MB, 1242x1129, 7343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking Google is the only search engine
>Thinking you can’t avoid using Google
>In 2020

>> No.19124064
File: 143 KB, 468x420, Soon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you got the wrong impression, we got different motivations.

>> No.19124072
File: 202 KB, 589x640, 407872176_8681ccb3b7_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im more of a thinker, the amount of wealth generated would just force me to succumb to the same pleasures and temporal distractions that the star systems control your mind with.

There is an egyptian obelisk in every capital, it's the spiritual energy the obelisk generates pervading the minds of the unaware, black dick, black magic, our reality is blacked

>> No.19124086

oh my fucking god, literally braindead, how can you be so fucking retarded, search engine is like 0,1% of data collected by google

>> No.19124087

I like your way of thinking. Efficient.

>> No.19124101

>3 members

I chuckled

>> No.19124107

Do you know who made recaptcha?

>> No.19124120

literary just made it before posting this bro
come help us with criticism

>> No.19124256
File: 127 KB, 555x555, Frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking you can’t avoid the majority of Google’s products and services
>In 2020

>> No.19124328
File: 6 KB, 225x225, whatisgoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can

>> No.19124376

Imagine not getting in on the ground floor of the next hot new shitcoin

>> No.19124415


>> No.19124443

If you join the telegram and this becomes a thing you will be jailed for a hate crime no doubt
(They) will make an example out of you

>> No.19124645
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>> No.19124650

Have sex incels

>> No.19124678
File: 127 KB, 768x1024, 1560742196910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, 14 888 888 supply

>> No.19124715

This is just sad

>> No.19124771

shutup faggot

>> No.19124794

Go fap to someone who would never even talk to you in real life you fucking subhuman.

>> No.19125021

Is there any way a reward could be added for proof of giving info to
coalburner parents?

>> No.19125072

Cringe AF anon. ick.

Buy some Suterusu, stake, and stop fucking with volumeless scams.

>> No.19125186

No shit, Sherlock. It hasnt launched yet!

>> No.19125198

Actually it’s the opposite unless you’re a tranny

>> No.19126276


what about private instagram/twitter/facebook accounts?

>> No.19127024

If you faggots spent half as much time on your personal development as you do this shit app (that doesn't even compare to the utility of Brapper) you would have your own qt and not obsess over the BBC like a cuck.