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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 683x406, Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 8.41.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19111684 No.19111684 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not buying the once in a lifetime dip

>> No.19111703

that's literally a middle finger pattern.

>> No.19111716

It's a shitcoin. No flying means no planes. They shouldn't you f outsourced everything. Honestly I'm making my own Boeing fuck Boeing. Boomer company

>> No.19111765
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Actually a good idea. Just added it to my watch list.

>> No.19111822

I will get the next one, be here soon.

>> No.19111846


Boeing does a lot more than just commercial planes. They also have huge contracts with US military. The government will not let this company die; it's a matter of national pride/security. It's a no brainer for long time hold but people here just wanna get rich overnight though so obviously they'll ignore it.

>> No.19111861

Long term hodl in a market with 30yr cycles Insanity. Just buy BTC

>> No.19111932

BA is ruined for the rest of the decade.

I dont think you really understand how underwater this company is. they aren't just not making money right now, they are hemorrhaging cash to stay afloat. that means liquidating assets that took years to acquire, losing leverage that allowed them to get where they were to begin with, debt exponentially increasing thus making them more risky to lenders which is counteracted with higher interest rates on loans.

BA, and the airline industry, is going to feel the heat from this for the rest of the decade, and because companies are being forced to realize working remote works, the airline business is going to be PERMANENTLY effected.

the next 3 earnings reports will cement their fate

>> No.19112011

boeing's image is now forever a company where the management outsources serious work on their product to low wage third world laborers, laughs about how they wouldn't let their own family ride on their planes in internal emails, and then people die because of it. I'm pretty sure the government would at least let the equity holders get completely wiped out in a restructuring before rebranding this fucking insult of a dumpster fire. they fucked up BIGLY

>> No.19112027


Is that you Warren Buffett? I think you are reading too much into the doom and gloom.

Airlines and BA back in business within 2 years tops, but i think by year's end. Vaccine will be a game changer.

>> No.19112064

Most of us don't have the means to buy this shit and hodl it until it moons back up again, I am hoping to gain 20g's before the pandemic is over, then I'll 100× max one of this meme companies to the next galaxy, until then, fuck this flying hazard they're making any money right now that's why they're cheap and they won't gain traction until 2,3 years from now

>> No.19112070

it's honestly a national disgrace that this company has anything to do with our military the way it was being run with those emails that came out and the way they handled the max safety. they shouldn't do anything with it unless it's putting the execs and board members in jail before taking posession of any of the important national security assets.

>> No.19112071

I am fucking more convinced that ever in my investment now that retards here think it's a bad choice. Have fun with your shitcoins losers.

>> No.19112088
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Imagine thinking things will go back to normal anytime soon.

>> No.19112099

link 1 source that proves your claim that they are liquidating assets that took years to acquire

>> No.19112114

good luck faggot

>> No.19112158

pleasing the shareholders corrupted the company.

>> No.19112194

It's not even a dip, it's just returning to the correct value. The giant pump before was just an anomoly

>> No.19112215

>Vaccine will be a game changer
stop this meme. We're 100 years away from any viable vaccine. Whoever comes up with it would will nobel price (and not because of rona)

>> No.19112239

once in a lifetime my ass, if you are lucky you can make a lousy 3x in 5 years IF the world after corona will look similar to the world we knew before.

>> No.19112271


>he thinks having a 300% return in 5 years is bad

stop right there you shitcoin holding faggot

>> No.19112272

Cost of opportunity retard. While you sit there and hold your shitty Boeing for 10 years you could have actually made money just buying an index fund.

>> No.19112330


BA is one of the stocks that caries index funds bitch.

im screenshoting all you faggot doubters.

>> No.19112365

>consumers getting in a cramped metal cage with hundreds of other people after rona
>business travel returning to normal after work from home

>> No.19112370

Wouldnt buy their shit stock if ya paid me.
They gave zero shits about issues with plane programming.
Fuck them. Hope they bankrupt.

>> No.19112375
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I don't disagree with OP honestly, and I work in investments.

buy when blood is on the streets. boeing and airline stocks alike can continue to get hammered if the corona virus situation decides to get worse.

I'd dollar cost average into this highly oversold industry as it is on firesale at the moment, the bargains could get better though.

I'd turn my attention to medical profesionals and scientists on more insight on the corona virus.

