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19099139 No.19099139 [Reply] [Original]

I keep reading things like people in Venezuela buying a house with an oz of gold and a months worth of food with an oz of silver.
How does that even work? Is no money involved in the transaction? Is a third party involved? Is there even a honest market when things have gone to shit so much that people trade their jewelery for goods?
What would such an economic situation look like in Europe/US? Would it be anarchy? Who would accept precious metals? How likely is it that we get to see these conditions too in our lifetime?
Because that sounds like I would have an easier time to buy a house and live wealthy than my current chances.

>> No.19099146

(Pic not related)

>> No.19099157

Literally trade gold with the seller for stuff and they'll sign whatever thing for you to be the owner.

>> No.19099256

That doesn't sound realistic, why would someone accept gold, and if it was that easy to obtain property, wouldn't a bunch of gold dealerships just buy up porperties en masse? Since they would probably close shop anyway because money has become worthless they can't do much else with their PM's besides get into realty/landlord quick and easy.
Sounds like people with more than an oz of gold can live life on easy mode when things go back to normal, if they play it right during the colllapse.

>> No.19099288

Does this really happen? Is this the cheat code to life? Accumulate PM's until the world goes to shit and then profit?

>> No.19099289

>Is no money involved in the transaction?
Money is worthless, you stupid cunt. That's the whole point.
>Is a third party involved?
Why would it be?
>Is there even a honest market when things have gone to shit so much that people trade their jewelery for goods?
No, but it's pretty wild, so better be honest or deal with consequences that are worse than police. If you don't have connections, you are fucked tho. Everyone will scam and rob you blind.
> Would it be anarchy?
Civil war due to politically and ethnically fractured society.
> Who would accept precious metals?
Everyone, including the supermarkets.
>How likely is it that we get to see these conditions too in our lifetime?
1 year.

>> No.19099339

only if you manage to hide it through the government grab all you can phase
if you bought from a registered online retailer and they have your name and amount you are fucked

>> No.19099472

This paints a very grim picture. In america everyone has a gun. In Europe only the government. And I don't know which is worse
Why would you want to hide it and how

>> No.19099546
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Herro prease spoonfeed ive been a good boi all my life

>> No.19099707

I just don't believe an ounce of gold is worth a house

>> No.19099733

I dont think anyone is even going to sell their house if the best they can get is a gold nugget

It doesn't compute to me

>> No.19099791

The house youre buying is in Venezuela. A country that cant guarantee your property rights and might just confiscate it for themselves.
Thats why someone would sell their house for an ounce of gold in the first place. To buy a one way plane ticket out of there.

The person buying would have to grease the pockets of whichever government official sticks their nose in

>> No.19099847

Yes. So this is practically impossible within (western) Europe and I will never buy a house with gold in my lifetime.

>> No.19099856


>I keep reading things like people in Venezuela buying a house with an oz of gold and a months worth of food with an oz of silver.

Directly with gold? No, no one does that. That's dumb as fuck, only gold miners use gold for transactions.

>How does that even work?

Miner > Pawn shop > Store

>Is a third party involved?

Most of the time

>Is there even a honest market when things have gone to shit so much that people trade their jewelery for goods?

No, there's no honest markets under socialism

>What would such an economic situation look like in Europe/US? Would it be anarchy? Who would accept precious metals? How likely is it that we get to see these conditions too in our lifetime?

Don't know

>Because that sounds like I would have an easier time to buy a house and live wealthy than my current chances.

Don't be silly, if you live in a 1st world country you are on top of the world. You are lucky, be thankful.


Am Venezuelan

>> No.19099913


Its a risk just like anything else. If you're sitting on a mountain of gold and nothing happens you miss huge opportunity cost.

>> No.19099925

you need to be hiding the fact you are even buying it by buying untraceable gold
face to face for cash etc and jewellery

this is a signal that the hand is about to enter peoples pockets

>> No.19099953

No, not impossible. It has happened within living memory in western europe and will happen again soon.
What good is a house that you have basically no rights to anyway. If someone with more guns than you is just gonna come and take it for themselves.

H-hey mr gang/cartel/corrupt cop/foreign military this house is mine, this piece of paper says so.

>> No.19099997

The Venezuelan government confiscated gold from their people

>> No.19100144


And they gave it away to the russians, iranians and chinks

>> No.19100162

Yes life is good here but also unfair. Most people I know are dealt a bad hand and barely get around. Wageslaving for someone else's mortgage isn't paradise you know, and unless you win the lottery or have inherited health there is no way to escape this system and become free and truly wealthy.

Yuropa has been leaning into communism since forever

Yes but I promise if I own a house it's going to stay mine and be in the family forever. If I manage to fight for something it means my children won't have to and they get the head start I didn't have. In the wars nobody gave up their house, they died defending it.