>> No.19112382

Truly that chart shows how overvalued that company became in 3 years.

>> No.19112409

give me your 100x call, and if you’re right i’ll give you the 20g

>> No.19112424

>fire sale
>back to 2015 prices when it wasn't hemorrhaging money like this plus all the other failures they have now
>"totally a great deal bro its like 2015 again except their planes suck and they're business os failing"

>> No.19112451

This is pretty accurate, but the military industrial complex is also hilariously corrupt and there's a less than zero chance that someone would renew Boeing's defense contracts in exchange for kickbacks.

>> No.19112475

Greater than zero*

>> No.19112538

Thanks op just bought 20k Airbus

>> No.19112547

My meme stock is up 366% for the month

>> No.19112569

looks like a bubble to me

>> No.19112602

boeing fucked up airplanes and they have fucked up their space division as well. what can they do without fucking up majorly?

>> No.19112622

>once in a lifetime
because it's never going back up

>> No.19113507
File: 53 KB, 720x597, 1589439156465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just hodl for 30 years bro

>> No.19113521

Imagine not buying REFR

>> No.19113613

Looks more like a correction to the proper price to me.

>> No.19113669

You don't remember McDonnell Douglas, do you?

>> No.19113688

Imagine buying boeing in 2020 when you could've bought airbus.

>> No.19113704

why would anyone want financial advice from someone that isn't even embarrassed to admit they seek insight on the coronavirus from medical "professionals" and "scientists"

>> No.19113964

They are getting tower bridged by Airbus and SpaceX.
It ain't a pretty sight.
They should revamp their 737.
It's the fucking 2020's and they arent even flying-by-wire.
Now they wont have the capital to do what they really needed.
They are going to absolutely bleed market share the next decade.
They already have a backlog only 50% that of airbus' if you own stock in any of the two you need to check out this page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Competition_between_Airbus_and_Boeing
Boeing is getting destroyed.
Look for airbus to roll out a stretched a350 to kill of the last successful line of boeing, the 777 when everything starts up again.

>> No.19114676

Yo, mcdonnel douglas, good stock bro!

>> No.19114685

i screenshot every one of you losers. I will shit all over you in due time.

>> No.19114712

when 737 max is flying again next year, I will take a steamy dump inside every one of you faggots

>> No.19114752

I hope they go bankrupt and don't get bailed out by the government

>> No.19115024
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Doctor in training here. Cases will die down during the summer due to UV light sterilisation of everything the sun touches, and higher temps. Flights will certainly resume for part of the summer. There will, however, still be a viral reservoir, since with so many cases, the virus cannot be wiped out in 3 months. In September-October, with sunlight wearing off and temperatures dropping, there will be a second wave. Therefore:

> Buy NOW
> Dump mid-August
> Do NOT buy on second wave, since it will likely last until summer 2021 OR until a vaccine is found
> A vaccine will take 1 year MINIMUM
> New antiviral medications take 10 YEARS to license. There will be no anti-corona medications, and the current ones have NO HOPE of fighting the virus.

This is pretty much insider information, and you should be sucking my cock for giving it. /biz/ has been good to me.

>> No.19115053

Imagine thinking the federal government is going to be able to bail out all these worthless companies again.

>> No.19115620

>after careful consideration I have decided to invest my money with a company that makes planes that take control from the pilot randomly and crash them into the ground.

>> No.19115669

Listen guys there's no point buying a stock at the bottom, it might stay there for years while that money could be multiplying elsewhere. You want stocks that have just started to rise, on nice volume.

>> No.19115855

depends on whether you're a value/growth investor. there's pros and cons to both, unfortunately growth has been outperforming value for the past decade and a half.

>> No.19115993

Short this shit. China is pulling out soon

>> No.19116017

I bought 2 months ago and this shits back down lower than what I originally got it for. Need to exit as soon as I get the chance.

>> No.19116297
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>Boring Co
>a good investment

>> No.19116588


>> No.19117102
File: 211 KB, 1440x1543, Screenshot_20200515-215720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why there is a downtrend after the dip? And what may determine the end of this trend?

>> No.19117311

Actually the worst part is the airport

>> No.19117674

the answer to covid is int the blood, thank me later

>> No.19117862

yes sure - it's called ur account being sucked up by the fat jew man