>> No.19100195


Not even the 1st time socialists help russia pillage their own country


Kys commie kike

>> No.19100206


Shit forgot link


>> No.19100210 [DELETED] 

>Kys commie kike
Eh, no.

>> No.19100245

>commie kike
You're mistaken

>> No.19100276


>> No.19100323

Most other people would take the 1oz of gold and start a new life rather than suicidally defend a house in a warzone shithole.
Whether you sell it or die defending it, it will ultimately end up in the hands of the person with the most guns

>> No.19100406


>dealt a bad hand
>barely get around
>someone else's mortgage
>escape this system
>inherited wealth
>someone else's mortgage

Are you retarded or something? All of this is commie speak you dumb nigger


Pick one faggot

>> No.19100423

> burns it down in the middle of the night

>> No.19100492

>wanting to own your own property is communism

Retard alert

>> No.19100581

Nah, bullshit. Especially farmers just sit tight and befriend who ever the fuck it is in charge, as long as they can keep doing what they do. Only the British would take offense to that.

>> No.19100597


Thinking capitalism is unfair makes you a commie

>> No.19100616

Extreme retard alert

>> No.19100640

Admitting that life is inherently unfair makes you the opposite of a commie who believes he can enforce equality

Now shut your face amerimutt

>> No.19100663

In fact, capitalism is based on inequality. Not understanding this makes you the commie.


>> No.19100736
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>I can accumulate wealth disproportionately without earning more than my neighbors

>> No.19100771


commie blames capitalist for communism

>> No.19100859
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>in capitalsmus, everyone get rich!

>> No.19100891

>closet commie doesn't realize he is a communist himself, projects his own commie ideas on others, blames them for communism

Typical brainless commie behavior

>> No.19100933
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>wait so you're saying that capitalism allows for private ownership and disproportionate division of wealth? c-communist!!

>> No.19100974

>this is who you take financial advice from

Explain yourself, /biz/

>> No.19101062


Stay commie, stay mad

>> No.19101083

Do retards really access this board?

>> No.19101086

Nice samefagging you fucking idiot.

>> No.19101116

I didn't know retards like this also existed on "our" end of the spectrum. In stead of nazis, you see commies everywhere without realizing you are one yourself.

Go back to t_D amerimutt

>> No.19101148

>implying I'm denying it

Hell yes I posted that

>> No.19101219


Yuropoors are a bunch of commies, that's why yurop is so poor. You can't thrive without capitalism, that's why USA > eu

>> No.19101244
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>wait so you're POOR?

how can one mutt be so retarded

>> No.19101266

You fucking nigger I ready said that here >>19100162

You absolute nigger

>> No.19101352
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>inequality is communism

>> No.19101418

>why wouldn't a bunch of gold dealerships just buy up properties en masse
Because if foreign gold dealers buy property in venezuela, the govt will just take it after they bought.
If you're a local in venezuela with gold however, you're probably doing exactly this right now.

>> No.19101420

Holy fuck that was funny

Yeah I'd give him an ounce of gold for a house. I can imagine it's as easy as that with people like this on the planet. Holy fuck how did he even learn to use a computer.

>> No.19101493


Why are you so mad? Is it because I called you out as the commie you are?
Is it because you are poor? I bet you are a ruskie too

>> No.19101511

Yeah I just realized that stacking PM'S is really just cheating the system and waiting for the right time to strike

>> No.19101549
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You are retarded beyond repair friend. It's very amusing
You barely have a clue what's going on around you do you

>> No.19101607

That is usury you are complaining about not capitalism ya rabbi

>> No.19101609
File: 119 KB, 633x758, MrOumBgBRBK6djsJeqfQCmJQa_sVHV6dQufMS2Hu8Kk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you want to accumulate weatlh and own private property and get into real estate? are you some kind of commie cuck?

>> No.19101624

Fuck you idiot you are retarded. You are literally the commie and were proven wrong. You glow Jew

>> No.19101638
File: 145 KB, 640x537, 603539E3-D07F-44B1-BB4A-7EDF3050B298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How worried are you Israeli?

>> No.19101663

Wait which one of us is the commie jew now?
Is it you?

>> No.19101715

I should just stop coming here at mutt hours holy shit

>> No.19101736

newsflash, if you live in the US or europe. nothing is going to happen. venezuela is a 3rd world country basically with corrupt as fuck leadership. not saying the US and the EU don't have corrupt as fuck leaders as well, but they at least try to make it look like they aren't.

i have precious metals but i probably won't ever sell them. i'll give them to my kids or my grandkids when it's time for me to kick the bucket. if you're buying precious metals because you think people are going to sell you a house for an ounce of gold or give you a blowjob for a mercury dime you're delusional.

>> No.19101761

>what is the gold standard
>why have shiny rocks been used as currency for millennia

God I fucking hate you zoomer faggots

>> No.19101766
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35 full retard posts and counting. Op you're a moron.

>> No.19101800

Thanks for counting my posts, I'm glad someone noticed

>> No.19101835

That wasn't the question, you fucking retard.
The question was "why is an oz of gold worth a house in Venezuela and will it happen in other places too?"

Just for pragmatism.

>> No.19101902
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>noooooo stop having a pragmatic discussion about precious metals as currency in an economic collapse

>> No.19101931

It's going to happen in the developed world too, but as a managed collapse. The infrastructure is ready and the process formally begins 2021. Whereas the collapse has been ongoing for years in Venezuela, it'll be relatively brief in the US and other developed states
>present dollar shortage weighing on developed currencies, devastating emerging market currencies
>folks without access to USD assets fomo into Bitcoin, precious metals, real estate, anything to preserve purchasing power
>negative interest rates begin 2021, US gov to turbocharge its borrowing from the Fed, hyperinflating USD money supply
>the spread on this debt paid by Fed to US gov will amount to the US federal debt
>US gov borrows itself to solvency, redenominates the hyperinflated USD and returns to monetary certificate precious metals standard
>Bitcoin and others remain as transition tokens until other world governments implement similar monetary metal standards

>> No.19101972

you can buy whatever is being sold by whomever willing to take it. imagine buying a house in Venezuela right now, kek. It'll be a generation before that's worth living in.

>> No.19102037

I don't think bitcoin will ever hold any significance other than some basement neet hoping the numbers go up

>> No.19102071

Mercury dime blowjobs coning my way!!! :)

>> No.19102084

>bear hopium
bitch plz: https://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-gemini-first-crypto-exchange-customers-jpmorgan-bank-report

>> No.19102116

This, but BTC will be the boomertrap that allows banks to absorb the value of mortgage-forgiveness and hyperinflated-debt-payoffs by dumping their bags of BTC, the only chain they KNOW can't facilitate the Internet 3's Layer 1 infrastructure. (Not bandwidth intensive, low tx rate.)

>> No.19102151

I see no reason for exaggerated expectations

>> No.19102169

Cryptostacking is a delusion of grandeur. Yes, number go up. No, it's not important in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.19102197

Insolence. Ngmi with that attitude bucko. Reread the thesis. Bitcoin's significance is as bridge between fiat and monetary PM standard regimes. Prices on Localbitcoins have recently exceeded in USD terms the previous ATH. Those transactions are happening now in Venezuela, Argentina, etc. Bitcoin is safer and more convenient to destitute third-worlders than precious metals. They'll retain some purchasing power hodling BTC in the interim between monetary regimes

>> No.19102226
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>> No.19102267
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You basically ignored the only person who actually answered your question you dumb nigger


Also if you weren't a socialist you'd know the reason. Venezuela is a shithole because socialists took over the government then they rewrote the constitution, banned things they deemed unfair. Like usury for example. They expropriated things from landlords and all commie shit which led investors to flee the country. Country goes to shit, everyone leaves. Voila! Lots of empty houses and no one buying. That's why they're so cheap you retarded yuropoor piece of shit. I hope you get raped by sandniggers the next time you go outside.

>> No.19102298
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rent free

>> No.19102301

Yes and no. No doubt at peak fear there will be a massive fomo into BTC as the more leveraged banks get desperate. There are others however, JPM for example, who have been preparing for the post-transition landscape by manipulating PM prices and accumulating. And now >>19102084 those banks will promote crypto adoption during the transition, no doubt as a concession for being allowed to spoof metals contracts

>> No.19102334
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>if you don't know the intricacies of Venezuelan socioeconomics, you are a socialists who deserves go get raped!

ok migatard

>> No.19102337

So whats that mean for PMs.

>> No.19102391

General populace doesn't give a fuck a about shitcoin. There's always one nerd sperging about it and so far it has convinced noone.

>> No.19102433

Best guess, we'll have hyperinflated and redenominated by 2024 under a second trump term. The new redenominated USD will be backed by gold and silver something like 1:15 ratio as stipulated under the constitution. USD is instantly the world's strongest currency, US interest rates return to healthy positive figures. As to the trade, sell crypto before your PMs. Crypto will be more valuable only insofar as currency is in transition. PMs will hold greater value after the fact once standards have been established for good delivery and consensus as to a redemption rate for the new currency

>> No.19102501
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>The new redenominated USD will be backed by gold and silver something like 1:15 ratio as stipulated under the constitution.
>best guess

This is a fantasy depending on too many variables to be a good guess.
My best guess is the USA adapts Juche regime and mutts dissappear from the internet. Not seeing them seethe is a price to pay for the overall improvement of the world wide web.
But that's just conjecture

>> No.19102520

The fallacy I think it's easy to fall into right now is thinking "how many USD will my metal be worth?" After all is said and done your metal will be USD

>> No.19102601

Your intelligence is artificial

>> No.19102638
File: 4 KB, 243x207, images (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait so people actually want a better understanding of certain topics and come to discuss them in places where knowledge on these things can be expected>>19102520